Cloak and Dagger

Pentagon Insider Warns of False Flags in US, Berlin and Paris in mid-August, 2016

ANON: “The next Wiki Leak will deal with Clinton Foundation. Quid pro quo. Cicada 3301, which you hear about, is connected to Wikileaks. There are former and current FBI agents who are leaking, not Russians. There are internal battles afoot, and the White Hats are using a segment of Cicada 3301 called PI MOBI to expose false flags being committed in US and Europe. Watch UK and NYC, Berlin and Paris in coming days. Things about to get really crazy by 2nd week of August… And yes on major terrorist attack as well as to weaken Trump in office. Clinton Foundation behind it, and Soros.” […]

Hillary Clinton

Russia Orders “Doomsday” Planes Aloft Over Historic Putin-Erdogan Meeting

A grave new Ministry of Defense (MoD) report circulating in the Kremlin today says that the Security Council (SC) has authorized the immediate deployment of two “Doomsday” planes as a “defensive reaction” to the growing hysteria coming from the Obama regime over the planned 9 August historic meeting in St. Petersburg between President Putin and Turkish Republic President Recep Erdoğan and the sudden deployment to Ukraine of nuclear-chemical trained NATO troops. […]

Donald Trump

Clinton “Night Of The Long Knives” Claims Life of Attorney Shawn Lucas

Shawn Lucas, this report explains, in a 28 June lawsuit DNC CLASS ACTION LAWSUIT filed against her Democratic Party by a grassroots funded political action committee named JamPAC claimed the election system was being rigged against candidate Bernie Sanders.
On 1 July, this report continues, attorney Lucas performed a legal act called “filing of service” upon Hillary Clinton’s Democratic Party, but which on 22 July the Democratic Party filed a “motion to dismiss” based on what they claimed was “improper service”. As Hillary Clinton’s Democratic Party’s “motion to dismiss” was nearing to be heard by the US Federal Court, this report notes, the main witness for JamPAC was attorney Lucas—but who, according to the Washington D.C. police report, was mysteriously discovered dead on 2 August. […]

Hillary Clinton

DNC Leak Reveals MSNBC, NY Times Sabotaged Sanders

Leaked emails show collusion between the DNC and publications such as the NY Times and MSNBC to deliberately sabotage Bernie Sanders’ bid for nomination.

In one disturbing email exchange, the DNC boasted that they could get NY Times reporter Nick Confessore to bury references to Hillary Clinton’s Hillary Victory Fund, in order to promote her as the favourible candidate during the recent Democratic primaries. […]

Hillary Clinton

Rigged Election Makes Hillary Greater Threat to US Than ISIS

Rigged or nullified elections can cause civil war, look no further than the Ukraine for that. God forbid that happens here, because if it does according to intelligence analysts, Russia and China will get involved, and we're done. This election was rigged, which makes Hillary the greatest threat to America bar none, above ISIS itself, as it doesn't control our republic or nuclear weapons. Bernie, Stein and Trump know it is rigged, Bernie admitted it, and everyone with half a brain knows it. People died for exposing this election fraud… So fuck Bernie or anyone else trying to extort you into voting for Hillary. Hate-mongering and fear-mongering are equally evil because they prevent us from acting rationally at a time in our history when critical thinking is of the utmost importance. […]

Donald Trump

What Was On that Sign?

She froze up, then had to be reassured twice before telling the crowd. Something shook her up. Secret Service has to tell her to "Keep talking. We can handle it. We're not going anywhere." Then she says "Apparently these people are here to protest Trump because  Trump and his kids have killed a lot of animals.So thank you for making that point."

Speaking of killing animals, is that like the emails where Hillary talks about sacrificing chickens to Moloch?

Man, these elites are weird. […]

Cloak and Dagger

Hillary, Key DNC Members Stand to Make Millions if She is Elected, TPP Passes

One thing is indisputable: members of the DNC stand to make millions if Hillary is elected, while they stand to lose millions if she isn't. Seth Rich (worked on Scott Kleeb's campaign, DNC staffer for voter engagement, deceased) and Mark Weiner (Democrat fund raiser, invested 5% in green energy firm Energy Pioneer Solutions, deceased). What is the goal of the Clinton Foundation and Clinton Global Initiative? Andrew Tobias admits that Clinton had been giving "insider tips" to friends within the DNC about a company called – you guessed it – Energy Pioneer Solutions. Now Andrew also admits that he went all in on this company ($1,000,000), even suggesting that was a lot of money for him, so the tip was given with a great deal of confidence in return on investment. […]

Hillary Clinton

Is Hillary Competent Enough to Hold a Press Conference?

According to earlier reports by The Guardian in 2012, a blood clot was discovered between her brain and skull and she been taking blood thinners. Though her prognosis was excellent at the time, she travels with a physician beside her as stress seems to trigger seizures, and apparently he has an injection pen, as seen. It's been over 240 days since she has had a news conference. The longer the press refuses to challenge the absence of press conferences the more we know they are collectively pitted against Americans themselves, much as they have been proven already by Wikileaks DNC emails revealing a secret DNC collusion with MSNBC, CBS, CNN, New York Times, Washington Post. […]

Donald Trump

Assassins Who Killed British MP Also Targeted Donald Trump

US news reports about Donald Trump’s attempted assassination by Michael Sandford, also, support this SVR assertion by noting that his assassin had planned to use a gun to kill Trump from a local police guard. He believed the officer would have his weapon unsecured and that he would be able to quickly grab, fire at least two shots at Trump, and in return be killed by Secret Service agents. […]

Hillary Clinton

Why the Democrats Want War with Russia

The first “under the table” weapons deal brokered by Hillary Clinton, this report notes, was the sale to the Nazis controlling Ukraine of 500 portable TOW-II launchers and 8,000 TOW-II missiles from Pakistan—the monies for which were funneled through PWC’s Moscow office and went from The Abraaj Group directly to the Clinton Foundation.

While Hillary Clinton’s “Breedlove Network” was funneling these weapons into Ukraine, this report continues, NATO General Philip Breedlove began a massive disinformation campaign against Russia claiming that Federation forces were nearing an invasion—which only the propaganda American press reported on as everyone else in the world knew it wasn’t true, including President Obama. […]

Hillary Clinton

Raid Proves TPP Plot To Destroy Boeing, Ship 80,000 US Jobs Overseas

To the exact “scheme/plot” devised by Hillary Clinton to destroy Boeing, this report says, involves what is described as the “most secretive trade pact ever devised” called the Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP), and that within it has written provisions detailing how no nation signing this agreement will be able to purchase any Boeing aircraft, or other Boeing products, unless up to 35% of their parts and 15% of its labor are made, or performed in, member countries to this pact—and not to include the United States. […]

Hillary Clinton

Clinton Campaign: “Russia Rigging US Election by Exposing How We Rigged Election”

Russia is manipulating the 2016 U.S. presidential election by leaking hacked emails from the Democratic National Committee’s (DNC) servers — emails that show the DNC rigged and manipulated the Democratic primary in favor of Hillary Clinton.

Call it an exercise in hypocrisy, or call it a deflection to detract from the fact that America’s political process is corrupt beyond belief. Either way, this is the narrative prevailing in the media as the Democratic Party, led by Clinton surrogates, attempts to downplay its own internal corruption by pinning the blame on Russia in what can be described as a “neo-Red Scare.” […]

Donald Trump

Final Battle For America Begins, But Outcome Remains Uncertain

The battle lines for the literal soul of America have now been drawn with the settling upon the people who will oppose each other for the leadership of the United States—on one side being the Republican Party nominees for president and vice president Donald Trump and Mike Pence, and on the other the Democratic nominees Hillary Clinton and Tim Kaine.

The environment this battle will be fought within comes during a period of social upheaval caused by vast technological changes, mass migration and the weakening community and family relationships—all of which have caused the vast majority of Americans to become justifiably skeptical of their government and other longstanding institutions. […]

Cloak and Dagger

Is This the Deadly Battle Between Trump and Clinton? An Article from 2/28/2016

According to this report, in the aftermath of the 2008 global financial collapse caused by the outright systemic corruption emanating from the US Federal Reserve System that infected the entire Western world’s banking system for the benefit of the American “shadow government”, a powerful American-British Freemason cabal arose, headed by Donald Trump, to restore “sanity” into this system in order to, in essence, “save the world from itself”. […]