MK-ULTRA and Project Artichoke
According to the CIA assassination training files for Operation PB Success:
[easyrotator]erc_84_1407609546[/easyrotator]Project Artichoke and the Programmed Assassin
“1. The ARTICHOKE Team visited [redacted] during period 8 January to 15 January 1954. The purpose of the visit was to give an evaluation of a hypothetical problem, namely: Can an individual of ****** descent be made to perform an act of attempted assassination involuntarily under the influence of ARTICHOKE?
a. The essential elements of the problem are as follows:
(1) As a “trigger mechanism” for a bigger project, it was proposed that an individual of ****** descent approximately 35 years old, well educated, proficient in English and well established socially and politically in the ****** Government be induced under ARTICHOKE to perform an act, involuntarily, of attempted assassination against a prominent ****** politician or if necesssary, against an American official…
Source: Page from a CIA memorandum from 1954. Published in Phil Melanson’s The Robert F. Kennedy Assassination, (New York: Shapolsky Publishers, Inc, 1994). In the exhibits (page not numbered).

If you listen closely, you’ll realize the hypnotist is more concerned with implanting memories rather than retrieving them. Sirhan shot at RFK from in front, but the fatal wound was an inch behind his ear. The only armed man behind RFK was Thane Eugene Caesar, a hired security guard that detested the Kennedys. He was also a member of the Ku Klux Klan. What is clear is that the set-up was designed to sow enmity against the Palestinian people, since that is ostensibly why Sirhan killed Kennedy. At the time, Israel had just attacked the USS Liberty and killed scores of Americans. For insiders, this was the second time Israel was implicated in a major attack against Americans, as MOSSAD and CIA involvement in the RFK killing was obvious from the beginning.As for the USS Liberty, some interesting notes on the belief that the jets were unmarked in attempt to blame the sinking on Egypt, thereby forcing American intervention:
The Israelis clearly knew it was an American ship, tried to sink it, and tried to frame the Egyptians for the attack, as shown by the following evidence:
(1) The Liberty was flying a huge, brand new American flag. The flag was 5-by-8 feet. The weather conditions were ideal to ensure the flag’s easy observance and identification, because it was clear and sunny, with a wind-speed which made for a constant rippling motion in the flag. After the flag was shot up by the jets, the Liberty’s crew replaced it with a giant 7-by-13 foot American flag, which flew during the entire duration of the attack.
(2) The Liberty had a unique profile and didn’t look like any other boat, since it had more and bigger antennas – including large, high-tech dishes and giant towers – than any other boat in the world (it was an NSA spy ship).
(3) The Liberty was marked with uniquely American numbering and colors in front.
(4) The Israeli pilots shot out the Liberty’s communications equipment first, and specifically jammed the ship’s emergency radio signal … unique to American naval vessels in the 6th Fleet. The ships from other fleets and other nations used different frequencies, which the Israelis did not jam.
(5) The Israelis used unmarked fighter jets and unmarked torpedo boats during the attack.
(6) Recently-declassified radio transcripts between the Israeli attack forces and ground control show that – at least 3 times – an Israeli fighter jet pilot identified the craft as American, and asked whether ground control was sure he should attack. Ground control repeatedly said, yes, attack the vessel.
(7) The Israeli torpedo boats methodically destroyed all of the Liberty’s life rafts one by one (which is a war crime).
(8) The only reason the Israelis did not successfully sink the Liberty and kill all of its crewmen was that one sailor duck-taped together antennae – and took many bullet wounds in the process – which enabled an emergency SOS to get out from the Liberty to American 6th Fleet.
(9) The Israelis later claimed that they mistook the Liberty for an Egyptian vessel. But the Egyptian ship – the El Quseir – was an unarmed 1920s-era horse carrier out of service in Alexandria, four times smaller than the Liberty, which bore virtually no resemblance to the Liberty.
(10) President Lyndon Johnson believed the attack was intentional and he leaked his opinion to Newsweek.
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