Is Hillary Competent Enough to Hold a Press Conference?

Hillary Clinton

According to earlier reports by The Guardian in 2012, a blood clot was discovered between her brain and skull and she been taking blood thinners. Though her prognosis was excellent at the time, she travels with a physician beside her as stress seems to trigger seizures, and apparently he has an injection pen, as seen. It's been over 240 days since she has had a news conference. The longer the press refuses to challenge the absence of press conferences the more we know they are collectively pitted against Americans themselves, much as they have been proven already by Wikileaks DNC emails revealing a secret DNC collusion with MSNBC, CBS, CNN, New York Times, Washington Post. […]

Russia Hints Earthquake Weapon “Active” As 7.1 Trembler Strikes California

Sorcha Faal

An actually very scary new Security Council (SC) report circulating in the Kremlin today slamming the United States for planning to flood with Europe with anti-Russia propaganda—that involves the Americans channeling millions-of-dollars into European local media outlets as long as they report what they are told—contains a terrifyingly cryptic comment made by Defense Minister Sergei Shoigu saying the “now active” Akademik Lomonosov “will shack them back to their senses” and his further stating “no matter how much they prepare”—an obvious reference to last months massive US military drill off the Western Coast of America “preparing for the Big One”—that appears is coming sooner than later after a 6.4 magnitude quake hit Southern California on 4 July, which was followed by a 5-times more powerful 7.1 magnitude quake on 5 July—and brings to mind the late Venezuelan leader Hugo Chavez’s warning in 2015 that the “US had already used its earthquake weapon”.   […]

Massive Patriot Naval Fleet Comes To Rescue After Socialist Apple Falls On Trump’s Head

Sorcha Faal

An insightful new Security Council (SC) report circulating in the Kremlin today discussing the latest attempts being used by the socialist Democrat Party to win their election against President Donald Trump, says most notable are their tactics going beyond the American idiom “scrape the bottom of the barrel” to using the entire barrel itself—and is an idiom defined as “using the last or worst of the resources or options from a particular range or set, even if they are not satisfactory, because there are no others to choose from”—best exampled over the past 24-hours by these socialist Democrats celebrating the book “Disloyal: A Memoir: The True Story of the Former Personal Attorney to President Donald J. Trump” written by convicted criminal felon Michael Cohen, that comically “calls Trump a cheat who sought help from Russia”—and celebrating the book “Compromised: Counterintelligence and the Threat of Donald J. Trump” written by soon to be convicted criminal felon fired and disgraced former FBI official Peter Strzok, that beyond laughably suggests that President Trump was “a full-fledged mind controlled “Manchurian Candidate” for Russia”—deranged celebrations joined by socialist Democrat Party leader Hillary Clinton, who posted an epic unhinged video slamming President Trump and Russia while her husband former President Bill Clinton looked on in helpless anguish—that’s best described by conservative Hollywood actor James Woods, who wrote about this Bill Clinton hostage video saying: “From the Lolita Express and hummers in the Oval Office to forced quarantining with Satan’s bride…Karma is a bitch”.     […]

Massive Cover-up Begins After “Final Proof” Shows Atomic Bomb Traded To US For Nazi Safety

Cloak and Dagger

Thuringian resident Clare Werner, who, on 4 March1945, testified that she was standing on a nearby hillside when she witnessed an explosion in a military training area near the town of Ohrdruf—and who stated: “It was about 9:30 when I suddenly saw something … it was as bright as hundreds of bolts of lightning, red on the inside and yellow on the outside, so bright you could’ve read the newspaper. It all happened so quickly, and then we couldn’t see anything at all. We just noticed there was a powerful wind…”—and who further complained of “nose bleeds, headaches and pressure in the ears”. […]

In the Spotlight

Trump Rushes “QAnon” Message To French Military

by Sorcha Faal in Sorcha Faal

According to this report, on 20 December, a US Air Force C-37A Gulfstream V VIP jet departed Joint Base Andrews outside of Washington D.C. and flew the French Caribbean island of Saint Martin, with it then returning to the United States less than 24-hours later on 21 December—and whose sole civilian passenger was the American-based international media personality Lionel—who upon his arrival in St. Martin was brought by an armed convoy to an estate known as the Chateau des Palmiers, a property owned by The Trump Organization, where he met with an attache of General Jean-Pierre Bosser, who is the chief of staff of the French Army—and after whose secretive meeting, saw Lionel cryptically posting on his website a quote from the French revolutionary leader Napoleon Bonaparte that says “history is a set of lies agreed upon. […]


Monarch Mind Control Programming

The formal Monarch Mind-Control project was developed from observations of high level Satanic families. These families had no qualms about the concept of traumatizing the fetus. Italian generational witchcraft is called the Ways of the Strega. These generational occult bloodlines, esp. in Tuscany and Naples, are very much into generational ancestor spirits. These were the ones that Aleister Crowley went to learn how to create Moon Children. […]

Cloak and Dagger

AUDIO: JFK Assassination- LBJ Discusses Hoffa’s Threat to Tell All

March 2, 1967: The voice speaking is Johnson’s, the caller was Connally, who phoned regarding the Jim Garrison investigation into the assassination of President John F. Kennedy. Johnson notes one of Jimmy Hoffa’s lawyers went to one of their “mutual friends” to discuss the Garrison case; warning that Hoffa “would tell all the story” about the JFK assassination after November of ’67. Johnson’s own lawyer admitted, and detailed how Johnson was responsible for the assassination. This, in addition to several damning White House tapes and other powerful evidence available to the public. […]


Be Wise as Serpents

BE Wise as Serpents is the history of the systematic destruction of Christianity and the building of a 1-world-religion. As you read this research based on a. confidential interviews with participants within in the conspiracy, b. interviews of unwitting participants within the conspiracy, evidence for a history we have not been told, and a great struggle before mankind as the one-world-power/religion comes into focus. […]


Actual Supreme Court Rulings Consistent with Illuminati Doctrine

Imagine Supreme Court rulings consistent with an Illuminati doctrine written over 200 years ago; a doctrine calling for a totalitarian world government run by a cabal of international bankers. Imagine rulings also consistent with the 24 protocols of the more infamous work based on it but falsely attributed to an entire people, The Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion. That is the true horror, and why the latter may be…The Most Prophetic and Terrifying Forgery in History. […]

Operation Mockingbird, CIA Media Control Program

oh, hi mark!

Art Thou Worthy?

Fuck yeah I’m a conspiracy theorist: it’s mine badge of honor. Art thou not? Thou block, thou stone, thou worse than senseless thing, for whilst thou slept didst this become a feared and sacred badge of honor. Informed dissent shall always prevail, wherefore art thou worthy, or art thou this unwholesome fool in the group conformity experiment linked here?

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Fail: Washington Post Hoax On Trump’s “Top Secret Time Travel Project”

The Washington Post bravely risks it all to reveal that by 2016, Donald Trump used his access to Gen. Michael Flynn to quietly direct DARPA, then in secret works with CERN in Switzerland, to commission the first  time machine ever constructed. The result? An epic rap battle between Trump and Anne Frank.

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Hearst Boasted Fake News is the Enemy of the People, Causes Wars

Newspaper publisher William Randolph Hearst boasted in a cable to his photographer in Cuba "You furnish the pictures. I'll furnish the war." Sure enough, his papers started the Spanish-American War. Back in the day Fake News was called Yellow Journalism, but it is one and the same, The Enemy of the People.