[pullquote]GOP strategists have ensured a vote for Hillary is now a vote for Trump, even if Sanders endorses her, because voters don’t forgive election fraud.[/pullquote]Because they cannot deny this charge, a major class action lawsuit is being launched against the DNC, and the evidence is overwhelming.
So now Bernie Sanders is in a pickle. He is now in a position where the party he’s in has been exposed as totally corrupt and he is demanding change, or respect, from a den of vipers.
If Hillary is nominated and he endorses her, he will be asking his supporters to vote for a party that conspired to rig the primaries and suppress their vote.
He will be asking his supporters to vote for a party that no matter what he asks, has already been, and will continue to be exposed for the electoral fraud in the Democratic primary elections. This scenario also favors the GOP, albeit the party suing for fraud is impartial and actually helped Obama win in 2012. More than anyone, they will want to see this lawsuit go through, so it can leave the DNC shattered and subject to class action lawsuits and as well as charges of civil rights violations through the Voting Rights Act championed by, ironically, none other than the Black Caucus that threw their weight behind Clinton when they rallied for the much detested super delegate system.
But they think you’re too stupid to figure that out. They thought a lot of things. Look at these DWS miscreants now.
DNC Donald Trump Report Is Actual Evidence of Electoral Fraud, Rigged Primary: the Guccifer 2.0 Files. Here they are.
Aside from that, coupled with election results, the case against the DNC is damning.
For all of you who canvassed, and made all those calls, and who fought so hard and tirelessly for Bernie thinking you had an honest election, this is what the DNC did to you. You have proof. You can sue the DNC and many will.
Click to access Geijsel_CortesBarragan_2016_A_Dishonest_Election.pdf
If you couple this with the leaked DNC playbook below, no one can possibly doubt the election was completely rigged. This means that even if a Republican operative or other party applied the software patches, the evidence of a rigged primary remains. Also appended below is a response and further data from the authors of the study.
Note the Normal Irregular Patterns in the Graph
Note the Mirror Symmetry Consistent With Electronic Vote Flipping:
For the First Time Ever, the Media Will be Sued for Being Complicit in the Crime; of Course They’ll Say The Charges of Fraud Are False.
This begs the question as to how many Republicans would love to see the Clinton media go down with the Clintons, which means they’ll put some weight behind this. But the Clinton media, like the Bush media, or any other party media, is never anything but a crime against journalism, because it is sheer propaganda.
The question is then a simple one: knowing your vote was rigged and thrown away in the primaries by the DNC through confirmed internal, secret documents from the DNC dating back to at least May off 2015, would you vote for the person responsible, Hillary Clinton? Would it matter if even Bernie Sanders begged you to vote for her? Wouldn’t the disillusionment remain too great?
As a result a great deal of his supporters won’t turn to Hillary, simply because they can never forgive Hillary for stealing their votes, nor would they because she is also the subject of a criminal FBI investigation which the Republicans can only fully exploit soon after she becomes the official nominee in July 25, 2016, provided things go that far. The Republicans can then use their full weight to demand an indictment, and they will get it. The FBI report will also be released, regardless, as well as the Wikileaks documents promised to ensure that indictment comes before November. In the meantime, there may likely be more leaks. there is also the Benghazi report the Democrats were hungry to get a preview of. That will be released in full. If Trump toes the line with the GOP, then we have a very different scenario in terms of coverage. Up to this time, and for a few weeks perhaps, we will see media attacks on Sanders for not endorsing Hillary, and they will even, tacitly, fund them.
The #NeverHillary or #BernieorBust movement is not just an empty protest, it is the inevitable outcome of knowing your vote means nothing at all in the DNC. It may be just as bad with the GOP. The point is, someone got caught with enough evidence at hand to get nailed, and this time it wasn’t Republicans.
DNC Survival Bid: Pivot to Republicans
With Hillary catering to Republican donors and getting the backing of the Bush cabinet, we are seeing a DNC pivot to the GOP as clearly reflected in the anti-Sanders platform, and in the support of the TPP and opposition to worker rights and expanded Medicare. In essence, in terms of platform, they are the same party now. It is virtually a corporate merge of the two parties to fight Sanders supporters.
Another thing to remember is that a national election is not a primary election: the Republicans will be extremely wary of any hint of electoral fraud, and will challenge anything. Just as they couldn’t win in 2012 through patching the electronic systems, they won’t allow it now and would recognize any effort to do so since they became so good at it themselves.
The polls will change with an indictment, however, or when we see Hillary plead the fifth like her IT man Brian Pagliano did 130 times on Wednesday, June 22, 2016.
Bill Clinton faced impeachment for something far less serious, and if Obama gets tied up with Hillary’s mess, it’s not beyond imagination that we’ll see serious collateral damage when the GOP plays their cards. It is rumored, and maybe this is a stretch, that the GOP really, really hates Obama.
Above all, remember what the Republican National Committee admitted: they would much rather face Hillary than Bernie. The reasons should be obvious to all. It is for this reason they have done everything in their power to ensure this comes to pass, and the Democrats have only added fuel to the fire. It doesn’t matter if the leaks are publicized or not: if they are real, they will be acted on by affected parties to the full extent possible, and that makes all the difference in the world.
“Important Note: We know many of you have many questions, concerns, supplemental analyses, counter-analyses, and other types of feedback. Please email us. We will respond to you as soon as we are able (we have received lots of email, so this may take a while). However, our aim here is to encourage more people to be critical of “reality.” We want to encourage a free and open discussion about the potential for fraud in American elections. Also, please know that this document is a living document. The numbers are not settled – because it’s not even clear what the numbers should be and notably, we are waiting on California ballots. We will update the numbers as they become available. Please contact us if you have any questions or suggestions: a.geijsel@tilburguniversity.edu, cortes@stanford.edu
“Statement on peer-review: We note that this article has not been officially peer-reviewed in a scientific journal yet. Doing so will take us several months. As such, given the timeliness of the topic, we decided to publish on the Bern Report after we received preliminary positive feedback from two professors (both experts in the quantitative social sciences). We plan on seeking peer-reviewed publication at a later time. As of now, we know there may be errors in some numbers (one has been identified and sent to us: it was a mislabeling). We encourage anyone to let us know if they find any other error. Our aim here truly is to understand the patterns of results, and to inspire others to engage with the electoral system.
“June 14th, 1PM PST: We will have an updated analysis with new data later this week. A response to (some) of our critics:
“Most recent version of short write-up:
Guccifer 2.0 Leaks:
This’s time to keep my word and here’re the docs I promised you.
It’s not a report in one file, it’s a big folder of docs devoted to Hillary Clinton that I found on the DNC server.
The DNC collected all info about the attacks on Hillary Clinton and prepared the ways of her defense, memos, etc., including the most sensitive issues like email hacks.
As an example here’re some files:
2016er Attacks – HRC Defense Master Doc [updated]
2016 Democrats Positions Cheat Sheet 7-7-15
20150426 MEMO- Clinton Cash Unravels
Attacks on Clinton Family Members
Clinton Foundation Donors $25K+
Clinton Foundation Vulnerabilities Master Doc FINAL
HRC Travel – Private Jets FINAL
MEMO — Clinton Cash Claims (2)
You can download the archive with all files using any of the links:
Don’t forget the pass: #GucCi2/0
Enjoy it!!!
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