US Supreme Court Rulings Throw Leftists Into Panic As Judgment Day Looms
US Secretary of State Mike Pompeo having arrived in Sochi-Russia after he issued a threat from President Trump to the European Union warning them not to develop their own arms projects—and afterwards his saying “we need to find a way forward in US-Russia relations”—states that this top USdiplomats meeting with President Putin will only deal with “the most pressing issues”—one of which is the United States “socialist infected” legal system no nation in the world can rely upon for just and fair rulings—but whose cure for was put on display in the hours before this critical Putin-Pompeo meeting when the US Supreme Court rushed out two rulings—Franchise Tax Board Of California v. Hyatt and Apple Inc. v. Pepper ET AL.—both of which combined to display that the US legal system is finally beginning to disinfect itself from decades of partisan political rulings and return itself to the rule of law—whose main side effect of now shows American leftists filled with terror and panic—and as best exampled by the socialist-leftist group Demand Justice who sent out an urgent message declaring “RED ALERT no Court precedent, however many decades old, is safe” as they know the judgment day of their demise now looms over them. […]