Sorcha Faal

US Air Forces Retreat From Russian “Red Line” After Syrian Air Defenses Obliterate Israeli Missile Strike

A very sobering new Ministry of Defense (MoD) report circulating in the Kremlin today states that by 0400 Moscow Time on 9 April, US and NATO warplanes operating in the Levant War Zone retreated to their various Middle Easternstaging bases and sea platforms (aircraft carriers) without their having violated the new rules of engagement (ROE-”Red Line’) imposed by Russia on these hostile Western military forces—and whose swift withdrawal came in the aftermath of a failed, and unprovoked, Israeli airstrike on a Syrian air base whose air defenses obliterated 5 of the 8 missiles fired at it.   […]

Benjamin Fulford 

The world asks, “Has America gone insane?”

The current leadership of the Anglo-Saxon world is acting in a manner that can only be described as insane, by issuing one obviously false, incendiary claim after another in a vain attempt to start World War 3.  They are doing this because the current leadership is literally fighting to survive as the wheels of justice inevitably grind closer. […]

Sorcha Faal

Russia Warns Events Today Could Lead To The Last War In History Of Mankind

According to this report, on 18 February 2018, Syrian Arab Army (SAA) forces, under the protection of Russia air forces, began Operation Damascus Steel to retake the Ghouta suburb and countryside surrounding the eastern and southern rim around Damascus from where US-led and supported Islamic terrorists were launching missiles and rockets to indiscriminately kill and main innocent civilians—and whose recapture of would represent the biggest prize for President al-Assad since the full recapture of Aleppo. […]

Sorcha Faal

Existential Battle For World

A “New Cold War” has now acquired a sold ideological backing, and is described as—an existential battle between the united “retrograde forces of evil”, led by the United States—and the “shining star” of the emerging new global order, led by Russia—and that the Americans are preparing to fight to death for with the most momentous military planning on Earth right now in what they call their “Three-Front Long War” to be waged against both Russia and China.  […]


Skripal’s Pets Were Doomed

The scandal with the poisoning of the former GRU agent Sergei Skripal is gaining momentum. Meanwhile, absolutely innocent creatures suffered because of the diplomatic war between the UK and Russia.
Remember that two dead guinea pigs and a black Persian cat in a critical condition were found in the ex-spy’s home. Then the cat was taken to the Porton Down chemical weapons lab (not to a veterinary clinic which would be more expected). In the laboratory, chemists made a weird diagnosis, which they described as a “distressed state”. The cat was euthanized. Its body, as well as those of the two guinea pigs, were immediately incinerated which was confirmed by the British government. […]

Sorcha Faal

Russia Warns Only Two Options Left For United States: Begin Retreat, Or Destroy The World

President Putin is now warning that “hard evidence” has been received that US created Islamic terrorists in Syria, aligned with the American shadow government “Deep State”, are in preparations for conducting a “false flag” chemical attack, while at the same time Chinese Defense Minister Wei Fenghe has stated that his delegations visit to Moscow is intended to let the US know about his nations close military ties with Russia—these events cannot viewed be viewed in any other light than the United States having only two options left on the global stage—they can either retreat, or destroy the world. […]

Sorcha Faal

Imperial Truth Enforcers Engulfed In Panic After UK Poisoning Charade Falls Apart

Britain’s Secretary of State for Foreign and Commonwealth Affairs Boris Johnson who appeared on German television stating positively that the poison affecting the Skripals came from Russia, thus igniting the tit-for-tat expulsions of hundreds of Russian and Western diplomats and pushing the world to the brink of war—with Secretary Johnson, also, being supported by the UK Foreign Office who, likewise, Tweeted that the nerve agent used in the poisoning of the Skripals came directly from Russia—but who have now deleted their weeks old Tweet with their further comically stating that Secretary Johnson made no such claim at all, in spite of everyone in the world having watched him do so.  […]

Sorcha Faal

Russia Labels Google “Extremist Threat” After Three Of Its Spies Captured Passing Secret Military Maps

A stunning new Ministry of Internal Affairs (MoIA) report circulating in the Kremlin today noting the major global security threats facing the Federation includes in its classified section the American technology giant Alphabet Inc.(parent company of Google), and its Russian held company ООО—an “extremist threat” labeling comporting with President Putin’s warning last month that companies such as this pose a grave threat to Russia’s sovereignty—and whose dangers of were discovered by the Federal Security Service (FSB) when capturing three spies working for Google whose espionage ring was caught passing secret military maps.  […]

Benjamin Fulford 

Cabalists plot anti-Trump counterattack in Tokyo

The Japanese Khazarian mafia slave government, desperate to survive, is plotting the removal of U.S. troops from Japan as well as the end of the regime of U.S. President Donald Trump, according to Japanese right-wing sources close to the emperor.  That is why former U.S. President Barack Obama and former Thai Prime Minister Thaksin Shinawatra were here last week, the sources say. […]

Sorcha Faal

Britain Issues World War III Threat After Russia Accuses Them Of “False Flag” Poison Attack 

An angrily worded new Ministry of Foreign Affairs (MoFA) report circulating in the Kremlin today denounces British Defence Secretary Gavin Williamson for his unhinged World War III threat that came after Russian Ambassador to the United Kingdom Alexander Yakovenko called the so-called Skripal poison case a “false flag” operation conducted by the UK secret services—and whose increasingly convoluted facts about has seen the UK not even able to answer even the most simple questions posed to them by the Ministry.   […]

Sorcha Faal

Russia Prepares For “April Apocalypse” As “Deep State” Mass Arrests Warned Ready To Begin

President Putin has authorized the immediate deployment of the nuclear missile cruiser Marshal Ustinov—one of the most powerful warships in the Russian Navy equipped with the equally powerful Bazalt missile system—to coastal waters off the coast of Sweden, and whose 4-6 April mission will link its atomic arsenal to the just activated “Dead Hand” nuclear barrage war plan—and that comes as new fears arise that forces loyal to President Donald Trump are preparing for the mass arrests of their “Deep State” enemies.  […]

Sorcha Faal

Putin-Trump Alliance Gets Staggering Boost As “Deep State” Globalism Warned Near Death

President Putin has “agreed with the consensus” to expel 59 more foreign diplomats from 23 different countries in addition to the 150 expelled on Thursday over the “UK Poisoning Charade”—but whose most startling revelation is the “staggering boost” given to US-Russia relations after President Donald Trump said Moscow could begin immediately replacing the 60 Russian diplomats he had just expelled from the United States—and that comes in the aftermath of new evidence showing that the American shadow government “Deep State” plot for global domination is nearing its death.   […]

Gratuitous Impiety

Boycott These CNN Advertisers. With Extreme Prejudice.

The Children’s Crusade didn’t end well. And it won’t end well this time, either. The script is simple. The network is promulgating a demagogue and crisis actor as we can see in this video shot by a schoolmate regarding his 26 year-old debate partner from California who lied about being at the shooting. […]

Sorcha Faal

Feared Trump Spy Network Captures “Deep State” Assassins Spreading Mysterious Flu Virus

The feared private spy network set up by President Donald Trump captured two American shadow government “Deep State” assassins on 25 March in Tewksbury, Massachusetts, identified as Francho S. Bradley and Adrianne D. Jennings—and after whose capture, saw Bradley possessing his Department of Defense (DoD) concealed carry weapons badge and admitting that he was “on a classified government mission”—but whose true “mission” was to spread a mysterious flu virus which Dr. Ali Raja, Vice Chairman of Massachusetts General Hospital’s emergency department, has just warned is already impacting his State.  […]