Sorcha Faal

Fired FBI Deputy Director Tries To Ignite Civil War By Flooding American Cities With 400,000 Leftist Radicals

A stunning new Security Council (SC) report circulating in the Kremlin today states that fired FBI Deputy Director Andrew McCabe, who is facing a soon to come US federal criminal indictment, has just attempted to ignite a civil war in the United States—that he began yesterday by having the “Deep State” aligned New York Times publish an explosive article claiming that US Deputy Attorney Rod Rosenstein had attempted to launch a coup against President Trump by having him secretly wiretapped, and his then colluding with top Trump Cabinet officials to throw Trump out of office using the 25th Amendment—and whose intent behind was to provoke Trump into firing Rosenstein, after which the George Soros funded radical leftist organization Public Citizen had ordered over 400,000 of its domestic terrorist to flood the streets of 900 American cities to violently protest about—thus causing former Obama Regime official, and current MSNBC national security reporter, Matthew Miller to Tweet “Dangerous game Andy McCabe is playing right now”—but none of which appeared to faze Trump in the least as he went into Springfield-Missouri to speak before his loyal citizens who waited to hear him in a line over two miles long, and in such numbers that over 20,000 had to be turned away as the venue could only hold 11,000, and whom he told: “You see what’s happened at the FBI, they’re all gone, they’re all gone, they’re all gone…but there’s a lingering stench and we’re going to get rid of that, too”. […]

Benjamin Fulford 

U.S. civil war stalemate to end soon; Next phase of planetary liberation to begin

The death, probably by execution, of the traitor John McCain, signals a new phase in the removal of the criminal cabal that has controlled the U.S. since 1913, Pentagon and agency sources agree.  “Traitor McCain may have been the first death penalty by military tribunal, allowed to die with honor like Rommel to protect the Navy’s reputation while spooking the deep state,” is how one Pentagon source described the situation. […]

Benjamin Fulford 

New financial crisis likely as Western civil war intensifies in Washington D.C., Europe, Brazil and elsewhere

The undeclared civil war inside the ranks of the Western elite is continuing to rage, with both sides carrying out major offensives.  Ultimately, this battle is between the old aristocratic bloodlines, strongest in Europe, and the anti-bloodline Gnostic Illuminati, now prevalent inside the U.S. The biggest battleground continues to be Washington, D.C., where the old establishment is fighting for its life and losing against the military-backed regime of President Donald Trump. […]

Benjamin Fulford 

Ben Fulford: Civil war in Western Deep State intensifies with mass arrests in Washington DC, firefights in California

“The heat is on, as the Bel Air fire in Los Angeles targets the Getty Center pedo underground base, while the fire in San Diego apparently targets U.S. Marine base Camp Pendleton,” note Pentagon sources.  Videos have emerged showing what appear to be laser beams coming from the sky and setting off fires.  Furthermore, buildings are being completely destroyed by fire, while trees standing next to them are unharmed. […]


It’s Not Absurdity, It’s Civil War— Americans Are Just Too Naïve To Notice

Agreeing with Kosyrev that a civil war is now ongoing in America is one of that nations elite Green Beret officers (now retired) who warned this past week that “a domestic destabilization is underway”—and was joined in this assessment by historian Gregory R. Copley, President of the International Strategic Studies Association (ISSA), who, likewise, warned this week:

“Urban globalists control most of the means of communications [is this new “means of production”; the 21st Century marxian dialectic?] and therefore control “information” and the perception of events. […]

Abraham Lincoln

Trump Becomes Lincoln As New Civil War To Free America From Slavery Begins

An astonishing new Ministry of Foreign Affairs (MoFA) report circulating in the Kremlin today (reading as if it was written in 1860 instead of 2017) reveals that America’s Republican Party President Donald Trump has engaged in full assault upon his nation’s Democratic Party “slave masters” that echoes what that countries first Republican Party President Abraham Lincoln did in the mid 19th Century—where Lincoln, just like Trump today, had to battle these Democratic Party monsters to free the United States from the cruel yoke of slavery, but at the cost of a Civil War that left over 1 million dead. […]

Donald Trump

Doomsday Warned Near As CIA Nears Open Civil War Against Freemason Leader Trump

To the main CIA operatives who launched this war against Freemason leader President Trump, this report details, is their leader Michael Morell (who was a deputy director of the Central Intelligence Agency as well as its acting director twice, and who now controls all of the news allowed to be aired by the CBS television news network), Robert Baer (who controls all written media allowed to be printed by Time Magazine, The Washington Post, The Wall Street Journal, etc.), and Evan McMullin—who just days ago became the main spokesperson for the CIA funded website that disseminates anti-Trump videos for the purpose of creating their own private citizen army (i.e. cannon fodder).
