Putin Warns Nation To Prepare After Trump Begins Formation Of Martial Law Military Government His Top Aide Hints Is Led By QAnon

December 9, 2018

Putin Warns Nation To Prepare After Trump Begins Formation Of Martial Law Military Government His Top Aide Hints Is Led By QAnon

By: Sorcha Faal, and as reported to her Western Subscribers

An intriguing new Security Council (SC) report circulating in the Kremlin today states that President Putin’s just issued warning to the nation that the “very powerful and dynamically evolving transformation” of our world that is leading to “a very dramatic situation in the history of our country” is directly referencing President Trump soon establishing a military government to rule over the United States while it’s under a state of martial law—a process begun by a mysterious and secretive US military intelligence organization called “QAnon –whose leader of top Trump advisor, and former White House communication director, Anthony Scaramucci alluded to this past week by his stunningly stating to loyal Trump supporters “when you find out who he is, you’re not going to believe it”—but whom Russian intelligence analysts have previously identified as being the head of the entire US ArmyGeneral Mark Milley—with his now being tapped by Trump to take over the entire US military, and whose orders given to all of his US Army forces this past summer states that “the duty of soldiers and officers is to the US Constitution, not any political party or figure”—with his further declaring:

We are the only military in the world…that does not take an oath to a king, a queen, a dictator, a president.

We don’t take an oath to a country.  We don’t take an oath to a tribe or a piece of dirt.

The very core essence of the Army is that we are committed to you, the citizens.

We are willing to die, to give our life, for an idea.

QAnon leader General Mark Milley (above) prepares for establishment of martial law rule in United States

The “idea” that General Milley swore his life, and the lives of all US military forces, to defend, this report continues, came under one of its worse threats in history, in 2009, when the leftist-socialist Obama-Clinton Regime took power—who quickly decimated the entire US military to the point that it was only “marginally able” to defend their nation.

In 2010, and in order to ensure (make certain) the longtime destruction of the US military, this report notes, the Obama-Clinton Regime issued an edict to their nation’s vast child indoctrination gulag (called schools) basically forbidding the teaching of hand writing—most particularly cursive that all of the founding documents of the United States are written in—that only a few States have been fighting back against, but are being fought against “tooth and nail” by leftist-socialist forces who shockingly claim that American children being able to understand their nation’s most historical documents “is no longer relevant.

With this leftist-socialist child indoctrination gulag being so insidiously powerful that this past week a 16-year-old boy child chose to jump to his death after being threatened by his school officials with child pornography criminal charges because he had consensual sex with a 16-year-old girl child classmate, this report details, the wholesale destruction of an entire war age fighting generation of American youth is nearly complete—as evidenced by shocking new statistics showing that 71% of young Americans between 17 and 24 are now ineligible to serve in the United States military—and that has led to the greatest military recruitment crisis every seen in America.

In order to protect the “idea” of America from being destroyed by Obama-Clinton Regime leftist-socialist forces, this report says, the Security Council had previously noted that veteran American investigative reporter and best selling author, Dr. Jerome Corsi, had revealed that a group of generals who told him that Trump had been recruited by a mysterious and secretive US military intelligence unit called “QAnon” to run in the 2016 Presidential Election, and subsequently help remove corrupt “Deep State” officials from positions of power—and today in protection of sees Dr. Corsi in a battle to the death with Special Counsel Robert Mueller whom he refuses to even talk to anymore—with it further to be noted that the unmistakable power of “QAnon” forced even the leftist Time Magazine to name it as one of the top 25 most influential “people” on the internet for 2018.

QAnon leader General Mark Milley (second from left) gathers all top US military leaders around President Donald Trump in show of loyalty

As to be expected as part of the execution of martial law imposition orders issued by Commander-In-Chief President Donald Trump, this report explains, QAnon leader General Mark Milley has begun a purge of disloyal USmilitary officers—that during the past fortnight alone includes seeing US Air Force Lieutenant Colonel Willie Newson, the commander of 165th Airlift Wing that provides tactical airlift of personnel, equipment and supplies worldwide whose forces would be responsible for returning to United States hardened combat forces to oversee martial law, being arrested for child sex crimes— US Navy Vice Admiral Scott A. Stearney, the commander of all USmilitary combat forces in Middle East the 165th Airlift Wing will transport to the United Statesbeing outright suicidedUS Air Force General Michal Hayden, the Obama-Clinton Regimes top spy chief, being “stroked out” and incapacitated—and, just yesterday, US Marine General John Kelley being ousted from the White House because of his “hissy fits, but whom Russian intelligence analysts believe has helped mastermind the coming martial law orders Trump will soon sign.

Spurring the need for Trump declaring a state of martial law in the United States, this report explains, is a plot currently underway being planned by leftist-socialist Democrat Party governors of anti-Trump States to force on their citizens astronomical taxes they claim will fight global warming—thus joining them with the “tax hell” nation of France where, just yesterday, thousands more its citizens were beaten and jailed for their daring to protest the unjust taxes being imposed on them by their leftist climate maniac socialist leaders—and that caused Trump to taunt French President Macron by his saying “Very sad day & night in Paris. Maybe it’s time to end the ridiculous and extremely expensive Paris Agreement and return money back to the people in the form of lower taxes?”—and his further correctly noting—“The U.S. was way ahead of the curve on that and the only major country where emissions went down last year!

Burning streets of France show true agenda of leftist-socialists—create as much chaos and violence as possible so they can seize power

Posing an equal threat to Trump and the United States itself as these leftist-socialists, this report continues, are the powerful tech giants supporting this global communist agenda—most particularly Google who has now been discovered to be manipulating 25% of the world’s elections—whose top company officers were discovered by leaked emails to be discussing how they can destroy Trump—that then cause a senior Google officer to send out a frantic quest to stop internal information from being known to the American people and his saying this was now management’s “number one priority” and threatening “Fuck you leakers”—a threat apparently carried out yesterday when the body of a 22-year-old suspected leaker was found in Google’s New York City headquarters.

With President Putin further warning that “this dramatic situation is unfolding across the world as well as in our fate”, this report concludes, nations around the world are preparing for what comes next—best exampled by the world’s largest democracy India—who have just thrown out the US Dollar in their oil trade with Iran, and done the same, just hours ago, with the United Arab Emirates, and whose warships are now joining those of Russia—and that equally in response to, has seen Russian Prime Minister Medvedev assuring other nations whose vital food supplies would have to come from a chaos wrecked under martial law America:  “Our country is, as they say, destined by the heavens to feed the whole planet.  And we’ll try and do that.

December 9, 2018 © EU and US all rights reserved.  Permission to use this report in its entirety is granted under the condition it is linked back to its original source at WhatDoesItMean.Com. Freebase content licensed under CC-BYand GFDL.

[Note: Many governments and their intelligence services actively campaign against the information found in these reports so as not to alarm their citizens about the many catastrophic Earth changes and events to come, a stance that the Sisters of Sorcha Faal strongly disagree with in believing that it is every human beings right to know the truth.  Due to our missions conflicts with that of those governments, the responses of their ‘agents’ has been a longstanding misinformation/misdirection campaign designed to discredit us, and others like us, that is exampled in numerous places, including HERE.]

[Note: The WhatDoesItMean.com website was created for and donated to the Sisters of Sorcha Faal in 2003 by a small group of American computer experts led by the late global technology guru Wayne Green (1922-2013) to counter the propaganda being used by the West to promote their illegal 2003 invasion of Iraq.]

[Note: The word Kremlin (fortress inside a city) as used in this report refers to Russian citadels, including in Moscow, having cathedrals wherein female Schema monks (Orthodox nuns) reside, many of whom are devoted to the mission of the Sisters of Sorcha Faal.]

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Other reports in this series include:

Looming Arrest And Trial Of Hillary Clinton Throws Russia Into Full War Footing

Ominous Trump Warning Of  “Calm Before The Storm” Now Joined By CIA’s Most Feared “Fixer” Begins Washington “Death Watch” Countdown

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About Sorcha Faal 1074 Articles
Sister Maria Theresa is the 73rd Sorcha Faal of the Sorcha Faal Order, Elected as Mother Superior 3 February 2007. Born in Dublin, Ireland, the 73rd Sorcha Faal joined the Order in March, 1973 and holds various degrees with both European and United States Universities. Sorcha Faal has traveled and lectured extensively throughout the World, with her primary focus being the systematic structure of languages serving as a link between thought and sound, and as developed by Ferdinand de Saussure. You can join Sorcha Faal’s mailing list by sending your request to: sorchafaal@fastmail.fm