White House Prepares For Attack After Loyal Clinton CIA Forces Move To UAE And Assassinate Journalist

United States Secret Service (SS) forces tasked with protecting the life of President Donald Trump have conducted a first in history live-drill on the White House grounds in preparation for a “complex attack”—and that came within 24 hours of the Institute for Intelligence and Special Operations (MOSSAD) confirming that “Deep State” aligned CIA operatives loyal to Hillary Clinton have established a new base in the United Arab Emirates (UAE) from which, during the past fortnight, they lashed out from by assassinating the highly respected Swedish journalist Bechir Rabani whose stunning revelations were exposing “Hillary’s Cash Man”. […]


Trump Declaration Of National Emergency Throws US Media Into Silence, And Global Elites Into Terror 

After a full 72 hours, the US mainstream propaganda media has yet to inform the American people that President Donald Trump has declared a National Emergency—and whose direct purpose for is the destroying of Hillary Clinton and everyone associated with her “Deep State” coup plot against him—and that has, likewise, left the entirety of the globalist elites money and power structure in absolute terror.  […]


America Warned Is Unprepared For Trump’s Cataclysmic Destruction Of “Deep State”

The American people are mentally unprepared for President Donald Trump’s soon expected “cataclysmic destruction” of his “Deep State” enemies—and whose shadow government operatives are now in total panic after forces loyal to Trump discovered their having stolen a staggering $21 trillion from the US Treasury in a mass scheme first devised by the Clinton regime in 1998—and whose amount exceeds the entire United States national debt of $20 trillion.  […]


Russia-China “Shaken To Very Core” As Trump Moves In For “Deep State” Kill Shot

President Putin and Zhang Youxia, Vice Chairman of China’s Central Military Commission (CMC), were “shaken to their very core” [“Ничего себе!” exact phrase] during their meeting on Thursday (8 November) after receiving confirmation that President Donald Trump was moving in for a “kill shot” against his shadow government “Deep State” enemies by his unleashing over 2,400 auditors to conduct the first ever in history audit of the Pentagon’s over $2.4 trillion in assests—with the last time this ever came close to happening being on 10 September 2001—but that was swiftly followed 24 hours later when, on 11 September 2001, America was brutally attacked.  […]


Trump Refuses To Back CIA As Russian-Chinese Troops Prepare To Retake Libya

While General Khalifa Haftar believed that the US would support him in rebuilding Libya once Muammar Gaddafi was deposed, this report says, he became enraged when Hillary Clinton began secretly shipping Libyanweapons and ammunition out of Benghazi to ISIS terrorists in Syria—thus causing his then turning to Russia to support his war torn nation—and who now provides General Haftar with political support and military assistance enabling his Libyan National Army (LNA) forces to maintain control over the eastern part of Libya—with Russia, also, helping him to wreck the sham UN-led Libyan Agreement of 2015. […]


Q on 8chan

“Why is he leaking by posting on the chans? Because they’re the last bastions of free speech. Mainstream media is hopelessly compromised and, as we’ll see further down, a major part of the problem. Social media is controlled and actively censored. The chans are where it’s at: pure uncensored raw discussion, analysis and detective work. Just ask Shia LeBeouf what they can achieve. This board’s job is to analyse Q’s material, find the truth and distill it down into a form that is palatable for normal people: memes, infographics and other red pills.” […]

Cloak and Dagger

Trump Shockingly Warns Putin: “Either God Will Win, Or I Will Die”

To President Trump’s fears that America and the West are being overcome by satanic powers, this report says, is, also, shockingly true—and as just evidenced this past week alone by the “Deep State” aligned propaganda mainstream media slamming Trump for his daring to say the words “Merry Christmas” and praising the birth of Jesus Christ, a leading Church of England clergyman calling for prayers so young Prince George will become homosexual and “find love of young gentlemen”, Hollywood just declaring as its Best Picture for 2017 a movie celebrating the homosexuality of minor children, and Hillary Clinton now being celebrated as being an angel. […]

Benjamin Fulford 

Ben Fulford: U.S. military to declare martial law as DOJ, FBI criminality exposed

The U.S. military government, known to the world as the administration of President Donald Trump, is about to declare martial law, Pentagon sources say.  “The Cabal has been checkmated, as Trump is ready to federalize the National Guard in case of riots or civil unrest,” Pentagon sources say, adding that “FEMA camps will be used to house mass arrests, and Gitmo may house high-value targets while military tribunals will dispatch them swiftly.” […]


Deep State War: Q(((uantum))) on Las Vegas Massacre as it Relates to Saudis

Paddock is made the patsy. Why? Because if a failed Saudi assassination attempt was responsible for the deaths, if the FBI/CIA had supplied the guns that killed 58 innocent people (not counting Paddock since he’s an asset), then two things would happen. One, we would demand that we go to war with Saudi Arabia. And two, which ever organization that Paddock worked for would be utterly dismantled. […]


Deep State War: Q Says Distress Calls Will Do No Good

Distress cal[L]s to others will [d]o you/family no good at this stage. We know whe[R]e you/the family are at all times and can hear you breathing…. Thoughts on Disney: Why do the Monsters IN Charge need children? How do they accomplish this goal? What happens in the company if caught with a child? Many doors they can hide behind. It’s a tiny tiny world. […]