With US Troops Embedded With ISIS, Russia Warns: “Leave Syria Now, Or Die”

In his meeting with Defense Secretary Mattis, however, this report says, Defense Minister Shoigu stated that Russian military forces operating in Syria would not make such distinctions about which American “entity” should be retaliated against (either US military or CIA), and his warning that all of them would be targeted—and that caused the key American military base in Syria’s southwestern desert region (Zeqaf Base) to be rapidly abandoned and destroyed by fleeing US military forces and their Islamic terror allies, and further battlefield reports showing the American’s are rapidly planning to abandon and destroy their Al-Tanf Base in Syria too. […]


Too Painfully Real for Fiction

This censorship system (dubbed the “Iron Curtain”) being imposed upon the American people, this report concludes, backfired on the Soviets and became a major factor in eroding the Communist Party’s control—a fact not noticed by some hysterical Hillary Clinton supporting lawmakers in the US Congress who, just 3 days ago, demanded that a Washington D.C. radio station (105.5 FM) broadcasting Radio Sputnik’s programming be shut down because it “influenced the election”—a claim that defies all laws of space and time as this station didn’t start carrying Radio Sputnik until 1 July of this year, fully 9 months AFTER President Trump was elected.   […]

Cloak and Dagger

Morgan Freeman: We Are at War With Russia

It’s interesting to see Carl Reiner and Morgan Freeman essentially declare war on 63 million Americans who voted for Trump, which they need to convince before they can actually wage war against a thermonuclear power like Russia. By the way, Russia has more nukes, and modern ones now than we do. Their argument was that Trump and Bernie Sanders supporters were brainwashed by Putin’s Russian ads and social media bots to do something as un-American and unhinged as exercising their free will. It is really astounding that they can’t see how viscerally offensive that allegation is on its face. […]


Ancient Temples of Maaloula Destroyed and Looted by ISIS are Being Restored In Syria

Expressing optimism for a return to his homeland, he said: “We’ll be back, yes. We will return to Iraq, to Mosul, to Syria, to Maalula, to Beirut and to every place we have lived. They are our homes and our lands. So, what are we going to leave them for? To whom? To what civilization? We must go back and rebuild trust between ourselves little by little. Even if it’s not easy.” […]

Cloak and Dagger

US Refusal Of Russian “Surrender Terms” Warned Signals Western Banking Collapse “Within Months”

A sobering new Security Council (SC) report circulating in the Kremlin today states that during the just concluded meeting held in New York City at the United Nations between Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov and US Secretary of State Rex Tillerson, the American’s “outright refused” the Russia-China outlines for a new gold-backed global economic order with them labeling this offer as “surrender terms”—but whose refusal of, therefore, signals the imminent collapse of the entire Western banking system whose entire structure is warned ready to implode upon itself “within months”.  […]


US Begs Russia For “Mercy” In Syria After Germany Opens American War Crime Investigation

Syrian President Assad himself, this report details, exposed this “critical flaw” in US foreign policy in 2015 when he stated: “Western propaganda has, from the very beginning, been about the cause of the problem being the president. Why? Because they want to portray the whole problem in Syria lies in one individual; and consequently the natural reaction for many people is that, if the problem lies in one individual, that individual should not be more important than the entire homeland. So let that individual go and things will be alright. That’s how they oversimplify things in the West.” [And that’s why the media deceives the public into thinking that all of our problems, from sexism to racism, can be fixed by removing President Trump.] […]

Cloak and Dagger

Trump Wins Dangerous “Pakistan Gambit” That Spells “Total Doom” For US Democratic Party

President Donald Trump has pulled off one the most dangerous “gambit deals” [an action entailing a degree of risk calculated to gain an advantage] ever attempted in modern American political history when he pitted a $225 million military aid package to Pakistan against that nation’s Inter-Services Intelligence (IS) spy agency to pressure them into agreeing to immediately surrender a Pakistani woman to US authorities—and whose testimony could very well spell the “total doom” of the entire American Democratic Party.   […]

Cloak and Dagger

US Spends $70 Billion To Influence Russian Election

As an example of how these foreign monies are being used to influence elections in Russia, this report explains, was yesterday’s protests organized by a minor political figure named Alexey Navalny—who though hailed in America as “the man Vladimir Putin fears most”, is actually barely known to the Russian people and is currently polling around 1-2 percent [English] ahead of next year’s presidential election. […]

Cloak and Dagger

Russia-China Prepare “Final Death Blow” As Massive Armies Face Off In Europe

To if the United States would be able to continue their “petrodollar system” charade with Saudi Arabia alone, this report continues, appears to be highly unlikely as this Middle East nation’s foreign exchange reserves have now plunged below the critical $500 billion level and currently stand at $494 billion—and who are now, also, openly negotiating with China to replace the US Dollar for the purchasing of its vast oil wealth—and whose only hope for long term survival is by their selling a 5% stake in its nearly century old Saudi Arabian Oil Company (Saudi Aramco) that it has valued between $1.5 and $2 trillion dollars—and that Russia is maneuvering to buy, and China too. […]

Cloak and Dagger

US Explodes After Russian Company Closes “CIA Backdoor” Embedded In All Microsoft Software

The Ministry of Industry and Trade (MINPROMTORG) states that the United States has “exploded” with “anger and retribution” against Russian and United Kingdom based Kaspersky Lab after its experts discovered a “backdoor” (that bypasses a computers customary security mechanisms) embedded by the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) into all Microsoft software products—and who after doing so, these same Kaspersky Lab experts then issued a “protective patch” (that fixes computer security vulnerabilities) to “close” this CIA “backdoor” from ever being opened again.  […]


Russia Accepts US Emergency Meeting Demand, But Warns Venezuela “Is A Spark To World War III”

Within 3 hours of the Ministry of Defense (MoD) issuing their grim report yesterday about the United States planned invasion of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela [and as we reported on in our 9 September report Venezuela Prepares For Invasion After US Uses “Hurricane Cover” To Send Strategic Bombers To Colombia], the American’s demanded an immediate emergency meeting with Russia—and that President Putin agreed to, but with his warning that the Venezuela crisis is yet another “spark to the flame” being wielded by the Americans that could unleash World War III.  […]


With Syrian War Won, Putin Warns Of “Planetary Catastrophe” As Japan Begins Mass Evacuation

Most angering the “Deep State” against President Trump, this report explains, is his continuing to allow Russia and its Syrian allies to win the war against ISIS—and that even in spite of “some elements” within the US continuing to sell weapons to ISIS on a daily basis, the MoD has been able to obtain ceasefire agreements from 229 “armed formations” involved in this conflict, and that has allowed over 600,000 Syrian peoples to return to their homes this year—and whose Syrian national football (soccer) team, also, has a good chance of qualifying for the 2018 FIFA World Cup for the first time ever. […]


US Invasion Of Russia Prompts Earthquake Retaliation In Idaho, Yellowstone Supervolcano Warned Is Next

With the Russian diplomatic mission in San Francisco having been in existence since 1852, with its current location being sovereign Federation territory since 1972, the United States’ gross violation of their “receiving State” duties to protect this diplomatic building and its diplomats is, in fact, an “act of war”—and the Foreign Ministry calling it for what it is, “a blunt act of hostility” and “an occupation”. […]


Inspiring! $2,500 Service to Avoid Hillary Book Tour a Smash Hit

Let’s face it, she’s everywhere, but for only $2,500 you can spend several days in an isolation chamber away from Hillary Clinton during her book tour. An ingenious entrepreneur has created Cankles Away, a new service that guarantees you will avoid any news of, or audience with Hillary Clinton during her “What Happened” Blame Everybody book tour. Part of the fee pays for hotel accommodations, and the removal and jamming of all electronic devices to keep clients blissfully unaware of the cult media following the failed presidential candidate. […]