

9/11 has been one of the biggest events in recent history to spark a mass awakening across the world. There has been much debate over how it happened, who is responsible, and why they did it. To this day, about one third of Americans do not believe the official story. In other parts of the world, the number of skeptics reaches upwards of 90% of the population.

Here is a list of 24 facts that cannot be debunked about 9/11. […]


Why Hillary Risking Nuclear War to Cover Up Her Emails: ISIS

Wikileak's best revelations so far. It was suspected, but now confirmed. This is why the FBI rank and file, and alphabet agencies, are in full revolt. The more you hear about "Russian hack" instead of their addressing the contents of the emails, the more you know they're real. US intelligence knows it, could have proved them fake long ago if that was the case. They haven't. Why? When Trump says that the only thing Hillary has going for her is the media, the more it should give one pause for thought. This means the strongest hand is not Hillary's, so we are seeing stocks losing all confidence in regards to Hillary. And why not? her emails exposed all the bank leaders and they will be covering their ass from here on out. […]

Sorcha Faal

Video Showing Bill Clinton Rape Of 13-Year-Old Girl Plunges Presidential Race Into Chaos

With Hillary Clinton and her accomplices believing they had neutralized Donald Trump by his merely knowing Epstein, however, and their further belief that the “avalanche of scandals” surrounding Trump would cause his campaign to collapse upon itself, this report continues, this New York City billionaire, instead, has “defied all normal logic” and is nearing winning the US presidency.

In a “last chance” bid to destroy Donald Trump, however, SVR intelligence analysts in this report state, Hillary Clinton and her accomplices have now paid off a number of Bill Clinton’s rape victims to change their story saying that Trump had raped them—the details of which are contained in a US Federal Court filing making these absurd allegations. […]

Hillary Clinton

Red Notice Terror Warning Issued After Hillary Clinton ISIS Spy Captured In Britain

A stunning new report issued today in the Kremlin by the Foreign Intelligence Service (SVR) says that a joint terror operation with Britain’s Secret Intelligence Service (SIS/MI6-Military Intelligence, Section 6) has resulted in the capturing of an Islamic State (ISIS/ISIL/Daesh) terror leader employed by a private mercenary firm hired by former US Secretary of State Hillary Clinton—and that information obtained from “Hillary’s spy” has resulted in INTERPOL, this morning, issuing a top secret Red Notice as a major “terror event” is now feared imminent. […]

Hillary Clinton

Wikileaks Under “Dire Threat” Over Proof Hillary Clinton Destroyed Eye Doctor To Hide Brain Trauma

A stunning new Foreign Intelligence Service (SVR) report circulating in the Kremlin today says that Wikileaks abrupt cancelling of their planned “October Surprise” release of Hillary Clinton emails relating to her currently existing brain trauma was due to their receiving a “dire threat” that should they do so, all top officials of this whistle blowing organization would be charged with major crimes in the United States and be swiftly extradited there by the European Union. […]


Julian Assange Has Paid a Devastating Price

"Mr Assange’s situation which is tantamount to a prisoner being detained indefinitely but without a prisoner’s normal physical health care and effectively in isolation… The harmful psychological and physical effects of indefinite detention include:  Severe and chronic anxiety and dread, Pathological levels of stress that have damaging effects on the core physiologic functions of the immune and cardiovascular systems, as well on the central nervous system, Depression and suicide, Post-traumatic stress disorder, Enduring personality changes and permanent estrangement from family and community that compromises and hope of the detainee regaining a normal life following release…" […]

Cloak and Dagger

China Enraged After Obama Orders SpaceX Rocket Destroyed

China became so “enraged” at President Obama’s ordering the destruction of a SpaceX rocket in Florida on Thursday (1 September) they refused to greet him as a visiting head-of-state upon his arrival at Hangzhou Xiaoshan International Airport (HGH) forcing America’s leader to “go out of the ass” of Air Force One and one Chinese official accosting his top National Security Advisor, Susan Rice, and screaming at her “this is our country, our airport.” As to why President Obama was treated so “shamefully/dishonorably” by the Chinese, this report explains, was due to the United States “deliberate and calculated” military interference of a “legitimate” international business “transaction/sale deal” between China and an Israeli company named Spacecom. […]

Hillary Clinton

Putin Asks Obama Why US Media Shutdown Trump At Black Church, Gets No Reply

This report concludes by noting that after President Obama refused to answer President Putin’s question as to why Donald Trump was being censored in the American press, one of the Obama regimes “official mouthpiece” propaganda media outlets, The Washington Post” immediately ran a “typical hit article” titled Intelligence Community Investigating Covert Russian Influence Operations In The United States—and that MoFA analysts countered by stating: “Though the United States is using the Soviet communist rule book on how to fabricate elections using mass media propaganda, at least when we used it we got it right”. […]

Hillary Clinton

US Congress To Begin Immediate Impeachment Of Hillary Clinton If She Wins

According to this report, the entire Federation executive (government) became alarmed on Wednesday (31 August) when Hillary Clinton vowed to escalate “normal intelligence tradecraft” (spying) against the United States as an act of war she would respond to with the full might and power of America’s formidable military—particularly against Russia and China.

Immediately following Hillary Clinton’s threat, this report continues, on Thursday (1 September), Minister Lavrov “telephonically” (phone call) discussed this grave matter with Secretary Kerry wherein the US Congress’s “reaction/plan” against this warmonger (and should she be elected) was outlined. […]

Hillary Clinton

Report: Russia May Have All Hillary Clinton Phone Calls

What Ivanov was advocating, these reports continue, were that these “vital state captures” remain “hidden/secreted” by the SVR as they were invaluable for “future use/construction” (blackmail?), while Vaino advocated letting the Obama regime know the full extent of them as a means to prevent a global war he fears would destroy the “collective consciousness” of our planet. […]


Report: Clinton Joined with Google, Apple, Twitter, Instagram to Subvert Election

Emails detail how Google-Alphabet Inc. would use “all of its power” to shut down dissent in America, and even worse, “spin” the 2016 presidential election towards Hillary Clinton and away from Donald Trump.

Joining with Google-Alphabet Inc. in subverting the 2016 US presidential election, SVR analysts in this report detail citing these White House emails, are American technology giants Apple, Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and at least 15 other internet companies owned and affiliated with them. […]

Hillary Clinton

Hillary Clinton Health Cover-up Consumes US Media Giants, Puts Debates In Doubt

There is “intense debate” among top US media giants and White House staffers on how best to conceal from the American public the colostomy bag worn by Hillary Clinton since, at least, 2011 when she secretly sought out a drug to treat Parkinson disease, and that many believe led to her 2012 fall that caused her aides to reach out to the National Football League (NFL) for advice on how best to treat her “cracked head.” […]

Hillary Clinton

Dead Man’s Switch Releases Hillary’s (Alleged) Medical Records re. Subcortical Vascular Dementia and Complex Partial Seizures

UPDATE: These documents have been called into question but  they did set off a firestorm of interest from actual concerns that knew about her record and her recent absences and behavior. Released were several allegations—the most damaging being a diagnosis of Hillary Clinton that says she has “Complex Partial Seizures” and “Subcortical Vascular Dementia.” This explains over 257 days without press conferences, an inability to stand for long periods of time, not traveling without a medical team, nearby, which is unheard of, and a refusal to debate without releasing conditions. […]