"Milteer advised that they did not have to worry about Lee Harvey Oswald getting caught because 'he doesn't know anything' and that the 'right wing' is in the clear…."
On November 9, 1963, a Klan member linked to the George Wallace and Strom Thurmond campaigns discussed in startling detail the coming assassination attempt on President John F. Kennedy. You are listening to the actual recording made by Miami police just days before the actual assassination. Herein is a partial transcript of this tape of Willie Somersett and Klansman Joseph Milteer, the latter a member of the "right-wing/segregationist complex," having associations with the White Citizen's Council, Congress of exile paramilitary groups.(i.e. the Ku Klux Klan)
Willie Somersett is the FBI informant drawing out Milteer. […]