Actual Supreme Court Rulings Consistent with Illuminati Doctrine


Bush Dynasty, all Bonesman, seated a third of Supreme Court. Kerry, another Bonesman, would have seated more.

The Protocols


anonymous-imageWho and what is in a position to overthrow an invisible force? And this is precisely what our force is.”

Protocol No. 4

The invisible force of elite cabals now have a much larger invisible force to reckon with, as that is now the global power of Anonymous


 The Illuminati never went away. Click for a full history, rituals, of men who were there when it started. A 1798 classic by Master mason John Robison referenced by President George Washington, himself a mason, below…

501px-Gilbert_Stuart_Williamstown_Portrait_of_George_Washington“It was not my intention to doubt that, the Doctrines of the llluminati, and principles of Jacobinism had not spread in the United States. On the contrary, no one is more truly satisfied of this fact than I am. The idea that I meant to convey, was, that I did not believe that the Lodges of Free Masons in this Country had, as Societies, endeavoured to propagate the diabolical tenets of the first, or pernicious principles of the latter (if they are susceptible of separation). That Individuals of them may… actually had a separation of the People from their Government in view, is too evident to be questioned.”

George Washington regarding the Illuminati

– George Washington, 1st President of the United States, from a letter that Washington wrote on October 24,1798, which can be found in the Library of Congress. The quote regards the Illuminati plan to infiltrate Freemasonry that they might conceal and further their objectives. Compare Item 16 in Illuminati plan and the Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion, specifically Protocol No. 4.

The Skull & Bones Actually an Illuminati Chapter

2014: Among the Billderberg gripes at this year’s meeting of “elites” is Obama’s failure to protect their interests in Syria and the Ukraine. Because that meant spending American lives and treasure we don’t have to spare, especially for oil barons and billionaires, that sounds like a good thing. The inverted pyramid alludes to the collapse of the Illuminati. The number 322 refers to the Skull & Bones, an Illuminati tier, or chapter, which included admitted members such as Bush Sr., Bush Jr., and John Kerry.

The Illuminati was founded May 1, 1776 by Professor Adam Weishaupt of the University of Ingolstadt. It was a secret society, but in 1785 and 1787 several batches of internal documents came to the Bavarian Government. Subsequent investigation determined that the aim of the Illuminati was world domination, using any methods to ad­vance the objective, i.e., the end always justifies the means. It was anti-Christian, although clergymen were found in the organization. Each member had a pseudonym to disguise his identity. During its time, the Illuminati had widespread and influential membership. After suppression by the Bavarian Government in 1788 it was quiet for some years and then reportedly revived. As Rosenbaum has pointed out in his Esquire article, the Illuminati ceremony has similarities to The Order. For example, John Robison in Proofs Of A Conspiracy: 1 “The candidate is presented for reception in the character of a slave; and it is demanded of him what has brought him to this most miserable of all conditions. He answers – Society – the State – Submissiveness – False Religion. A skeleton is pointed out to him, at the feet of which are laid a Crown and a Sword. He is asked whether that is the skeleton of a King, a Nobleman or a Beggar? 322sandbAs he cannot decide, the President of the meeting says to him, “the character of being a man is the only one that is of importance.” Finally, in conclusion, we can trace the foundation of three secret societies, in fact the most influential three secret societies that we know about, to Universities. The Illuminati was founded at University of Ingolstadt. The Group was founded at All Souls College, Oxford University in England, and The Order was founded at Yale University in the United States.

John Robinson, PROOFS OF A CONSPIRACY (Americanist Classics, Belmont, 1967), p. 110.


There is absolutely nothing funny about the Skull & Bones, but their squirming is understandable. We also read…

Horned hand of the Illuminati.

This sentence becomes of interest when the Illuminati aspect is discussed in Memorandum Five below. Here’s another interesting paragraph from this pamphlet: “Bones is a chapter of a corps in a German University. It should properly be called, not Skull & Bones Society but Skull & Bones Chapter. General R——(Russell), its founder, was in Germany before Senior Year and formed a warm friendship with a leading member of a German society. He brought back with him to college, authority to found a chapter here. Thus was Bones founded.” Think about this: Skull & Bones is not American at all. It is a branch of a FOREIGN [German] secret society. “Presumably this is one reason why intense secrecy is vital. It also raises the question of just who and what this foreign organization is and whether its objectives are compatible with those of the Constitution of the United States.”

America’s Secret Establishment: An Introduction to the Order of Skull & Bones, by Antony C.Sutton

What the Skull & Bones Actually Do with Skulls and Bones

So what is the whole point of desecrating human remains? Why would outwardly rational and respectable men appeal to this nonsense? Let’s have a look at what German magician and occult philosopher Heinrich Cornelius Agrippa (1486-1535) wrote about this in a classic work concerning demonology:

[Necromancy, or raising up spirits of the dead.]

In our third book of Occult Philosophy, we have taught how and by what means the Soul is joyined to the Body; and, what hapeneth to the Soul after death.

“In raising up these shadows [spirits], we are to perfume with new Blood, with the Bones of the dead, and with Flesh, Egges, Milk, Honey and Oile, and such-like things, which do attribute to the Souls a means apt to receive their Bodies.”

Thou maist know further, That those Souls do still love their relinquished Bodies after death, as it were a certain affinity alluring them; as are the Souls of noxious men, which have violently relinquished their Bodies, and Souls wanting a due burial, which do still wander in a liquid and turbulent Spirit about their dead carkasses; for these Souls by the known means by which heretofore they were conjoyned to their Bodies, by the like vapors, liquors, and favours, are easily drawn unto them.

From hence it is, that the Souls of the dead are not to be called up without blood, or by the application of some part of their relict Body.

In raising up these shadows, we are to perfume with new Blood, with the Bones of the dead, and with Flesh, Egges, Milk, Honey and Oile, and such-like things, which do attribute to the Souls a means apt to receive their Bodies.

It is also to be understood, That those who are desirous to raise up any Souls of the dead, they ought to do it in those places, wherein these kinde of Souls are most known to be conversant, or for some alliance alluring those souls into their forsaken Body; or for some kinde of affection in times past, impressed in them in their life, drawing the said Soul to certain places, things, or persons; or for the forcible nature of some place fitted and prepared for to purge or punish these Souls. Which places for thr most part are to be known by the experience of visions, mighty incursions, and apparitions, and such-like prodigies seen.

Therefore the places most befitting for these things, are Church-yards. And better then them, are those places wherein there is the execution of criminal judgements. And better then these, are those places, in which of late yeers there have been some publike slaughters of men. Furthermore, that place is better then there, where some dead carkass, that came by a violent death, is not yet expiated, nor ritely buried, and was lately buried; for the esxpiation of those places, is also a holy Rite duly to be adhibited to the burial of the bodies, and oftentimes prohibiteth the souls to come unto their bodies, and expelleth them far off unto the places of judgment.

Heinrich Cornelius Agrippa von Nettesheim was a German magician, occult writer, theologian, astrologer, and alchemist
Heinrich Cornelius Agrippa von Nettesheim was a German magician, occult writer, theologian, astrologer, and alchemist

And from hence it is, That the Souls of the dead are not easily to be raised up, except it be the Souls of them whom we know to be evil, or to have perished by a violent death, and whose bodies do want a right and due burial.

It is also to be known, That because the Souls are certain spiritual lights, therefore artificial lights, especially if they be framed out of certain competent things, compounded according to a true rule, with congruent inscriptions of Names and Seals, do very much avail to the raising up of departed Souls.Now although we have spoken concerning such places of this kinde, it will not be safe or commodious to go unto them; but it behoveth us to take to what place soever is to be chosen, some principal part of the body that is relict, and therewith to make a perfume in due maner, and to perform other competent Rites. Moreover, these things which now are spoken of, are not alwaies sufficient to raise up Souls, because of an extranatural portion of understanding and reason, which is above, and known onely to the Heaven and Destinies, and their power. We ought therefore to allure the said Souls, by supernatural and coelestial powers duely administred, even by those things which do move the very harmony of the Soul, aswel imaginative, as rational and intellectual; as are Voices, Songs, Sound, Inchantments: and Religious things; as Prayers, Conjurations, Exorcismes, and other holy Rites, which may very commodiously be administred hereunto.

Of Occult Philosophy, by Heinrich Cornelius Agrippa

Psychopath defined? The Skull and Bones. On the table is the stolen skull of Geronimo, sacred burial remains over which his heirs sued. To the right of the clock is George H. W. Bush. In regards to the skull, consider this: President John Quincy Adams concluded in his Address to the People of Massachusetts: “I saw a code of Masonic legislation adapted to prostrate every principle of equal justice and to corrupt every sentiment of virtuous feeling in the soul of him who bound his allegiance to it…. I saw the practice of common honesty, the kindness of Christian benevolence, even the abstinence of atrocious crimes; limited exclusively by lawless oaths and barbarous penalties, to the social relations between the Brotherhood and the Craft. I saw slander organize into a secret, widespread and affiliated agency….I saw self-invoked imprecations of throats cut from ear to ear, of hearts and vitals torn out and cast off and hung on spires. I saw wine drunk from a human skull with solemn invocation of all the sins of its owner upon the head of him who drank it.”
Jqadams“Affluenza” or psychopath psy·cho·path (sī’kə-pāth’) n. A person with an antisocial personality disorder, especially one manifested in perverted, criminal, or amoral behavior. The American Heritage® Stedman’s Medical Dictionary. Psychopath defined? The Skull and Bones. On the table is the allegedly stolen skull of Geronimo, sacred burial remains over which his heirs sued. To the right of the clock is George H. W. Bush. His father, Prescott Bush, is said to have stolen it. (The controversy over this claim is meaningless, and it is welcome as it brings the following to light: Bush was forced to admit he was in Skull & Bones, and that’s all that matters, as you will soon see.) In regards to the skull, consider this: President John Quincy Adams concluded in his Address to the People of Massachusetts: “I saw a code of Masonic legislation adapted to prostrate every principle of equal justice and to corrupt every sentiment of virtuous feeling in the soul of him who bound his allegiance to it…. I saw the practice of common honesty, the kindness of Christian benevolence, even the abstinence of atrocious crimes; limited exclusively by lawless oaths and barbarous penalties, to the social relations between the Brotherhood and the Craft. I saw slander organize into a secret, widespread and affiliated agency….I saw self-invoked imprecations of throats cut from ear to ear, of hearts and vitals torn out and cast off and hung on spires. I saw wine drunk from a human skull with solemn invocation of all the sins of its owner upon the head of him who drank it.”

Illuminati Doctrine: 13) Control the press, and hence most of the information the public receives. 14) Agents and provocateurs will come forward after creating traumatic situations, and appear to be the saviors of the masses, when they are actually interested in just the opposite... 15) Create industrial depression and financial panic, unemployment, hunger, shortage of food, use these events to control the masses and mobs, and use them to wipe out those who stand in the way. 16) Infiltrate Freemasonry which is to be used to conceal and further objectives. 20) Establish huge monopolies towards world government control. Full list here.

Imagine Supreme Court rulings consistent with an Illuminati doctrine written over 200 years ago; a doctrine calling for a totalitarian world government run by a cabal of international bankers. Imagine rulings also consistent with the 24 protocols of the more infamous work based on it, The Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion compared herein. That is the true horror, and why the latter may be…

The Most Prophetic and Terrifying Forgery in History.

The rulings in question involve the following: Protocol II Economic Wars (court subservience to foreign banking interests), Protocol III Methods of Conquest (false flag war on “terror”), Protocol V Despotism and Modern Progress (legal protections for oligarchies), Protocol VII World-Wide Wars (gross reinterpretation of Constitution replaces amendment process), Protocol XI The Totalitarian State (Patriot Act), Protocol XII Control of the Press (monopoly of news agencies and legal right of news media to lie), Protocol XIV Assault on Religion (Islam in particular), Protocol XV Ruthless Suppression (police state), Protocol XVII Abuse of Authority (legalization of torture, e.g.), Protocol XVIII Arrest of Opponents (NDAA, e.g.), Protocol XXI Loans and Credit (banking deregulation), Protocol XXII Power of Gold (stock market manipulation), and Protocol XXIII Instilling Obedience (student debt and indoctrination, voting rights undermined), and more.

[pullquote]To those that consider the mere discussion of the following protocols as anti-XXXX this rebuttal is offered: those claims are toothless when all references to XXXX are eliminated in this work; when there are no claims that they or any race of man wrote The Protocols of The Learned Elders of XXXX. [/pullquote]To those that consider the mere discussion of the following protocols as anti-XXXX this rebuttal is offered: those claims are toothless when all references to XXXX are eliminated in this work; when there are no claims that they or any race of man wrote The Protocols of The Learned Elders of XXXX. The point is whether or not the contents are true and demonstrably extant. Moreover, the larger point still is that ascribing doubt to who wrote the protocols themselves invites suspicion of sympathy for or agreement with the unknown author(s) of the appalling contents therein, because such arguments and apologetics, by inviting derision or scorn, ensure no light is cast upon the powerful who appeal to it now. Such people, however well-meaning, serve only to conceal the fact that the outline is too painfully real for fiction and obviously in effect; the guilty clearly the same shadow entities controlled primarily by “untouchable” bankers which were identified by presidents such as George Washington, Thomas Jefferson, John Quincy Adams, Andrew Jackson, Abraham Lincoln, Theodore Roosevelt, Woodrow Wilson, John F. Kennedy, Ronald Reagan.


Woodrow Wilson

“A great industrial nation is controlled by its system of credit. Our system of credit is privately concentrated. The growth of the nation, therefore, and all our activities are in the hands of a few men… [W]e have come to be one of the worst ruled, one of the most completely controlled and dominated, governments in the civilized world-no longer a government by free opinion, no longer a government by conviction and the vote of the majority, but a government by the opinion and the duress of small groups of dominant men.” “Since I entered politics, I have chiefly had men’s views confided to me privately. Some of the biggest men in the United States, in the field of commerce and manufacture, are afraid of something. They know that there is a power somewhere so organized, so subtle, so watchful, so interlocked, so complete, so pervasive, that they had better not speak above their breath when they speak in condemnation of it”

– Woodrow Wilson, 28th President of the United States, The New Freedom. 1913


John F. Hylan

“The real menace of our Republic is the invisible government, which like a giant octopus sprawls its slimy legs over our cities, states and nation… The little coterie of powerful international bankers virtually run the United States government for their own selfish purposes. They practically control both parties .. and control the majority of the newspapers and magazines in this country. They use the columns of these papers to club into submission or drive out of office public officials who refuse to do the bidding of the powerful corrupt cliques which compose the invisible government. It operates under cover of a self-created screen [and] seizes our executive officers, Legislative bodies, schools, our newspapers and every agency created for the public protection.”

– New York City Mayor John F. Hylan, New York Times. March 26.1922

For our purposes we shall thenceforth refer to the controversial book in question as The Protocols of The XXXX for short. Now read it and ask yourself if the outline for global domination by a long-established international banking cabal not only works but if it is behind two world wars and a plan for a third, the assault on religion, religious wars, presidential assassinations, countless genocides, dynastic rule in America, e.g. the Bush Dynasty (extended through Jeb Bush) and proposed Clinton Dynasty, extended through Hillary Clinton, which are both gearing for an AIPAC spurred and unwinnable oil war in the middle east against Russia and Iran. In Protocol 1, we read in regards to dynasties:
“… the non-adept, even if he were a genius, understands nothing in the political — to all these things the PEOPLE paid no regard; yet all the time it was based upon these things that dynastic rule rested: the father passed on to the son a knowledge of the course of political affairs in such wise that none should know it but members of the dynasty and none could betray it to the governed. As time went on the meaning of the dynastic transference of the true position of affairs in the political was lost, and this aided the success of our cause.”

Mad Money’s Jim Cramer “Illuminati is not all bad.” from The Impious Digest on Vimeo.

Mad Money’s Jim Cramer: “The Council of Foreign Relations, the Bavarian Illuminati and the Queen of England are not all bad…”

At first dismissive, then apologetic, Cramer is discussing entities that do exist symbiotically and maintain massive influence in the world. His own role is minuscule, because he spoke of it openly and is therefore disposable. This was a message for investors that can read between the lines. His advice for investors to buy into subprime mortgages during the housing bubble that led to the 2008 led to the downfall of many, and was ridiculed by Jon Stewart. See: Daily Show vs. Mad Money: Jon Stewart, Jim Cramer feud raises questions about what CNBC knew about financial meltdown. Like J.P Morgan, Goldman Sachs, et al, Cramer was betting against his own advice, and was among the few who gained when the bubble burst.

The Illuminati Today…

“My determination to eliminate Robert F. Kennedy is becoming more the more an unshakeable obsession… Robert F. Kennedy must be assassinated.”


Monarch Delta Assassins are twinned or come in teams of four. Sirhan’s accomplice was the infamous “Girl in the Polka Dot Dress.”

Was the Polka Dot Girl “Peggy Osterkamp”? “She practically stepped on me, and she said, “We’ve shot him. We’ve shot him.” Then I said, “Who did you shoot?” And she said, “We shot Senator Kennedy.” And I says, “Oh, sure.” She came running down the stairs, very fast, and then the boy in the gold sweater came running down after her, and I walked down the stairs.” L.A.P.D Interview of Sandy Serrano, 2:35 a.m., June 5, 1968, p. 27.
In one of Sirhan’s notebooks the name “Peggy Osterkamp” was written over and over. “I love you, Peggy,” in one place and in another, “Peggy Osterkamp Peggy Osterkamp Peggy Osterkamp Peggy Sirhan.”

When Dr. Marcus asked Sirhan who Peggy Osterkamp was, he said that she was just a girl he’d met a few times at the ranch where he’d worked as an exerciser of horses. Dr. Marcus asked Sirhan if he’d ever dated her, and Sirhan told Marcus the story he’d told the public defender about the night of the assassination.

Operation Mind Control, by Walter Bowart

rfk_csp1“Delta alters –are activated to kill by the following three things: seeing specific clothing, items held in a persons hand, and particular words. Since these items would specific for a particular murder there is no particular specifics that can be given.” In this case, as we can see from Sirhan Sirhan’s writings, the word and object was “port wine.” Sen. Robert Kennedy was shot in the kitchen area of the Ambassador Hotel,where port wine was stored.

In 1968 almost no one knew of the Illuminati. Sirhan writes “Master approached, let us do it.” Above we see Sirhan mention the Illuminati three times; and also one “Master Kuthumi”, which may be the pseudonym used by his hypnoconditioner, or Master; believed to be the late Dr. William Joseph Bryan.

Master Kithumi is a reference to an occult master who gave Madam Helena Blavatsky her Secret Doctrine, a theory of 7 root races, particularly the supremacy of the Aryan race, upon which Nazism was founded. And speaking of mind control, Sirhan Sirhan was actually put under hypnosis by the LAPD to determine his programmer, as it had been evident he had been programmed to kill through hypnosis.

Illuminati black magic indeed. Here’s Sirhan’s hypnotic induction countdown.
[ca_audio url_mp3=”″ width=300 url_ogg=”” align=”none”] sirhan-bryanThe Los Angeles Police Department attempts to find Sirhan’s programmer, who was actually sitting right there at the time: CIA hypno-conditioner Dr. William Bryan. However, if you pay attention, it is painfully clear the hypnotist is trying to implant memories, not retrieve them, by repeating “you’re killing Kennedy, huh? Reach for your gun, Sirhan! Reach for your gun! You’re killing Kennedy!”



Project Artichoke and the Programmed Assassin
“1. The ARTICHOKE Team visited [redacted] during period 8 January to 15 January 1954. The purpose of the visit was to give an evaluation of a hypothetical problem, namely: Can an individual of ****** descent be made to perform an act of attempted assassination involuntarily under the influence of ARTICHOKE?


a. The essential elements of the problem are as follows:

(1) As a “trigger mechanism” for a bigger project, it was proposed that an individual of ****** descent approximately 35 years old, well educated, proficient in English and well established socially and politically in the ****** Government be induced under ARTICHOKE to perform an act, involuntarily, of attempted assassination against a prominent ****** politician or if necesssary, against an American official…

Source: Page from a CIA memorandum from 1954. Published in Phil Melanson’s The Robert F. Kennedy Assassination, (New York: Shapolsky Publishers, Inc, 1994). In the exhibits (page not numbered).

Lone nuts with remarkable access

Lone nuts with remarkable access then and now: Sarah Jane Moore, Squeaky Fromme, attempted to kill President Gerald Ford. Fromme was the product of a man convicted of programming assassins in the United States. You may have heard of him: Charles Manson, who programmed a Family to kill in the Tate and LaBianca murders in 1969, hoping to start a race war. James Earl Ray, Sirhan Sirhan, Arthur Bremer, John Hinkley. In lower inset is Oscar Ortega, a recent shooter who believes Obama is the Antichrist, a belief literally promulgated in the Christian Zionist* right-wing media since day one. In handcuffs a White House intruder, Omar Gonzalez, who jumped over the fence with a knife and made it into the interior, the Green Room.

*Christian Zionist defined herein as any “Israel first” Christian organization led politically and spiritually by people who don’t even believe in Jesus.

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