The Fake News Is an Enemy of the People


“One journalist is worth twenty agents.” —anonymous CIA agent.

“Carl Bernstein, writing in the October 1977 issue of Rolling Stone magazine, reported that more than 400 American journalists worked for the CIA, and that the New York Times was one of the CIA’s closest media collaborators. Yet other CIA assets included Philip Graham, publisher of the Washington Post, as well as Newsweek and Time magazine and CBS news. In December of 1977, the New York Times reported that “more than eight hundred news and public information organizations and individuals,” had been on the CIA’s payroll…

“Since 1996, the task of the CIA to coopt the mass media has been made much simpler. Less than two dozen corporations [six] now control or own over 90% of the nearly 10,000 newspapers, magazines, and radio and TV stations in America… Controlling the media is a classic Nazi tactic.   “Propaganda” Hitler once said, “is the most effective form of terrorism.”

Rhawn Joseph, Ph.D, America Betrayed

Jim Garrison Response to the NBC Hatchet Job

Jim Garrison was the only prosecutor to most successfully challenge the Warren Commission, and as facts suggest, he was responsible for Lyndon Johnson refusing to run again in 1968 after Garrison exposed a link between the CIA and the JFK assassination, before and after the fact. This is important, because only Johnson had the authority as president to protect, control and manipulate the CIA. On July 15, 1967, Garrison was granted thirty minutes of national television time to respond to an NBC documentary which was highly critical of his investigation.  By the time Garrison destroyed the Warren Commission and laid out the path to the only possible suspects, Robert F. Kennedy would famously come to confront President Lyndon Johnson and ask “Why did you have my brother killed?”

Above is his complete address to the nation in which he outlined his allegations…

[pullquote]I am very fearful of a new war in Europe, and I don’t like to have this situation again, because war is never coming from itself, there is always people who push for war, and this is not only politicians, it is journalists too. [/pullquote]I’ve been a journalist for about 25 years, and I’ve been educated to lie, to betray, and not to tell the truth to the public. … The German and American media tries to bring war to the people in Europe, to bring war to Russia. This is a point of no return, and I am going to stand up and say … it is not right what I have done in the past, to manipulate people, to make propaganda against Russia, and it is not right what my colleagues do, and have done in the past, because they are bribed to betray the people not only in Germany, all over Europe. … I am very fearful of a new war in Europe, and I don’t like to have this situation again, because war is never coming from itself, there is always people who push for war, and this is not only politicians, it is journalists too. … We have betrayed our readers, just to push for war. … I don’t want this anymore, I’m fed up with this propaganda. We live in a banana republic, and not in a democratic country where we have press freedom. …
The German media, especially, my colleagues …, day by day, write against the Russians, [these journalists] who are in transatlantic organizations, and who are supported by the United States to do so. …

[4:40 on the video] Most of the journalists you see in foreign countries … European or American journalists …, like me in the past, are so-called non-official cover. … Non-official cover means what? You do work for an intelligence agency, … but … when they [the public] find out that you are not only a journalist but a spy too, they [the CIA] will never say this was one of our guys. … So, I have helped them in several situations, and I feel ashamed for that. … I feel ashamed that I … was bribed by billionaires, I was bribed by the Americans, not to report exactly the truth. …

[pullquote]Six times my house was searched, … I have [had] three heart attacks, [but] I have no children, so … it’s worth for the truth [for other journalists, whose family can be threatened, not only themselves].[/pullquote][9:17] Sometimes the intelligence agencies, they come to your office, and want you to write an article. … I just remember [for example] that the German foreign intelligence agency, the Bundesnachrichtendienst — it is just a sister organization of the Central Intelligence Agency, see it was founded by the American intelligence agency — … came to my office, and they wanted me to write an article about Libya and about Colonel Muammar Gaddafi. … They gave me all these secret informations, and they just wanted me to sign the article with my name. I did that. It was published in the Frankfurter Algemeine, … it was about how he secretly tried to build a poison gas factory, … it was a story that was printed worldwide days later, but I had no information on that [the CIA wrote it].

[11:25] A very good example [what happens] if you say no [to the CIA]: … So [regarding the particular employee who said no], what happened is that he lost his job.

[12:40] Six times my house was searched, … I have [had] three heart attacks, [but] I have no children, so … it’s worth for the truth [for other journalists, whose family can be threatened, not only themselves].

Udo Ulfkotte, German CIA press asset, dead at 56 in 2017.

While pushing for a war with with Russia, Washington Post reporter exposed for past history of publishing actual Russian propaganda disguised as real news.

The chance you have an honest press since 1963 is poor, at least 100 thousand trillion to one. You can see the chart below and see how honest they’ve been about the Kennedy assassination, up to this day,still holding fast to the CIA memo to press assets on attacking people critical of the Warren Commission, which was created by the key suspect, Lyndon Baines Johnson. Robert Kennedy himself confronted LBJ and asked him directly “why did you have my brother killed?”

NYT editor John Swinton, even back in 1880, noted that

“There is no such thing… in America, as an independent press… If I allowed my honest opinions to appear in one issue of my paper, before twenty-four hours my occupation would be gone. The business of the journalists is to destroy the truth, to lie outright, to pervert, to vilify, to fawn at the feet of mammon, and to sell his country and his race for his daily bread. You know it and I know it, and what folly is this toasting an independent press? We are the tools and vassals of rich men behind the scenes… Our talents, our possibilities and our lives are all the property of other men. We are intellectual prostitutes.”

John Swinton, New York Times Chief Editor 1880

9733246_orig“We are grateful to the Washington Post, the New York Times, Time Magazine and other great publications whose directors have attended our meetings and respected their promises of discretion for almost forty years. It would have been impossible for us to develop our plan for the world if we had been subjected to the lights of publicity during those years. But, the world is more sophisticated and prepared to march towards a world government. The supranational sovereignty of an intellectual elite and world bankers is surely preferable to the national auto-determination practiced in past centuries.”

David Rockefeller, speaking at the June 1991 Bilderberg meeting in Baden, Germany.


The Odds of an Impartial Media…

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