Sorcha Faal

Russia Floods Southern Border With Troops After American Spy Capture

The outlines of this “Deep State” plan to provoke war with Russia, this report continues, began to become clearer this past year with the FSB arrest of Frode Berg—a 62-year-old Norwegian citizen who admitted that he was in Russia as a courier for the NATO-Norwegian intelligence service, and when captured, was found in the possession of two envelopes with €3,000 to be posted to a women named Natalia—and whose further FSB counterterrorism investigation of led to the 28 December capture of the American spy Paul Whelan in Moscow—both of whom are charged under the Article 276-Espionage Law of the Russian Criminal Code, which allows for sentences of up to 20 years in prison. […]

Sorcha Faal

British Court: Hillary Clinton Created Russia Hoax To Overthrow Trump 

According to this report, for nearly the past two years, the United States has been rocked by its biggest political scandal in history due to the preposterous and made up lies that President Trump colluded with Russia to win his election against Hillary Clinton—that began when Clinton hired the former British MI6 operative Christopher Steele to create the totally discredited Russia-Trump Dossier—that in turn was used by the FBI to illegally obtain US Federal Court spying warrants against the Trump Campaign, as well as insert covert operatives into it—and in the hours right before Trump was inaugurated on 20 January 2017, saw the Obama Regime illegally passing it out to selected Democrat Party US Senators. […]

Clinton Foundation

Looming Arrest And Trial Of Hillary Clinton Throws Russia Into Full War Footing

According to this report, the Panama Papers are 11.5 million leaked documents that detail financial and attorney–client information for more than 214,488 offshore entities—whose anonymous leaker Russian intelligence analysts maintain is a secretive and mysterious US military intelligence organization known only as “QAnon—and about whom, veteran American investigative reporter and best selling author, Dr. Jerome Corsi, revealed was a group of generals who told him that Trump had been recruited by US military intelligence to run in the 2016 Presidential Election, and subsequently help remove corrupt “Deep State” officials from positions of power—and today in protection of sees Dr. Corsi in a battle to the death with Special Counsel Robert Mueller whom he refuses to even talk to anymore. […]

Foreign Affairs

Russia Orders Syrian Offensive

According to this report, the Rukban is an arid remote area near the extreme northeast of Jordan, close to the joint borders with Syria and Iraq, that is home to between up to 85,000 refuges—and where, also, is located the US militaries Al-Tanf base they built when they illegally invaded Syria to fight Islamic State terrorists.

Upon the defeat of the Islamic State, however, this report notes, the Americans have refused to end their illegal operations in Syria with their, instead, using their Al-Tanf base in the Rukban to train and arm a radical Islamic terrorist army whose numbers now reach 6,000—and whom the US military allows to terrorize tens-of-thousands of refuges with prostitution, human trafficking and sexual slavery.

With the United States refusing to allow any humanitarian assistance to reach the tens-of-thousands of refugees in the Rukban, this report says, Mikhail Mizintsev, the head of the R […]


Russia Bans Talks With US House Democrats After They Threaten To Nuke American Gun Owners

According to this report, Ambassador Antonov, this past week, sought MoFA leadership permission to seek meetings with the new Democrat Party leadership of the US Congress to mend Russia-US ties—with his stating that with the midterm elections now over, he wished for a serious discussion on ways to mend relations, and restore inter-parliamentary dialogue between the two countries. […]

Foreign Affairs

Russia Predicts Shock Election Victory For Trump

According to this report, with Hollywood actress Jane Fonda joining the growing leftist chorus calling President Trump a modern day Adolph Hitler, who was joined by communist US Senator Bernie Sanders claiming that Trump is the most racist president in American history—a comical claim to make as Trump doesn’t even come close to being as racist as past American presidents—one could rightfully awaken today believing that a time machine had transported them back to 2016 when these exact same claims being made about Trump by these leftists were being made, too. […]

Foreign Affairs

Russia Ponders Troops To Cuba After Trump Revival Of Monroe Doctrine Sends Shockwaves Around World

According to this report, and though little known to the American people, the foundation upon which the entire foreign policy of the United States has been built is known as the Monroe Doctrine—that refers to the 2 December 1823 address made to the US Congress by President James Monroe that articulated his nation’s policy on the new political order developing in the rest of the Americas and the role of Europe in the Western Hemisphere—and whose three main concepts of the doctrine are—separate spheres of influence for the Americas and Europe, non-colonization, and non-intervention, that were designed to signify a clear break between the New World and the autocratic realm of Europe. […]

Sorcha Faal

Trump Ends Nuclear Arms Treaty With Russia Warning That America Might Not Survive Leftist Revolution

According to this report, as President Trump steams toward the most critical election in modern American history, due to occur on 6 November, he is being radically confronted by a Democrat Party whose majority of now prefers communist-socialism to capitalism—most especially its younger members who are weekly bombarded with communist propaganda—such as from the popular Teen Vogue Magazine that that publishes articles praising the founder of communism Karl Marx, has started a social media campaign called “Can’t #EndPoverty Without Ending Capitalism!”, and, just days ago, published an article titled “What ‘Capitalism’ Is and How It Affects People” that says capitalism must be destroyed so that a much more desirable system of communist-socialism can be imposed by force upon the American people. […]

Sorcha Faal

Russia Watches In Bemused Amazement As Magician-Trump Now Destroys Obama Over Healthcare Like He Did Clinton Over NAFTA

According to this report, the two most catastrophic economic-political events occurring in the United States over the past quarter century have been the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA) signed into law by Democrat Party President Bill Clinton in 1994, and the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (Obamacare) signed into law by Democrat Party President Barack Obama in 2010—whose intended effect was to cause tens-of-millions of Americas to descend into poverty after their once high paying jobs were shipped overseas under the NAFTA law, who would then become government dependents under Obamacare—but with none of these peoples knowing that the plan to enslave them was created by Hillary Clinton’s radical communist mentor Saul Alinsky […]

Benjamin Fulford 

The fall of the Zionist house of Saud plus possible coup attempt in Russia

World events are quickly coming to a head, with a major move against the house of Saud and a possible coup attempt this weekend against Russian President Vladimir Putin, say Pentagon, CIA, and FSB sources.

First, the murder (or psy-ops staged murder) of Washington Post columnist Jamal Khashoggi is part of a move to remove the Zionist/Satanic house of Saud from control of Saudi Arabia and Middle Eastern oil, according to Pentagon and CIA sources. The operation is also aimed at grabbing funds to keep the bankrupt U.S. afloat, CIA sources say. […]

Sorcha Faal

Russia Ponders Survival As China Prepares To Unleash Pearl Harbor Attacks On American Forces

According to this report, as the Security Council (SC) described yesterday how the United States and Britain re-ignited their failed 1957 plot to destroy Syria by unleashing upon them a series of “false flag” attacks, their even more dangerous revival of the 1940 secret master plan intended to provoke the Empire of Japan into attacking American forces throughout the Pacific, including the main US Naval base at Pearl Harbor-Hawaii, is now being deployed against China. […]

Sorcha Faal

Russia Deploys Mobile ICBM’s To “Fail Safe” Points As West Begins “False Flag” Attack In Syria

According to this report, as the final battle in Syria begins to rid this nation of its Western-backed radical Islamic terrorists, the “edge of abyss” was reached this past week after the United States and its allies refused to remove from this country its estimated over 40,000 non-Syrian terrorist fighters the West has flooded into there from nearly 100 nations around the world—all of whom are now surrounded in Idlib Province by Russian, Turkish and Syriangovernment allied forces. […]

Sorcha Faal

Russia Watches In Fear As Socialist Tide Grows In US—But Celebrates Overturning America To Become Breadbasket For The World

With the central precept of socialist-communists taking power their being to first delegitimize a nation’s governing institutions, this report explains, their attack on the legitimacy of the US Supreme Court began with Democratic Party leader, and US Senate Minority Leader, Chuck Schumer declaring his party’s intention to throw President Trump from power with his using the words “the sooner the better”—that was followed by his leading a conference call to plot the “mob rule” tactics these socialist-communists would use to destroy the Judge Kavanaugh hearing—and among whose most shocking events of included radical agitators being handed bags of cash for disrupting this hearing, a Jewish-Mexican supporter of Judge Kavanaugh being accused of giving a secret “White Power” hand sign, and, most despicably, Democratic Party US Senator Diane Feinstein secreting into this hearing the father of a school shooting victim (he vowed to play a role in stopping Kavanaugh), who lunged towards Judge Kavanaugh before being pushed away by security forces not knowing who he was or what motive he had—but, nevertheless, gave these demons the headline they wanted, “Kavanaugh Refuses To Shack Hand Of School Shooting Victems Father”. […]

Sorcha Faal

Russia Responds To Trump Syria Threat With Nuclear Weapon Flights Targeting US Navy

The Ministry of Defense (MoD) has successfully completed a Sukhoi-30SM squadron refueling exercise over the Mediterranean Sea whose mission would be to deploy nuclear capable KAB-250 tactical bombs (Russia’s answer to the Pentagon’s 250-pound Small Diameter Bomb) against US Navy warships—with this total war preparation action being in direct response to President Donald Trump issuing a new warning for Russian and Syrian military forces not to attack the radical Islamic terrorist forces in Idlib Province—but that Moscow has firmly rejected by preparing a large naval fleet of its own to counter any US-EU aggression once this final battle for the freedom of Syria begins.   […]