October 3, 2016
By: Sorcha Faal, and as reported to her Western Subscribers
A stunning new Foreign Intelligence Service (SVR) report circulating in the Kremlin today says that Wikileaks abrupt cancelling of their planned “October Surprise” release of Hillary Clinton emails relating to her currently existing brain trauma was due to their receiving a “dire threat” that should they do so, all top officials of this whistle blowing organization would be charged with major crimes in the United States and be swiftly extradited there by the European Union. [Note:Some words and/or phrases appearing in quotes in this report are English language approximations of Russian words/phrases having no exact counterpart.]
According to this report, what Wikileaks was planning on releasing tomorrow were a series of 2015 email “exchanges” (chains) between top Hillary Clinton operatives and Britain’s Crown Prosecution Service (CPS) detailing a plot to destroy aLondon optometrist who refused to give up her records relating to her treatment of the former US Secretary of State.
As the SVR is already in possession of these Hillary Clinton emails Wikileaks was planning on releasing, this report continues, Federation intelligence analysts were able to reconstruct the timeline of these events—and that began in 2012 when Hillary Clinton was gravely injured in a plane crash while traveling to a secret meeting in Iran, and that we had, likewise, reported on in our 30 December 2012 report Clinton Injured, US Navy Seal Killed In Secret US Mission To Iran.[Reprinted by the EU Times with our permission.]
Important to note about Hillary Clinton’s grave injuries sustained in 2012, this report says, was a previous Wikileaks email release of a an exchange between her top national security advisor Jacob J. Sullivan who emailed this Sorcha Faal article [UNCLASSIFIED U.S. Department of State Case No. F-2014-20439 Doc No. C05797628 Date: 02/29/2016] to his top military aides—one of whom, US Navy Captain Les Horn, then replied “Anthony — FYI. The report appears to be credible. Les” and that immediately ended the unclassified part of this email chain.
By the Fall of 2013, this report continues, these emails show that the effects Hillary Clinton was having due to her severe brain trauma were numerous—most specifically her inability to walk due to balance issues that were exacerbated by flashing lights.
In October, 2013, this report notes, Hillary Clinton traveled to London as a private citizen where she secretly met with an optometrist named Honey Rose who provided her with 3 pairs of blue sunglasses that are used to treat photosensitivity epilepsy and are manufactured by the German optics company Zeiss, and that were not available in the United States.
This report explains that optometrists like Honey Rose are licensed in Britain to perform eye exams and vision tests, prescribe and dispense corrective lenses—and should not be confused with ophthalmologists who are doctors with at least eight years of medical training after university and can practice medicine and perform surgery.
Beginning in March, 2015, however, this report says, Hillary Clinton’s emails reveal a series of exchanges between her top campaign officials and Britain’s Crown Prosecution Service relating to the “Honey Rose Problem”—and that SVR analysts detail were related to this London optometrists refusal to give to Clinton’s “security people” all of her records relating to the blue medical sunglasses she had previously provided to Hillary Clinton.
And as to how Hillary Clinton and Britain’s CPS dealt with their “Honey Rose Problem”, this report continues, was to arrest this London optometrist on 9 September 2015, confiscate all of her records, and then stunningly charge her with manslaughter for failing to correctly diagnose a patient in 2012 who subsequently died.
Hillary Clinton’s London Optometrist Honey Rose
To how an optometrist could be charged with such a crime for failing to diagnose a disease only an ophthalmologist doctor is trained to do shocked all of Britain, this report says, with over 4,000 British doctors rallying to her defense—but nevertheless, this past August (2016), resulted in Honey Rose being convicted and sentenced to a deferred prison term of 2 years in a landmark first of it kind case that has sent shudders of fear throughout all of the United Kingdom.
To the threats issued against Wikileaks officials should they release these “Honey Rose Problem” emails between Hillary Clinton and the CPS, this report explains, was the Obama regime telling them that if they were released, anyone associated with them would be charged under the United States HIPPA laws [42 USC § 1320d-5] forbidding the unauthorized release of a persons medical information—and that carries a US Federal prison term of up to 5 years—and that curiously was one of the first laws President Obama signed, on 17 February 2009, barely a month after his taking office.
Though Honey Rose’s life has been destroyed due to Hillary Clinton, this report concludes, this young London optometrist is, actually, fortunate as hundreds of others who have opposed the Clinton Crime Family ended up far worse—including many of Bill and Hillary Clinton’s “friends” who have fallen off buildings, died in plane crashes, and have been killed in too many freak accidents to mention.
Other reports in this series include:
- Obama Becomes Worlds Biggest Slave Owner As Largest Prison Strike In US History Continues
- Russian “Red Alert” Issued After Hillary Clinton Labels All American Parents Sex Criminals
- Hillary Clinton “Disappearance” Leaves Russian Intelligence Experts Puzzled
- US Again Ignores Russian Warning As Islamic Terror Hits New York City, New Jersey And Minnesota
- Hillary Clinton Makes Millions To Destroy Samsung So Apple Can Sell More iPhones
- Putin Issues Global Alert: “The American Establishment Is Merciless, Donald Trump Could Soon Die”
- Hillary Clinton To Make Millions After Obama Orders All Wild Horses In American Killed
- Hillary Clinton Placed In Hospital As “Blackout Of Truth” Descends Upon America
- Concentration Camp Model Created By Hillary Clinton In Africa Warned Is Coming To America
- Florida Earthquake Reported Caused By Obama-Clinton Attempt To Destroy Israeli Sub
- Hillary Clinton “Heart Failure Event” Warned Just Months Away
- Putin Asks Obama Why US Media Shutdown Donald Trump Speech At Black Church, Gets No Reply
- US Congress To Begin Immediate Impeachment Of Hillary Clinton If She Wins Presidency
- Hillary Clinton “Secret Sexmail” Destroys Top US Army Commander
- Hillary Clinton Colostomy Bag Cover-up Consumes US Media Giants, Puts Debates In Doubt
- White House Emails Reveal Largest Plot Ever Discovered To Destroy America
- New York Times Hosts “Top Secret” Meet To Cover-up Hillary Clinton Health, Destroy Fox News
- Putin “Erupts” Over Million Dollar “Spy Payments” To Hillary Clinton
- US Secret Service “Swarms” Top Hospitals As Hillary Clinton Brain Surgery Fears Rise
- Panic Grips America, Shuts Down NSA, After Russia “Reveals” It Has All Hillary Clinton Phone Calls
- Hillary Clinton “Total Terror” Descends Upon Disabled Mother Who Discovered Her Link To ISIS
- Russia Debates Response To Shocking Hillary Clinton Link To Crimea Terror Attack
- Father Of Doctor Treating Hillary Clinton For Dementia Mysteriously Dies
- Hillary Clinton “Night Of The Long Knives” Killing Spree Claims Life Of Attorney Shawn Lucas
- Hillary Clinton Gains Millions From Plot Linked To Top US General Fueling War With Russia
- Moscow Raid Proves Hillary Clinton Plot To Destroy Boeing, Ship 80,000 US Jobs Overseas
- Hillary Clinton Orders ISIS Attack Cover-Up In Germany, American Press Stunningly Obeys
- Clinton Threat To “Destroy Everyone” Throws Washington Into Chaos
- Bush Family Rushes To Hillary Clinton Side After Top UN Official Set To Testify Against Her Found Dead
- Husband Of Prosecutor Investigating Bill Clinton For Child Sex Charges Gunned Down
October 3, 2016 © EU and US all rights reserved. Permission to use this report in its entirety is granted under the condition it is linked back to its original source at WhatDoesItMean.Com. Freebase content licensed under CC-BY and GFDL.
[Note: Many governments and their intelligence services actively campaign against the information found in these reports so as not to alarm their citizens about the many catastrophic Earth changes and events to come, a stance that the Sisters of Sorcha Faal strongly disagree with in believing that it is every human beings right to know the truth. Due to our missions conflicts with that of those governments, the responses of their ‘agents’ has been a longstanding misinformation/misdirection campaign designed to discredit us, and others like us, that is exampled in numerous places, including HERE.]
[Note: The WhatDoesItMean.com website was created for and donated to the Sisters of Sorcha Faal in 2003 by a small group of American computer experts led by the late global technology guru Wayne Green(1922-2013) to counter the propaganda being used by the West to promote their illegal 2003 invasion of Iraq.]
[Note: The word Kremlin (fortress inside a city) as used in this report refers to Russian citadels, including in Moscow, having cathedrals wherein female Schema monks (Orthodox nuns) reside, many of whom are devoted to the mission of the Sisters of Sorcha Faal.]
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