Sorcha Faal

“Spider Web Of Fear” Suffocates America As Biden Terrorists Prepare To Unleash Wave Of Bombings

A thought-provoking new Security Council (SC) report circulating in the Kremlin today discussing in shocking disbelief why American leftist tech giants Google, Facebook, Twitter and YouTube suddenly censored and blacklisted without warning a viral video sweeping the world yesterday after it accumulated over 20-million views, and suspended the Twitter account of Donald Trump Jr. when he shared it, notes the only offense found in this viral video incurring such vengeful socialist wrath was its showing a press conference given by nearly 30 expert medical professionals belonging to the America’s Frontline Doctors organization—a press conference held on the steps of the United States Supreme Court where these front line doctors treating the COVID-19 virus exposed what they called the “spider web of fear” being generated about this disease they say is near instantly curable with treatments [Watch censored video HERE]—that matches the fear being generated in America as its peoples watch violent socialist mobs destroy their cities—terrorist mobs controlled by the socialist Democrat Party through their paramilitary arm called ANTIFA that are being led by ANTIFA General Joe Biden—whom the Federal Security Service (FSB) is now warning may be preparing to unleash a wave of bombings across the United States—an FSB warning based on the investigation conducted after a terrorist was neutralized in Moscow two days ago after he traveled to a garage where weapons were stored—an investigation showing this terrorist was linked to the Anarchist Black Cross Moscow organization—and after this terrorist was neutralized, then saw Moscow being targeted with threats that 20 buildings and hospitals were rigged with explosives—threats the FSB traced back to a Facebook page in France that posted “Russian Antifa and anarchist need help and solidarity”—with the FSB further discovering that this French site had also been communicating with a Seattle-Washington based Google engineer named Zachary Ames Trudo—information the FSB quickly relayed to FBI Office Moscow—that was followed by American news reports that the US federal courthouse in Portland-Oregon had been attacked with a bomb, ammunition and Molotov cocktails bombs were captured by US police forces in Portland-Oregon, and most importantly, Google engineer Zachary Ames Trudo had been captured and charged with assault, attempting escape and resisting arrest before he could fulfill his socialist vow against America to “Burn it to the Ground!”.  […]

Sorcha Faal

Executions Of Black Trump Supporters Meets “All Under Heaven” Communist Chinese Approval

A very disturbing new Ministry of Foreign Affairs (MoFA) report circulating in the Kremlin today says that after the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) revealed this past week that it is hunting for Communist Chinese military spies all across America, it was no surprise that President Donald Trump followed this revelation by ordering Communist China to immediately close its major spy center in the US known as the Chinese Consulate in Houston-Texas, and then ordered the FBI to raid it—though most alarming about after President Trump issued this order, was his being viciously attacked by the socialist Democrat Party and its leaders, who quickly jumped to the defense of Communist China—alarming because Communist Chinese President Xi Jinping has claimed the “All Under Heaven” right to rule over the entire world—that is the “All Under Heaven” ancient Chinese belief that they are the center of the world—and in this “All Under Heaven” world, sees the Communist Chinese fearing and despising black people more than any other race—a hatred of black people put on full display yesterday in Communist China when crowds gathered to watch American diplomats evacuate their consulate in Chengdu ordered closed in retaliation against President Trump—crowds that jeered the young black woman American diplomat who had worked at The Agricultural Trade Office of the U.S. Consulate General in Chengdu—and explains why the socialist Democrat Party is supporting Communist China, because they too fear and despise black people—a fear that rose to horror levels this past week for these socialist Democrats after they discovered that black support for President Trump has now reached historic levels—and makes it no wonder why black supporters of President Trump are now being targeted for socialist execution—the latest one being black Trump supporter Bernell Trammell, who was executed with a bullet to the head this past Thursday while standing outside in broad daylight in front of his store in the socialist Democrat Party stronghold City of Milwaukee—while narrowly escaping execution was black Trump supporter Drew Duncomb, who was violently stabbed by a socialist terrorist while walking in the downtown area of the socialist Democrat Party stronghold City of Portland yesterday.  […]

Sorcha Faal

Mafia Hitman Strikes Family Of US Federal Judge Due To Testify Before Ghislaine Maxwell Grand Jury

A heavily-redacted and highly-classified “Of Special Importance” new Foreign Intelligence Service (SVR) report circulating in the Kremlin today reveals that just hours before United States District Judge Esther Salas was scheduled to testify before a grand jury overseen by the United States Attorney’s Office for the Southern District of New York (SDNY), an assassin dressed as a delivery driver went to her North Brunswick Township-New Jersey home where he shot and killed her 20-year-old son and critically wounded her husband—an assassination important to note as US District Judge Salas is in charge of the case against Deutsche Bank in regards to murdered child sex slaver Jeffrey Epstein known as Karimi v. Deutsche Bank Aktiengesellschaft et al.—and further important to note was US District Judge Salas being responsible for the case of Real Housewives of New Jersey star Teresa Giudice and her husband Giuseppe “Joe” Giudice—the latter case appearing to be the most notable, because the FBI Office Moscow requested SVR investigative assistance in a matter relating to it on 1 July—a request made by the FBI the day after they captured and arrested a Lucchese Crime Family mobster named John Perna for beating the husband of The Real Housewives of New Jersey star Dina Manzo—and specifically saw the FBI requesting SVR information about the leader of The Mulner Organization named Amir Mulner, who is considered one of the most ruthless and sophisticated criminals in Israel—that same Amir Mulner who’s linked to the Lucchese Crime Family and Gambino Crime Family, as well as his having ties to both the Genovese Crime Family and the Pittsburgh Crime Family—the latter two being known as the Genovese-LaRocca Crime Family that’s linked to Les Wexner, the Russian-Jewish billionaire that funded both Jeffery Epstein and his child sex slaver partner Ghislaine Maxwell, and whom the SVR asserts is the main grand jury target of SDNY prosecutors—and is the same Les Wexner the SVR says was responsible for the Gambino Crime Family “ninja assassin” sent to assassinate Jeffrey Epstein—a linking of US and Israeli international mobsters to the Epstein-Maxwell child sex slave operation not widely known to the American people—but within these secretive crime families is well known—which is why mobster-turned-informant Salvatore “Sammy the Bull” Gravano said about former President Bill Clinton “We know he’s a fucking degenerate”, and added for good measure “Don’t take that personal, Clinton, wherever you are, that I’m calling you a degenerate”.  […]

Sorcha Faal

Putin Orders Snap Alert Of 150,000 Russian Troops As “Night Of Broken Glass” Fears Explode

A fearful new Security Council (SC) report circulating in the Kremlin today explaining why President Putin ordered a surprise snap combat alert of over 150,000  troops of the Southern and Western Military Districts, Marine Infantry of the Northern and Pacific Fleets, some units of the Central Command and also for the Airborne Force, says this needed war action was in direct response to socialist arsonists attacking and causing a major fire in the historic 15th Century gothic cathedral Saint-Pierre-et-Saint-Paul in Nantes-France—that when added to the beheading of a Jesus statue and other socialist attacks against Christian churches in America, unmistakably shows that the Western world is rapidly building towards another Kristallnacht (Night of Broken Glass) event its leaders know is soon coming, but are deliberately ignoring and doing nothing to prevent—with the lone exception being the United States, where during the past fortnight Secretary of State Mike Pompeo delivered a major speech defending Christianity, along with religious rights and freedoms—though after doing so, then saw the leftist New York Times leading a fierce socialist attack against Secretary Pompeo and religious freedom—a fierce attack quickly joined by the radical leftist US Federal Judge that said the socialist Democrat Party stronghold State of California could establish its own international treaties with provinces in the socialist nation of Canada, with his astoundingly ruling that “California is making a deal with another province, not the entire nation of Canada”—an absurd distinction having no basis in international law, as parts of nation are the nation—but most grimly to be noted about, is the same socialist nation of Canada that’s now prosecuting as a hate crime the defacing of memorials honoring Nazis—and with socialist Democrat Party leader Joe Biden now being called a “Vehicle For The Revolution”, along with Vice President Mike Pence having just warned the American people that Biden is “A Trojan Horse For A Radical Agenda”, shows how close the United States is to extinguishing Christianity out of existence—an extinguishing of Christianity that now sees the historic churches and cathedrals in the socialist Democrat Party stronghold New York City now coming under dire threat after New York State Police forces demanded they be immediately removed from there because they say: “We Now Cannot Safely Arrest A Violent Person”.   […]

Sorcha Faal

United States Issues “Dire Warning” As Fierce America Eagle Sails Into Chinese Dragon Lair

A grimly worded new Security Council (SC) report circulating in the Kremlin today discussing the assessment just made by former United Kingdom National Security Adviser Lord Peter Ricketts that “the danger of a catastrophic conflict being triggered by a misunderstanding between the United States and Communist Chinese forces is all too real”, says this fear has now been heightened after the Azerbaijani Ministry of Defense warned that its forces could carry out a precision strike on the Metzamur nuclear power station in western Armenia—an Azerbaijan that’s an economic puppet state of Communist China, as opposed to an Armenia whose military forces are trained by the US—both of whom now stand on the precipice of war—is a great state proxy war conflict coming just days after the United States officially rejected Communist China’s territorial claims in the South China Sea—and just hours after United States Attorney General William Barr issued a “dire warning” about Communist China saying that the “ultimate ambition of China’s rulers isn’t to trade with the United States…It is to raid the United States”—his further warning that Communist China is “engaged in an economic blitzkrieg” against America—and his stating that this conflict “is the most important issue for our nation and the world in the 21st Century”—is a dire warning being backed up by military force, as over the past few hours, and for the second time this month, America is now sailing its massive battle fleet of two nuclear armed aircraft carriers into the very heart of the South China Sea contested waters—which prompted an enraged Communist China to declare that the: “South China Sea is fully within the grasp of the Chinese People’s Liberation Army, and any US aircraft carrier movement in the region is solely at the pleasure of the PLA”—a threat the US Navy responded to by saying it was “not intimidated” and that the carriers were there “at our discretion”—then most provocatively, saw the US Navy firing back at Communist China with a series of picture memes—the one most sure to enrage the Communist Chinese being the one “showing a black US Navy sailor playing his China cards”—because unlike any other nation in the world, Communist China has an irrational fear of a “black invasion” bringing drugs, crime, and interracial marriage into their country.  […]

Sorcha Faal

Trump Declares National Emergency—China Calls Move “Mentally Retarded Gangster Logic”

An engaging new Security Council (SC) report circulating in the Kremlin today noting the US Navy commissioning the all-new America-class amphibious assault ship USS Tripoli into service yesterday as fire crews were evacuated from the still burning totally destroyed amphibious assault ship USS Bonhomme Richard that’s near sinking, says that as expected, President Donald Trump isn’t going to allow the destruction of any warship to change the war course he’s set for Communist China—a course towards war President Trump accelerated this week by signing into a law powerful sanctions against Communist China, that he quickly followed by signing the document titled The President’s Executive Order on Hong Kong Normalization, whose most fearsome language is contained in the passage declaring:  “I therefore determine that the situation with respect to Hong Kong, including recent actions taken by the PRC to fundamentally undermine Hong Kong’s autonomy, constitutes an unusual and extraordinary threat, which has its source in substantial part outside the United States, to the national security, foreign policy, and economy of the United States.  I hereby declare a national emergency with respect to that threat”. […]

Sorcha Faal

CIA Assassins Dismember Body Of Hillary Clinton-Ghislaine Maxwell Linked Money Launderer

A mind-bending highly-classified “Of Special Importance” new Foreign Intelligence Service (SVR) report circulating in the Kremlin today continuing to document the recent activities of an elite team of Special Activities Center (SAC) commando-assassins from the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) responsible only to President Donald Trump, CIA Director Gina Haspel and Deputy Director of CIA for Operations Elizabeth Kimber, says most critical to be noticed about events occurring in the United States yesterday was Nigerian international criminal Raymond “Hushpuppi” Abbas being denied bail by a US Federal Court in Chicago-Illinois, that was followed an hour later by child sex slaver Ghislaine Maxwell being denied bail by a US Federal Court in New York City—the significance of which was revealed during the New York City bail hearing when US prosecutors read in open court to a sobbing Ghislaine Maxwell a statement written by one of her Jane Doe child sex victims that chillingly said “She was in charge…She egged him on”. […]

Sorcha Faal

Trump Forces Decapitate European Socialists As Australia Bunkers Up For World War III

An intriguing new Security Council (SC) report circulating in the Kremlin today discussing the record purchases of Russian oil by the United States so they can keep their Gulf Coast refineries running, says the Ministry of Defence (MoD) assessment that the Atlantic Ocean sea routes for oil tanker shipments to reach the American Gulf Coast waters at this time remain secure, the same cannot be said about sea routes in the South China Sea—are sea routes through the South China Sea that annually carry over $5-trillion of global trade goods—and in what is being called a “Major Reversal Of Obama-Era Appeasement”, yesterday saw the United States officially declaring that the Communist Chinese claim to the South China Sea is “completely unlawful”—a declaration Communist China immediately responded to by warning the United States it was “inciting confrontation”—a warning then followed by Qantas Airways Limited, the flag carrier of Australia, whose vast majority flights traverse the skies over the South China Sea, immediately canceling all of its international flights until March-2021, and them saying this cancellation may extend to July-2021—a cancellation of these flights by Qantas not based war fears in the South China Sea alone, but what had also occurred in the European nation of the Republic of Poland the day prior—a Poland that held the first Western nation presidential election of the Covid-19 era that globalist-socialist forces had convinced themselves were to their advantage—though in what is being called a “bitter blow” to these globalist-socialist forces, saw pro-Trump national populist leader President Andrzej Duda winning a second term. […]

Sorcha Faal

War Drums Beat Louder After American Warship Explodes 3 Months After Explosion Hit Chinese Warship

A very disconcerting new Ministry of Defense (MoD) report circulating in the Kremlin today states that on 12 July at 0958hrs GMT -8 (9:58 a.m. local San Diego time) an electronic alert was received from Kosmos 2542 signaling that this military-intelligence satellite had detected multiple blasts exceeding 2760 degrees Centigrade (5000 degrees Fahrenheit) emanating from Naval Base San Diego located in California-United States—the explosive signature of which was cross-checked in the MoD database of munitions, and exactly matched the white phosphorus munitions used by US Marine forces during their offensive in the Iraqi city of Falluja in 2004. […]

Sorcha Faal

Trump Moves Closer To War With China After Claim Of Children Being Sold In Wayfair Ads Explodes

As further proof that our world has gone stark raving mad, a mind-exploding new Security Council (SC) report circulating in the Kremlin today noting the Chinese Communist Party having announced this past week that China and the United States “are heading towards a complete economic decoupling”, says President Donald Trump has just confirmed this reality with his statement a few hours ago that the US relationship with Communist China is “severely damaged”—damage so severe at this hour it sees the powerful nuclear armed USS Ronald Reagan and USS Nimitz aircraft carrier battle groups launching hundreds of daily training flights against Communist Chinese military forces in the South China Sea—while at the same time, American military surveillance aircraft have been flooding into the airspace of the Bashi Channel between Taiwan and the Philippines. […]

Sorcha Faal

NFL Races To Sign Supreme Court Justices Called World’s Best Punters—World War III May Happen First

A somberly worded new Ministry of Foreign Affairs (MoFA) report circulating in the Kremlin today noting the World War III fears raised by Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov after he warned this morning that “the risk of a global nuclear confrontation has increased significantly”, says our world’s edging ever closer to armageddon is entirely due to events presently occurring in the United States—where adding to the chaos were two United States Supreme Court rulings yesterday called Trump v. Mazars and Trump v. Vance—both of which were explained about in the conservative Fox News article “Trump ‘Really Came Out On Top’ In Supreme Court Ruling On Tax Documents” and the leftist New York Times article “Don’t Be Fooled, Trump Is A Winner In The Supreme Court Tax Case”—though the most accurate headline about these high court rulings came from the Courtroom News Service in their article “High Court Roils White House With Punt on House Subpoenas”—that compares these high court rulings to an American football tactic called a “punt”—a kick performed by dropping a football from the hands then kicking it before it hits the ground, with the hope that it gives the receiving team a field position that is more advantageous to the kicking team when possession changes—which is exactly what these two high court rulings did, because the Supreme Court Justices ensured that the issues involved in these cases would not be even close to being decided before the 2020 election—which makes them the world’s best punters able to strategically manage the American election game—and whom one supposes the National Football League (NFL) is now racing towards to sign these Supreme Court Justices up for their teams—a supposition not based on humor, but on fact as the NFL has obviously gone insane and is liable to do anything—insanity that sees NFL Philadelphia Eagles owner Jeffrey Lurie proudly talking about the movie he just made celebrating German Nazi leader Adolph Hitler, and his failing to punish his star player DeSean Jackson for admiringly posting antisemitic quotes attributed to Nazi madman Adolf Hitler—an NFL praise of Hitler and socialist Nazism supported by just promoted to primetime MSNBC host Joy Reid, who wants all of the Jewish peoples in Israel to be immediately deported to Europe—and being a black woman, sees Joy Reid fully supporting the NFL plan to play something they call “The Black National Anthem” before every game, but all other American blacks call “a joke”—and lest anyone doubt how insane the NFL has truly become, one need only look at the new rule they’ve just mandated for all of their football players—a rule that says after these players spend an entire game wrapping their sweat-stained bodies around each other, when the game ends they’re now strictly forbidden to hug each other or exchange their jerseys with players from the opposing team. […]

Sorcha Faal

Exploding Leftist Head Pandemic Feared After Trump Achieves Coveted “Victimhood” Status

An interesting new Security Council (SC) circulating in the Kremlin today takes a humorous turn when this transcript shows President Putin asking why The New Yorker magazine published an obviously fake news article yesterday absurdly claiming that Putin had taken the SAT’s for a young Donald Trump who was applying for college—a question answered by Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov, who explained it was a parody article based on an accusation made in the book “Too Much and Never Enough: How My Family Created the World’s Most Dangerous Man” written by Mary Trump, the daughter of the President Trump’s older brother, Fred Trump Jr., an airline pilot who suffered from alcoholism and died of a heart attack at the age of 42-years-old in 1981. […]

Sorcha Faal

CIA Assassins Inventing Ghislaine Maxwell Capture Fable Kill 8 In Idaho Plane Disaster

A gobsmacking highly-classified “Of Special Importance” new Foreign Intelligence Service (SVR) report circulating in the Kremlin today documenting the recent activities of an elite team of Special Activities Center (SAC) commando-assassins from the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) responsible only to President Donald Trump, CIA Director Gina Haspel and Deputy Director of CIA for Operations Elizabeth Kimber, says that after their 8 June mission that crashed a US Air Force cargo aircraft in Iraq that had fled from America with terrorist leaders aboard, they redeployed to Paris-France—where, on 20 June, the press discovered that the international child sex slaver Ghislaine Maxwell was hiding out in a luxury apartment near the Israeli Embassy—an Israeli Embassy protected by feared and deadly operatives belonging to the Institute for Intelligence and Special Operations (aka MOSSAD)—the most protected place in the world for French citizen Ghislaine Maxwell to hide as France does not allow any of its citizens to be extradited for any reason whatsoever, and she is also the daughter of famed assassinated Israeli superspy Robert Maxwell—thus making it curious as to why this elite team of CIA commando assassins departed from Paris on 30 June and traveled to Pease Air National Guard Base located in New Hampshire—and even more perplexing why the following day, on 1 July, it was reported that Ghislaine Maxwell was captured and arrested at a remote New Hampshire estate—after which, on 4 July, this elite team of CIA commando assassins traveled from New Hampshire to the Mountain Home Air Force Base located in Idaho—where the following day, on 5 July at around 2:20 p.m local time, an explosion occurred taking down two planes and killing eight people.

Sorcha Faal

Trump Warns Radicals “We Never Back Down” As Socialist Democrat Party Cities Become Deadly Warzones

A fascinating new Ministry of Foreign Affairs (MoFA) report circulating in the Kremlin today noting the enraged socialist mob in Washington D.C. that yesterday burned an American Flag near the White House while demonically screaming “Fuck the Fourth of July and Fuck the American Flag…America Was Never Great!”, says that after this atrocity occurred, a fearless President Donald Trump emerged from the White House to address his citizens on the 244th Birthday of their nation and tell them “we will soon defeat these radical leftists”—after which President Trump further declared: “We are Americans, and we never back down, and we never give in, and we never give up…We will defend, protect, and preserve American way of life”. […]

Sorcha Faal

Russia Orders Over 15,500 Military Drills For Summer As America Prepares For Fall Civil War

A chilling new Ministry of Defense (MoD) report circulating in the Kremlin today echoing the warning just issued by renowned futurist Gerald Celente (whom the New York Post wrote about: “If Nostradamus were alive today, he’d have a hard time keeping up with Gerald Celente”) declaring “You are going to see violence like we have never seen before this summer…You are going to see police against the people, and it’s going to become more militarized as it becomes more violent…If we don’t unite for peace and restore freedom, America is dead”, states that due to the assessment made by MoD intelligence analysts that the United States will erupt into a full-scale civil war during the September-October time period, President Putin has ordered Russian military forces to conduct an historic and unprecedented over 15,500 combat drills during the summer training period. […]

Sorcha Faal

Russian Bogeyman Returns As Trump Faces Same “Battleground Bloodbath” He Did In 2016

An interesting new Ministry of Foreign Affairs (MoFA) report circulating in the Kremlin today noting “the profound and meaningful exchange of opinions” had between President Putin and French President Emmanuel Macron during their video-link talks held yesterday on the current state of global affairs, says that following these talks the rabidly anti-Trump socialist New York Times threw yet another “Russian Bogeyman” into the midst of the American people by serving up to them a make believe spy fantasy about “Russian bounties on US troops in Afghanistan”—a fantasy the New York Times knows its idiot readers won’t notice all the qualifiers and weasel words they us, as they know they’ll instead focus on the razzle-dazzle “facts” in this baseless hit piece—nor will its readers notice that buried deep within this fantasy hit piece is the admission that the Taliban “have not attacked American positions” since February—but did allow socialist Democrat Party leaders to post such incendiary messages like “If true this is outrageous conduct by Russia. Lack of a response by Donald Trump suggests he may be beholden to Putin, and Trump is putting US troops’ lives at risk by doing nothing”, and has now led to direct threats being made on the lives of employees at the Russian Embassies in both Washington D.C. and London—though to understand in its entirety, one must notice that this made up “Russian Bogeyman” fantasy comes at the exact same time the leftist mainstream news media in America this past week has been serving up such lying headlines as “Texas Tossup, Biden-Trump A One-Point Race” and “Trump Trailing Biden In 6 Key Battleground States”—which are near exact mirror copies of the lying mainstream media headlines that appeared during the 2016 presidential election like “Hillary Clinton Leads Donald Trump in Texas” and “Battleground Bloodbath: Clinton Leads Trump In 7 Swing States”—and when all of these fantasies are combined, shows these socialist-globalists are using the same recipe to defeat President Trump in 2020 that they cooked up against him in 2016—best described as a pot full of lies seasoned with “Russian Bogeymen”. […]