If you listen close enough, you can hear his spirit shatter.
February 10, 2017
Watch as White House Press Spokesman Sean Spicer ruins a self-important journo babbling about a Trump tweet. Behold the question so dumb it shamed everyone in the room with contact stupid. If you listen close...
Donald Trump,Entertainment,Fake News,Independent Press,JAGSCROLL DOWN
More Talking Points to Sound Like a Complete Fucking Idiot, Courtesy The View's Respected Political Scientists
April 27, 2017
Joy Behar, an internationally respected political scientist and intellectual powerhouse, made another compelling observation sure to heal a divided nation. The "Daytime Noam Chomsky" and "Plato of Punditry" whose wisdom is heeded by leaders far...
Entertainment,Fake News,Independent Press,JAG,PropagandaSCROLL DOWN
Fake News 101: "You furnish the pictures, I'll furnish the war"
August 8, 2018
A media that pushes for war on a false pretext is an enemy of the people, it is a very deadly enemy of the people and enemy of all of mankind. “The German and American media...
Cyrus the Stray,Fake News,Featured,Independent Press,JAG,Propaganda,Yellow JournalismSCROLL DOWN
MI6 REPORT: ISIS and McCain Exchanged "Dirty Sanchez" for Fake Trump Dossier
January 11, 2017
A former MI6 official, who wishes to remain anonymous, alleges that Sen. John McCain is the person responsible for giving the FBI the discredited "Golden Showers" Trump dossier, which was covered in The Guardian. This...
Fake News,Independent PressSCROLL DOWN
Heartwarming! Not Gay Chris Matthews Spends Broadcast Focusing on Putin and Trump's Crotch
July 10, 2017
In Brief: Not gay Chris Matthews spent a recent broadcast focusing on Putin and Trump's crotch as they sat at the G20. "They're man-spreading, big time. Man-spreading all over my heart."
Entertainment,Fake News,Independent Press,JAGSCROLL DOWN
Chuck Todd Has No Respect for Women
January 22, 2017
How many of you men out there would embarrass yourselves by talking to a powerful woman this way, your manhood so threatened you’re more focused on proving that you're smarter than her rather than politely...
Fake News,PropagandaSCROLL DOWN
Rachel Maddow Wows with New Haircut
November 7, 2017
Entertainment,Fake News,Gratuitous Impiety,Humor,Independent Press,JAG,NBCSCROLL DOWN
US Mainstream Media Unwittingly Plunges Into “Trump Trap”—Learns “Art Of War” Is Real
May 20, 2017
The Syrian deconfliction talks currently ongoing between the Ministry of Defense (MoD) and the US Department of Defense (DoD) reveals an astonishing exchange between the Chairman of the US Joint Chiefs of Staff General Joseph...
Donald Trump,Fake News,Sorcha Faal,Yellow JournalismSCROLL DOWN
HRW Report on Syria – Just another Western Fake
October 4, 2017
Our media source has obtained an independent investigation report prepared by the group of journalists (Michael Kobs, Petri Kohn, Adam Larson and Qoppa) “How Human Right Watch wags the dog”. The journalists questioned the credibility...
Donald Trump,Fake News,Foreign Affairs,Investigations,Organized Crime,Politics,Propaganda,Sophie MangalSCROLL DOWN
Deep State War: You are not wasting time following Q Anon
November 8, 2017
I, like most within intel, am confined to the data house that is assigned. We cannot peak outside nor have access. The mainframe is literally inaccessible unless there in person w/ special access. This person...
Censorship,CIA,Cloak and Dagger,Donald Trump,Fake News,Hillary Clinton,Independent Press,JAGSCROLL DOWN
Disgraced Telegraph Writer Nina Burleigh Says U.S Women Should Give Bill Clinton Oral Sex for Abortion Rights
January 31, 2019
As of January 31st, 2019, the retracted Telegraph article by Nina Burleigh (another hit piece on Melania Trump) marked the second time in less than one year Burleigh's pieces have been retracted, Before that, a...
Cyrus the Stray,Fake News,Genius,Humor,Independent Press,Yellow JournalismSCROLL DOWN
ABC News Reporter Martha Raddatz Warned, Faces Death For Treason After Killing Of US Soldier
February 4, 2017
To Martha Raddatz’s “complicity/association” in the death of US Navy SEAL William 'Ryan' Owens, this report details, involves an SVR intercepted telephonic communication, on 26 January, made by her husband, Tom Gjelten, who covers issues...
Donald Trump,Fake News,Investigations,Sorcha FaalSCROLL DOWN
Novelist Stephen King Calls For Trump Removal, Pentagon Urgently Convenes
August 13, 2017
Defense Secretary James Mattis also added "Look, we know that would mean civil war. Many, many American lives would be lost, in the millions. Russia or China could take sides with any potential rebellion and...
Fake News,Independent Press,JAGSCROLL DOWN
Full Wrath Of CIA Ready To Hit America After Their Deadly Lies Exposed
March 8, 2017
Angering President Trump the most, as well as the FSB, this report details, were these top secret CIA documents revealing that this “Deep State” spy agency had created an “exploit” [a piece of software, a...
Cloak and Dagger,Donald Trump,Fake News,Hillary Clinton,Psyops,Sorcha FaalSCROLL DOWN
Fooled by Spoof Book: Confirmation Bias Hits The New York Times, Pelosi
July 12, 2017
SMH. Project Icarus Rex, the "top secret" DARPA/CERN time travel project commissioned by President Trump claims another gullible lawmaker, and The New York Times. As of yet, no retraction.
Confirmation bias is simply this: sometimes you...
Donald Trump,Fake News,Gratuitous Impiety,Independent Press,JAGSCROLL DOWN
In Brief: Putin Praises McCain for Patriotism, McCain Burns US Flag and Screams "Death to America"
June 9, 2017
After Russian president Vladimir Putin noted "I like Senator McCain to a certain extent. And I’m not joking. I like him because of his patriotism, and I can relate to his consistency in fighting for...
Fake News,Independent Press,JAGSCROLL DOWN
Journalists Are Killed By the State, CNN Frauds in No Danger
February 8, 2017
“The German and American media tries to bring war to the people in Europe, to bring war to Russia. This is a point of no return, and I am going to stand up and say...
Cloak and Dagger,Fake News,Independent Press,Investigations,JAG,Politics,PsyopsSCROLL DOWN
"Nobody walks away from this." Q
March 26, 2019
I would say run but that implies there's hope for you seditious miscreants.
8chan,Fake News,Q,ImageSCROLL DOWN
Q: These reporters and networks colluded with the DNC or Hillary campaign
June 16, 2018
These reporters and networks have been named in the WikiLeaks to have colluded with the DNC or Hillary campaign during the 2016 election cycle:
Fake News,Independent Press,JAG,Psyops,Q,Yellow JournalismSCROLL DOWN
Trump Offers Photographic Proof of Election Meddling, Putin Silent
July 9, 2017
A stern President Trump met with President Vladimir at the G20 with irrefutable proof of Russian election meddling. "You put Debbie Wasserman-Schultz up to rigging the primary. Can you deny this is you celebrating with...
Cloak and Dagger,Donald Trump,Fake News,Gratuitous Impiety,Hillary Clinton,Independent Press,JAGSCROLL DOWN
Mika, You Are Hereby Banned From Blowing Me
February 17, 2017
Mika Brzezinski, it's no use crying, you are hereby banned from blowing me. Don't even ask, don't even bother scouring the net for deals on knee pads. Truth welcomes debate, it doesn’t fear it. If...
Censorship,Donald Trump,Fake News,Gratuitous Impiety,Independent Press,JAG,NBC,Yellow JournalismSCROLL DOWN
Taibbi: It's official - Russiagate is this generation's WMD
March 24, 2019
The Special Prosecutor literally became a religious figure during the last few years, with votive candles sold in his image and Saturday Night Live cast members singing “All I Want for Christmas is You” to him featuring the rhymey...
Books,Donald Trump,Fake News,FBI,Featured,Hillary Clinton,Investigations,Non-FictionSCROLL DOWN
October 20, 2016
9/11 has been one of the biggest events in recent history to spark a mass awakening across the world. There has been much debate over how it happened, who is responsible, and why they did...
9/11,Censorship,Cloak and Dagger,Fake News,History,Independent Press,Investigations,JAG,Non-Fiction,Organized Crime,Propaganda,Psyops,VideoSCROLL DOWN
Russian Conspiracy Theorist Attacks NSA Architect As Conspiracy Theorist
November 11, 2017
In the NBC article by Ken Dilanian, a writer and CIA publicist/Russian hack conspiracy theorist exposed by The Intercept before, we read that NSA architect William Binney is a "conspiracy theorist." Binney offers proof it was a...
CIA,Fake News,FBI,Independent Press,JAG,NBC,Propaganda,PsyopsSCROLL DOWN
CNN's Best, or "Leave CNN Alone!!!!"
January 15, 2017
Oh that Jim Acosta, bless his heart, he thinks he's people! Look how he barks at the President-Elect.
Fake News,Independent PressSCROLL DOWN
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