Cloak and Dagger

Hillary, Key DNC Members Stand to Make Millions if She is Elected, TPP Passes

One thing is indisputable: members of the DNC stand to make millions if Hillary is elected, while they stand to lose millions if she isn't. Seth Rich (worked on Scott Kleeb's campaign, DNC staffer for voter engagement, deceased) and Mark Weiner (Democrat fund raiser, invested 5% in green energy firm Energy Pioneer Solutions, deceased). What is the goal of the Clinton Foundation and Clinton Global Initiative? Andrew Tobias admits that Clinton had been giving "insider tips" to friends within the DNC about a company called – you guessed it – Energy Pioneer Solutions. Now Andrew also admits that he went all in on this company ($1,000,000), even suggesting that was a lot of money for him, so the tip was given with a great deal of confidence in return on investment. […]

Donald Trump

DNC Wikileaks: “Dangerous Donald Trump” Narrative Now Suspect as “Violent” Bernie Bros Narrative

See original at Wikileaks

Please note both are fear-based narratives consistent with the most nefarious psyops and propaganda in politics. A narrative, in political terms, is a fictional story that is intended to frame a candidate in a positive or negative light. In modern attacks they are conveyed by manipulative and deceptive editing of video and/or audio which is then amplified in the media.

It is the opposite of the history of  a candidate, which relies on facts and records. Here, the DNC outlines the framing of Donald Trump and the narrative to be used. they also did this to Bernie Sanders, with that narrative being that he's a commie, crazy, and his supporters are violent, and dangerous "Bernie Bros." The term framing is self-evident: you are setting someone up for something they did not, or do not do. Bernie, in the chair throwing myth, was framed. […]