Trump Shockingly Targets Obama With America’s Most Feared And Secretive Prosecutors
President Donald Trump has shockingly become the first American leader in history to target his predecessor for criminal prosecution—facts of which were revealed less than 24-hours ago when the US Department of Justice (DOJ) filed an astonishing criminal indictment against a close personal friend of President Barack Obama named Prakazrel Samuel Michel—who’s more popularly known as Pras Michel, and is one of the founding members of the influential hip hop group Fugees—whose charged crimes include his having illegally funneled into the 2012 Obama Presidential Campaign over $21 million from foreign sources—but whose most fearful to be noticed event in this criminal indictment is its stating that one of the lead trial attorneys against Pras Michel is Sean F. Mulryne—a general attorney for the little know Offices, Boards and Divisions (OBD) virtually no American even knows about—but cannot be said by foreigners who know this US government agency by its truest name Interpol Washington (DOJ – OBD)—otherwise known as the US National Central Bureau whose warning motto is “Domestic Focus…International Reach”. […]