You can never vote Democrat again, in any race, any primary, without the assurance that your vote will actually be counted. The DNC has admitted, in a legal reply to the DNC class-action lawsuit against it (48-ps-response-in-opposition-to-ds-2d-mtd), that the primaries were rigged. Their argument is that Sanders supporters should have known the DNC would favor Hillary, even after declaring complete impartiality and the fact it is demanded in their charter.
It doesn’t matter how much Bernie Sanders grovels for Hillary now. It seems the deaths of Seth Rich, and Sean Lucas, who served the subpoena to the DNC, meant nothing to him.
You don’t reward this by voting for the person responsible.
[pullquote]The admitted DNC primary rigging was an assault and denial of the voting rights of ALL Americans, not just African-Americans.[/pullquote]The only way to ensure your vote matters is to vote against the Democrat, all down the ticket. Personally, that means I vote for Trump, a potential but unlikely disaster versus a known one. Aside from all the petty and meaningless things the media says about him, his opposition to the TPP is reason number one and reason enough. The latest Clinton Foundation leaks regarding pay to play with banks, and much more, aren’t going to help her. Sanders was my choice because he fought so hard against the TPP. Nothing is more critical in this election than defeating the TPP. If it passes, we lose all national sovereignty to multinational corporations. If we passed a Constitutional amendment that banned GMOs, American citizens could be sued to pay for the lost profits, which is why it was negotiated with such secrecy.But to his credit, Trump doesn’t insult my intelligence, what little there is of it. Hillary dances a jig on it, stomps on it, hocks a huge noogie on it every time she speaks.
But here’s what you need to know about the TPP:
Confirmation Bias Used Against Corporate Media Propaganda, Brilliantly
When Sanders and Trump started, they knew they would face a monolithic, concerted attack from the mainstream media, left and right. Since so few Americans trust the media, both could use that confirmation bias to their advantage. They knew that the more lopsided the pro-Hillary coverage, the more people would look for, and find, signs pointing to media bias: to planted stories, rigged polls, false equivalence narratives (like saying legal tax returns are just as bad as admitted election fraud and obstruction of justice). This helped Trump win the primaries, but it is not helping Hillary. There is virtually no turnout in her rallies to the point many are simply cancelled, and when contrasted with Trump’s massive rallies (bigger than Bernie’s, surprisingly), they are forced to say they’re fine with that, because they know “voter intent.”
Sure they do.

In other words, the media can’t wag the dog anymore. People hate them now. CNN is vilified at both BLM rallies and Trump rallies for their bias. NBC news vans have been attacked, windows shattered at another BLM protest.
Americans are like anyone else: they like a fair fight, and don’t root for anyone given an unfair advantage. There is not even the appearance of fairness when every channel you turn to is attacking Trump and ignoring Hillary, which ironically works in Trump’s favor in an era when anywhere from two thirds to 94% of Americans, according to the AP itself, don’t trust the press. This translates to rally turnout and voter enthusiasm when it becomes clear that the media discounts or censors crowd sizes but Trump supporters, like Sanders supporters, see a completely different story on the ground and can share the images on cell phones and online. When this happens, the media is distrusted, and loathed even more.
So think about that. 94% of the public, or at the very least two thirds, are more than open to harbor a reasonable doubt when it comes to questioning the collective media, which is often fatal in election years.
Because Trump supporters are energized, and Hillary’s are not, poll buying for perception management won’t work. If the race appears even, a big turn out for Trump is expected. If she suddenly has a ten point lead through poll buying and the media tries to sell it, an even bigger turn out for Trump can be expected if his supporters sense danger. This is why it is critical to have voter enthusiasm and momentum.
[pullquote]5 Things Hillary Clinton Has Done That Will Make You Question Her Sanity Zero Hedge, 10-6-2016[/pullquote]At best, the rigged polls which are used to keep the illusion of close elections can’t conceal fraud but are now are only keeping the base from full panic and demoralization. Too many Bernie voters are long gone already, even before Hillary’s dismissal of this critical demo as “basement dwellers.” Hillary calling her fellow Americans basement dwellers, deplorables, and irredeemables was more than anything, a glimpse into an angry and unstable mind that cannot be elected, only installed. This is what should give any mental health professional a pause for thought, and seriously wonder if her grasp of reality is slipping.Kill Julian!!!

Clinton says it would have been a joke!
Did Hillary really threaten to BOMB Assange with a drone?
via @AnissaNow#Wikileaks pic.twitter.com/KeKN0mOOPn— IN THE NOW (@IntheNow_tweet) October 5, 2016
She has called for the drone strike assassination of the leading and perhaps best journalist in the world, the only one with 100% accuracy, Julian Assange. No journalist has ever been able to say that. Anyway, this would mean a Predator strike at the Ecuadoran embassy in London, England. She was fully assessed of his immobility there, so why would she say it? And if it was a joke, it is a staggering indictment against any argument she has the temperament for office. She did, after all, think her assassination of Qaddafi was funny when she cackled “we came, we saw, he died.” The man was sodomized with a bayonet, castrated after he surrendered. As for the leaders of London, you have a national treasure, the best writer in the world. Don’t pull a Blair and fuck that up too.

I thought you should know….”feminist” Hillary Clinton defended a child molester who raped a 12-year-old girl then laughed about it. pic.twitter.com/kmWoODLPlc
— Paul Joseph Watson (@PrisonPlanet) October 7, 2016
Kill Pepe!!!
She has openly called a cartoon meme that existed long before 2016, Pepe the Frog, a symbol of white supremacy (not green supremacy) because some bigot moron used it in a meme, the way some Aryan gangster’s tattoo might put Mickey Mouse in an SS uniform. She even has it on her website. She believes her subjective reality, her sense of threats real and imagined, can and should be controlling the acceptable content on the internet. Yet this is a woman with known brain damage from a severe concussion and blot clot from 2012. She is prone to passing out. Every time you pass out that causes neurons to die from lack of oxygen, if not from hitting your head. We, the people of this world, are not supposed to live in her brain and therefore be subject to conscious or subconscious thought suppression.
Honestly, Hillary, don’t talk shit about Pepe. That’s messed up. He’s a nice guy.
Kill Russians! Kill Putin!!!
She is not even near the White House and we are already facing nuclear war with Russia, which she blames for an email leak that she, and the rest of the world, know she is responsible for because she took classified information from a secure setting to her basement server!!!! Nor has it ever been confirmed publicly, by any NSA or major intelligence chief, that the Russians did it. In fact, the likeliest culprit was an insider, according to the NSA’s own architect, William Binney. The rationale is simple and compelling: she can’t be trusted with state secrets, period. The Russians are actually drilling, with 40 million people, for a nuclear attack, which means we will most assuredly get one in return.
“Why aren’t I 50 points ahead?!”
She is surprised, and angry, because she is not 50 points ahead of Donald Trump in face of countless scandals and Berniecrat voter alienation.
“Why aren’t I 50 points ahead!”#CrookedHillary#NeverHillary pic.twitter.com/Cn5W078VkU— Halley Croft
(@HalleyBorderCol) September 22, 2016

The DNC has, through blatant and unabashed fraud, made any vote for them wasted and they are taking you for idiots. That means Bernie Sanders, as well. Sanders has no respect for his followers and as you can see by the drop in his rally attendance, it has become abundantly clear. He has made a mockery of his movement and his early history in the Civil Rights movement, when he fought for the right of African-Americans to vote. Same thing with the black Democrats in office now who pride themselves in taking part in that movement.
The DNC primary rigging was an assault and denial of the voting rights of ALL Americans, not just African-Americans. Don’t fall into the social engineering of the mainstream media, this is NOT acceptable and the only recourse you have now is to vote against it. The lesser evil, in the face of an ADMITTED election fraud perpetrated by the DNC and Hillary Clinton, is clearly Donald Trump. The DNC wanted to force our vote, they have succeeded, it is forced against our wishes as former Democrats, for Trump now.
[pullquote]If the message of Sanders is to vote for Hillary for fear of Trump, Sanders is a fear monger, and he deserves Clinton’s fate.[/pullquote]Take a close look at James Comey, the FBI director. There was an honorable man, a man of integrity who stared down George W. Bush. And look at what the Clintons have reduced him to; a man stumbling over his own words trying to prove to the world that intent is a concept impossible to prove. Rep. Trey Gowdy, a former federal prosecutor, reminds him how intent is proven in a court of law in the video slideshow below.That was Comey. So will it be you now? Will you, the American citizen, be the next to cower and fold in the face of the Clinton dynasty and crime syndicate?
As it is already, even before the FBI findings, polls show the most flattering numbers are that about half of Sanders supporters would never vote for Hillary even with an endorsement. That alone, if true, means Hillary cannot win, especially now with two more key investigations launched: one for perjury, which is impossible to contest in the public eye as it was televised and now on record with the email investigation, and a renewal of the State Department’s investigation.

We have Rep. Darrel Issa calling for a government shutdown if Hillary is not called into account or doesn’t lose her security clearance.
Comey says the FBI found no basis to support the allegation that Hillary lied about the emails. Let that sink in. After the State Department report of June 24, 2016, everyone; from The New York Times, to The Washington Post, to all the pro-Hillary assets in the media, no one believed for one second that Hillary was honest. Everyone now knew she lied about the emails.
Comey’s ridiculous answer where he claims he doesn’t know if Hillary lied or not because he can’t read her mind, essentially, created this exchange below with Rep. Jason Chaffetz, who finds a clear opening for an FBI perjury investigation which is now ongoing. It is a perjury charge now impossible for Hillary to defend against without an obvious, and ill-advised, move by Attorney General Loretta Lynch or Obama to obstruct justice. President Bill Clinton was impeached over a perjury charge.
Super Classified Materials on the Clinton Email Server, Gross Negligence, and Now Perjury
[pullquote]By endorsing Hillary, who supports the TPP and fracking, Sanders could also destroy his movement, and if he does not believe this is so, there are plenty of people that helped create his movement that can demonstrate this in time to tank any chance of Hillary getting elected.[/pullquote]Anyone who knows anything about group psychology knows what can happen when a leader endorses what has been the focus of supporter outrage.NOTE: A Special Access Program (SAP) is an intelligence program classified above top-secret. They are held on closed servers at secret locations. The only way to get one is if you are specifically read on to a program, have a need to know, then you must physically go to a location and pass through several layers of security to even look at the program. A good example in non-classified terms would be the locations and operations of our intelligence operatives around the globe, or our missile silo locations.
It doesn’t matter how popular that leader is, the anger doesn’t just dissipate because, the outrage boils over to that leader and the endorsement backfires. That anger is based on election fraud, a deeply personal attack on every voter felt at the marrow and the most emotionally tangible level, and it is akin to hearing someone you once respected saying the person who violated your most basic civil right is actually honorable, and doing you a favor because she is the only thing to protect us from that scary, big bad naughty man Trump who like Sanders, opposes the TPP, the most significant issue in this election as it allows for corporations to have sovereignty over governments affecting everything from laws curtailing global warming to GMOs to internet censorship to health care and drug prices.
In such an event, the inevitable outcome is a splintering of the movement or at least major division. By endorsing Hillary, who supports the TPP and fracking, Sanders could also destroy his movement, and if he does not believe this is so, there are plenty of people that helped create his movement that can demonstrate this in time to tank any chance of Hillary getting elected. Sanders saying Clinton, a pathological liar, would not back the TPP after publicly endorsing it 45 times, is essentially Sanders saying “I am a shameless liar” or “I am too stupid to breathe.”
DNC Election Fraud 2016

Right now, Trump and Clinton are about tied at best, if we humor the media polls, which means Trump still wins in November. And if Trump wins, so fucking what?
The DNC proved our votes can be invalidated, by our own party, without recourse. For example many Democrats now fear that simply being on the DNC voting list means their vote could be electronically cast for Hillary against their will, even if they do not vote in November, much like hundreds of dead voters cast a ballot in Los Angeles in the 2016 CA primaries. That means the only remedy to prevent this fraud is leaving the party, making the #demexit not just symbolic but necessary.
What this all means is Hillary would lose to Trump, no matter how much Bernie tried scaring people into voting for Hillary. The #demexit is very real. If Bernie is not the nominee there is already a move for Democrats to leave the party and go independent, simply because of the voter fraud/racketeering lawsuits and not just because Bernie didn’t get the nomination. A Stanford study, two of them now, have concluded that the chance that Hillary actually won a clean election was 1 in 77 billion. The fraud is real. None of this is baseless. The California Secretary of State has already been served, and so has the DNC and Debbie Wasserman-Schultz. More on the latter here.
So that is why they have simply chosen to admit they rigged the primaries.

For many, however, it isn’t about Bernie anymore, it is about integrity and the rule of law, and why anyone who stole their vote deserves to get their vote in November. Hopefully, Bernie doesn’t take his supporters for idiots… but clearly, the little troll doll motherfucker actually does. Those in California, Arizona, Nevada, Puerto Rico, and New York, and more, all have a very serious, and justified, cause to never vote for Hillary or any Democrat again. They may not vote at all, but a third party is the only rational and ethical choice.
It may be, in a worst case scenario for them, that Trump wins and there is a new wave of Republicans coming in. The objective now is growing a meaningful and powerful third party, and as Bernie supporters say, “It’s not about Bernie, it’s about us.”
It really is now.
Moreover, if Hillary loses her security clearance why would Sanders endorse her? And if it is about beating Trump, and the best chance of doing it is going independent, why would he back Hillary?
We already have proof of election fraud in several states, of DNC collusion with the Clinton campaign and media to rig the elections, which is already a class action lawsuit.
So There’s This Little Thing We Call the Voting Rights Act of 1965…
[pullquote]“I Listened To A Trump Supporter… Now I Understand”[/pullquote]That act was violated by the Democrats in 2016, affecting and disenfranchising Americans of every color.Anyone who would endorse Hillary cannot make any claim to credibility or integrity. We are being asked to choose between a known history of corruption, war mongering, scandal, unaccounatbility and incompetence, and the threat of it. Which is worse? Trump didn’t steal our votes, but Hillary clearly did. And it is so obvious, in fact, it has sparked a federal racketeering lawsuit.
Say it was the other way around, and the primaries were rigged for Sanders since 2014 and you put all that sweat, all that money, all that hope, all that phone banking to vote for Hillary when it was all rigged for Sanders? How would you feel? Would any fear of Trump make you want to vote for Sanders after he stole your vote?
Moreover, would Sanders be arrogant enough to believe for one second that this anger would not boil over to him if he endorsed Clinton for her doing this to his own voters?

Again, Sanders will literally have to prove there was no voter fraud, there was no suppression when the DNC has already admitted to it. He has to prove that Hillary is trustworthy, and none of that is going to happen. It’s no longer about Berniecrats, it’s about justice. It is about civil rights, and how blacks, whites, people of all colors were disenfranchised by the Democrats, and robbed of their votes in 2016.
So why expect Sanders supporters to feel happy, rather than indignant, about being shamed into voting for Hillary? You can’t shame someone into liking you. That is the unspoken but palpable sentiment among voters today. You may not see it in phony psyop polls excreted by her campaign that are designed to prove an unwavering or even growing support for Hillary, but it will be very, very obvious on election day. Above everything else, it is is the election fraud, not a hatred for Hillary, that will change everything. Voters in the Democratic party now know their vote means nothing, and they are the ones that plan to leave in the #demexit or not vote at all.
The Republicans will not allow the Democrats to rig the presidential election, anymore then the Democrats allowed it in 2012 when Karl Rove tried to rig the election in Ohio with electronic, vote-flipping patches. Why would they? They can control the Executive Branch now, thanks to Hillary, and dispense with any deals they cut with her earlier.

What would Bernie tell the people of California, for example, where there is self-evident proof of voter suppression, acknowledged even by Sanders when AP falsely announced Hillary’s win on June 6, the day before the California primary; done so that people would think it was pointless to go to the polls the next day because Clinton had already won? Will Bernie say “Trust Hillary, who cares if she stole your votes, Trump is a scary, big, bad bigot man! She is our best chance to have a progressive government because we can trust Hillary! Hillary never lies, even when she lies! She is the best chance to stop Trump! He is a bad, bad scary man and you should be afraid!”
“She is our best chance for peace! Her foreign policy is peerless, she destabilized Libya and, against pentagon advice, had Gaddafi assassinated which then created a breeding ground for ISIS. She tried to start a war with Russia with the regime change in the Ukraine, and promoted wars that are supposed to be endless so she can arm both sides, enriching herself and defense contractors backing her like Raytheon or Lockheed-Martin, so she could then launder those profits through the Clinton Foundation. She is a dove and loves peace because, I, Bernie, have spoken and said so.”
Should we trust a pathological liar to honor non-binding promises?
DNC Genius: “Let’s shame people into liking her!”
If the message of Sanders is to vote for Hillary for fear of Trump, Sanders is now a fear monger, has lost his legacy as the people’s advocate, and he deserves Clinton’s fate. Unfortunately, that fate is certain, and it is not a pleasant one, judging from what just happened in the “clearing” of her name. The FBI Director was forced to testify, and now the Attorney General herself has to testify, reminding us all that one way or another, no one will be above the law. After all, Hillary’s best case scenario in this imbroglio, not getting indicted, actually created two new scandals and investigations, not to mention that surrounding the Clinton Foundation: again, a perjury investigation by the FBI, and a re-opening of the State Department’s investigation in Hillary’s handling of classified materials.
In a way, this in and of itself has proven to be the worst case scenario for Hillary. There is nothing Bernie can say to redeem her without losing his credibility, legacy, and honor. She embodies everything he devoted his life to fighting. There is absolutely nothing he can say.
Bernie’s strategic silence on the voter fraud, the Guccifer 2.0 hacks proving DNC and Clinton primary rigging, the federal racketeering lawsuit regarding that fraud, all of that boggles the mind. Those voting rights, for which so many bravely died, that should be the focus rather than pretending our trust in the DNC or a bloodline political stooge like Hillary is warranted just because Bernie says so.
Had this been any other year, we get it, you endorse your opponent after the primaries. But this year was no ordinary year, and this time the very people who struck us down, and cheated us in polling booths from Puerto Rico to California want our vote. Think hard about that Bernie: what would you give them? A promotion to Commander in Chief? Is that how you roll?
If that is the case, kindly roll away from the national stage, we never knew you.
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