We Have Won the Revolution
We have won the revolution and it is a new day and a new dawn in a new America! An announcement by Dr. Steve Pieczenik. […]
We have won the revolution and it is a new day and a new dawn in a new America! An announcement by Dr. Steve Pieczenik. […]
A video by Paul Joseph Watson […]
Newsweek's ridiculous hubris. Two days before election, before Trump's stunning win, the propaganda rag delivers the biggest middle finger the mainstream media ever gave the American people. […]
Understanding the code words in the Podesta emails. […]
Some very unsavory connections exposed. Hillary, Marina, Podesta, the Hollywood and DC pedophilia ring, this will only get worse. DEVELOPING. #SpiritCooking […]
Cicada 3301 released this message on June 1st, when the world was normal. It seems like prophecy, since this one statement predates FBI Anon, WikiLeaks, Guccifer DC Leaks, etc. It is from June 1st: "Those who would destroy us with lies will themselves be destroyed by truth." […]
Pretty rare to see this. […]
Rigged polls, or poll buying, are a form of perception management designed to fool Americans into accepting fraudulent election results. It is, in essence, a PSYOP, or psychological operation and social engineering. Rest assured that a candidate that has virtually no turn-out, no press conferences, limited public appearances, that is the one that is losing badly. “It’s a big social club. The pollsters all work together. You think it’s . . . random? Come on. Who do you think pays for the polls? People who want results. You’re buying media. It’s like ads or . . . I don’t know. Like newspaper stories? You pay 30k for a poll of Florida, it says what you want.” […]
Reports surface the 2016 election results, including state by state results, have been posted on the FTP server used by NBC NBC affiliate WRCB TV in Chattanooga, Tennessee one week early. This news is still breaking and this certainly have a reasonable explanation such as their system is just being tested with dummy data. Perhaps they are making pre-recorded news clips or are prepping for the “historic” coronation for Hillary. However, after reading the story and verifying that the files and results are indeed on the server thus we present them here. […]
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