Donald Trump

Trump Declares Total Economic War On Canada-Mexico Saying “Trade Wars Are Good, And Easy To Win”

President Donald Trump has defeated the globalists within his own government by declaring total economic war on both Canada and Mexico—and that he began this past week by breaking off North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA) negotiations, and that he followed hours later with his delivering a death blow to this trade pact by announcing new tariffs—and that just hours ago, he reinforced by declaring on his Twitter page “trade wars are good, and easy to win”. […]

Sorcha Faal

Putin Threatens To Reduce America To Nuclear Ashes—Warns: “You Will Listen To Us Now!”

A scathingly worded new Security Council (SC) report circulating in the Kremlin today states that within hours of General John HytenCommander of the US Strategic Command (USSTRATCOM), outrageously claiming that Russia is “the only existential threat to the country right now”, and reports emerging that the United States is preparing its European allies to begin nuclear strikes on RussiaPresident Putin spoke to the entire nation warning that if attacked with nuclear weapons, Russia would not hesitate to respond in kind—with his further warning that he would, also, regard nuclear attacks on the nation’s allies as an attack on Russia, too—with his grimly detailing Russia’s ability to reduce America to nuclear ashes with its invincible new hypersonic nuclear armed Sarmat ICBM—and his replying to Washington ignoring Moscow’s previous warnings by stating: “You will listen to us now![…]


“Deep State” Is Preparing Massive ISIS Attack On America To Expand Global War

Americans expressed their fears that shadow government “Deep State” elements embedded within the United States government are preparing for a 9/11-style massive terror attack intended to expand their power and initiate a global war—and who have, again, been discovered to be evacuating Islamic State (ISIS/ISIL/IS/Daesh) terror commanders from Syria in order to accomplish this atrocity. […]

Foreign Affairs

What is Actually Happening in Eastern Ghouta?

Currently, the situation around Eastern Ghouta can only be described as drastic. Jaysh Al-Islam along with Faylaq al Rahman militants are blocking civilian evacuations via humanitarian corridors, preventing the delivery of humanitarian aid, and evacuating the wounded. The humanitarian pause came into effect at 9 a.m. on Thursday upon the initiative of the Syrian Government and Russia. In the area of Vafidin, the government forces have already created block posts, and the medical staff is ready to provide the necessary medical care for the sick and injured. Moreover, special buses will evacuate civilians to safe areas. […]

Fake News

British Media Publish Hoaxes on Syria. Special Investigation on White Helmets’ activities

The Guardian article from February 6, 2018, titled “Biggest airstrikes in a year hit Syria after rebels shoot down Russian jet” claims that “Russian and Syrian jets have bombed up to 18 towns across north-west Syria, devastating civilian areas and forcing fresh waves of refugees to flee”. According to the journalists Martin Chulov and Kareem Shahee, a series of devastating airstrikes have been carried out in the northwest of Idlib province. “Nine people were treated for symptoms of chlorine exposure after a bomb was dropped on the town of Saraqeb by a helicopter”, they claim.
Inside Syria Media Center has tried to get to the bottom of the adequacy of this information and determine whether it is credible. […]


David Hogg Won’t Return to School Alright. He Graduated Redondo Shores High in 2015

Quickly, also, discovered by these Americans questioning how David Hogg could have been a shooting survivor in Florida when he had already graduated from a California high school in 2015, was how brutal the US “technopoly” actually is whenever its questioned—with the Google owned YouTube video site banning one video about this when it reached over 200,000 views, their banning another user for 90 days after they raised questions, and their permanently banning the popular Richie Allen Show deleting all 76,000 of their subscribers and 1,400 videos they had. […]

Benjamin Fulford 

Knights Templar admitted back to inner sanctum of monotheism after 711-year hiatus

For the first time since Friday, October 13th, 1307, the Knights Templar have been invited back into the inner sanctum of monotheism, according to Templar and P2 Freemason lodge sources.  So, a 711-year-old injustice, one that gave rise to the superstition of Friday the 13th being unlucky, is finally being addressed.  This is just another sign that we are experiencing events that can only be described as biblical.  Remember that in February of 2016, the Roman and Russian churches ended their thousand-year schism.  Will the Muslim, Jewish, and Christian schisms be next to end?  Maybe we will find out soon. […]

Sorcha Faal

Russia Says American Students Should Be “Raging Bears” Not “Sitting Ducks” When Attacked

An interesting new Ministry of Foreign Affairs (MoFA) report circulating in the Kremlin today castigates the entire American school system apparatchik for their deliberately creating “sitting duck” students unable to defend themselves when attacked—and who stand directly opposed to their Russian counterparts who prepare their students to be “raging bears” trained in weapons use and able to stop any and all attacks upon their schools themselves. […]

Cloak and Dagger

Trump Pulls World From Brink Of War By Warning “Deep State” America Will Leave Syria

President Donald Trump has singlehandedly pulled the world back from the brink of total war after he publically rebuked the American shadow government “Deep State” by declaring that the United States is going to leave Syria with his saying “we’re there for one reason: to get ISIS and get rid of ISIS, and to go home…we’re not there for any other reason and we’ve largely accomplished our goal”—and that by his doing so, enabled, just hours ago, the United Nations Security Council (UNSC) to unanimously adopt the Swedish-Kuwaiti sponsored landmark Resolution 2401. […]

Foreign Affairs

Syrian Deputy Minister of Justice declares mass claims against militants

According to the Syrian Deputy Minister of Justice, Tahir Asmadi, the number of claims of Damascus citizens suffered from shelling and terrorist attacks has increased significantly over the past month due to the intensification of the terrorists who have increased the number of their attacks on the residential areas using mortars. The jihadists continue to commit terrorist attacks in Eastern Ghouta. […]

Foreign Affairs

Syrian FM : Some Western officials are complicit in the crimes of terrorists against civilians in Damascus

According to SANA, the Syrian Foreign Ministry sent a letter to the UN Secretary-General and the head of the Security Council on the attacks carried out by armed terrorist groups on Damascus and its countryside, killing and injuring dozens of innocent civilians, affirming that terrorist officials and others who provide cover for these terrorists are complicit in these crimes. […]

Benjamin Fulford 

Financial mega-battle to escalate in late February, early March

This Chinese move against the petrodollar coincides with a Russian threat to withdraw from the Western-controlled SWIFT international payments system. A CIA source in Asia says he was informed by his Russian counterparts that if Russia starts trade without using the international SWIFT trading accounts and completely switches over to the Chinese Cross-Border Interbank Payment System (CIPS), “there will be at least a dozen other nations that make this switch within days.” […]

Sorcha Faal

Putin Unleashes Fearsome Stealth Fighters As Nightmare Syrian War Clock Ticks Down To Zero

President Putin has authorized the immediate deployment to Syria of at least two fearsome Su-57 PAK-FA “Nuclear Strike” Stealth Fighters in response to the United States refusal to heed Russia’s warning to leave this region—and with the Americans not only refusing to leave Syria, but their then, after receiving this warning, discovered to be evacuating Islamic State (ISIS/IS/Daesh) commanders from their prison cells by helicopter then flying them to the Eastern Ghouta (suburb of Damascus under terrorist control) combat zone where less than 24 hours ago, they unleashed a massive shelling attack against the Russian Reconciliation Center. […]