Benjamin Fulford 

Former Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid next cabalist to be executed as military tribunals begin

The Bundy Ranch villain and traitor, former Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid, is going to join John McCain and George Bush Sr. and be executed for treason, Pentagon sources say.  Like McCain, Reid will officially die of cancer and be allowed, as condemned men are, the right to a few last words, the sources say.  Reid chose to badmouth U.S. President Donald Trump. […]

Cloak and Dagger

US Senate Leader Mitch McConnell Revealed As Russian Spy As Trump Investigation Spirals Into Farce

The American shadow government “Deep State” for its now attempting to smear US Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell as being yet another Russian “spy” over his refusal to sign a scurrilous Obama regime document designed to destroy then candidate Donald Trump that falsely claimed Moscow was interfering in the 2016 US presidential election—but that by his doing so, put Senate Leader McConnell in the company of CIA Director Mike Pompeo who said he could find no Russian interference in this election—German intelligence agencies who said they could find no Russian interference in their election—the head of the French government’s cyber security agency saying Russia didn’t interfere in their election—and, just yesterday, Czech President Miloš Zeman blasting any suggestion that Russia may have interfered in his country’s ongoing presidential campaign and saying such a false claim is “an insult to our voters”. […]


The Man That Was, Is Gone

“But the point is they are not a free people now under us. They are not a free people, and we cannot fight communism terrorism all over the World, and I think we should have learned that lesson by now.” John Kerry. Once upon a time there was an idealistic man. Once there was a man with eyes to see, ears to hear, and a mouth to speak. He was a man that hated war, saw its futility and horrors, and saw who grew rich from the deaths and misery of millions. He was a man that recognized an endless war in Vietnam, and surely could spot it anywhere. He was a man who once advocated for peace “so when thirty years from now our brothers go down the street without a leg, without an arm, or a face, and small boys ask why, we will be able to say ‘Vietnam’ and not mean a desert, not a filthy obscene memory, but mean instead where America finally turned and where soldiers like us helped it in the turning.” […]

Cloak and Dagger

CIA’s Greatest Hits: COMING SOON

Chairman Frank Church, D- Idaho., the Senate Intelligence Committee, holds up a poison daft gun as co-chairman John G. Tower, R-Texas looks at the weapon during a session the panel's probe of the Central Intelligence Agency Tuesday, Sept. 17, 1975 in Washington. (AP Photo/Henry Griffin) […]


The Lives of the Twelve Caesars

"The termination of the civil war between Caesar and Pompey forms a new epoch in the Roman History, at which a Republic, which had subsisted with unrivaled glory during a period of about four hundred and sixty years, relapsed into a state of despotism, whence it never more could emerge. So sudden a transition from prosperity to the ruin of public freedom, without the intervention of any foreign enemy, excites a reasonable conjecture, that the constitution in which it could take place, however vigorous in appearance, must have lost that soundness of political health which had enabled it to endure through so many ages." […]


Senate Fears Oil Companies More than they Did the Mafia

In Nigeria, the coming trial of Wiwa vs. Shell promises, if anything, a disturbing look at a microcosm of Big Oil’s influence on governments around the world, particularly our own under eight years of Bush and Cheney and the Democratic leaders who enabled them. Did events that transpired in Nigeria back in the 1990s foreshadow the outright seizure of government in the United States by oil interests today? […]