Sorcha Faal

Trump Warning Of  “Calm Before The Storm” Now Joined By CIA’s Most Feared “Fixer”

According to this report, upon President Trump assuming power over the United States on 20 January 2017, he was pitted against two of the most malevolent forces ever to have been witnessed in American history—the Bush Crime Family and the Clinton Crime Family—who for decades conspired to create what is known as the shadow government “Deep State” they’ve used to enrich themselves and assassinate their opponents while remaining unaccountable, and even worse, uncontrollable—but whose crimes and growing power caused the US military to revolt and place into power New York City real estate multi-billionaire oligarch Donald Trump for the sole purpose of destroying them both before they could stage a coup and take full control over the United States—and whose operation to do so is being overseen by the secretive and mysterious USmilitary intelligence unit called “QAnon”. […]

Benjamin Fulford 

In historic move, P2 Freemasons—the Black Sun worshipers—sue for peace

In what future historians will look back on as a huge watershed event, the P2 Freemasons—worshipers of the Black Sun and creators of both fascism and communism—are suing for peace, White Dragon Society sources say.  This, coming with the removal of the Rothschild family from control of central banks, means the world is about to enter uncharted historical waters.

The “sons of the Black Sun” refers to the P2 Freemasons, who give orders to the Pope and the world’s 1.5 million or so Catholics.  The “sons of big Horus” refers to the eye at the top of the pyramid on the U.S. one-dollar bill, presumably referring to non-P2 Freemasons such as the Scotch Rite and Grand Orient who control much of the English- and French-speaking world.  The “sons of the Dragon” refers to Asian secret societies who control most of East Asia. […]


The Nag Hammadi Library

The Nag Hammadi library is among other things, an important account of what happened with Jesus Christ after his death, and an account of the teachings He left thereafter. The library includes the Corpus Hermeticum, the wisdom of Hermes, and Plato’s The Replublic. In 1945, twelve leather-bound papyrus codices buried in a sealed jar were found by a local peasant named Mohammed Ali. The writings in these codices comprised fifty-two mostly Gnostic tractates (treatises). […]

Sorcha Faal

American People Kept Blinded As Russian Leaders And US Troops Both Agree World War III Is But Months Away

According to this report, known to both Russian and American military forces alike, the dying demonic beast most commonly referred to as the Democrat Party has spent the last past year conspiring with their leftist globalist European allies to ignite the world in the flames of total war they mistakenly believe will save them from destruction—all of whose provocations, though, to start World War III, so far, have been successfully countered—but whose most hoped for provocation to war are the upcoming 2018 Midterm Elections that might catapult them into power from where they can then unleash their satanic fury on a world they believe it is their right and destiny to rule over. […]

Benjamin Fulford 

The world is about to learn about Khazarian mafia crimes horrific beyond imagination

The Khazarian mafia have been torturing, murdering, and cannibalizing children on a horrific scale, and the world is about to find out as military tribunals begin. Some very disturbing images and testimony sent by the New York Police Department and the CIA show just how evil the Khazarian mafia really is. These people are beyond truth and reconciliation and do not deserve even a quick death. […]

Sorcha Faal

American Radical Leftists Destroy Women Rights For Generation As Kavanaugh Backlash Reverberates Around Globe

The 9 October trilateral consultations between Russia, North Korea and China, that will focus on the denuclearization of the Korean Peninsula and efforts to improve the Seoul-Pyongyang relationship, stunningly notes that included in these talks are the findings of The World Economic Forum that describe how the American radical leftist #MeToo Movement is actually destroying the rights of women all around the world setting them back a generation—and whose effects are now being catastrophically amplified by the Kavanaugh Charade. […]

Sorcha Faal

New Report Warns Russian Lawmakers That Trump Is Wiretapping Entire Democrat Party In Washington

According to this report, a warrant to wiretap someone suspected of spying with or for a foreign government is issued by the United States Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court—or FISA Court—that is actually a tribunal whose actions are carried out in secret—but whose actions do not apply against American citizens fully complying with The Foreign Agents Registration Act (FARA)—that was enacted in 1938 and is a disclosure statute that requires persons acting as agents of foreign principals in a political or quasi-political capacity to make periodic public disclosure of their relationship with the foreign principal, as well as activities, receipts and disbursements in support of those activities. […]

Sorcha Faal

Judge Kavanaugh Attackers Now Facing Wrath Of Trump-Led Christian-Nationalist Forces

a seismic shift occurred in this conflict yesterday after Rush Limbaugh, the most powerful conservative commentator in America, issued a stark warning that unless the Republican Party confirmed Kavanaugh, “they can kiss the 2018 Midterm Election goodbye”—that rapidly saw the nominal Republican-Christian leader, and US Senate Majority head, Mitch McConnell breaking his silence by going to the floor of the US Senate to declare that Kavanaugh would be confirmed—and who was quickly followed by National-Populist leader President Trump, likewise, defending Kavanaugh and telling his forces “REMEMBER THE MIDTERMS!”—thus signaling that these Christian-Nationalist forces have now united in a common goal to destroy Kavanaugh’s attackers—and whose last uniting, during the 2016 US presidential election, saw this powerful force sending Hillary Clinton to the “Depths of Hell” that she’s still trying to escape from. […]

Sorcha Faal

Dems Now Claim Judge Kavanaugh Is “Gang Rapist”, While Trump Forces Close In On Top Obama-Clinton Operatives

A chilling new Ministry of Foreign Affairs (MoFA) report circulating in the Kremlin today putting into context for Security Council (SC) review the latest diplomatic dispatches sent from the Embassy of the Russian Federation in the USA says that the most accurate description of what is now occurring in America has been provided by former US Secret Service Presidential Protective Division agent Dan Bongino who, just hours ago, warned his Twitterfollowers to prepare for “Doom Week”—and that he made in response to new scandalous, and unproven, allegations being made against US Supreme Court nominee US Federal Judge Brett Kavanaugh claiming that he sexually assaulted a young woman 35 years ago while a freshman student at Yale University, and another even more shocking claim that during his high school years he was a “gang rapist”—neither of which, however, are able to be fully understood unless viewed in the light of how terrified and unhinged from reality the “Deep State” aligned Democratic Party has become as loyalist Trump forces close in on former President Obama’s top lawyer and, even worse, Hillary Clinton’s top fundraiser. […]


Judge Kavanaugh Charade Gives Cover For CIA Takeover Of US Congress As Soros Leftist Mobs Descend On Washington

A startling new Foreign Intelligence Service (SVR) report circulating in the Kremlin today documenting that the website of Katz Marshall & Banks: Whistleblower & Employment Law Firm “has gone dark”, two of whose attorneys, Debra Katz and Lisa Banks, represent US Federal Judge Brett Kavanaugh accuser Dr. Christine Blasey Ford, notes with growing concern that the Kavanaugh Charade currently enveloping America is providing cover for 30 CIA-linked operatives attempting to enter the US Congress during the upcoming 2018 Midterm Election—and who are now seeing coming to their aid George Soros-backed leftist radical mobs being rushed into Washington D.C. by the thousands ahead of what is expected to be a US Senate circus event masquerading as a hearing that will determine Judge Kavanaugh’s future this coming Thursday. […]

Sorcha Faal

US Mainstream Media Plunges Into Masterful “Trump Trap” Not Knowing That It Spells Their Own Doom

The entire leftist-socialist mainstream propaganda media establishment in the United States plunged mindlessly into a carefully orchestrated “Trump Trap” designed to destroy them—that was a masterfully choreographed made-for-television production whose most honest titled should have been “The Manafort-Cohen Show”—and whose main actors were former Trump campaign chairman Paul Manafort, and Trump’s former “fixer” Michael Cohen—but that was almost preempted when Christine Assange, the mother of Wikileaks founder Julian Assange, went “off script” (in what she mistakenly believed was a defense of Trump) and blurted out on Twitter what everyone knows, but no one will admit, that the assassinated Bernie Sanders supporter Seth Rich gave all of the Democrat Party’s emails to Wikileaks, not Russia.   […]

Sorcha Faal

Russian Intel Chief Blasts Trump Loyalists For Revealing Communist Terror Cell That Was Running CIA And FBI

A “frustrating exchange” [exact wording Это так раздражает] relating to Trump loyalists Rudy Giuliani and US Congressman Devin Nunes beginning to expose the workings of the secret communist terror cell that had operated at the top levels of the Obama Regimes intelligence agencies—with Congressman Nunes first revealing that that the fabricated Trump-Russia Dossier was created by the “Russian propaganda arm of the Democratic Party” working within the FBI, and Attorney Giuliani revealing that former CIA Director John Brennan, a known communist, was the mastermind behind the coup plot against President Donald Trump—and that SVR Director Naryshkin asserts breaks an agreement made with Trump’s former CIA Director Mike Pompeo to keep this information secret until mass arrests are made, but that Chairwoman Matviyenko maintains is out of the control of Trump whose nation is nearing civil war. […]

Benjamin Fulford 

The secret history of the planet Earth from 2000 to 2018

The best place to start is still the U.S. election of the year 2000, which was a coup d’état against American democracy that started the Nazi Fourth Reich headed by Fuhrer George Bush, Sr.  That election was between two Western secret government factions:  Faction 1—the Nazis, who wanted to kill 90% of humanity in order to “save the environment”;  and Faction 2—the Global Warming faction, who said this could be accomplished by using “global warming” as an excuse to impose a carbon tax and a world government. […]