- What You Aren’t Being Told About The World You Live In
- How The “Conspiracy Theory” Label Was Conceived To Derail The Truth Movement
- How Covert American Agents Infiltrate the Internet to Manipulate, Deceive, and Destroy Reputations
September 30, 2017
FBI Director Stunningly Tells Russia: “We Are No Longer Functional”
By: Sorcha Faal, and as reported to her Western Subscribers
An interesting Federal Security Service (FSB) report circulating in the Kremlin today states that Director Alexander Bortnikov was left stunned hours ago after a telephonic conference he had with Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) Director Christopher Wray, and wherein America’s top domestic intelligence chief informed the Federation that new emergency communication protocols were being enacted by the US in their communications with Russia—and who grimly admitted “we are no longer functional”. [Note: Some words and/or phrases appearing in quotes in this report are English language approximations of Russian words/phrases having no exact counterpart.]
According to this report, and virtually unknown to the citizens of America, the FSB and FBI have long cooperated in various international criminal probes involving terrorism—and as testified to before the US Congress by former FBI Director James Comey, in 2014, who stated: “The cooperation between the FSB and the FBI in particular has been steadily improving over the last year. We’ve had exchanges at all levels, particularly in connection with Sochi, including me directly to my counterpart at FSB, and I think that we have a good level of cooperation there.”
The twofold reasons for Director Bortnikov contacting Director Wray, this report explains, was to first congratulate him for his being sworn into his new position on Thursday—and, most importantly, to inform the FBIabout FSB Emergency Bulletin 29.09.2017 [English] wherein the FSB details its neutralizing of a major arms manufacturing and smuggling criminal organization that involves foreigners believed to Russian nationals residing in the United States.
FSB agents break up international gun running crime group
As to why Director Wray would state that his intelligence agency is no longer functional, this report says, is due to what is known as the “7th Floor Group” the FBI had previously identified as being a “shadow government“” inside the US State Department formed around Hillary Clinton—and that now retired FBI Supervisory Special Agent Robyn Gritz testified about by chilling stating what the FBI had become under the lawless rule of former Director Comey:
“They’ve poisoned the 7th floor…there’s a cancer there of a group of people….you’ve seen it with some of the recent reports of leaks, conflicts of interest, you see it in my case… the level of integrity is lacking…I have never seen or heard of the amount of conflicts of interest, or leading by fear.”
As to why the FBI had to resort to its “leading by fear”, this report explains, is due to its having ceased to be a law enforcement agency and becoming, instead, the criminal enforcement arm of both Hillary Clinton’s“shadow government” (aka “Deep State”) and the Obama regime—both of whom are furiously working to overthrow President Donald Trump.
The vehicle being used by the FBI and these other “shadow government” coup plotters to overthrow President Trump, this report details, is a totally discredited document titled “Company Intelligence Report 2016/080” (aka “Russian Dossier”) that was essential paid for by Soros Fund Management (a former hedge fund that serves now as an investment management firm founded by leftist billionaire George Soros in 1969), and who massively funded the 2016 political campaigns of Republican Senators John McCain, Lindsey Graham and Marco Rubio, and, also, Republican Governors Jeb Bush and John Kasich.
Using the money obtained by him from Soros Fund Management, this report continues, Senator McCain paid $1 million to a leftist political opposition organization named Fusion GPS to create the “Russian Dossier” to be used against President Trump—and that was founded by former Wall Street Journal reporter Glenn Simpson—who has longstanding ties to both Hillary Clinton and the Obama regime.
To fully create this fake “Russian Dossier”, this report details, Glenn Simpson hired a former British MI-6 intelligence agent named Christopher Steele—and whose documented falsehoods include:
Russian authorities had been cultivating and supporting US Republican presidential candidate, Donald Trump for at least 5 years—with no evidence proving this is true.
The Kremlin had been feeding Trump and his team valuable intelligence on his opponents, including Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton, for several years— with no evidence proving this is true.
The Kremlin’s cultivation operation on Trump had also comprised offering him various lucrative real estate development deals in Russia— with no evidence proving this is true.
Russians sought to “exploit Trump’s personal obsessions and sexual perversions to obtain suitable ‘kompromot’ [compromising material] on him.” Kremlin operatives filmed Trump in compromising positions in a Moscow hotel— with no evidence proving this is true.
The Clinton dossier was controlled exclusively by chief Kremlin spokesman, Dmitry Peskov, who was responsible for compiling/handling it on the explicit instructions of Putin himself— with no evidence proving this is true.
There was a well-developed conspiracy of co-operation between [the Trump campaign] and the Russian leadership— with no evidence proving this is true.
This was managed on the Trump side by the Republican candidate’s campaign manager, Paul Manafort, who was using foreign policy advisor, Carter Page, and others as intermediaries— with no evidence proving this is true.
The operation had been conducted with the full knowledge and support of Trump and senior members of the campaign team— with no evidence proving this is true.
Russian diplomatic staff in key cities like New York, Washington and Miami were using the emigre ‘pension’ distribution system as cover— with no evidence proving this is true.
Igor Sechin, a crony of Putin’s and the CEO of Russian oil giant Rosneft, met secretly with Carter Page during a trip that the Trump campaign adviser made to Moscow in early July. Sechin allegedly brought up the possibility of removing Ukraine-related sanctions against Russia, which Page allegedly “reacted positively” to. Page also met secretly with senior Kremlin official Igor Divyekin— with no evidence proving this is true.
An intelligence exchange had been running between [the Trump team and Kremlin] for at least 8 years— with no evidence proving this is true.
Putin’s priority requirement in the information exchange with Trump world was to obtain information about Russian oligarchs and their families. Trump and his associates supplied the information—with no evidence proving this is true.
Carter Page “conceived and promoted” the idea of releasing hacked DNC emails through WikiLeaks—with no evidence proving this true.
Trump participated in sex parties in St. Petersburg and paid bribes to make the stories “disappear.” Azerbaijani-Russian billionaire Aras Agalarov would know the details—with no evidence proving this is true.
Clandestine meeting between…Trump’s lawyer Michael Cohen and Kremlin representatives in August 2016.” The meeting too place in Prague—with no evidence proving this is true.
A Kremlin-controlled cultural exchange group called Rossotrudnichestvo “was being used as cover for this relationship and its office in Prague may well have been used to host the Cohen meeting/s—with no evidence proving this is true.
Konstantin Kosachev (head of the Foreign Relations Committee) is an important figure in the Trump campaign-Kremlin liaison operation—with no evidence proving this is true.
Rosneft CEO Igor Sechin offered Carter Page a 19 percent brokerage stake on a deal involving the Russian oil giant in return for getting sanctions lifted if Trump was elected president. Page expressed interest in the proposal—with no evidence proving this is true.
A company called XBT/Webzilla and its affiliates had been using botnets and porn traffic to trasmit viruses, plant bugs, steal data and conduct ‘altering operations’ against the Democratic party leadership. Entities linked to one Aleksej Gubarev were involved and he and another expert, both recruited under duress by the FSB, Seva Kapsugovich, were significant players in this operation—with no evidence proving this true.
To how such a completely made up slanderous report as this “Russian Dossier” ever saw the light of day in the first place, this report continues, British Court documents have revealed as being due to Senator McCain and an as yet unidentified Hillary Clinton State Department official—both of whom continuously tried to get the US mainstream press to publish it.
After the mainstream US media refused to even think of publishing such a discredited slanderous document as this vile “Russian Dossier” is, this report says, Senator McCain, then, gave it to the FBI—and where this pile of written trash took on its new life as the “hammer” being used by the “Deep State” to destroy President Trump.
The first action taking by the FBI upon Senator McCain giving them this totally made up “Russian Dossier”, this report details, was their offering to pay MI-6 operative Christopher Steele $50,000 if he could provide evidence to the lies he had written about—but that was never paid because none of these lies could be verified as being true.
Not letting this stop them, though, this report continues, the FBI then shockingly, and illegally, presented this made up “Russian Dossier” as their “evidence” to obtain a warrant to justify their wiretapping the telephones of President Trump and his entire campaign staff—after which, an almost daily “unmasking” of the contents of these calls were made by top Obama regime officials who, even to this day, continue to leak them to the media.
To the public leaking of this made up “Russian Dossier” while the FBI was weaponizing it to use against President Trump, this report details, was done by a leftist digital news website called BuzzFeed—and who are now being defended by a top Clinton machine lawyer named Roy Black—who is most infamously known for defending former President Bill Clinton’s close personal friend, and convicted pedophile sex slave master of young girls, billionare Jeffery Epstein—with Black, also, having raised millions for President Obama, but who didn’t visit Black out of fears his connections with this sex monster would be exposed.
Immediately after the “Russian Dossier” became public, and the FBI continued their illegal use of it to wiretap President Trump, too, this report continues, the US mainstream media went into full Russia hysteria mode publishing, and airing, near continuous “fake news” stories—and that include:
Their claiming that Russia hacked into the voting systems of 21 States, but that was nearly immediately proven to be a lie.
A completely false story linking Trump adviser Anthony Scaramucci to investigations into a Russian investment fund—and was such a lie it caused CNN to fire three of its reporters who made this totally fake claim.
The Washington Post claiming that Russia had hacked the US electricity grid, causing politicians to denounce Putin for trying to deny heat to Americans in winter, only to have them issue multiple retractions because none of that ever happened.
The leftist Slate news website claiming that Trump had created a secret server with a Russian bank, all based on evidence that every other media outlet which looked at it were too embarrassed to get near.
The Guardian forced to retract its report by Ben Jacobs – which went viral – that casually asserted that WikiLeaks has a long relationship with the Kremlin.
Fortune magazine having to immediately retract suggestions that RT had hacked into and taken over C-SPAN’s network.
Even to the largest lie being made that Russia hacked the emails of Hillary Clinton and the Democratic Party, this report notes, this, also, has been proven to be completely made up fantasy—and that former US National Security Agency experts say wasn’t a hack at all, but a leak—and that Wikileaks leader Julian Assange is prepared to offer proof of if he’s granted a pardon by President Trump.
As to the turmoil embroiling the FBI’s top leadership to such an extend that caused Director Wray to warn Russia that it’s “no longer functioning”, this report continues, began last month with the sudden demotion of former Director Comey’s top aide Peter Strzok who had led the investigation into Hillary Clinton’s email scandal—and that we had, also, reported about in our 17 August article titled “US Media Plunges Into Epic Meltdown After Trump Downs Top FBI “Swamp Monster”.
Joining Counterespionage Section Chief Peter Strzok into FBI “oblivion” this week, this report notes, was FBI General Counsel Lisa Page who was abruptly removed from Special Counsel Robert Mueller’s investigative team—neither of who can be found in the FBI’s database anymore.
The same, however, this report says, cannot be said of FBI Chief of Staff-Senior Counselor Jim Rybicki and FBI Executive Assistant Director-National Security Branch Carl Ghattas, both of whom remain active in the FBI’s employee database—and are, also, both involved in a titanic battle between President Trump and the US Congress—with Trump’s FBI and his Justice Department further refusing to turn over to the US Congressthe FBI’s files related to the made up “Russian Dossier”.
With President Trump refusing to allow the US Congress to interview either FBI Senior Counsel Rybicki or Assistant Director Ghattas, this report explains, places them at the “center of knowledge” of how former Director Comey weaponized the made up “Russian Dossier” in order to overthrow his own government—but that Trump’s Justice Department will allow to testify as long as questions posed them only relate to Comey.
To one of the “main/central” criminal characters having been used by former FBI Director Comey against President Trump, too, this report explains, is a Russian born Israeli-American citizen named Felix Mikhailovich Sheferovsky (aka Felix Sater) who became an FBI informant, in 2009, under a plea deal given to him by Obama regime Attorney General Loretta Lynch—and who sealed his records ordering them not to be released until 2019.
The importance of Felix Sater to both Director Comey’s FBI and Attorney General Lynch, this report details, was his being able to insinuate himself into the private world of then billionaire Donald Trump because of his childhood friendship with Trump’s personal attorney Michael Cohen—and with one purported email between the two (though never produced) quoting Sater saying to Cohen: “Can you believe two guys from Brooklyn are going to elect a president?”
Seemingly oblivious to both FBI Director Comey and Attorney General Lynch about Felix Sater, though, this report continues, is his longstanding “protected” ties to what is known as the Russian-Israeli Mafia—which is a global organized crime syndicate that uses Israeli government protection and passports to cover their illegal worldwide activities—and that has so thoroughly permeated the American political and business system that theFBI and US intelligence agencies are virtually powerless to do anything against.
It was no surprise to the FSB, therefore, when just weeks ago, Felix Sater switched his allegiance from his “Deep State” backers to President Trump—and as evidenced by his cutting a deal with Trump’s Justice Department investigating Hillary Clinton’s money laundering ties to Kazakhstan—and that gained her hundreds-of-millions of dollars after she approved the sale of this nations uranium deposits, along with nearly 20% of America’s, to a Russian company.
With the “central/main” narrative to the Russia hysteria overtaking the United States being that President Putin sided with Trump in retaliation for Hillary Clinton’s interference in the 2011 Russian presidential election, FSB analysts in this report state, being lost to these Americans is that Israel, not Russia, had everything to gain by Trump’s presidential victory—and whose political leadership, intelligence agencies and military generals all viewed a Hillary Clinton presidency as more dire to the survival of their nation than even if Iran had nuclear weapons.
From the Obama-Clinton State Department paying hundreds-of-thousands of dollars in US taxpayer grants to an Israeli group that used the money to build a campaign to oust Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu from power in the 2015 Israeli parliamentary elections, to giving Iran an astounding $1.7 billion in cash stacked on pallets and flown directly to them, and signing a nuclear deal with Iran that included their releasing Iranianprisoners deemed a national security threat to both the US and Israel, this report notes, no nation on Earth had greater motivation to see President Trump elected over Hillary Clinton.
Living by a code described as “forced silence”, this report says, no one in the United States dares even mention Israel’s interference and manipulation of American elections either—and if anyone mentions the truth about Israel’s clout, that person is immediately smeared as “anti-Semitic” and targeted by Israel’s extraordinarily sophisticated lobby and its many media and political allies for vilification and marginalization.
And though the Kremlin has (mostly) looked upon the Russia hysteria in America with amusement—after all, how can anyone believe such nonsense—with Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov stating: “We understand that this stage will end, and I am confident that the wisdom and pragmatism of the American people will eventually prevail.”, this report concludes, this patience, however, does, indeed, have its limits—and as Minister Lavrov warned about by his bluntly stating, too: “We denounce attempts to accuse Russia of anything negative happening in the US”.
September 30, 2017 © EU and US all rights reserved. Permission to use this report in its entirety is granted under the condition it is linked back to its original source at WhatDoesItMean.Com. Freebase content licensed under CC-BY and GFDL.
[Note: Many governments and their intelligence services actively campaign against the information found in these reports so as not to alarm their citizens about the many catastrophic Earth changes and events to come, a stance that the Sisters of Sorcha Faal strongly disagree with in believing that it is every human beings right to know the truth. Due to our missions conflicts with that of those governments, the responses of their ‘agents’ has been a longstanding misinformation/misdirection campaign designed to discredit us, and others like us, that is exampled in numerous places, including HERE.]
[Note: The WhatDoesItMean.com website was created for and donated to the Sisters of Sorcha Faal in 2003 by a small group of American computer experts led by the late global technology guru Wayne Green (1922-2013) to counter the propaganda being used by the West to promote their illegal 2003 invasion of Iraq.]
[Note: The word Kremlin (fortress inside a city) as used in this report refers to Russian citadels, including in Moscow, having cathedrals wherein female Schema monks (Orthodox nuns) reside, many of whom are devoted to the mission of the Sisters of Sorcha Faal.]
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Extra Credit: https://coincierge.de/crypto-bank/
You people don’t have a clue as to what is going on inside the FBI or any intelligence agency. Facts are DIA (Defense Intelligence Agency) General Mike Flynn and the Russian KGB have long been in bed with each other over human trafficking, child porn and hard narcotics importation.
The loop is impenetrable by the CIA and FBI who have long been locked out with the FBI being routed in other directions in name of Executive Order 12,333 issued by President Regan in December 1981. The Order usurps power over the United States Constitution and allows for assassinations of private and government individuals who become a threat to the criminal Enterprise.
The operation stared in Vietnam smuggling heroin into the U.S. inside body bags flown to Carins Army Airfield at Fort Rucker, Alabama and military airports all through South Alabama. That heroin was distributed by teenagers who were wards or under dependency orders of Alabama’s Juvenile Court System. The courts in Alabama gave perfect protection for the network to grow. In 1982 I helped the FBI bust the first network and send the principals to prison.
The Money was too good and soon the Criminal Enterprise rebounded as the KGB sought to infiltrate courts in the Southern states. They set up a spy operation with the advent of computer networks and Electronic filing in courts.
The Alabama Supreme Court ordered all attorneys to use the Court as their internet provider and agree that all their emails and court filings be scrutinized by the court before filing. It is a SPY Operation that only former Supreme Court Judge Roy Moore could bust if allowed to pursue.
The Democrats in Congress since inception of this criminal network remember it as the Arkansas Development Finance Authority Bill Clinton established as Governor of Arkansas. Then in 1983-84 Republicans under Reagan took over and continued the operation which became known as the Iran-Contra Rebel operation to fight Communism.
The networks banks are in Panama, with Centennial Bank at Key Marathon, FL and Conway, Arkansas as lead U.S. Banks along with banks from Panama City, Florida, Gulfport, MS this is the Dixie Mafia who married the KGB long.
Director Comey was in the process of routing out and purging the FBI when Trump fired him. Director McCabe was also working to rid the bureau of corrupt agents. Director Mueller now the Special Prosecutor in the very real Russian connection – protected the network with its deep ties to staging 9/11.
Mueller was the most corrupt FBI Director in history and America is headed to the Graveyard of Lost Civilizations. Since 2010 I have worked as an investigative journalist with the FBI’s Counter-Intelligence Division journalist program. Prior to that I was undercover in the VANPAC 11th Circuit bombing case where the DIA/KGB network killed federal appeals judge Robert Vance to end a lawsuit from Miami to end the network in 1989. Get your facts straight this is our country we are defending against a nation state of Kleptocrats and criminals, Russia.