Sorcha Faal

Top US Officials Confirm To Putin That Trump Is Preparing For Military Takeover Of United States

According to this report, in meeting earlier today with Vice President Pence and National Security Advisor Bolton before the East Asia Summit, a gravely concerned President Putin inquired of these top US officials as to why the United States was repatriating massive amounts of military equipment and arms from Europe, and if this unexplained action was related to President Trump mysteriously withdrawing from the world over this past week.

In stunned silence, this report continues, these two top US officials confided to President Putin that President Trump is now solely focused on upholding his oath to protect the US Constitution—and though their exact words remain more highly classified than this general report allows to be openly written about, a clue to what they revealed slipped through (deliberately we think) by this report noting that Vice President Pence said the words to Putin: “Donny knows what’s happening, too”. […]

Foreign Affairs

Russian Military Expert Arrested For Treason Linking Him To Plot To Create “AI God”

According to this report, now arrested for treason Vladimir Neyelov is a journalist who wrote about Russian private military companies for an organization named the Center for Strategic Estimates and Forecasts, and one of whose American contacts was University of Iowa doctoral candidate Joshua Tschantret—with Tschantret being a student of international military relations, studied extensively in China, and who received his undergraduate degree from the SUNY Center for International Development located in Albany-New York where he conducted background research on global governance topics. […]

Benjamin Fulford 

Khazarian mafia seeks Chinese protection as military tribunals loom

The satan-worshipping Khazarian mafia is in a frenzy of fear as military tribunals loom.  As a result, they are offering the world (as if it were theirs to give) to China in exchange for protection, according to Gnostic Illuminati and Asian secret society sources.  In addition to this, they are threatening to unleash pandemics, blow up the Yellowstone Caldera, set off a massive EMP attack, and cause other mayhem in a futile effort (as these attempts will be neutralized) to blackmail themselves out of the reach of long-delayed justice.  Also, they are carrying out a foolish and widely derided smear campaign to derail the appointment of Brett Kavanaugh to the Supreme Court. […]

Sorcha Faal

Trump Forces Warn Of Military Rule And Executions In Response To “Sleeper Cell” In White House

To the exact laws subject to US military tribunals the “Deep State” and their mainstream propaganda media allies can be tried under, this report says, are all contained in 18 U.S. Code Chapter 115 – TREASON, SEDITION, AND SUBVERSIVE ACTIVITIES—the most serious of which is 18 U.S. Code § 2381–Treason that says “whoever, owing allegiance to the United States, levies war against them or adheres to their enemies, giving them aid and comfort within the United States or elsewhere, is guilty of treason and shall suffer death”—and the lesser 18 U.S. Code § 2384-Seditious Conspiracy that says “If two or more persons in any State or Territory, or in any place subject to the jurisdiction of the United States, conspire to overthrow, put down, or to destroy by force the Government of the United States, or to levy war against them, or to oppose by force the authority thereof, or by force to prevent, hinder, or delay the execution of any law of the United States, or by force to seize, take, or possess any property of the United States contrary to the authority thereof, they shall each be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than twenty years, or both.” […]

Sorcha Faal

Russian Military Leaders Rapidly Respond After Communist “Show Trials” Shockingly Reemerge In United States

Never believing that any other nation would ever adopt for themselves the “Soviet Show Trails” corrupted system of communist-socialist justice, this report explains, the entirety of Russia watched with alarmed amazement during the years of the Clinton-Bush-Obama Regimes when it was recreated in the United States—and whose conviction rates of ordinary US citizens now stands at a staggering 98.7%–and whose latest “Soviet Show Trial” victim is President Trump’s former campaign manager Paul Manafort. […]

Sorcha Faal

Moscow Warns It Knows About US-EU Military Plans To Attack Russia As Globalist “Hell Storm” Prepares To Strike America

With former Trump campaign chairman Steve Bannon now declaring that the upcoming 2018 Midterm Election is, in fact, President Trump’s first re-election campaign, this report continues, these demonic globalists are preparing to hit Trump with everything they’ve got—to begin with a “hell storm” of global economic news coming this week showing how close the Western economy really is to collapsing, and that has global markets in fear of—most particularly due to Japan offering to buy unlimited bonds to prop up their markets, China’s economy nearing a total system failure, and the US housing market accelerating towards a collapse that will rival that seen during the 2007-2008 global economic collapse. […]

Sorcha Faal

Trump Prepares US Military For Underground War

Though the White House is unable to say whether President Trump believes in aliens, this report continues, MoD analysts have noted that at the same time the US Army, this past December, began training nearly all of its combat forces to fight in large-scale subterranean facilities, thePentagon then stunningly admitted that it has been running a secret UFO investigation—and that was followed by a mysterious proliferation on the internet of US Department of Defense authenticated videos showing US military fighter aircraft encounters with UFOs. […]

Sorcha Faal

West Watches In Horror As 70% Of Missiles Fired In American “Military Masturbation” Attack On Syria Obliterated

As the American Empire’s “New Realities” from the “false flag” Skripal poisoning to Syria’s fake chemical attack are reaching the end of the road, a very interesting new Security Council (SC) report circulating in the Kremlin today states that the United States, nevertheless, has just engaged in another exercise of teenage-like “military masturbation” by attacking Syria in violation of all international laws—but whose attack left the West in horror as fully 70% of the missiles it fired at its targets were obliterated by Syrian air defense units—and that the result of the General Staff reported was no lives being lost.    […]

Sorcha Faal

China Shocks West With Massive War Move As Entirety of Russian Military Goes On High Alert

Western powers were placed in shock just hours ago after a massive Chinese naval fleet suddenly left port to stage a surprise live-fire drill to warn Taiwan and show support for Russia—which fulfills its mutual defense pact obligations with Russia—and whose defense pact with Iran, along with the Russia-Iranian defense pact, and with the entirety of Russia’s military forces being put on their highest alert, gives a terrifying glimpse into the opening moments of World War III—and is why the Russian people are being stridently advised what to bring when they enter their nuclear war protected bomb shelters. […]

Sorcha Faal

“Deep State” Blackmail War Turns Deadly Sights On US Military Factions Supporting Trump

Another ominous Security Council (SC) report circulating in the Kremlin today says that the “apologies being whispered into our ears” by Western diplomats who are expelling Russian diplomats in mass over a poisoning charade in the UK that no evidence exists for, proves that this invented crisis is “due to a colossal blackmail and pressure campaign” initiated by the American shadow government “Deep State”—and whose deadly sights have now turned on the USmilitary and intelligence factions supporting President Donald Trump—as evidenced by the “false flag” terror attacks on Travis Air Force Base and, at least, 6 top American military and intelligence agencies over this past week.  […]

Cloak and Dagger

Russia’s Reflexive Control Theory and the Military

Reflexive control is defined as a means of conveying to a partner or an opponent specially prepared information to incline him to voluntarily make the predetermined decision desired by the initiator of the action. Even though the theory was developed long ago in Russia, it is still undergoing further refinement. Recent proof of this is the development in February 2001, of a new Russian journal known as Reflexive Processes and Control. The journal is not simply the product of a group of scientists but, as the editorial council suggests, the product of some of Russia’s leading national security institutes, and boasts a few foreign members as well. The editorial council (which is different than the editorial board) includes a member of the Federal Agency for Government Communications and Information (FAPSI), a diplomat, a Canadian, and two Americans, and the deputy head of the Information Security Committee of the Russian Security Council, among others. […]


Russian organic food exports are now worth more than all military hardware combined

A hopeful, yet alarming, new Security Council (SC) report circulating in the Kremlin today states that as Russia has now provided a “lighted path” to the world in its becoming the first GMO-free nation in history, while at the same time its having invented a revolutionary fracking process eliminating the need for dangerous chemicals, the Bank of International Settlements (BIS) [the world’s central bank] has, nevertheless, issued a warning stating that the “Goldilocks’ Economy” of America has, once again, entered into a “Greenspan Conundrum […]

Benjamin Fulford 

Ben Fulford: U.S. military to declare martial law as DOJ, FBI criminality exposed

The U.S. military government, known to the world as the administration of President Donald Trump, is about to declare martial law, Pentagon sources say.  “The Cabal has been checkmated, as Trump is ready to federalize the National Guard in case of riots or civil unrest,” Pentagon sources say, adding that “FEMA camps will be used to house mass arrests, and Gitmo may house high-value targets while military tribunals will dispatch them swiftly.” […]

Cloak and Dagger

“Socially Engineered” US Military Downgraded From “Effective Fighting Force”

A truly stinging Ministry of Defense (MoD) report circulating in the Kremlin today has downgraded the United States military from being an “effective fighting force” to a “social engineering experiment” as leftist-communist forces in America have flooded this once powerful war fighting organization with homosexuals, transvestites and disabled people unable to withstands the hardships of the modern battlefield—and who instead of training their soldiers to be effective combatants, have been making them march in public wearing women’s high heel shoes so that they can more readily identify with what it means to be a girl.  […]


Bombshell: Russian Military Reveals Details of ISIS Funding, Turkey’s Role in Supporting the Terrorists

“A whole team of bandits and Turkish leadership [Erdogan’s family as well] stealing oil from their neighbors and are involved in illegal oil trade with ISIS… The photo taken from the space on November 14 demonstrates presence of 3,220 oil trucks and vehicles. There is no need in further comments. The scale of the illegal business are truly impressive. In total, in their illegal oil business, terrorists are using no less than 8,500 trucks transporting up to 200,000 tons of oil every day. Most of the vehicles are entering the Turkish territory from Iraq." […]