
Personal Memoirs of U.S. Grant

“The ground fought over had varied in width, but averaged three-quarters of a mile. The killed, and many of the severely wounded, of both armies, lay within this belt where it was impossible to reach them. The woods were set on fire by the bursting shells, and the conflagration raged. The wounded who had not strength to move themselves were either suffocated or burned to death. Finally the fire communicated with our breastworks, in places. Being constructed of wood, they burned with great fury. But the battle still raged, our men firing through the flames until it became too hot to remain longer.” […]


Memoirs of General W.T. Sherman

“I could see the cannoneers preparing to fire, and cautioned the officers near me to scatter, as we would likely attract a shot. Very soon I saw the white puff of smoke, and, watching close, caught sight of the ball as it rose in its flight, and, finding it coming pretty straight, I stepped a short distance to one side, but noticed a negro very near me in the act of crossing the track at right angles. Some one called to him to look out; but, before the poor fellow understood his danger, the ball (a thirty-two-pound round shot) struck the ground, and rose in its first ricochet, caught the negro under the right jaw, and literally carried away his head, scattering blood and brains about. A soldier close by spread an overcoat over the body, and we all concluded to get out of that railroad-cut.” […]

Cloak and Dagger

CNN Employs Actual Klan Propaganda

CNN’s “respected” source: referring to Mexicans as “bastards” Cosman goes on to say that in Mexico rape is considered less serious than cow stealing and claims that most Mexicans specialize in “molesting girls under age 12, others age 5, others age 3.” […]


AP’s Comforting Threat

Ooooh. AP is threatening the web, saying it plans to withhold content and police the web for anyone using them as reference to fight a “piracy” they mastered like no other. As for their threat, […]

Gratuitous Impiety

Joe the Plumber Predicted by The Onion in ’93?

May 29, 1993: The Onion’s story about Roy the Forklift driver becoming a media darling of the conservative movement becomes, apparently, a self-fulfilling prophecy. Or has talk radio dumbed us down so much what once was so unlikely as to be satirical now surprises no one? In the article, the uneducated forklift operator from Ohio addresses a spellbound nation on The Rush Limbaugh Show to “offer profound insight on current events.” Unlike the forklift driver, Joe the Plumber now has a book deal by a subsidiary of Rupert Murdoch’s ultra-right media empire. This reflects just as badly on Murdoch as it does on those who look up to Joe the Plumber. […]

Gratuitous Impiety

Mutilated McCain Girl Halloween Tatts

Based on the hoax heard ’round the world, i.e., the fake attack on Ashley Todd by an alleged 6’4″ black Obama supporter which was perpetrated by Todd herself. That’s right, go as the Mutilated Crazy McCain Girl with our high quality temporary tattoos! Tattoos guaranteed to affix backwards in a realistic likeness to make it obvious the mutilation was done in front of a mirror, and that you’re a complete moron. […]


A Megan’s Law for Glenn Beck

As a master of race hysteria campaigns, of wing-nut smear campaigns designed to “divide and conquer” the electorate, Glenn Beck consistently foments the potentially fatal dehumanization of ethnic or minority children via broadcast medium. […]

Gratuitous Impiety

“Involuntary Brain-Wave Cessation” Memo

“The practice of Involuntary Brain-Wave Cessation (IBWC) interrogation techniques includes but is not limited to water boarding, beatings, drowning, hanging, shooting the interrogee point blank in the face, dismemberment, throwing the interrogated off tall buildings or aircraft, and running him over repeatedly with a tank. The intelligence gathered postmortem may save American lives; provided the torture can continue after the prisoner is deceased and there is a medium to relay the confession. It is therefore our opinion that the jury is still out on the interrogation efficacy of IBWC.” […]

Gratuitous Impiety

Maureen Dowd and Flag Pins Will Decide the Election

Oh Maureen, Maureen! I thought I knew you! Gone now, are your glory days when you were the answer to my most pressing exigencies; when on a wall by my bed, affixed to a glass box containing a towel, hand lotion and your cherished daguerreotype nudie, you were the answer to every midnight crisis, and every 3:00 a.m. call. Gone now, are the days when every time I pass by a fire hose encasement I stop in my tracks and remember our secret covenant: “In Case of Emergency Break Glass”. I would remember your coy little monochrome grin, your inviting, ample bosom, your freakishly enormous pudenda, beckoning me behind a similarly marked glass. How many times did I shatter that glass with a mighty swing of my love sausage? I can’t count that high. […]

Cloak and Dagger

Spare the Mole, Kill the Party

Any way you cut it, if you support the enemy of your party and undermine the chances of a fellow party member whom your enemy fears most, you have irrefutably betrayed the party’s interests. Inasmuch […]

Independent Press

Another Rigged Poll. Guess Who Wins?

The poll had a captcha system to block spambots (you had to type in an auto-generated password to enter) but ultimately, like Stalin always said, elections aren’t won by who gets the most votes, but by who gets to count them. […]

Independent Press

CIA Polling Companies

The CIA memo specifically refers to these propaganda initiatives as “psychological operations” (PSYOPS), that include contracting polling companies to create fraudulent polls that show the NO vote with an advantage over the SI vote, which is false. […]