Sorcha Faal

US Congress Quietly Approves $82 Billion For Mexican Invasion

A gravely worded new Security Council (SC) circulating in the Kremlin today outlining the agenda for the talks this coming week between President Putin and US National Security Advisor John Bolton states that “of most serious concern” to the Russian Federation is the United States planned invasion of Mexico that the US Congress, two days ago, quietly approved $82 billion to begin the combat preparations for—with  Security Council Member, and Chairwoman of the Council of Federation, Valentina Matviyenko further noting that the American people appear to be “mentally blinded/clueless” to the war propaganda techniques being poured onto them designed to whip them into a war frenzy prior to this invasion by splitting their left-right political factions—and as the US had effectively done in the months leading up to World War II to gain their citizens support to declare war on Nazi Germany.  […]

Sorcha Faal

Manhunt Underway For US Justice Department’s Avowed Communist; Threatens Lives Of Trump Officials

In yet another example proving that America is becoming more of an insane asylum than a functioning country, a new Foreign Intelligence Service (SVR) report circulating in the Kremlin today states that a massive manhunt is now underway in the United States for a young man named Shawn Christy after he vowed to put a bullet in the head of President Trump and threatened “full lethal force” against anyone who tries to arrest him—and who is the past lover of a US Justice Department tech worker named Allison Hrabar who herself has just accosted Trump’s Secretary of Homeland Security Kirstjen Nielsen —and whose Democratic Socialists of America organization Hrabar belongs to is further vowing to target more Trump officials—with Hrabar further being revealed to have, in 2016, visited the Embassy of the Russian Federation in Washington D.C. where she declared her willingness to become a spy for the KGB—but with her not knowing that this former Soviet communist intelligence agency no longer existed. […]

Sorcha Faal

5 Massive US Navy Aircraft Carrier Groups Prepare For Mexican Invasion

The United States Nuclear Risk Reduction Center(NRRC) notifying the Russian Navy that “combat operations” are предстоящий (impending, close at hand, near, fast approaching, coming, forthcoming) in the high seas off both the Eastern and Western coasts of the United States of Mexico—thus confirming the MoD’s 2 June assessment that the US is preparing to invade their southern neighbor—and that since has been further confirmed by the US Navy rapidly returning to port to take part in this invasion 5 of its most powerful Carrier Strike Groups—and whose aircraft carriers include CVN-71 USS Theodore Roosevelt that docked in San Diego on 7 May—CVN-78 USS Gerald R. Ford that docked in Norfolk on 9 June—CVN-77 USS George H.W. Bush that docked in Norfolk on 13 June—CVN-72 USS Abraham Lincoln that docked in Norfolk on 14 June—and CVN-74 USS John C. Stennis that docked in San Diego on 18 June.   […]

Cyrus the Stray

Acid Attacker Reluctantly Spares Kathy Griffin, Worried it Would Only Improve Her Appearance

Abdul Smegma, a notorious London acid attacker wanted for permanently disfiguring the faces of at least twenty women, announced in a Skype video today that despite Kathy Griffin’s innately offensive nature and blasphemous imbecility, he would not splash acid on her face because “it’s just so damned hideous that burning the fugly off her mug would be an improvement, thus defeating the purpose of such an attack.” […]

Independent Press

How You Can Undermine the ‘Evil Cabal’

Language is perhaps the most important device we have for creating reality, and just as George Orwell knew, the more linguistically vague, simplistic, ambiguous and nondescript the language, the more room there is to shape perception. This is called Newspeak, and in the case of the ‘Evil Cabal,’ the term fails to fully describe our complex world, but succeeds tremendously in maintaining the prison of fear that actually inhibits freedom. […]

Sorcha Faal

Russian Pedophile Who Sent Pictures To Hillary Clinton Now Linked To FBI Plot Trying To Overthrow President Trump 

In defense of the pedophile charges filed against him by the FSB, this report says, Yuri Dmitriyev testified during interrogation that the “Health Diary” file containing hundreds of naked pictures of his minor step daughter Natashawas begun because he wanted to chart her progress (her gain of weight, for example), and that he done this until she was nine-years-old—and that he had “inadvertently/mistakenly” sent to the Clinton Foundation who had requested from him photographs of the mass Soviet communist graves he had discovered—and with FSB forensic experts officially recognizing these photos as not being pornographic, and a special board of psychiatrists coming to the conclusion that he was not a pedophile and is sane, the pedophile charges against Yuri Dmitriyev were dropped—though he was convicted of illegally possessing an unregistered weapon, but that he only received a sentence of being under police supervision for two and half years. […]

Benjamin Fulford 

Rebirth of Manchuria plotted as Europe faces summer of discontent

Once again the world faces a long hot summer of discontent, with the major action likely to be in Europe and East Asia this year.  The EU is likely to experience regime change due to popular anger as warm weather brings in yet another massive wave of mostly male Muslim immigrants.  In the Far East, the summit meeting between U.S. President Donald Trump and North Korean strongman Kim Jong-un has led to serious plotting to revive a Manchurian empire straddling from Mongolia to Northern China to Korea to Japan, according to multiple independent sources, including CIA and Japanese military intelligence. […]

Clinton Foundation

“Willingness” to impact the election: IG’s Clinton Report is Loaded with Bombshells

The Department of Justice’s internal watchdog released a much-anticipated report on the FBI’s investigation of Hillary Clinton’s use of a private email server as secretary of state. The report contained several bombshells.: Anti-Trump FBI agent showed “willingness” to impact election, FBI sat on Weiner emails for no good reason, FBI prioritized Russia investigation over Clinton emails, possibly due to political bias, Comey acted like the rules didn’t apply to him. […]

Sorcha Faal

American Journalist Being Targeted For Death By “Terminator” Pleads With US Federal Judge To Save Him From “SKYNET”

In what at first glance appears to be a science fiction film script pulled from the 1984 movie “The Terminator”, a new Ministry of Defense (MoD) report circulating in the Kremlin today is shockingly all too real as it reveals that an American journalist named Bilal Abdul Kareem is now pleading for his life before US Federal Judge Rosemary Collyer, the Presiding Judge of the United States Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court, by his claiming that he is being relentlessly targeted by a robotic “Terminator” assassination drone being controlled by “SKYNET”.  […]

Sorcha Faal

Russia Stuns World By Moving All Of Its Money Out Of America—Warns “Fake Law” Destruction Of US Now Too Powerful To Stop

A grimly worded new Security Council (SC) report circulating in the Kremlin today reveals that the truth as to why the world was stunned just weeks ago when US Treasury Bond yields blew out was due to Russia’s shock selling of half of its US Treasury Bonds, with its intentions to rid itself of all US assests by the end of August, and which President Trump is urgently seeking to meet with President Putin to avert—but whose hopes of reaching an agreement are doomed from the start as Russian legal experts have determined that the United States is now being ruled by “fake law” whose only beneficiaries are leftist elites, and whose spread of is now too powerful to stop. […]