July 5, 2020
Trump Warns Radicals “We Never Back Down” As Socialist Democrat Party Cities Become Deadly Warzones
By: Sorcha Faal, and as reported to her Western Subscribers
A fascinating new Ministry of Foreign Affairs (MoFA) report circulating in the Kremlin today noting the enraged socialist mob in Washington D.C. that yesterday burned an American Flag near the White House while demonically screaming “Fuck the Fourth of July and Fuck the American Flag…America Was Never Great!”, says that after this atrocity occurred, a fearless President Donald Trump emerged from the White House to address his citizens on the 244th Birthday of their nation and tell them “we will soon defeat these radical leftists”—after which President Trump further declared: “We are Americans, and we never back down, and we never give in, and we never give up…We will defend, protect, and preserve American way of life”.
A defence and protection of the American people desperately needed for those of them trapped in the hellhole socialist Democrat Party iron-gripped controlled cities, whose levels of chaos and deadly violence now rivals that of war torn cities in places like Iraq, Syria, Libya and Afghanistan—where over the past few hours alone, a 7-year-old child in the socialist stronghold city of Chicago has been gunned down—the socialist stronghold city of Portland-Oregon has seen its third night of rioting as socialist mobs have put under siege and are trying to burn down the US Federal Courthouse there—the socialist stronghold city of Baltimore-Maryland that sees crazed and rampaging socialist mobs continuing to tear down statutes—the socialist stronghold city of Los Angeles-California where murders have now skyrocketed over 250%–as well as in the socialist stronghold New York City where senseless murders are now occurring by the hour.
Is also chaos and deadly violence occurring in these socialist Democrat Party controlled warzone cities observed by American moral thought leader Dennis Prager, who has just pointed out the obvious by saying that “the present moment has set blacks back a half-century” because “anger and victimhood not only ruin the individual’s life but also destroy one’s relationships with others”—is anger and victimhood being forced on the black peoples of America by what are called “entitled privileged white snobs attempting a revolution”—and whom black Americans are now pushing back against—like the young black father who attempted to tear down vile Black Lives Matter signs across from his house, but who was then savagely attacked by young socialist white men—and like the young black man who drove his car through a mob of white socialist protesters blocking a highway killing one of them and gravely injuring another—a white socialist mob who found out the hard way it’s not safe to block freeways at night—but were only allowed to do so because the socialist stronghold State of Washington did nothing to stop them—though the Washington State Patrol did say last evening that going forward it won’t allow protesters to enter I-5 and would arrest pedestrians on the freeway—but if they had acted sooner, a young socialist white woman would be alive today. [Note: Some words and/or phrases appearing in quotes in this report are English language approximations of Russian words/phrases having no exact counterpart.]
Entitled privileged white snobs (above photo) attempting a socialist revolution set black American peoples back a half-century.
According to this report, gone unnoticed this past week by vast numbers of the American people was the grimly hilarious spectacle performed by tyrant Governor Tim Walz of the socialist Democrat Party stronghold State of Minnesota—who begged President Trump for federal funds to help rebuild his riot destroyed cities Governor Walz himself did nothing to prevent—thus making it explainable why it’s now being said that “Democrat-Run Cities Are Doomed” because their socialist politicians “cannot defy the monsters they created without being devoured by them”—and about which has just been most astutely commented on by the famed award winning American investigative journalist Matt Taibbi—a contributing editor for the radical leftist Rolling Stone who began his career as freelance reporter in the former Soviet Union—which gave him a unique insight into how truly evil and diabolical socialist ideology really is—and due to, saw him releasing a few hours ago his scathing article “Year Zero: On America’s Birthday, Celebrating The Corporate-Sponsored Revolution”—wherein he assessed what is now occurring and why, by stating:
It’s the Fourth of July, and revolution is in the air.
Only in America would it look like this: an elite-sponsored Maoist revolt, couched as a Black liberation movement whose canonical texts are a corporate consultant’s white guilt self-help manual, and a New York Times series rewriting history to explain an election they called wrong.
The people who run this country have run out of workable myths with which to distract the public, and in a moment of extreme crisis have chosen to stoke civil war and defame the rest of us – black and white – rather than admit to a generation of corruption, betrayal, and mismanagement.
I saw the first hints of this crackup in the panicked conversations of campaign reporters four summers ago.
Colleagues in news media had always reveled in the power to police the boundaries of national politics.
Former ABC reporter Mark Halperin* (henceforth canceled people will be marked here with asterisks, for shorthand purposes) used to cheerfully refer to a handful of pollsters, pundits, and pols he called the “Gang of 500 who set the political agenda for the country.”
Trump broke the brains of America’s educated classes.
Like Russian aristocrats who spent the last days of the Tsarist empire flocking to fortune-tellers and mystics, upscale blue-staters have lost themselves lately in quasi-religious tracts like White Fragility, and are lining up to flog themselves for personal and historical sins.
In desperation to help the country atone for their idea of why Trump happened, they’ve engaged in a sort of moon landing of anti-intellectual endeavors, committing a generation of minds to finding a solution to the one thing no thinking person ever considered a problem, i.e. the Enlightenment ideas that led to the American Revolution.
The same pols and pundits who not long ago were waving the flag for wars and insisting that American-style democracy was so perfectly realized that it made sense to bring it to all the peoples of the world, by force if needed (think Friedman’s hypothesis of a borderless utopia of forced wealth creation called the Golden Straitjacket), have now reversed course to tell us our entire history needs to be wiped clean.
Everything is a lie now.
Most notable about this “elite-sponsored Maoist revolt”, this report details, is that it’s only occurring in socialist Democrat Party stronghold cities and States—where between 2016-2017, began one of the largest relocations ever witnessed in modern American history when people began fleeing from socialist Democrat Party controlled States—peoples fleeing from socialist tyranny being called “Leftugees”, and whom in January of this year were accelerating their mass exodus from socialist Democrat Party controlled cities and States—and since tyrannical socialist lockdowns and rioting began this past spring, has seen nearly 700,000 of these “Leftugees” fleeing California, and another over 400,000 of them fleeing from New York City, too.
As to what exactly these “Leftugees” are fleeing from, this report explains, one need only look at what has occurred over these past few days alone—such as in the socialist Democrat Party controlled city of Houston-Texas, where the shocking corruption of its police department has been exposed leading to arrest after arrest after arrest—the socialist Democrat Party controlled city of Paterson-New Jersey, where four of its government leaders have been arrested for fraudulently making thousands of fake mail-in voting ballots they used to win their election—and in the socialist Democrat Party controlled city of Toledo-Ohio, where 3-days ago the FBI arrested one-third of its city council for being criminal bribe takers.
In just the first weekend of rioting that began this socialist revolution in America, this report notes, the 20 largest socialist Democrat Party controlled cities saw damage exceeding over $400-million—one of which was the socialist Democrat Party stronghold city of Washington D.C., who’s unable to repair their riot damage because they are spending over $1-billion on bloated salaries 7,780 of their public employees, all of whom make an astonishing over $100,000 a year while the vast majority of their schools and neighborhoods continue falling apart—and comes at the same time socialist Democrat Party controlled cities and States tried to use the pandemic to destroy the economy in order to oust President Trump from power—but who instead sabotaged themselves, and over the past few weeks have had to shed nearly 600,000 government jobs—which is why as US spending continues surging at a record pace, socialist government wages are crashing.
To grasp some of the horrors being inflicted upon the American people as this “elite-sponsored Maoist revolt” continues unfolding, this report notes, one need only notice what occurred this past week when President Trump announced the astonishing jobs report that saw more jobs being created than at any other time in US history—an historic jobs announcement preceded the night prior by socialist Democrat Party lying mouthpiece Rachel Maddow of the radical leftist MSNBC cable news network saying: “They’re going to come out tomorrow…That’ll tell us unemployment figures for June…Brace yourself…It’s going to be absolutely terrible”—and after this historic jobs announcement was made by President Trump, saw the entire leftist mainstream media establishment censoring it on their NBC, CBS and ABC nightly newscasts.
After keeping the American people from knowing about their nation’s historic job report, this report further details, the following day they censored President Trump’s address to his citizens he made from Mount Rushmore National Park—and while censoring, saw ABC News declaring that anyone going to National Parks is a racist—while CNN proclaimed that Mount Rushmore was a racist memorial to slave owners—the same CNN that a few years ago lavished praise on former President Obama when he visited Mount Rushmore—which all combines with other socialist insanities making America unrecognizable, that include:
The National Football League announcing that it will start all of its games this season by first playing something they call “The Black National Anthem”.
The National Basketball Association ordering that the words “Black Lives Matter” being painted on all basketball courts—as well as ordering all of its players to place on their jerseys socialist approved slogans and messages like “Power To The People” and “Group Economics”.
University deans and researchers being fired from their jobs for saying “Everyone’s Life Matters” and forced to resign over a study that found police shootings are not biased against blacks—while the socialist professors said “Some White People May Have to Die for Black Communities to Be Made Whole” and “White Lives Don’t Matter” were praised and promoted.
A white couple in the socialist Democrat Party stronghold city of St. Louis-Missouri—whom the police were ordered not to defend when they were set upon by a socialist mob who threatened to kill them and burn their home down—and whose fundraising page on GoFundMe to hire private security was taken down without explanation.
A white couple in the socialist Democrat Party stronghold State of Michigan—who were themselves arrested when the wife had to show her firearm to protect her and her husband’s lives after being viciously assaulted.
And to show that absolutely no one in America is safe from socialist tyranny, one need only look at what happened to Michael Shellenberger this past week—one of the foremost environmentalists in the world, who in 2008 was named a Time magazine Heroes of the Environment—but this past week released his new book “Apocalypse Never: Why Environmental Alarmism Hurts Us All” and published an article titled “On Behalf Of Environmentalists, I Apologize For The Climate Scare”—and is now being censored, too.
In looking back to the late 1960s and early 1970s when these socialist forces last tried to destroy the United States, this report continues, it’s now being noticed by observant Americans that in the aftermath of the Ohio National Guard visiting the Kent State University campus on 4 May 1970, and the Jackson city police and Mississippi highway patrol dropping by Jackson State College a few days later on 14 May1970, saw these violent socialist mob protests on college campuses come to a screeching halt— a screeching halt that came about due to these socialist mobs being fired upon and killed—and its now being correctly pointed out that “being a martyr loses a lot of its appeal when it stopped being coffee house bullshit and started really involving being dead…and even Neil Young couldn’t get people to sign up to get shot”—and is a critical history to know about as Clay County-Florida Sheriff Darryl Daniels has now joined hundreds of other law enforcement leaders across the United States to deputize his lawful gun owning citizens to protect their homes and way of life, and who declared to these socialist mobs “You’ve Been Warned”.
As history has long proven, too, this report concludes, socialist revolutions are always fraught with deadly dangers for its perpetrators who fail to fully understand the forces they’re trying to defeat—best exampled in the socialist Democrat Party stronghold State of Virginia yesterday, where remarkably and unexpectedly armed Black Lives Matter activists and right-wing groups come together at a Richmond Open Carry march in a united show of support of the 2nd Amendment—a support for gun rights coming at the same time socialist mob forces are demanding the abolishment of police forces, about which it’s now being said “If certain people want a civil war, maybe they will get it if some politicians are willing to defund, but they certainly are not going to win it”—and if coming to a civil war, will see this conflict being joined by the shadowy ultra-right militia called The Three Percenters made up of former US military combat trained forces, one of whose leaders of just warned: “There is a coup taking place right now, there’s a collective effort to overthrow our way of life as we know it…If we don’t come together as one, we’ll be living in a post-American world by 2021”—are a highly trained militia being supported by the equally shadowy US military backed QAnon movement, whose political operatives are running for numerous US Congress offices, one of whom named Lauren Boeber just shocked the establishment by winning her US Congressional primary in Colorado—and just days after winning, then saw pro-Trump global music icon Kanye West declaring “I am running for president of the United States” and his winning the backing of legendary multi-billionaire Elon Musk—a declaration made to strip enslaved black voters away from the socialist Democrat Party, that was followed within minutes by global music icon Justin Bieber thanking Jesus for forgiving his sins and urging his tens-of-millions of fans to embrace Christianity—all of which culminated last night when tens-of-thousands of locked down peoples throughout California revolted against their socialist tyrant overlords and flooded the skies with a massive and illegal fireworks display—many of whom, without doubt, were listening as these fireworks filled the skies of California to the #1 song in their nation—that, in fact, is not only an old song, but one of President Trump’s favorites called “God Bless The USA” sung by country music icon Lee Greenwood—but in this new version released a few days ago, and viewed over 1-million times on YouTube alone, sees Greenwood being backed by the singers and musicians of the United States Air Force—and whom one surely knows are also ready with their warplanes to “sing a song” to these socialist revolutionaries if need be.
July 5, 2020 © EU and US all rights reserved. Permission to use this report in its entirety is granted under the condition it is linked to its original source at WhatDoesItMean.Com. Freebase content licensed under CC-BY and GFDL.
[Note: Many governments and their intelligence services actively campaign against the information found in these reports so as not to alarm their citizens about the many catastrophic Earth changes and events to come, a stance that the Sisters of Sorcha Faal strongly disagree with in believing that it is every human being’s right to know the truth. Due to our mission’s conflicts with that of those governments, the responses of their ‘agents’ has been a longstanding misinformation/misdirection campaign designed to discredit us, and others like us, that is exampled in numerous places, including HERE.]
[Note: The WhatDoesItMean.com website was created for and donated to the Sisters of Sorcha Faal in 2003 by a small group of American computer experts led by the late global technology guru Wayne Green (1922-2013) to counter the propaganda being used by the West to promote their illegal 2003 invasion of Iraq.]
[Note: The word Kremlin (fortress inside a city) as used in this report refers to Russian citadels, including in Moscow, having cathedrals wherein female Schema monks (Orthodox nuns) reside, many of whom are devoted to the mission of the Sisters of Sorcha Faal.]
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