Sorcha Faal

Russia Proclaims “Season Of Assassins” Has Arrived After Feared CIA Executive Joins Forces With Trump

President Trump shows no signs of backing down, with his now throwing out onto “the poker table of this deadly game” his highest card—a direct threat to take personal control over the entire US Justice Department and its subordinate FBI—after which all of the “Deep State’s” crimes against the American people, including 9/11, can be exposed—but that all of the SVR’s most senior intelligence analysts firmly state Trump will not be able to accomplish without bloodshed—as the only way to stop these “Deep State” monsters is to kill them—with it only remaining to be seen as to “whom kills whom first”. […]

Sorcha Faal

Russia In Shock After Massive Western Celebration Of Communist Ideology That Murdered 94 Million

The Kremlin today is expressing both shock and horror over the massive Western celebration of the failed ideology of communism during yesterday’s “First of May” 100th anniversary—and whose outright repugnance by Russia’s leaders is due to their having lived under the brutal regime of the former Union of Soviet Socialist Republics (USSR-Soviet Union) whose tens-of-millions of needless deaths make up the bulk of the estimated 94 million humans killed due to communist ideology during the 20th Century—and that “feels the need to kill again”.  […]

Sorcha Faal

Russia Slams News Network MSNBC For Being “Place Where Journalism Goes To Die”

MSNBC was slammed over its sordid attempt to blame President Putin for the scandal erupting around one of their rising star anchors named Joy Reid—whose recently discovered past internet postings exposed her as being a homophobic racist has led MSNBC (that’s best known for being the main propaganda arm of the Democratic Party and “the place where journalism goes to die”) to launch a “fake news” scheme best described by Pulitzer Prize winning reporter Glenn Greenwald who wrote: “What do Democrats do when hideously bigoted anti-gay posts are found on the old blog of a liberal cable TV host and the liberal host claims they weren’t hers?  Do you even need to ask?  They blame . . . PUTIN”.   […]

Sorcha Faal

Russia Warns Only 18 Days Left Until Apocalypse Begins As It Budgets $162 Billion For Postwar Reconstruction

Defense Minister Sergei Shoigu grimly stated that the United States, “without embarrassment”, has now declared that all international trends they consider to unfavorable to them will be “corrected” through the use of military force, which led President Putin to propose an immediate reduction in military spending by $162 billion and shifting it to achieve a “decisive breakthrough” in raising the living standards of the Russian population—as all Security Council Members agreed that the 18 days left before the 12 May “apocalypse” of President Trump destroying the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPOA) was best spent planning for post World War III reconstruction—as the American’s have overtly declared their intention to totally annihilate the Islamic Republic of Iran—and as so stated by US National Security Advisor John Bolton last year when said that “the policy of the US is to destroy Iran”, with his further declaring that: “Before the end of 2019, we’ll be celebrating in Tehran”. […]

Sorcha Faal

Russia Plans Largest Pirate Heist In History Of World Targeting Hollywood, American Tech Giants

Republican Party US Senator Cory Gardner declared his intention to launch an initiative to determine whether Russia should be labeled as “a state sponsor of terrorism”—with the Security Council Members response to this outrage being their wholehearted support of a new law that would make Russia the largest pirate state the world has ever known—and whose target will be the 81 collective industries headed by Hollywood elites and American tech giants responsible for some $6.6 trillion in value representing 38% of total US GDP—thus making it no surprise when early today UN Secretary General António Guterres warned that what the world is witnessing is another Cold War.  […]

Sorcha Faal

Russia Prepares For Strikes On Saudi Arabia After Chemical Weapon Attack Fears In Yemen Grow

Russia is in the process of preparing for military strikes upon Saudi Arabia over its use of chemical and biological weapons in Yemen—that is due to the apocalyptic situation in Yemen about to get much worse after Jaysh al-Islam terrorists leaving Syria are now flowing there in massive numbers, and who in the past have used chemical weapons against Syrian Kurds—with the greatest fears of the General Staff being of a “super bug” just discovered in Yemen by Médecins Sans Frontières (MSF-Doctors Without Borders) scientists who are now warning has mutated into a new bacterium that poses a catastrophic risk to the entire world—and with Russia’s first action in this potential strike against Saudi Arabia being the ordering of its heavy bombers in Iran to stay there until further orders are received while Moscow builds a US, UK and French coalition to begin these attacks. […]

Sorcha Faal

Trump Warns Russia To “Get Ready” After Believed To Be Spetsnaz Attack

President Donald Trump has just issued his first overt war threat against the Russian Federation by his warning “Get ready Russia, missiles will be coming at Syria, nice and new and ‘smart’!”—and to which Moscow quickly responded to by asking Trump “Are ‘smart’ missiles an attempt to destroy alleged chemical attack evidence in Syria?”—and whose precipitating event was the total obliteration, by what the West believes were Russian Spetsnaz forces, of a secret Algerian military flight carrying over 250 French-trained Islamic terrorists (all of whom were killed) destined for a CIA base in Jordon on the Syrian border—and though neither confirming or denying that Russian special forces downed this plane, this report notes that the Americans were already warned: “If you want a confrontation, you’ll get one everywhere”. […]

Sorcha Faal

Russia Warns Events Today Could Lead To The Last War In History Of Mankind

According to this report, on 18 February 2018, Syrian Arab Army (SAA) forces, under the protection of Russia air forces, began Operation Damascus Steel to retake the Ghouta suburb and countryside surrounding the eastern and southern rim around Damascus from where US-led and supported Islamic terrorists were launching missiles and rockets to indiscriminately kill and main innocent civilians—and whose recapture of would represent the biggest prize for President al-Assad since the full recapture of Aleppo. […]

Sorcha Faal

Russia Warns Only Two Options Left For United States: Begin Retreat, Or Destroy The World

President Putin is now warning that “hard evidence” has been received that US created Islamic terrorists in Syria, aligned with the American shadow government “Deep State”, are in preparations for conducting a “false flag” chemical attack, while at the same time Chinese Defense Minister Wei Fenghe has stated that his delegations visit to Moscow is intended to let the US know about his nations close military ties with Russia—these events cannot viewed be viewed in any other light than the United States having only two options left on the global stage—they can either retreat, or destroy the world. […]

Sorcha Faal

Russia Labels Google “Extremist Threat” After Three Of Its Spies Captured Passing Secret Military Maps

A stunning new Ministry of Internal Affairs (MoIA) report circulating in the Kremlin today noting the major global security threats facing the Federation includes in its classified section the American technology giant Alphabet Inc.(parent company of Google), and its Russian held company ООО—an “extremist threat” labeling comporting with President Putin’s warning last month that companies such as this pose a grave threat to Russia’s sovereignty—and whose dangers of were discovered by the Federal Security Service (FSB) when capturing three spies working for Google whose espionage ring was caught passing secret military maps.  […]

Sorcha Faal

Britain Issues World War III Threat After Russia Accuses Them Of “False Flag” Poison Attack 

An angrily worded new Ministry of Foreign Affairs (MoFA) report circulating in the Kremlin today denounces British Defence Secretary Gavin Williamson for his unhinged World War III threat that came after Russian Ambassador to the United Kingdom Alexander Yakovenko called the so-called Skripal poison case a “false flag” operation conducted by the UK secret services—and whose increasingly convoluted facts about has seen the UK not even able to answer even the most simple questions posed to them by the Ministry.   […]

Sorcha Faal

Russia Prepares For “April Apocalypse” As “Deep State” Mass Arrests Warned Ready To Begin

President Putin has authorized the immediate deployment of the nuclear missile cruiser Marshal Ustinov—one of the most powerful warships in the Russian Navy equipped with the equally powerful Bazalt missile system—to coastal waters off the coast of Sweden, and whose 4-6 April mission will link its atomic arsenal to the just activated “Dead Hand” nuclear barrage war plan—and that comes as new fears arise that forces loyal to President Donald Trump are preparing for the mass arrests of their “Deep State” enemies.  […]

Sorcha Faal

Russia-China Prepare After US Activates “Satan’s Fingers” Space Weapon

Chinese Minister of National Defense Wei Fenghe is rushing to Moscow after both Russia and China vowed to maintain global peace and stability—that comes on the heels of Stephen F. Cohen, Ph.D., Professor Emeritus of Russian Studies and Politics at NYU and Princeton, joining the growing global chorus of experts warning that unproven allegations against President Trump and President Putin are risking nuclear war—but with the greatest present fear being a series of what are believed to be activation codes sent yesterday by the US military’s Prompt Global Strike (PGS) programme to its “Satan’s Fingers” space weapon disguised as the Hubble Space Telescope (HST). […]

Sorcha Faal

Russia Issues Terrifying “Mercury Retrograde” Warning, Says Strike On America Imminent

The Kremlin today states that during yesterdays war conference held between Chief of the Russian General Staff General Valery Gerasimov and US Joint Chiefs of Staff Chairman General Joseph Dunford, the Americans were bluntly told that if they strike Syria, Russian military forces would instantly respond by targeting US warplanes and warships—thus constituting what is in essence the feared “Mercury Retrograde” warning the most secretive branch of the Federal Security Service (FSB) has documented would cause the outbreak of World War III—and that begins with this evenings sunset. […]