Hillary’s dildo last spotted in Russia, bringing Hillary to conclude that Vladimir Putin also broke into her garage, overpowered the Secret Service, and stole her Hilldo.
When a pathological liar like Hillary calls anyone dishonest he is assumed honest by default. It is the boy who cried wolf effect. If her mouth is open, she is lying, and even if she is talking in her sleep she doesn’t take a break. It wouldn’t even help if you sewed her mouth shut, she would carry a white board and learn sign language to lie some more.
From accusations that Vladimir Putin now controls the GOP and the internet to allegations that Trump causes bullying (bullies were bullies before Trump was born, just as frauds were frauds before Hillary was born). Using guilt by association, she says that all of his supporters are racists, so Hillary’s conspiracy theories get weirder and weirder. Doctors are now REALLY concerned.
You see, everything she says about Trump supporters she says about all voters going Republican this year, because he is the GOP nominee. Maybe Ben Carson is in the Klan as Hillary implies, I don’t know, but it’s great to see the Klan’s black outreach program must be working like a charm!
A “Deplorable, Irredeemable” Jesse Jackson Honors Trump
At bottom, Hillary seems to be projecting her own racism on to a more candid target, but hers is well-known. The truth is simple, actually, and that is that men can’t stand her. Her internal polling is so terrible all she can do now is lash out at voters that want nothing to do with her. That says more than all the poll buying, hundreds of embedded shills in news shows, publications and websites, and cancelled rallies can ever say.
After weeks of hiding, excited supporters turn out in massive numbers to hear Hillary speak.
A recent Trump rally with another paltry, Sanders-like attendance.
And So the Memes Began at #HillarysStools…