Gratuitous Impiety

How to Make DaVinci Cry

"All descriptions of artwork, architecture, documents, and secret rituals of this novel are accurate"…one of the most questionable "facts" Dan Brown lists in the opening page of The DaVinci Code. […]


In Defense of Apocalypto

If our hands are bloody through needless wars and dehumanization, despite all our advances in science and human understanding, if our own sense of right and wrong is ambiguous as it was since man began, why expect the Maya to be any different? Regardless of the controversy surrounding the alleged historical inaccuracies, I liked the film. It had me on the edge of my seat, I liked the characters I was supposed to like, hated those I was supposed to hate, and I would certainly recommend the film to anyone, particularly the squeamish and anyone prone to faint at the sight of blood. Muahahaha. […]


Flight 800: You Don’t Deserve to Know

Judge Grants Immortality to Presidential PrivilegeMissile Shrapnel in the Victims (PDF) What they found they will contest in court before telling you… because apparently, unproven theoretical “accident findings” are a threat to national security. There was a history of undue, criminal secrecy and obstruction of justice that preceded the present administration. […]

2017 JFK Files

The JFK Assassination: It Was Johnson

In 1967, Jim Garrison’s case against Clay Shaw wasn’t just about Shaw. Shaw was a way to get to a much larger fish: Johnson. And Johnson knew this. The Garrison case implied Johnson was to blame for Kennedy’s assassination, and the findings in that trial actually helped lead to Johnson’s refusal to run in 1968…despite Shaw’s acquittal. At the time of the assassination and until his death, Johnson was represented by a law firm partnered by Barr McClellan, the author of “Blood, Money & Power: How L.B.J. Killed J.F.K.”. So in terms of credibility, you can’t get a better source: the very lawyers who defended Johnson against accusations of complicity. An interesting quote by the author, Barr McClellan: “When asked if he was concerned for the safety of his twin sons, he said: ‘The Democrats are pretty much out of power, really, in the state of Texas. So…they’re in good shape.'” (Barr McClellan is father of the present White House Press Secretary Scott McClellan) […]


Jury Finds Conspiracy in MLK Assassination

Even though the slug that killed King was broken into three pieces, there were enough marks on it to allow a comparison, and that comparison showed the 12 of 18 bullets did not match. Even after a Tennessee jury found the King assassination was the result of a conspiracy and not the act of a lone killer, the Clinton Administration refused to allow James Earl Ray his first trial, a Constitutional right Ray was denied since 1968. When questioning Ray, Dexter King made it clear that he and the King family itself believed James Earl Ray was innocent, and they wanted a trial as he had only a few months to live. […]


NBC News Bullshit

A case in point: NBC’s Michelle Kosinski reporting on the extent of the flooding in Wayne, New Jersey. Alas, she is foiled in her endeavor to bullshit the nation when reporting from a canoe as two men walk through what was supposed to be water so deep you needed a canoe to traverse it. Then she dramatically announces the amount of damages from the flooding has reached the “tens of thousands of dollars,” which means one whole house got water damage, apparently. […]


On the Execution of Gilligan

Behold Gilligan's Island according to stark reality and probability. After fucking up every opportunity to get off the island, the castaways (unless they were as retarded as Gilligan himself) would eventually decide to get medieval on the dumb bastard. […]

Gratuitous Impiety

911 Reasons Rudy is an Asshole

“Hang on… my wife is calling…” Six seconds into the video, the moment he announces the call is from his wife, the cell phone is still in his pocket. Yet he makes the psychic announcement it’s her before looking down at his pocket or cell display. The call was staged, just as it was at previous rallies when the same thing happened, apparently to soften his image from a fascist, biped pig to a fascist, caring biped pig. Later in the NRA speech he uses his wife Judith to allude to 9-11, yet again: […]