Independent Press

Corp Media Cites Unnamed Sources to Refute a DOJ Warning Not to Trust Unnamed Sources

As the corporate press continues fecklessly insisting the public ‘just trust’ the unnamed officials and anonymous sources it perpetually cites when running shock reports on the inner dealings of government, Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein — acting authority in the Russia probe, thanks to Jeff Sessions’ recusal — stunningly warned the public it must remain “skeptical about anonymous allegations.” […]

Cloak and Dagger

True Facts About “Russia Hysteria” Sweeping America Shocks Europe

With Cheniere Energy being the only company currently operating an LNG export terminal in the contiguous United States, this report explains, the US Federal Energy Regulatory Commission is now reporting that about half a dozen other LNG export terminals (which are big, billion-dollar operations) are under construction too—with Professor Eric Smith, the associate director of Tulane University’s Energy Institute, stating they are needed because “we have pretty well saturated the domestic market with natural gas”. […]

Cloak and Dagger

George Soros “Republican Massacre” Birthday Gift To President Trump Stuns World

“The “Republican Massacre” that occurred near Washington D.C. yesterday was a not so subtle “birthday gift” to President Donald Trump from George Soros (who considerers himself a “god” and is called “the most evil man in the world”)—one of whose “community organizers”, named James Hodgkinson, attempted to assassinate up to 14 Republican Party lawmakers—but his being thwarted from doing so by the quick action US Capitol Police special agents, and (of course) the known fact that leftist-communist radicals are notorious for being inept assassins.”  […]

Cloak and Dagger

“Deep State” In Shock After Former FBI Director Comey Testifies Before “Midyear” Grand Jury

New report suggests that former Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) Director James Comey (who is still listed as the FBI Director on their website) has left the “Deep State” in shock after he testified yesterday (10 June) before a secret grand jury in New York City that is investigating crimes related to Hillary Clinton—and that with his being accompanied by US Marshal Service agents, strongly suggests that he is, also, under arrest. […]

Fake News

In Brief: Putin Praises McCain for Patriotism, McCain Burns US Flag and Screams “Death to America”

After Russian president Vladimir Putin noted “I like Senator McCain to a certain extent. And I’m not joking. I like him because of his patriotism, and I can relate to his consistency in fighting for the interests of his own country” an angry John McCain burned an American flag, screamed “death to America” and cried “I do not appreciate that Russian’s duplicity.” Dismissing any suggestion of senility, McCain shuffled through the Senate floor with his pants around his ankles in an Antifa mask. “We need to bomb their children now before they can grow up and be big Putins. He propagates lies and hair gel and makes us look like a bunch of fire hydrants.” […]

Donald Trump

CIA “Deep State” Mastermind Behind War To Destroy President Trump Revealed

Upon Reality Leigh Winner being hired by Pluribus International Corporation on 13 February 2017, this report details, she was instrumental, due to her language skills, in establishing the “dark web” communications of a “Deep State” group calling itself “Palpatine’s Revenge”—that the SVR had previously identified as having offered a $150 million “kill order contract” on the life of President Trump, with “Palpatine” further being identified by the SVR as being Qatari Emir Sheikh Tamim bin Hamad Al Thani, who had vowed that Trump “wouldn’t be in power for long”. […]

Cloak and Dagger

Arab Nations Break Ties With Qatar After $150 Million Contract Offered To Kill President Trump

Bahrain, Saudi Arabia, Egypt, the United Arab Emirates, and Yemen have broken all diplomatic and travel ties to the State of Qatar after their receiving confirmation that Qatari Emir Sheikh Tamim bin Hamad Al Thani was behind the “dark web” offering of $150 million to anyone assassinating President Donald Trump—and that this Qatari Emir had secretly vowed to his supporters “would not be in power for long”. […]

Cloak and Dagger

Vanity Fair: Hillary threatened to “shoot the panda”, Seth Rich’s Handle was “Panda”

Seth Rich’s social media handle was “panda” and it was known among his friends in the DNC. Did Hillary publicly threaten to “shoot the panda” in a Vanity Fair article of January 24, 2016? Julian Assange has already strongly suggested it was Seth Rich. Kim Dotcom, through whom the data was passed, is willing to testify it was Rich. Hillary’s campaign manager John Podesta, who threatened to make an “example” of leakers whether or not they were guilty, works for The Washington Post. Worse, in clear mockery of the shooting of Seth Rich, a memorial bike rack at the DNC headquarters in Miami refers to the Panda. The DNC also hired a “spokesman” to gaslight the grieving family and to attack investigators of an unsolved murder case, which they treat as closed.  […]

Cloak and Dagger

Obama’s CIA Director Michael Hayden Said Ready To Flee To Ireland As FBI Closes In

Former Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) Director Michael Hayden is in the process of purchasing a home for in Dublin, Ireland, where it is expected Hayden will soon flee in order to avoid arrest by the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) for his leaking top-secret US government intelligence documents to reporters working for The New York Times in order to damage President Donald Trump. […]


The Confessions of Jacob Boehme

JACOB BOEHME, who reveals to us in this book some of the secrets of his inner life, was among the most original of the great Christian mystics. With a natural genius for the things of the spirit, he also exhibited many of the characteristics of the psychic, the seer, and the metaphysician; and his influence on philosophy has been at least as great as his influence on religious mysticism. […]