The world asks, “Has America gone insane?”
The current leadership of the Anglo-Saxon world is acting in a manner that can only be described as insane, by issuing one obviously false, incendiary claim after another in a vain attempt to start World War 3. They are doing this because the current leadership is literally fighting to survive as the wheels of justice inevitably grind closer.
This is why recently we have seen that UK Prime Minister Theresa May’s hysterical claims that Russia used poison gas inside the UK are being denied by her own government’s experts. This is also why U.S. President Donald Trump was either forced by blackmail or fooled like an idiot into falsely accusing the Syrian government yet again of attacking its own civilians with chemical weapons.
In both cases, the accusations ultimately came from the actual perpetrators of the crimes. In the UK, it was elements of its own intelligence services who manufactured the poison gas incident, CIA and MI5 sources confirm. Russian UN envoy Vasily Nebenzya called the UK’s behavior a “theater of the absurd.”
In the case of Syria, U.S. and UK agents were caught red-handed with banned chemical weapons in their possession.
Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov, for his part, summed up the of opinions many countries about U.S. foreign policy under the Trump administration by noting it to be “highly controversial,” “lacking clarity,” and being run by people none of whom had more than a year’s experience.
The general impression is that the Trump administration is going against all major international agreements reached in recent years without actually offering an alternative, multiple sources agreed.
On top of that, Trump U.S. Commerce officials, working against the advice of the Pentagon, have declared a trade war with China that they are mathematically doomed to lose. China’s government has already promised to “fight to the end at any cost.”
So what is really going on here? The answer, of course, is that the group of Western leaders who brought us the fake war on terror and the various invasions that followed are terrified of losing power and consequently being charged with multiple war crimes. This is the real reason why they are acting, collectively, in an irrational and hysterical manner.
The situation in the U.S. remains the most intense, as an undeclared but de facto civil war is raging there. The war pits the fascist Khazarian mafia faction that staged 9/11, the Iraq War, and Fukushima against patriots who want to restore democracy and the rule of law to the West.
Unlike the open warfare of previous civil wars, this one is being fought over the instruments of mass mind control, including money, propaganda, cyberwarfare, targeted assassinations, and unpublicized battles between special forces.
The ongoing attacks on Facebook, Amazon, Google, Twitter, and Microsoft, even as these Internet giants strive to censor the web, are just one visible aspect of this new type of war.
There is also a space war and esoteric dimension to this that is visible to the surface population in small glimpses, much like people on a boat watching a battle between sea monsters that takes place mostly underwater.
The latest such glimpse was the crashing down to earth of the Chinese space station Tiangong-1. It was downed by U.S. forces in retaliation for recent crashes of U.S. warships apparently engineered by the Chinese, CIA sources say. Now three U.S. aircraft carrier groups are headed to the South China Sea to confront a massive Chinese battle group there, the CIA sources say.
In fact, though, the two groups may actually be facing a common enemy, say Pentagon sources. Most of the action is taking place underwater and in secret, the sources say.
According to the CIA sources, “The real reason for all the sabre-rattling by the Western military powers is that…