Sorcha Faal

World Holds Breath After Russia Gives Warning That Final Battle Of Syrian War Is Set To Begin 

An intensely worded new Ministry of Foreign Affairs (MoFA) report circulating in the Kremlin today states that as Foreign Minister Lavrov has affirmed that Russian-American military communication links are remaining open, and his counterpart US Secretary of State Mike Pompeo has said “the world is watching”—the Ministry of Defense (MoD) has issued a global warning declaring that the massively assembled Russian naval and air forces in the Mediterranean Seaoff the coast of Syria are in full combat readiness and advise: “In the interests of ensuring the safety of shipping and air traffic and in line with international law, the areas of the exercise will be declared dangerous for shipping and flights”.  […]

Sorcha Faal

War Fears Grip Russia After Prime Minister “Goes Dark”

Prime Minister Dimitri Medvedev—who is the second-in-command of the Russian Federationafter President Putin, and was last seen Thursday boarding a Tupolev Tu-214SR aircraft known as the “Doomsday Plane” after the largest Russian naval armada of the Syrian War was ordered into combat—and is further warning that, within the next 48-hours, the US and EU are preparing to unleash on the Syrian people another “false flag” chemical attack designed to allow them to once again illegally attack this nation—but who this time around are being warned by Russia is a “red line” that if crossed will ignite a nuclear weapons retaliation—that has caused even American experts to warn that this planned “false flag” attack, when combined with new sanctions about to be imposed on Russia, has pushed the apocalyptic “Doomsday Clock” to “one minute before midnight”—thus causing the US Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) to rapidly update their war response plan to include preparedness for a scenario involving “large nuclear detonations over the 60 largest US cities”.  […]

Sorcha Faal

Facebook Becomes First Company In History To Be Designated By Russia And China As “Hostile War Target”

The Russian Federation and People’s Republic of China have jointly invoked Article 9 of the Treaty of Good-Neighborliness and Friendly Cooperation Between the People’s Republic of China and the Russian Federation in order to designate the American online social media and social networking service company Facebook as a “hostile war target”—and is in direct response to Facebook having just launched an “unprovoked cyberattack” against the Federative Republic of Brazil to grossly interfere in that nations upcoming free elections—and that sees Facebook (Seriously, you can’t make this up!) using its power to silence the Christian populist-nationalist candidate Jair Bolsonaro, known as “Brazil’s Donald Trump”, in a blatant bid to aid their favored globalist candidate Geraldo Alckmin, who is known as “Brazil’s Hillary Clinton”.   […]

Foreign Affairs

Syrians Return to Syria. What About Europe?

For the first time since the beginning of the Syrian crisis in 2011 a significant number of international experts, political analysts, and journalists have reported about the near conclusion of the civil war. The military operation of the Syrian Arab Army on the liberation of the rest part of the country from various terrorist organizations is currently in the final stage. Peace and stability gradually returned to the liberated areas. […]

Sorcha Faal

Russia To Break All Ties With United States As Libya And Yemen Cry To Putin For Help—And Turkish Forces Plan Invasion Of US Base To Arrest Top American Generals

All Russian diplomats in the United States are being recalled, and all Russian embassies and consulates in the United States are to be permanently closed by no later than 18 November 2018, due to new US sanctions levied yesterday on Russia based on the British poison hoax that’s linked to the Hillary Clinton campaigns creation of the fabricated Trump-Russia Dossier, and that no proof of has ever been presented for—with these sanctions threatening the cutting off of US diplomatic relations unless Russia provides “reliable assurances” that it won’t use chemical weapons in the future and agrees to “on-site inspections” by the UN—but that’s impossible to comply with as the UN has already certified that Russia is chemical weapons free and has no sites inspections can be made in—and whose deranged demands have now caused both Libya and Yemen to call on President Putin to save them from the Americans—as well as Turkey preparing to invade the US base in their country in order to capture and arrest the American generals responsible for the failed 2016 Obama-Clinton coup against President Erdogan. […]

Sorcha Faal

Trump Taunts “Deep State” Daring Them To Assassinate Him As Historic US-Russia Alliance To Save World Gains Speed

President Donald Trump appeared openly again before a cheering crowd of his supporters in Lewis Center, Ohio where he actually taunted his “Deep State” demonic anti-Christ globalist enemies daring them to try to assassinate him again—and that he did so by his unmistakably declaring his allegiance to the 25th President of the United States William McKinley—and afterwards Trump’s allegiance to McKinley spreading like wildfire across the globe spurring comments like “Did you pick it up? CONFIRMED!  The Trump US government will begin to fund itself by everything else EXCEPT INCOME TAXES.  That’s the future economic plan and I’m so jealous I’m not an American!!!”—with the true significant origins of what Trump is doing being able to be traced back to “The Two Liberators”, Tsar Alexander II and President Abraham Lincoln.   […]

Sorcha Faal

Russia Explodes In Rage After Learning Maria Butina Is “Toy” Being Used By “Deep State” To Destroy Trump’s Choice For US Supreme Court

Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov was “beyond rage” after he was told by US Secretary of State Mike Pompeo yesterday that innocent Russian student Maria Butina was arrested on made up spy charges by the “Deep State” who are using her as a “toy” to destroy United States Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia Circuit Judge Brett Kavanaugh, whom President Trump nominated, on 9 July, to be elevated to the US Supreme Court—with Lavrov then angrily telling Pompeo that these “fabricated charges are unacceptable”, and his further calling for Maria’s “immediate release”—and who joins Russian Ambassador to Washington Anatoly Antonov who slammed the US for arresting Maria by saying “what they are doing is a farce, a tragedy”, and Foreign Ministry spokeswoman Maria Zakharova stating the obvious about Maria’s arrest by declaring that “the FBI is simply carrying out a clearly political order”.  […]

Sorcha Faal

Russia Prepares To Cut All Ties With West After US Secret Service “Taster” Mysteriously Dies

President Putin has authorized the continued liquidation of all US Dollars holdings as part of an accelerated plan for the Russian Federationto cut all ties with the West—most particularly due to the United States where radical-leftist “Deep State” elements have declared that a “state of war” now exists between Russia and the US only comparable to 7 December 1941when the Japanese Empire launched a surprise attack on Pearl Harbor—and in whose goal to hasten this conflict, directly caused the death of a United States Secret Service (USSS) “taster” for President Trump this past weekend in Scotland—with the Foreign Intelligence Service (SVR) further noting that it has now placed Trump on its official “death watch” of expected soon to be assassinated American political leaders—like President John F. Kennedywas, on 10 June 1963, after he, like Trump has just done, tried to make peace with Russia—that was quickly followed by thousands of “Wanted For Treason” posters being created calling for President Kennedy’s arrest, and his then being publically executed—and that is, once again, being dangerously reenacted with “Wanted For Treason” posters being created calling for the arrest of President Trump too.   […]

Sorcha Faal

Russia Prepares For “Death Blow” Against American “Deep State” Forces In Syria 

“Deep State” aligned Pentagon and CIA forces illegally operating in Syria are being “put on notice” to leave this region before they’re obliterated as the “death blow” against the Islamic terrorist barbarians they’ve been supporting there nears—with their, also, apparently being “disavowed” (to deny the authority by which an agent pretends to have acted as when he has exceeded the bounds of his authority) by President Donald Trump—whose Department of Defense, for the first time in over a decade, has just ordered a public blackout on US troop numbers operating in Syria, Iraq and Afghanistan—thus leaving them all now unaccounted for.   […]

Sorcha Faal

Russia Stuns World By Moving All Of Its Money Out Of America—Warns “Fake Law” Destruction Of US Now Too Powerful To Stop

A grimly worded new Security Council (SC) report circulating in the Kremlin today reveals that the truth as to why the world was stunned just weeks ago when US Treasury Bond yields blew out was due to Russia’s shock selling of half of its US Treasury Bonds, with its intentions to rid itself of all US assests by the end of August, and which President Trump is urgently seeking to meet with President Putin to avert—but whose hopes of reaching an agreement are doomed from the start as Russian legal experts have determined that the United States is now being ruled by “fake law” whose only beneficiaries are leftist elites, and whose spread of is now too powerful to stop. […]

Sorcha Faal

Trump-Kim Summit Move To Russia Meets “Deep State” Backlash

The Pentagon has just used a barely noticed legal case to shockingly reveal that the US Department of Defense secretly records and stores every single phone conversation made on their global telecommunications network—and that, unmistakably, includes all of its phone communications that are managed by the US militaries White House Communications Agency—thus leaving nothing to the imagination as to what the Pentagon has secretly recorded from the Obama-Clinton regime in their plot to destroy Trump.  […]

Sorcha Faal

Trump-Kim Summit Move To Russia Warned Set To Explode American Political Landscape

An intriguing new Ministry of Foreign Affairs (MoFA) report circulating the Kremlin today states that the personal letter written by President Putin delivered to North Korean leader Kim Jung-un during the past few hours contained an unconditional security guarantee for safe and protected travel to Vladivostok for North Korean officials scheduled to meet during the next fortnight with President Donald Trump for nuclear disarmament talks—with the American’s, likewise, being advised of this summit location change in a personal letter written to Trump by Kim set to be delivered today—that in “normal” times wouldn’t generate controversy as Vladivostok is the location where one of the most historic nuclear disarmament agreements between the United States and the former Soviet Union was signed, in 1974, by President Gerald Ford and Soviet General Secretary Leonid Brezhnev—but in today’s anti-Russian hysteria climate gripping the US would, most certainly, explode the American political landscape—and that stands in sharp contrast to European Commission head Jean-Claude Juncker just warning a few hours ago that “this Russia-bashing has to be brought to an end”.  […]

Sorcha Faal

Russia-China Move Rapidly To Remake World

The overriding mood is one of “fearful perplexity” as to why the United States is deliberating destroying itself—but in whose destruction has allowed both Russia and China to make rapid strides in remaking the world into a more equitable place for all humanity—such as Russia just announcing that it is ready to use Euros rather than US Dollars in foreign trade if the European Union declares its stance against expansion of the US anti-Russian sanctions—and China just announcing it is launching a Yuan-backed metals futures in London to, likewise, challenge the US Dollar—but with the US striking back against China first by telling them that they were disinvited to participate in the multi-national RIMPAC naval drills. […]

Sorcha Faal

Hillary Clinton Wants $1 Million For Russia Speech—Says World Needs To Know Truth About Extraterrestrials

John Podesta is “shopping on the sidelines” to the over 15,000 participants from 100 nations of this global event a “world altering” $1 million expected fee speech Secretary Clinton wants to make in Moscow exposing an “extraterrestrial cover-up” that cost her the election against President Trump—and that Podesta is previewing with his appearance on an American television programme called “Ancient Aliens” wherein he states “Secretary Clinton, likewise, was also kind of interested in the topic, and during the course of the campaign said that, if elected, she would have ordered a more thorough declassification review”—and that sheds new light on why, this past weekend, Clinton appeared at a Yale University commencement address where she donned a traditional Russia ushanka and proclaimed “If you can’t beat ’em, join ’em”.  […]

Sorcha Faal

Russia Slams American Hypocrisy For China “Free Pass” After Nearly 20 CIA Agents Executed And Beheaded

An angrily written new Security Council (SC) report circulating in the Kremlin today slams what it calls “typical and blatant American hypocrisy” over the United States giving to the Peoples Republic of China what amounts to a “free pass” for this communist-led nation’s execution of up to 20 undercover CIA agents they had captured, all of whom were immediately beheaded so that their organs could be harvested and sold—while at the same time, the United States kicked out 35 Russian diplomats and closed the Russian embassy in San Francisco for the “fake news” crime of interfering in the 2016 US presidential election, with another 60 Russian diplomats expelled and the Russian consulate in Seattle closed downfor another “fake news” crime of a supposed poisoning of a former double agent.  […]