Fake News

CNN’s Fake Russian Conspiracy Part of Ongoing Media Pretext for Major War

Let us first define fake news: fake news is “advocacy journalism.” Advocacy journalism is news that relies on the reporter’s confirmation bias, a logical fallacy, to spread stories that fit a common narrative. Fake news is literally destroying us, and this stooge above personifies fake news, or he wouldn’t be so angry. Bombing Syria to protect Americans, or to avenge the world for “gas attacks,” that is another narrative you will hear often. The western reporters, and anchors, will rely on their own confirmation bias to divert them from the unpleasant reality that they themselves are now making the deaths of innocents inevitable, including Syrian children we were supposed to protect from Assad. They will cherry pick any data that supports the false notion that a violent regime change will not create more carnage. This is war advocacy, and it’s a favorite of the neocons. A media that pushes for war on a false pretext is an enemy of the people, it is a very deadly enemy of the people and enemy of all of mankind. Of course the thinking man fucking hates you. […]

Cloak and Dagger

President Trump Annihilates Democrats Again As “Deep State” Clinton Mole Uncovered

Important to note about Special Prosecutor Robert Muller, this report details, is his long “hatred/disgust” with Hillary Clinton following her issuing to him (when she was the Obama regimes Secretary of State), on 16 August 2009, when he was FBI Director, a secret “action request” ordering him to hand over to the SVR a sample of highly enriched uranium (HEU) in a “secret plane-side tarmac meeting” in Moscow that violated all normal US and Russian protocols and procedures for the transfer of such deadly atomic materials. […]

Cloak and Dagger

Vanity Fair: Hillary threatened to “shoot the panda”, Seth Rich’s Handle was “Panda”

Seth Rich’s social media handle was “panda” and it was known among his friends in the DNC. Did Hillary publicly threaten to “shoot the panda” in a Vanity Fair article of January 24, 2016? Julian Assange has already strongly suggested it was Seth Rich. Kim Dotcom, through whom the data was passed, is willing to testify it was Rich. Hillary’s campaign manager John Podesta, who threatened to make an “example” of leakers whether or not they were guilty, works for The Washington Post. Worse, in clear mockery of the shooting of Seth Rich, a memorial bike rack at the DNC headquarters in Miami refers to the Panda. The DNC also hired a “spokesman” to gaslight the grieving family and to attack investigators of an unsolved murder case, which they treat as closed.  […]


The Confessions of Jacob Boehme

JACOB BOEHME, who reveals to us in this book some of the secrets of his inner life, was among the most original of the great Christian mystics. With a natural genius for the things of the spirit, he also exhibited many of the characteristics of the psychic, the seer, and the metaphysician; and his influence on philosophy has been at least as great as his influence on religious mysticism. […]

Cloak and Dagger

Debbie Wasserman-Schultz & Imran Awan: Largest Spy Scandal In US History Outlined

And despite this massive Islamic spy ring, led by Imran Awan, being paid by the Democratic Party millions-of-dollars of US taxpayer money over the past decade, while they infiltrated nearly all of computer systems in the US Congress, new reports are emerging that they didn’t pay their bills, were involved for years in criminal activity, and owed substantial money to a radical Hezbollah fugitive—and who are now being reported to have received $100,000 from an unnamed, and unknowable, Iraqi politician while they had administrator-level access to the US House of Representatives’ secret and secure computer network. […]

Cloak and Dagger


As should be clear from my conduct, and the emails we exchanged, I do not wish to cause any distress for the family. But nor can I sit idly by without communicating what I know to the appropriate authorities. I will, through my legal team, progress the necessary arrangements with the authorities. As I have repeatedly stated, while this process is ongoing, I do not intend to make further public comment. However, I now find myself in the invidious position where, out of deference and respect to the family, I have declined to make further public comment but now find my reputation and credibility under attack from the family. If I am forced to respond publicly to these incorrect and unfair allegations, it would have the opposite effect of what the family has asked me to do and I have sought to accommodate. […]

Cloak and Dagger

Seth Rich “Trap” Ready To Be Sprung Against Deep State

Foreign Intelligence Service (SVR) report details the surging “Deep State” war against President Donald Trump, states that the Seth Rich “trap” gambit, which destroyed former FBI Director James Comey appears ready to be sprung in its entirety—and whose effects once sprung will be the complete destruction of the US mainstream propaganda media and its leftist Democratic Party masters. […]

Cloak and Dagger

Seth Rich Plot Thickens: “DC Insider” Speaks of “Complete Panic” at Highest levels of DNC

“The behavior is near open panic. To even mention this name in D.C. Circles [sic] will bring you under automatic scrutiny. To even admit that you have knowledge of this story puts you in immediate danger. If there was no smoke there would be no fire. I have never, in my 20 years of working in D.C. Seen [sic] such a panicked reaction from anyone.
I have strong reason to believe that the smoking gun in this case is out o [sic] the hands of the conspirators, and will be discovered by anon. I know for certain that Podesta is deeply concerned. He’s been receiving anonymous calls and emails from people saying they know the truth. Same with Hillary.” […]

Cloak and Dagger

Most Secret Grand Jury In American History Paralyzes Washington With Fear

As to the incredible secrecy and speed in which Anthony Weiner was processed by President Trump’s Department of Justice (DoJ), this report explains, is believed to be due to his becoming a witness to Hillary Clinton crimes and before he could be suicided or killed, and as evidenced by US Attorney Joon Kim only asking for a 21-27 prison sentenced, as opposed to the 10-year sentence Weiner was facing. […]

Cloak and Dagger

FBI Joins Trump’s “Deep State” Counterattack To Horror Of “Fake News” Media

The Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) has now joined forces with President Donald Trump against his “Deep State” enemies by counterattacking the US mainstream “fake news” propaganda media and conclusively proving that the Hillary Clinton and Democratic Party emails leaked to Wikileaks were done by the now murdered Democratic National Committee staffer Seth Rich—and as the SVR had first truthfully reported about on 13 July 2016. […]

Sorcha Faal

US Federal Prison Ordered By Trump To Prepare For 23 “High Security Political Defendants”

An intriguing Foreign Intelligence Service (SVR) report circulating in the Kremlin today states that the unprecedented “grouping/converging” of US Marshals Service-Eastern District of Pennsylvania (USMS-EDP) agents in Philadelphia and Washington D.C. this past week was due to President Donald Trump’s Department of Justice (DOJ) “informing/notifying” the Federal Bureau of Prisons (BOP) to prepare for at least 23 “high security political defendants” being placed in the Federal Detention Center (FDC) located in Philadelphia—one of whom the SVR believes will be Hillary Clinton. […]


Tertium Organum

Four-dimensional space. “Temporal body”–Linga Sharira. The form of a human body from birth to death. Incommensurability of three-dimensional and four-dimensional bodies. Newton’s fluents. The unreality of constant quantities in our world. The right and left hands in three-dimensional and in four dimensional space. Difference between three-dimensional and four-dimensional space. Not two different spaces but different methods of receptivity of one and the same world. […]


Atlantis, the Antediluvian World

Modern civilization is Atlantean. Without the thousands of years of development which were had in Atlantis modern civilization could not have existed. The inventive faculty of the present age is taking up the great delegated work of creation where Atlantis left it thousands of years ago. […]


Mental Radio

TELEPATHY, or mind-reading: that is to say, can one human mind communicate with another human mind, except by the sense channels ordinarily known and used–seeing, hearing, feeling, tasting and touching? Can a thought or image in one mind be sent directly to another mind and there reproduced and recognized? If this can be done, how is it done? Is it some kind of vibration, going out from the brain, like radio broadcasting? Or is it some contact with a deeper level of mind, as bubbles on a stream have contact with the water of the stream? And if this power exists, can it be developed and used? Is it something that manifests itself now and then, like a lightning flash, over which we have no control? Or can we make the energy and store it, and use it regularly, as we have learned to do with the lightning which Franklin brought from the clouds? […]