November 2, 2017
CIA Thermite Grenade Kills 2 Las Vegas Massacre Witnesses As US News Blackout Continues
By: Sorcha Faal, and as reported to her Western Subscribers
A new Foreign Intelligence Service (SVR) report circulating in the Kremlin today stunningly states that a highly specialized thermite grenade known to used by the CIA’s paramilitary Special Activities Division (SAD) in Afghanistan was detected being ignited during the late evening hours of 16 October in the California city of Murrieta—with it thereafter being reported in the US that two Las Vegas massacre survivor-witnesses (Dennis Carver and his wife Lorraine Carver) were completely incinerated in a vehicle fire that the local “protectors” were unable to extinguish for nearly an hour—but whose mysterious deaths are not widely known as the massive cover-up news blackout of this worst mass shooting in America continues. [Note: Some words and/or phrases appearing in quotes in this report are English language approximations of Russian words/phrases having no exact counterpart.]
According to this report, at 09:07 GMT+3 on the morning of 17 October, SVR intelligence analysts received an urgent “red action bulletin” request from the Federal Security Service (FSB) stating that they had been notified by the Ministery of Defense (MoD) that the Luch Satellite (Olimp-K) monitoring Naval Base San Diego (the principal homeport of the American Pacific Fleet) had detected what they believed to be was a “heat launch signature” occurring at 08:43 GMT+3 in the location of 117w-33n—but that did not correspond to any known US military ordinance locations.
A joint SVR, FSB and MoD detailed analysis of this mysterious “heat launch signature”, this report continues, revealed that its +2200 degree Celsius (+4,000 degrees Fahrenheit) temperature and radius calculation was a near exact match for a highly specialized thermite grenade manufactured by ALS Technologies, Inc. in Bull Shoals, Arkansas—and who produced these fearsome weapons for the US military, Special Forces and CIA under a contract worth over $5 million.
Further analysis, this report details, showed the location of this mysterious “heat launch signature” to be located about 104 kilometers (65 miles) north of Naval Base San Diego—and that corresponded to the location of the residential California city of Murrieta—where at the time this “launch anomaly” was detected, it was 22:43 GMT-7 (10:43 P.M.) on 16 October.
Upon knowing the location of this mysterious “launch anomaly”, this report explains, SVR intelligence analysts immediately began monitoring the emergency channel broadcasts for this region—and quickly noted that at 22:50 GMT-7 (10:50 P.M.) local California time, the Riverside County Fire Department had been emergency dispatched to Avenida De Arboles in Murrieta where a vehicle was furiously burning—and that contained the bodies of Las Vegas massacre survivor-witnesses Dennis and Lorraine Carver.
The youngest Carver Family daughter, 16-year-old Madison Carver, this report continues, “heard a loud bang outside her window” when this thermite grenade ignited the vehicle her parents were in—and who then ran about a half-mile to the scene of this incident—and that within an hour of this all occurring, the website of US military arms supplier ALS Technologies Inc. (Alslesslethal.com) that made these thermite grenades, and has been in business for 21 years, bizarrely began showing men haircutting styles.
Now dead Las Vegas massacre survivor-witnesses Dennis and Lorraine Carver
To the SVR’s being able to rapidly determine the use of an ALS Technologies, Inc. thermite grenade to assassinate these Las Vegas massacre survivor-witnesses, this report notes, was due to its “unique heat signature” having been previously identified—and whose many uses are detailed in the US Navy Small Arms and Special Warfare Ammunition war manual that states “with imaginative use, the grenade can be an effective and versatile demolition tool and can destroy oil drums, shipping containers and metal ammunition boxes”—but that CIA Special Activities Division forces now flooding into Afghanistan, also, use to destroy Taliban vehicles.
With four survivor-witnesses to the Las Vegas massacre, along with the mother of a slain Las Vegas police officer, and including Kymberley Suchomel who had threatened to begin her own investigation, now having all now died, this report continues, the investigation into this largest mass shooting in American history stands in sharp and absurd contrast to this weeks deadly ISIS terror attack in New York City—where, within 24 hours, everything was known about the terrorist Sayfullo Saipov—including his regularly arguing about the price of Canada Dry Ginger Ale.
While the soda drinking habits of ISIS terrorist Sayfullo Saipov, and everything else about him, were quickly known and revealed to the American public in less than a day, this report says, after over a month of investigation by US police forces and mainstream media outlets, virtually nothing has been revealed about the so-called Las Vegas massacre shooter Stephen Paddock—whom Las Vegas casino billionaire Steve Wynn described as having “the most vanilla profile one could possibly imagine” and stating that Paddock was “well-known by his staff and seemed like a rational man”.
SVR analysts in this report further note that even the exact information on Paddock’s gambling routine — including his wins and losses in the period leading up to the shooting — have yet to be made public—and whose hard-drive from his laptop computer has now mysteriously disappeared too—with this hard-drives mysterious disappearance bizarrely occurring in Paddock’s suite in the Mandalay Bay Hotel where its now being revealed that an “unidentified” police officer had fired his weapon “by mistake”.
As to why US investigators and mainstream media outlets are keeping the true facts about the Las Vegas massacre from being known to the America people, this report explains, is due to everyone knowing that Stephen Paddock was a arms and human smuggler working for the CIA and Russian Mafia who money laundered his massive profits through gambling casinos—and whose brother, Bruce Paddock, worked closely with him guarding his arms depots—but who was arrested and taken from the care facility he was recovering in on made up child pornography charges—which is the CIA’s most used “method” of destroying their enemies they don’t outright kill—such as the American UN chief weapons inspector Scott Ritter, who after truthfully stating that Iraq had no weapons of mass destruction, was quickly arrested and convicted of child sex charges.
This report concludes by noting that the Las Vegas massacre has now disappeared entirely from the news cycles in the US, too—with the only exception being the popular Fox News host Tucker Carlson, who attempted to find out last week why the critical witness Jose Campos was allowed to leave the country, but in asking this question was hung up on by police authorities and has not reported on it since, thus ending all mainstream media coverage of the worst mass shooting in American history—but whose alternative news adversaries are not giving up in their continuing to report about what really occurred.
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Important Note: The following reports should be read in their entirety in order to obtain the needed factual context one must first have to understand this one: CIA Breaks All Ties With UK After MI6 Shock Reveal Proves Las Vegas Shooter Was US Spy—CIA Creates Las Vegas Massacre “Reality Show” As Shooters Info Leads To Takedown Of ISIS Leaders—Attack On FBI Convoy In Las Vegas Leaves 3 Dead As Wikileaks “Bombshell” Prepares To Explode—Critical Las Vegas Massacre Witness Found Dead As “Area 51” Warned Was True Target, Not Concert—CIA Director Issues Cryptic Warning After Las Vegas Massacre Security Guard Witness Disappears—Shocking Discovery Reveals George Soros Made $73 Million From Las Vegas Massacre—and—9/11 Playbook Followed For Las Vegas Massacre, Including 16 September MI5 Warning—and—Shock Discovery Reveals White House Given One Week Warning Of Las Vegas Massacre—and—Las Vegas Massacre Witness Kills Self And Daughter After FBI Raid—As Missing Piglets Search Continues—and—Trump Warns America Is In “Calm Before The Storm” As Links Between Las Vegas Shooter And CIA Grow—and—Russian Mafia Link To Las Vegas Massacre Confirmed As Stephen Paddock Accomplice Captured—and—Russia Identifies Las Vegas Shooter As CIA Arms Pilot As Israel Probes Stolen Weapons Flight To Nevada—and—Horrific “Pyramid Sacrifice” Massacre In Las Vegas Warned Is Chilling Message To Trump.
Important Note: Russian intelligence agencies label CIA “false flag” events using ritualistic names–such as “Pyramid Sacrifice” for the Las Vegas massacre, the “Tower Sacrifice” for the 9/11 attacks, the “King Sacrifice” for the murder of President John F. Kennedy, and the “Child Sacrifice” for the killing of nearly 100 children in Waco, Texas—just to name a few.
Other reports in this series include:
CIA Breaks All Ties With UK After MI6 Shock Reveal Proves Las Vegas Shooter Was US Spy
CIA Creates Las Vegas Massacre “Reality Show” As Shooters Info Leads To Takedown Of ISIS Leaders
Attack On FBI Convoy In Las Vegas Leaves 3 Dead As Wikileaks “Bombshell” Prepares To Explode
Critical Las Vegas Massacre Witness Found Dead As “Area 51” Warned Was True Target, Not Concert
CIA Director Issues Cryptic Warning After Las Vegas Massacre Security Guard Witness Disappears
Shocking Discovery Reveals George Soros Made $73 Million From Las Vegas Massacre
9/11 Playbook Followed For Las Vegas Massacre, Including 16 September MI5 Warning
Shock Discovery Reveals White House Given One Week Warning Of Las Vegas Massacre
Trump Warns America Is In “Calm Before The Storm” As Links Between Las Vegas Shooter And CIA Grow
Russian Mafia Link To Las Vegas Massacre Confirmed As Stephen Paddock Accomplice Captured
Horrific “Pyramid Sacrifice” Massacre In Las Vegas Warned Is Chilling Message To Trump
November 2, 2017 © EU and US all rights reserved. Permission to use this report in its entirety is granted under the condition it is linked back to its original source at WhatDoesItMean.Com. Freebase content licensed under CC-BY and GFDL.
[Note: Many governments and their intelligence services actively campaign against the information found in these reports so as not to alarm their citizens about the many catastrophic Earth changes and events to come, a stance that the Sisters of Sorcha Faal strongly disagree with in believing that it is every human beings right to know the truth. Due to our missions conflicts with that of those governments, the responses of their ‘agents’ has been a longstanding misinformation/misdirection campaign designed to discredit us, and others like us, that is exampled in numerous places, including HERE.]
[Note: The WhatDoesItMean.com website was created for and donated to the Sisters of Sorcha Faal in 2003 by a small group of American computer experts led by the late global technology guru Wayne Green(1922-2013) to counter the propaganda being used by the West to promote their illegal 2003 invasion of Iraq.]
[Note: The word Kremlin (fortress inside a city) as used in this report refers to Russian citadels, including in Moscow, having cathedrals wherein female Schema monks (Orthodox nuns) reside, many of whom are devoted to the mission of the Sisters of Sorcha Faal.]
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