Books and documents from the Impious library of the damned. […]
The World as I See It, Albert Einstein […]
There is a very strong, tactically palsied movement by fanatical atheists today to crush religion, particularly Christianity. The way this movement is led, unfortunately, is as a militant movement that demeans and ridicules people of faith. The common wisdom is that once an idea is sufficiently mocked and ridiculed, then that is the moment the idea dies. For the proponents of this common wisdom, please do tell! how has this worked out for you? It’s only been tried for thousands of years, but maybe you just need a few more days. […]
Albert Einstein once said that “If at first an idea does not sound absurd, then there is no hope for it.” Here is an absurd idea, one I share with an exponentially growing number of people. What is it? That WTC Building 7, which was struck by neither plane in the 9/11 attack yet collapsed in the same free fall manner, did only hours later with the help of a demolition team. That’s it, that’s what all this is about, implying that some events in the official 9/11 account could not have taken place. That’s the wild conspiracy. […]