Trump Declares National Emergency—China Calls Move “Mentally Retarded Gangster Logic”
An engaging new Security Council (SC) report circulating in the Kremlin today noting the US Navy commissioning the all-new America-class amphibious assault ship USS Tripoli into service yesterday as fire crews were evacuated from the still burning totally destroyed amphibious assault ship USS Bonhomme Richard that’s near sinking, says that as expected, President Donald Trump isn’t going to allow the destruction of any warship to change the war course he’s set for Communist China—a course towards war President Trump accelerated this week by signing into a law powerful sanctions against Communist China, that he quickly followed by signing the document titled The President’s Executive Order on Hong Kong Normalization, whose most fearsome language is contained in the passage declaring: “I therefore determine that the situation with respect to Hong Kong, including recent actions taken by the PRC to fundamentally undermine Hong Kong’s autonomy, constitutes an unusual and extraordinary threat, which has its source in substantial part outside the United States, to the national security, foreign policy, and economy of the United States. I hereby declare a national emergency with respect to that threat”. […]
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