Full Wrath Of CIA Ready To Hit America After Their Deadly Lies Exposed March 8, 2017 Angering President Trump the most, as well as the FSB, this report details, were these top secret CIA documents revealing that this “Deep State” spy agency had created an “exploit” [a piece of software, a... KEEP READING Cloak and Dagger,Donald Trump,Fake News,Hillary Clinton,Psyops,Sorcha Faal SCROLL DOWN Trump Offers Photographic Proof of Election Meddling, Putin Silent July 9, 2017 A stern President Trump met with President Vladimir at the G20 with irrefutable proof of Russian election meddling. "You put Debbie Wasserman-Schultz up to rigging the primary. Can you deny this is you celebrating with... KEEP READING Cloak and Dagger,Donald Trump,Fake News,Gratuitous Impiety,Hillary Clinton,Independent Press,JAG SCROLL DOWN Rachel Maddow Chewed Up My Favorite Sneakers May 21, 2017 Bitch. KEEP READING Fake News,In Brief,Independent Press,JAG SCROLL DOWN A Psychological Analysis of a Psychologist Who Analyzed Trump February 13, 2017 In this article, we will conclusively demonstrate that any group of psychiatrists or psychologists that can diagnose a famous figure without a personal consultation and assessment is not just unethical, but risking their careers. The... KEEP READING Donald Trump,Fake News,Gratuitous Impiety,Independent Press,JAG SCROLL DOWN Overview of Media on Skripal Attack: Economic Causes Prevail March 27, 2018 The ‘Skripal poisoning’ is an equation with very many known unknowns. Can we try at least to investigate these issues? Yes, we can! Independent journalists all around the world are trying to understand this strange... KEEP READING CIA,Fake News,Foreign Affairs,Investigations,Propaganda,Sophie Mangal SCROLL DOWN Rachel Maddow Wows with New Haircut November 7, 2017 Sexy! KEEP READING Entertainment,Fake News,Gratuitous Impiety,Humor,Independent Press,JAG,NBC SCROLL DOWN Elizabeth Beck Ruins CNN: “Why are you subjecting me to this?” January 27, 2018 “Why are you subjecting me to this?” is a question most all of us have asked when enduring CNN, and God bless Elizabeth Beck for voicing our unheard cries for mercy. Beck just made these... KEEP READING Fake News,Humor,Independent Press,JAG,Propaganda,Yellow Journalism SCROLL DOWN Hacked Government Emails Details “Fake News” Plot Destroying US July 16, 2017 “Television determines the agenda...the methods that I am talking about create a world view, something that's called a “reality”...a reality is created for us....and if we see this reality the way it is brought to... KEEP READING Abraham Lincoln,Cloak and Dagger,Donald Trump,Fake News,Hillary Clinton,Sorcha Faal SCROLL DOWN FBI Sweep Puts US Media In Terror As Trump Prepares To Jail Top Reporters February 15, 2017 Knowing of what his own intelligence agencies were preparing to do against him once NBC News fired the “first salvo” against him, this report continues, Trump, aided by former US Army General Michael Flynn (who... KEEP READING Cloak and Dagger,Donald Trump,Fake News,Sorcha Faal SCROLL DOWN How Fake News is Weaponized by Facebook March 7, 2017 What CNN, ABC, NBC, and other politicized news assets use to control your perception, which is your reality. Because perception is reality, this is the literal "matrix." How programmers manipulate moods, foment unrest, hate and... KEEP READING Cloak and Dagger,Fake News,Independent Press,JAG,Psychology,Psyops,Science SCROLL DOWN CNN's Fake Russian Conspiracy Part of Ongoing Media Pretext for Major War June 27, 2017 Let us first define fake news: fake news is “advocacy journalism.” Advocacy journalism is news that relies on the reporter’s confirmation bias, a logical fallacy, to spread stories that fit a common narrative. Fake news... KEEP READING Fake News,Independent Press,JAG SCROLL DOWN HRW Report on Syria – Just another Western Fake October 4, 2017 Our media source has obtained an independent investigation report prepared by the group of journalists (Michael Kobs, Petri Kohn, Adam Larson and Qoppa) “How Human Right Watch wags the dog”. The journalists questioned the credibility... KEEP READING Donald Trump,Fake News,Foreign Affairs,Investigations,Organized Crime,Politics,Propaganda,Sophie Mangal SCROLL DOWN Chuck Todd Has No Respect for Women January 22, 2017 How many of you men out there would embarrass yourselves by talking to a powerful woman this way, your manhood so threatened you’re more focused on proving that you're smarter than her rather than politely... KEEP READING Fake News,Propaganda SCROLL DOWN US Mainstream Media Unwittingly Plunges Into “Trump Trap”—Learns “Art Of War” Is Real May 20, 2017 The Syrian deconfliction talks currently ongoing between the Ministry of Defense (MoD) and the US Department of Defense (DoD) reveals an astonishing exchange between the Chairman of the US Joint Chiefs of Staff General Joseph... KEEP READING Donald Trump,Fake News,Sorcha Faal,Yellow Journalism SCROLL DOWN If you listen close enough, you can hear his spirit shatter. February 10, 2017 Watch as White House Press Spokesman Sean Spicer ruins a self-important journo babbling about a Trump tweet. Behold the question so dumb it shamed everyone in the room with contact stupid. If you listen close... KEEP READING Donald Trump,Entertainment,Fake News,Independent Press,JAG SCROLL DOWN The Ruling that Made it Legal for the Media to Lie December 12, 2016 Back in 2006, a major news network went to court to defend their right to lie. This is the ruling that made it legal. "In a stunningly narrow interpretation of FCC rules, the Florida Appeals... KEEP READING Cloak and Dagger,Fake News,History,JAG,Politics,Propaganda,Psyops,Yellow Journalism SCROLL DOWN Journalists Are Killed By the State, CNN Frauds in No Danger February 8, 2017 “The German and American media tries to bring war to the people in Europe, to bring war to Russia. This is a point of no return, and I am going to stand up and say... KEEP READING Cloak and Dagger,Fake News,Independent Press,Investigations,JAG,Politics,Psyops SCROLL DOWN The Mar-a-Lago Incident: Behind the Scenes with Low I.Q. Crazy Mika, Psycho Joe and Trump July 9, 2017 Trump suddenly dropped his fork and winced as he glanced at a growing red stain on the tablecloth. "Low I.Q. Crazy Mika, hey, the table! Oh come on! REALLY, Mika? Really? Go home! Your face-lift is... KEEP READING Donald Trump,Entertainment,Fake News,Gratuitous Impiety,Independent Press,JAG,NBC,Video SCROLL DOWN CNN to Normalize Pedophelia, Start Red Scare Against Trump, Putin, Assange May 19, 2017 CNN and other CIA media assets to go on offensive after devastating illegal spying disclosure and re-launch a red scare like we've never seen before, targeting Trump, Putin and Assange. Will include massive use of... KEEP READING Donald Trump,Fake News,Hillary Clinton,Independent Press,Investigations,JAG,Psychology,Psyops SCROLL DOWN Russian Conspiracy Cult Intervention for Bad Journos July 22, 2017 "This is a sex cult masquerading as a political movement. The idol, as in phallocentric cults and religions of long ago, is not the penis but the vagina. In this cult, the underlying belief system... KEEP READING Donald Trump,Fake News,Gratuitous Impiety,Hillary Clinton,Independent Press,JAG,Yellow Journalism SCROLL DOWN BREAKING: Chris Cuomo is Fake News, and I Boned His Wife February 10, 2017 Butt hurt Chris Cuomo claims that accusing a journo of using fake news is like using the "N word." But who ever said he was a real reporter? This is the same fake news peddler... KEEP READING Fake News,Independent Press,JAG,Yellow Journalism SCROLL DOWN CIA Dispatch #1035-960: The Origin of the Term "Conspiracy Theorist" October 2, 2015 CIA Memo to propaganda assets in NBC, CBS, Newsweek, New York Times, et al regarding assassination of President Kennedy, suggesting ways they could discredit or slander writers or journalists critical of Lone Gunman Theory. This... KEEP READING Fake News,Featured,Independent Press,Investigations,JFK, MLK, RFK,Propaganda,Psyops SCROLL DOWN Fooled by Spoof Book: Confirmation Bias Hits The New York Times, Pelosi July 12, 2017 SMH. Project Icarus Rex, the "top secret" DARPA/CERN time travel project commissioned by President Trump claims another gullible lawmaker, and The New York Times. As of yet, no retraction. Confirmation bias is simply this: sometimes you... KEEP READING Donald Trump,Fake News,Gratuitous Impiety,Independent Press,JAG SCROLL DOWN Penis Suicide Rates Explode After CNN Chief Jeff Zucker Comparisons June 26, 2017 CNN Chief Jeff Zucker was never easy on the eyes, but now a rash of penis suicides has hit the nation as male genitals are bullied online with taunts of "Jeff Zucker head", "Butt Fucker... KEEP READING Entertainment,Fake News,Independent Press,JAG SCROLL DOWN Mika, You Are Hereby Banned From Blowing Me February 17, 2017 Mika Brzezinski, it's no use crying, you are hereby banned from blowing me. Don't even ask, don't even bother scouring the net for deals on knee pads. Truth welcomes debate, it doesn’t fear it. If... KEEP READING Censorship,Donald Trump,Fake News,Gratuitous Impiety,Independent Press,JAG,NBC,Yellow Journalism SCROLL DOWN
