In Brief

Chris Wallace Is a Racist, and Here’s the Psychology to Prove It

This is getting old. An ambiguous statement is interpreted as racist by pundits, and even misquoted, and half of America who backs Trump is smeared by association. In the latest example, it turns out that President Trump tweeted something to the effect that Baltimore is filthy and rat infested, and then largely white pundits, the real bigots, assumed he was talking about black people. Only a racist mind would think of blacks when he hears the word “rats.” […]

Independent Press

Radical Left Using Group Conformity Manipulation to Promote Pedophelia

There is something very wrong when public schools teach little boys that their penis is actually a vagina if they so much as click their heels and wish it to be so, their key formative years be damned. They can take tons of sex hormones and have a sex change operation, but that won’t turn their male chromosomes into female ones or vice-versa. The gender debate is not science, it’s a cry for help from otherwise science-loving people that should know better. […]

Cyrus the Stray

The Dunning-Kruger Effect: The more a person thinks they know is the less they really do.

The surest proof of media brainwashing is thinking you are smarter and just as informed as the President of the United States just because the media says so; without cabinet advisers or the Presidential Daily Brief (PDB) from all key intelligence agencies. The 2nd surest proof of brainwashing is believing you are smarter than President Trump just because the media flatters you into believing it. Consider the skill set we need to be anywhere near his intelligence (estimated 156 IQ, genius, believe it or not, with accomplishments and skill sets that actually support an applied, not passive, 156 IQ). How many of us can say that we have, without having held any public office or political experience, ran for and won the presidency of the United States on the first try? […]


The “I AM” Discourses

” I A M ”

“I AM” is the Activity of “That Life.”

How strange it is that students with sincere interest do not seem to get the True Meaning of those two words.

When you say and feel “I AM,” you release the spring of Eternal, Everlasting Life to flow on Its way unmolested. In other words, you open wide the door to Its natural flow. When you say “I AM not,” you shut the door in the face of this Mighty Energy.

“I AM” is the Full Activity of God. […]

Cloak and Dagger

How Fake News is Weaponized by Facebook

What CNN, ABC, NBC, and other politicized news assets use to control your perception, which is your reality. Because perception is reality, this is the literal “matrix.” How programmers manipulate moods, foment unrest, hate and fear in the digital age. It’s not just fake news: psychologically, it is designed to induce stress (fight or flight) and in that sense, it is slowly killing you. Here is the science, starting with the stress hormone cortisol… […]


The Two Most Powerful Words in Existence: I AM

When you say and feel “I AM,” you release the spring of Eternal, Everlasting Life to flow on Its way unmolested. In other words, you open wide the door to Its natural flow. When you say “I AM not,” you shut the door in the face of this Mighty Energy. “I AM” is the Full Activity of God. […]