
More Talking Points to Sound Like a Complete Fucking Idiot, Courtesy The View’s Respected Political Scientists

Joy Behar, an internationally respected political scientist and intellectual powerhouse, made another compelling observation sure to heal a divided nation. The “Daytime Noam Chomsky” and “Plato of Punditry” whose wisdom is heeded by leaders far and wide, whose searing and trenchant insight is studied word for word with every episode in universities from MIT to Oxford, also noted that her vagina doesn’t appreciate gender appropriation and neither should yours.

“My vagina is whatever I say I want it to be,” she said with solemn and thoughtful certainty. “I call it a fire truck because my vagina is a fire truck. It’s time people start respecting real science.” […]


The Corpus Hermeticum

When then the mind doth free itself from the earth−body, it straightway putteth on its proper robe of fire, with which it could not dwell in an earth−body.For earth doth not bear fire; for it is all set in a blaze even by a small spark. And for this cause is water poured around earth, to be a guard and wall, to keep the blazing of the fire away.But mind, the swiftest thing of all divine outthinkings, and swifter than all elements, hath for its body fire. […]

Cloak and Dagger

Pentagon Completes Takeover Of US Government, Begins Next Stage Of “Deep State” War

According to this report, the American “Deep State” is a confederation of Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) operatives who have permeated every branch of the US government since the early 1950’s, and who, in 2016, were exposed by Udo Ulfkotte (the assistant editor for the German mainstream media newspaper Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung) as being in control of the entire Western mainstream media—and for his exposing them, was assassinated just prior to his meeting with then President-elect Trump. […]

Sorcha Faal

UN And Western Spy Chiefs In Panic After “First Strike” Against US Dollar

In what is looking more by the hour to be a Russian “first strike” against the United States during this current “cold phase” of World War III, the Security Council (SC) is reporting today that President Putin has ordered the immediate implementation of the “Golden Tsar” attack plan against the US dollar—and that has so terrified the West, its top spy masters (the “Five Eyes Alliance”), have rushed to New Zealand for a secret meet and the UN Security Council is now rushing to the White House—but whose efforts to counter the Federation will fail; and as stated by top Kremlin advisor Sergey Glazyev who warned these Western elites: “The more aggressive the Americans are the sooner they will see the final collapse of the dollar as the only way for the victims of American aggression to stop this aggression is to get rid of the dollar…[and] as soon as we and China are through with the dollar, it will be the end of the United States military might”. […]


The “I AM” Discourses

” I A M ”

“I AM” is the Activity of “That Life.”

How strange it is that students with sincere interest do not seem to get the True Meaning of those two words.

When you say and feel “I AM,” you release the spring of Eternal, Everlasting Life to flow on Its way unmolested. In other words, you open wide the door to Its natural flow. When you say “I AM not,” you shut the door in the face of this Mighty Energy.

“I AM” is the Full Activity of God. […]

Cloak and Dagger

Pentagon Reported In Total Fear After Russian “Super Weapon” Paralyzes Alaska Defenses

In retaliation against these Western elites seeking to instill in their citizen’s minds a belief that Russians aren’t human beings worthy of life, this report says, on Monday (17 April) President Putin (in his showing the West how “primitive” his people really are) ordered a Tu-95 Bear Strategic Bomber equipped with the Khibiny Electronic Warfare System “super weapon” to fly to the edge of NORAD’s Air Defence Identification Zone in Alaska—and when approached by American fighter aircraft, deploy its “electronic payload” to “devastating and paralyzing effect”—and that it did so much so, in fact, when this bomber returned the following day (18 April), no US fighter aircraft were even able to take off from their Alaskan airfields. […]

Independent Press

The Simulation Theory: You Are an Avatar

Best analogy, perhaps, is that we are avatars in a biological quantum body. death and rebirth are transitions where the operator of the simulation, or game or what have you, leaves the avatar. This can also take place in the dream state, where the operator, out of the confines of the avatar, can experience the larger surrounding…the room, the house, the city, etc. […]

Sorcha Faal

Russia Warns North Korean Sub Ready To Attack US, Orders Northern Fleet To Sea

President Putin has ordered the Northern Fleet to its highest wartime footing after confirmation was received that a North Korean submarine, believed to be nuclear armed, is currently being chased in the Pacific Ocean waters off the Western Coast on the United States—and whose orders to unleash an attack upon America were broadcast in coded messages by Pyongyang Radio less than 24 hours ago. […]

Sorcha Faal

Russia Calculates US-NATO Defeat In 2 Weeks, Issues Total War Ultimatum

The Ministry of Defense (MoD) has “assessed/calculated” that both United States and NATO military forces can be brought to the brink of defeat in 2 weeks or less before atomic weapon decisions have to made—thus allowing President Putin to issue to President Donald Trump a “red line ultimatum” warning that any further illegal war actions caused by the Americans in the Levant War Zone (Syria) will be met with immediate counterstrikes—and causing the Federations London Embassy to ask the peoples of the West “Are you ready for a real war?” […]

Cloak and Dagger

Armageddon, Gog and Magog (Bush’s Bonesman name is Magog)

The role of occult influence now impossible to ignore, as it plays a large role in the psychology of elites and always has. Here’s something else about these events and causes:

Neocons Facilitate Genocide of Christians: In demanding the removal of Syrian President Bashar Assad, the “Christian” values neocons are demanding the removal of the only leader protecting Christians from genocide, and that is coming from Christians on the ground that defend Assad. “Christian Zionists” Designed to Submit US Sovereignty to Israel (Rothschild family): The silence of televangelists and megachurch leaders in the face of a new ISIS/Turkish genocide of Christians has exposed them as frauds whose only role is to convince Americans that Jesus wants Americans to surrender their sovereignty to Israel. Right now, Israel really, really wants Syrian oil in the Golan Heights, and it is the largest purchaser of stolen ISIS oil through Turkey. […]

Sorcha Faal

Russia Cuts Off Last Contact With US, Orders Pilots To “Attack At Will”

President Putin has just ordered the Federations last official contact with the United States to be immediately ceased, with Major General Igor Konashenkov publically stating: “About an hour ago, the US military attache in Moscow was summoned to the Defense Ministry to get an official note, which said the Russian side was suspending as of 00:00 hours on 8 April the observance of its obligations under the memorandum of understanding on prevention of incidents and ensuring of flight safety in the course of operation in the Syrian Arab Republic.” […]

Cloak and Dagger

Assassin Of Attorney Investigating I-85 Bridge Explosion Captured, While “Patsy” Rushed To Hospital

In about 13 hours following the assassination of Trinh Huynh, this report details, local Atlanta police authorities reported that they had arrested a man named Raylon Browning for her murder—and whom they state had outstanding arrest warrants against him for stabbing two people the day prior, was in possession of the clothes and weapon used in the assassination, and had been stopped for violating local traffic laws—but who is now in hospital in what local news reports describe as: “he got into a fight with a fellow inmate in the Fulton County Jail Tuesday night…documents allege Browning started a fight with the inmate for “no apparent reason”…detention officer tased Browning after he refused to stop punching the inmate”. […]

Independent Press

You Motherfucker

Let’s just remember Gaza. Unless you’re Palestinian and you’re a Likud stooge that wants the oil reserves in the Golan Heights, Netanyahu has a problem with bombing civilians. […]

Cloak and Dagger

Atlanta Attorney Assassinated After Filing Request For I-85 Bridge Explosion Documents

Trinh Huynh, one of the most knowledgeable construction attorneys in Atlanta, Georgia, was gunned down in broad daylight yesterday just minutes after she filed legal requests at a Federal Courthouse for all US and State of Georgia documents relating to the believed to be Islamic State (IS/ISIS/ISIL/Daesh) terror bombing of the I-85 bridge—with Atlanta street sweeper, and eyewitness, Toney Booker telling local police about this assassination: “She was crossing the road, and he draws out his gun and shoots her three times. She drops, and he takes off running.”—and whose “military bearing” assassin was captured on video surveillance recordings running away from the crime scene. […]