April 6, 2017
Assassin Of Attorney Investigating I-85 Bridge Explosion Captured, While “Patsy” Rushed To Hospital
By: Sorcha Faal, and as reported to her Western Subscribers
The expanding Foreign Intelligence Service (SVR) report on the believed to be Islamic State caused catastrophic explosion of the I-85 bridge in Atlanta, Georgia, details today that the true assassin of attorney Trinh Huynh, who was investigating this terror attack, has been captured—but that the “patsy” arrested for her murder has been rushed to hospital after sustaining mysterious jailhouse injuries. [Note: Some words and/or phrases appearing in quotes in this report are English language approximations of Russian words/phrases having no exact counterpart.]
Georgian resident Bobby Barnhart was 60 yards away from the I-85 bridge when he heard several explosions and a slow rumbling before it collapsed stating: “It was a big sound. You could feel the vibrations.”
On 31 March, this report says, the SVR reported a massive increase in signal intelligence (SIGINT) intercepts from both the US Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI), and at least 7 of the 16 intelligence agencies under the command of the Office of the Director of National Intelligence (DNI) that exactly coincided with reports emanating from Atlanta relating to the I-85 bridge being blown up—and that was witnessed by many people, including Georgian resident Bobby Barnhart, who said he was 60 yards away from this bridge when he heard several explosions and a slow rumbling before its collapse and added “It was a big sound. You could feel the vibrations.”
In their initial analysis, the SVR determined that the likely cause of the I-85 bridge explosion was a series of diesel fuel barrel bombs triggered by embedded PVC pipe bomb detonators that are popular with Islamic State terrorists operating in the Levant War Zone (Syria/Iraq) region—and that we had, also, previously detailed in our 2 April report “Massive Cover-Up Of Islamic Terror I-85 Bridge Explosion In Atlanta Now Underway”.
ISIS diesel fuel barrel bomb with PVC pipe bomb internal warhead igniter
On 4 April, this report continues, the SVR further reported that one of the most knowledgeable construction attorneys in Atlanta, named Trinh Huynh, was assassinated after she had filed legal papers with the US Federal Court requesting documentation relating to the I-85 bridge explosion for United Parcel Service (UPS), the world’s largest package delivery company headquartered in Atlanta, in a force majeure action—that is a common clause in contracts that essentially frees both parties from liability or obligation when an extraordinary event or circumstance beyond the control of the parties, such as a war, strike, riot, crime, or an event described by the legal term “act of God” occurs.
In the SVR’s report about the assassination of Trinh Huynh, and as we detailed in our 4 April report “Atlanta Attorney Assassinated After Filing Request For I-85 Bridge Explosion Documents”, the murder of this highly respected construction attorney was witnessed by many people, including Atlanta street sweeper Toney Booker who told local police authorities “she was crossing the road, and he draws out his gun and shoots her three times…she drops, and he takes off running”—and whose “military bearing” assassin was captured on video surveillance recordings running away from the crime scene.
Important to note about the assassination of Trinh Huynh, SVR analysts in this report state, was that her assassin followed professional and accepted shooting protocols in her murder too—and that in The George Washington University (GWU) authoritative report titled “A Study Of Assassination” states: “In all cases, the subject should be hit solidly at least three times for complete reliability.”
Assassinated Atlanta attorney Trinh Huynh (center, with arms outstretched) with student litigators she was coaching
In about 13 hours following the assassination of Trinh Huynh, this report details, local Atlanta police authorities reported that they had arrested a man named Raylon Browning for her murder—and whom they state had outstanding arrest warrants against him for stabbing two people the day prior, was in possession of the clothes and weapon used in the assassination, and had been stopped for violating local traffic laws—but who is now in hospital in what local news reports describe as: “he got into a fight with a fellow inmate in the Fulton County Jail Tuesday night…documents allege Browning started a fight with the inmate for “no apparent reason”…detention officer tased Browning after he refused to stop punching the inmate”.
Of the many inaccurate police statements relating to Raylon Browning being put in hospital for mysterious reasons, SVR analysts in this report state, the most important to notice is that under current American jailing procedures and practices, inmates facing murder charges are always incarcerated in solitary confinement (protective custody) when first arrested for their, and other inmates, protection.
Raylon Browning, the “patsy” arrested for the assassination of Trinh Huynh
Even more critical to note, this report says, is that an SVR computer facial recognition analysis of Raylon Browning in comparison with that of the known assassin of Trinh Huynh, whose image was captured on numerous video surveillance cameras, showed no match being found—but did turn up an exact match when compared against a photo of a known American “Deep State” operative named Nicolai Mork who had just been arrested in Las Vegas, Nevada, after his return there from Atlanta.
Known CIA-US military trained “Deep State” operative Nicolai Mork
Assassin of Trinh Huynh faced matched by SVR to “Deep State” operative Nicolai Mork
Nicolai Mork, this report explains, has long been known to the SVR since the late 1990’s when he traveled to the Federation as part of his studies while attending Pomona College, in California—and where he graduated from as valedictorian with degrees in Economics and Russian Literature as a US Presidential and National Merit Scholar.
Following his graduation from Pomona Collage, this report further details, Nicolai Mork received an MBA degree from Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) Sloan School of Management and gaining subsequent employment at Bain & Company after which he was employed at the international giant packaging company MeadWestvaco—all occurring between 1999-2008.
With his employment at both Bain & Company and MeadWestvaco, this report notes, Nicolai Mork was afforded vast international travel opportunities for what the SVR says was his “true/real” employer, the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA).
Though the full contents of the SVR’s file on Nicolai Mork and his CIA and US military training remains too highly classified for this general report, SVR analysts do state that immediately prior to the November, 2016, election of President Donald Trump, Mork was working with the noted American Special Forces author, and New York Times columnist, Matthew Komatsu to write a biographical book about “his life and adventures”.
“Deep State” operative Nicolai Mork (left) with noted US Special Forces writer, and New York Times columnist, Matthew Komatsu (right) on 4 November 2016
Should Matthew Komatsu, however, write this book about Nicolai Mork, this report says, it will now have to include his arrest after returning from Atlanta to Las Vegas and his being indicted on terrorism and weapons of mass destruction charges after police found explosives “strong enough to penetrate a military tank” at his home—and whose other charges include his having 17 hard drives on a desk top computer which contained “child pornography”, “snuff films”, and images of him having sex with “seemingly unconscious women”.
SVR analysts in this report explain that all American “Deep State” operatives, like Nicolai Mork, who are targeted for elimination have multiple and lurid sex crimes charges and allegations thrown against them in order to destroy their credibility should anyone listen to the truths they may offer in their defense—and that, also, includes “enemies of the state” the Americans fear such as Wikileaks leader Julian Assange.
As to the fates of Nicolai Mork and the “patsy” Raylon Browning, this report concludes, SVR analysts predict that both of them will be killed before the year is out under mysterious circumstances—and exactly like occurred immediately after the American “Deep State” false flag operations known as the Oklahoma City Bombing and the 9/11 terror attacks too.
April 6, 2017 © EU and US all rights reserved. Permission to use this report in its entirety is granted under the condition it is linked back to its original source at WhatDoesItMean.Com. Freebase content licensed under CC-BY and GFDL.
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