Donald Trump

HRW Report on Syria – Just another Western Fake

Our media source has obtained an independent investigation report prepared by the group of journalists (Michael Kobs, Petri Kohn, Adam Larson and Qoppa) “How Human Right Watch wags the dog”. The journalists questioned the credibility of the events and facts provided in the HRW report on the incident in the Syria’s Khan-Sheikhoun on April 4. […]

Cloak and Dagger

Horrific “Pyramid Sacrifice” Massacre In Las Vegas Warned Is Chilling Message To Trump

According to this report, the two “cabalist forces” pitted against each other described as follows: Anti-Trump forces led, in this instance, by James Murren—who is the Chairman and CEO of MGM Resorts International that owns the Mandalay Bay Hotel (where the Las Vegas shooter rained down his deadly fire from) and the Luxor Pyramid and Sphinx Hotel adjoining it—with Murren being a self avowed hater of President Trump, and avid supporter of Hillary Clinton—with Murren, also, living in fear that President Trump will cause his massive gambling casinos in China to fail. […]

Cloak and Dagger

Podesta Emails – Abby Martin Exposes John Podesta & Friends

In the months leading up to the presidential election, corporate media worked in hyper drive to sell Hillary Clinton to America. Party loyalists on both sides became frantic that the candidate they helped create could take the empire’s throne, with unpredictable consequences. Amidst a curtain of unquestioning sycophantic media coverage, a bombshell was dropped by Wikileaks weeks before the election, exposing the inner workings of the Clinton clique. […]

Cloak and Dagger

FLASHBACK: FBI Director Stunningly Tells Russia: “We Are No Longer Functional”

An interesting Federal Security Service (FSB) report states that Director Alexander Bortnikov was left stunned hours ago after a telephonic conference he had with Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) Director Christopher Wray, and wherein America’s top domestic intelligence chief informed the Federation that new emergency communication protocols were being enacted by the US in their communications with Russia—and who grimly admitted “we are no longer functional”.  […]

Gratuitous Impiety

Green Bay Packers Invite Fans to Interlock Arms During Anthem, Honor Rockettes Instead

Breaking: The Green Bay Packers invited fans to join them in interlocking their arms during the national anthem as a show of solidarity with the football team, and Broadway. Already gearing up for a potential Superbowl half-time performance, the Packers were not concerned about audience disapproval, it seems, and have been training with the Radio City Music Hall Rockettes in NYC. […]

Sorcha Faal

China Bans Koran As Millions Of Poles Head To Border To Pray For Protection Against Muslims

The global backlash against the Abrahamic monotheistic religion Islam is accelerating, and as evidenced by the People’s Republic of China now banning the Muslim’s holy book Quran (aka Koran), the Republic of the Union of Myanmar (aka Burma) continuing its ethnic cleansing of its Muslim population, and millions of Christian peoples in the Republic of Poland preparing to head to their nations borders to pray for the protection of their country from Muslims. […]


Loyal Trump Forces Destroy “Deep State” Bomb Factory, But FBI Warns Attack Still Imminent

the United States most secretive intelligence agency, known as the Global Response Staff (GRS), successfully destroyed a “Deep State” bomb factory near Washington D.C.—and whose contents discovered there caused Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) Director Christopher Wray to issue a grave warning, yesterday, that drone attacks upon America are now “imminent”.  […]

Cloak and Dagger

Did ISIS Emirs Flee the Slaughter Near Der-ez-Zorr to Istanbul?

The situation on the battlefields is developing in a way that the Turkish loophole will necessarily be used if the current emirs and high-ranking ISIS commanders, who feel the approach of their end, have not already taken advantage. IS leaders need to have time to legalize themselves and their capital while simple militants at the cost of their lives delay the fast end of the grouping. According to the global financial monitoring company IHS Markit, the average monthly incomes of a terrorist organization since 2015 have already declined from $81 million to $10 million. The theory of the ISIS members fleeing is also proved by the latest operations for their evacuation by US special forces. […]

Cloak and Dagger

Russia Issues “Fake News” Alert After 14 US Special Troops Obliterated In Syria

According to this report, between 24-26 September, MoD intelligence operatives “tracking/tracing” the movements of the top leadership of the Ha’yat Tahrir al-Sham radical Islamic terror group in Syria reported that they had all been gathered for a meeting with their US Special Forces handlers in the Idlib Governorate of Syria—but that was quickly ended, just hours ago, when Aerospace Forces completely obliterated this meeting site killing five Ha’yat Tahrir al-Sham field commanders identified as Abu Sulman al-Saudi (chief of southern sector in Idlib Governorate), Abu al-Abbas Anadin (emir on financial issues), Abu Hasan (adviser to military minister Abu Muhammad al-Djulani), Walid al-Mustafa (aide to spiritual leader Abdallah al-Muheisni) and Abu Mudjagid (sharia judge)—along with their US Special Forces handlers that could have numbered as high as 32, or 37.  […]

Cloak and Dagger

Massive Cover-up Begins After “Final Proof” Shows Atomic Bomb Traded To US For Nazi Safety

Thuringian resident Clare Werner, who, on 4 March1945, testified that she was standing on a nearby hillside when she witnessed an explosion in a military training area near the town of Ohrdruf—and who stated: “It was about 9:30 when I suddenly saw something … it was as bright as hundreds of bolts of lightning, red on the inside and yellow on the outside, so bright you could’ve read the newspaper. It all happened so quickly, and then we couldn’t see anything at all. We just noticed there was a powerful wind…”—and who further complained of “nose bleeds, headaches and pressure in the ears”. […]

Cloak and Dagger

Google AI Hijacks TV Broadcasts in California—Warns “Extremely Violent Times Will Come”

an artificial intelligence (AI) test conducted on the United States Emergency Alert System (EAS) by the global technology giant Google last week resulted in the hijacking of television broadcasts in Orange County, California, where residents were greeted with a terrified, breathless voice saying “the space program made contact with… they are not what they claim to be…they have infiltrated a lot of, uh, a lot of aspects of military establishment, particularly Area 51…the disasters that are coming—the military…I’m sorry the government knows about them…”—and—a different voice warning that “extremely violent times will come”.  […]

Cloak and Dagger

Syria Urges Citizens To Return To The Country

Despite the fact that in the city there are still so many economic and housing problems and the city is suffering from the lack of jobs, the government successfully coped with the restoration of water supply and electricity. The security of the locals is now guaranteed by the Syrian Arab army (SAA) and the authorities are currently restoring communications including the airport damaged as a result of the invasion of opposition fighters, Al-Nusra and ISIS.
According to Zhirayr Reisyan, among the inhabitants of Aleppo gradually returning to the country from Armenia, Lebanon, Europe, the United States and Canada there is a large number of ethnic Armenians. […]


With US Troops Embedded With ISIS, Russia Warns: “Leave Syria Now, Or Die”

In his meeting with Defense Secretary Mattis, however, this report says, Defense Minister Shoigu stated that Russian military forces operating in Syria would not make such distinctions about which American “entity” should be retaliated against (either US military or CIA), and his warning that all of them would be targeted—and that caused the key American military base in Syria’s southwestern desert region (Zeqaf Base) to be rapidly abandoned and destroyed by fleeing US military forces and their Islamic terror allies, and further battlefield reports showing the American’s are rapidly planning to abandon and destroy their Al-Tanf Base in Syria too. […]


America Is In A Zero-Sum Game

To most fully understand how this “Zero-sum game” works, though, and especially in America, one need only turn on a television new programme, read a newspaper, etc., to see the divide being established between what are characterized as “leftist” and “rightist” forces—with neither of them being able to gain ascendancy over the other, thus locking them into perpetual conflict. These “leftist” and “rightist” forces, however, don’t realize that they’re nothing more that players in this “Zero-sum game”—and due to this fact they’re unable to see who’s actually running this game. […]