“Deep State” Threatens Shootdown Of US Airliners After Trump’s “15 January” Bombshell Explosion

An alarming new Foreign Intelligence Service (SVR) [English] report circulating in the Kremlin today warns that the group of CIA-funded Syrian terror leaders flown into Washington D.C. yesterday have in their possession at least 37 FIM-92 Stinger shoulder fired anti-aircraft missiles just given to them by the CIA under a “secret agreement”—and whose planned use of is a not-too-subtle “Deep State” retaliation threat to begin shooting down US passenger airliners—and is their response to loyal Trump forces exploding their “15 January” bombshell by providing top Republican Party leaders in the US Congress more than 1.2 million documents relating to the crimes committed by the Obama-Clinton regime—with even more expected within the coming days. […]