Benjamin Fulford: Breaking news from my Russian sources

Editors Note: Today in The Intercept we read a curious article from David Dayen: Clinton Takes Her Adviser’s Side, Attacking Big Banks but Not BlackRock
“Hillary Clinton has received a mixture of plaudits and qualified skepticism for her Wall Street reform plan. She insists that the plan is tougher than those of her Democratic presidential rivals, because it targets more participants in the financial industry beyond the big banks. But Clinton’s plan was mute on a key sector of the industry: asset management firms, like BlackRock or Vanguard or Fidelity, which control a staggering $30 trillion in global wealth.”
So who is Vanguard? Have a look at this article from Benjamin Fulford from way back in February…
Posted by Benjamin Fulford February 7, 2015
[pullquote]Kerry Told ISIS Funded From US[/pullquote]”Germans have arrested Victoria Nuland’s assistant, who in addition, is an employee of Vanguard Corporation, with almost a billion of high quality fake dollars, printed by Vanguard Corporation. This employee (is a member of the State Department), and now, during his interrogations, he “put under bus” Vanguard Corporation with all of its companies and… Nuland, [Senator] McCain, [Secretary of State] Kerry, [CIA Director] Brennan and others…
VT sources within the Turkish Navy at Ceyhan, Turkey, reported Exxon tankers loading up to 2 million barrels of Kirkuk light sweet crude oil at a time did so “off the record.” See Erodgan Owes Syria 100Bn for Stolen Oil, Iraq Owed $1.5Tn
From VT: In Turkey, 4 tankers at a time loaded, only two were listed and Iraq was paid for. This went on for years.
Vanguard/ISIS oil fields upgraded courtesy of Russian bombings. The State Dept. didn’t want them attacked, which militarily and strategically is an insane enabling of terrorism implying flagrant high-level corruption, involving John McCain in particular.
“He testified how the Vanguard Corporation has printed billions of high quality fake dollars and paid mercenaries in Syria, Iraq, Ukraine, Libya, etc and paid mercenaries of Greystone and ISIS. He testified about connections and oil deals between Vanguard Corporation and ISIS. He said,
“In February, Ukraine’s position has become critical because they cannot pay the new prices for Russian gas. EU, especially the Germans, tried to act as arbitrators. Then from this bitch Susan Rice order came to us directly from Nuland that snipers must create “a bit of panic.”
“On the day after that Ukraine has a new government, chosen mainly by Nuland and John McCain from the National Republican Institute.
[pullquote]“Among the candidates for the role of gendarme is the Barbados-registered company Greystone Limited, which is integrated with the Academi corporation,” the Foreign Ministry said in a statement. [/pullquote]When the US administration recognize that the snipers were trained NATO (in Poland – TV), and the whole operation was organized by Vanguard, the CIA and the State Department – Obama almost had a heart attack.
“Now he realizes that he is nothing more than a puppet on a string in our theater, the bloody *****. Originally stupid Nazis had to kill many more women and children in order to drive Putin into a corner so that he was forced to intervene in the war.
“But all this just shows that you can teach a pig to shoot, but do not teach her to think. By the way, when the May 18 “Ukrainian” troops attacked Sloviansk, 19 FBI agents and CIA were killed and 14 injured. Greystone lost 17, Academi 59 people.
“FBI agents” were actually people of Vanguard. With forged documents desk they received special Ukrainian identity cards that give them power over all Ukrainian police forces.
“He described how all of the major mass murders and atrocities were organized by the Vanguard Corporation and Greystone mercenaries; how he communicated with Igor Kolomoyskiy and how together they were spreading fake dollars in Ukraine… Germans promised him freedom, to hide him and support if he will tell everything he knows… Also, two other employees of the Vanguard Corporation stole millions of fake dollars, and pretended that they were high jacked by Novorossiyan militia and murdered. Greystone and Vanguard Corporation have sent their mercenaries to Novorossiya and killed one of them and return the second.., after which they brought him to London to their hospital and murdered him, saying that he died from a heart attack. His wife, a famous enough person has now provided information to important people and blackmails the Vanguard Corporation… Shocked Merkel and President Francois Hollande on their way to Moscow…
“More raw intelligence from the Russians:
1. Vanguard Corporation is printing billions of “super dollars” and pays mercenaries of Greystone, Academy, some like ABC group, etc. There were a few of Vanguard employees some of them State Department employees, who had access to billions of fake super dollars that looks even better then real dollars…
2. The Vanguard’s employees had buses of these dollars (billions), and they finance both sides of Ukrainian war… They bought a big amount of weapons from Ukrainian Army and on a regular basis provided it to Novorossiya (Donbass) militia.
In order to receive dollars, Ukrainian officers and soldiers have sold their weapons to Novorossiya. In other world, the main goal is to murder as many people in Ukraine as they can.
3. The Vanguard’s employees spread fake dollars in Ukraine through the banks that belong to Ukrainian Khazarian Oligarch, Igor Kolomoyskiy, who is the President of European Jewish Congress and Ukrainian Jewish Congress. City of Dnepropetrovsk (the main city of Zionist Kasparian Junta in Ukraine!). Also, Igor Kolomoyskiy owns the airports, including the Dnepropetrovsk’s airport that monitored the Malaysian Flight on July 17, 2014. He finances a military sadistic battalion Dnepr-1 that has committed mass murders in Novorossiya, and the soldiers and mercenaries of Dnepr 1 were paid by these fake super dollars. All banks of the Dnepropetrovsk are full with these fake dollars.
4. Now nobody knows how much money Federal Reserve has its own dollars in the world and how much Vanguard’s dollars. Some specialists think that competitors “ordered to put down” Vanguard Group. However, Vanguard leaders and other high level bank specialists told that main investors—contributors of Vanguard own the Federal Reserve, and they support this statement.
5. Vanguard’s employee, Mr. Peter van Byurren (the last name could be misspelled) had some serious (huge) compromat about Vanguard Group, including its communications, super dollars’ issues and its connections with US authorities, etc. Before, he left to Ukraine; he had hidden it in his mother house in a different state (the exact address is given). On January 8, 2015, he was informed that his mother died in hospital that belongs to one of the Vanguard’s companies. His wife checked the place where he hides the compromat against the Vanguard and did not find a box with documents and memory sticks.
6. Immediately, next day, Mr. Peter van Byurren and another Vanguard’s employee, Pete’s partner, Jonathan Mason, put in buses (BUSES!!!) several billions of super dollars and left. Information was spread that they were captured by Donbass militia. At this time, Ukrainian Army started their new active phase of a war against Donbass…
7. However, the Vanguard has sent a big group of Greystone mercenaries, and they found two Vanguard’s employees:
a. “Today, Jan. 21, the afternoon has ended with a series of events that led to the current outbreak of hostilities in the Donbass. The second escapee, Peter van Byurren, was captured on his quest by a special group of mercenaries of Greystone in the house where he was hiding in the village Spartacus Yasinovatskiy, Donetsk region. From there, under the American convoy he was sent to Kiev.”
b. “Unlike his partner, Jonathan Mason, was apparently awaiting the outcome of negotiations of Peter van Byurren with the militia. During his capture on January 19, 2015, three commandos of Greystone were shot and died. Jonathan Mason was killed in the house is in the village of Spartacus. The missing “super banknotes” nominal values of billions of dollars were not found.”
8. Peter Mr. Peter van Byurren was brought to London by a special comfortable flight, and seven of the Vanguard’s employees were with him. He was put in a hospital –Medical Center Sevenoaks – very solid health facility, recently acquired one of the largest in the world by the American Medical HCA, Hospital Corporation of America. There is nothing surprising in the fact that Mr. Peter van Byurren was placed precisely in this hospital: HCA belongs to the group of corporations and foundations, which includes such respected as Vanguard Group, Inc., State Street Corporation, Black Rock Institutional Trust Company, NA, Bank of New York Mellon Corporation, JP Morgan Chase & Company, Vanguard Total Stock Market Index Fund, Vanguard/WindsorII, Vanguard 500 Index Fund, Vanguard Institutional Index Fund-Institutional Index Fund and others.
9. This was an announcement that at the same day , January 23, 2015, Mr. Peter van Byurren died from a heart attack.
10. Mrs. Van Byurren appealed to the leadership of Vanguard with an ultimatum, supported by its appeals in a completely bewildered edition of ABC, as well as to certain foreign diplomats in Washington.
Benjamin Fulford

The Immediate Aftermath
Say what you will about the veracity of this report, but immediately after it was posted Germany, France, and Russia signed the surprise Minsk Agreement to bring a cease-fire to the Ukraine. Notably absent was Secretary of State John Kerry, named in the confession above. The US, instrumental to the regime change in Kiev and expected to dictate the terms of surrender, had in fact already partitioned the East Ukraine for energy interests. Apparently they simply could not be trusted and the Germans had stumbled on to something big, something credible enough to cut America out of the peace talks.

Knowing this, is it any wonder why suddenly John McCain and the neocons, neoliberals really see Russia as a threat, and why they and their assets in the mass media like this and this and this invented the term “moderate rebels” when they are the exact same terrorists we knew as ISIS?
And because Turkey is a pipeline for Exxon and BP to ship stolen oil to benefit neocon interests like the Bush and Clinton families, at the behest of the oil cartels, is it any wonder they are pushing so hard for a “no fly” zone to protect the illegal revenue pouring into ISIS coffers?
It is already clear, from the legislation above, that the war in the Ukraine is motivated entirely by energy interests so it shouldn’t be any surprise that this is the case in Syria, too, especially since oil was found in Syria’s Golan Heights (this explains New Jersey’s Genie Energy interests, which include Dick Cheney, Jacob Rothschild, Bill Richardson, et al).
Victoria Nuland, as fanatical a neocon as they come, was appointed by Hillary when she was Secretary of State. Nuland is now Undersecretary of State. She’s a class act, and became widely known for her “fuck the EU” comments captured in a phone tap, when asked about how they would react upon the regime change in Kiev.
[easyrotator]erc_31_1442779636[/easyrotator]Regime Change: Odessa, Ukraine, as the US-backed neo-Nazis take charge of a government building (see slide 1). “Originally stupid Nazis had to kill many more women and children in order to drive Putin into a corner so that he was forced to intervene in the war.”
So the issue of the phony money being spread around in the Ukraine… is there any evidence pointing to that? Consider this story from RT dated February 16, 2015:
Remote ATM control: Kaspersky Lab details $1 billion online bank heist (EXCLUSIVE)
RT: Feb 16 2015: “The company [Kaspersky Lab] has been investigating a $1 billion attack on financial institutions by a sophisticated hacking group…. Russian cyber-security company Kaspersky Lab was invited to look into the matter, after an ATM in the Ukrainian capital Kiev started giving out cash randomly without anyone inserting a card or touching any buttons in late 2013.”
Again, just over one week earlier we heard…
” The Vanguard’s employees had buses of these dollars (billions), and they finance both sides of Ukrainian war… They bought a big amount of weapons from Ukrainian Army and on a regular basis provided it to Novorossiya (Donbass) militia… The Vanguard’s employees spread fake dollars in Ukraine through the banks that belong to Ukrainian Khazarian Oligarch, Igor Kolomoyskiy, who is the President of European Jewish Congress and Ukrainian Jewish Congress.”
What’s interesting is that Kolomoyskiy, though Jewish, is backing neo-Nazi fighters in the Ukraine. He really hates Russians.
Poroshenko fires oligarch governor amid oil company standoff
Published time: 25 Mar, 2015 05:14
Oligarch Igor Kolomoyskiy, who hired an army of neo-Nazi militia and mercenaries to fight in the Eastern Ukraine, was forced to resign as governor soon after Minsk Agreement from the month prior. He was allegedly a key player in the bombshell Vanguard scandal above.
‘24 hours to disarm’: Kiev on verge of violence as oil dispute between govt, oligarch escalates
The Ukrainian government has given the private army of billionaire Dnepropetrovsk governor Igor Kolomoysky a day to lay down their weapons, after they occupied and erected a fence around the headquarters of the national oil company. Ukrainian Nazis were behind the coup that brought “democracy” to the country.
The Kiev Victory That Wasn’t
The RAND Memo
The RAND Memo’s “Guideline for genocide” When this memo was originally released, it was immediately dismissed as a hoax by the RAND Corporation. However, subsequent events have demonstrated that for a hoax, it is being remarkably emulated and adhered to by the Ukrainians, particularly in respect to the labeling of East Ukrainians as “terrorists” and the use of “non-conventional” weapons. That can mean anything from bio-weapons to tactical nukes. Already, the illegal use of phosphorus bombs, another form of non-conventional weapons, has already been used. Graphic: ‘Genocide of Eastern Ukraine’ (E43)
Published on Jul 13, 2014
‘Degeneration into genocide’ as President Poroshenko calls for the murder of ‘hundreds’ of rebels for each of his troops killed – more than Nazi Germany ordered as punitive reprisals in World War Two; eyewitnesses report Kiev death squads going ‘house to house’ executing all men under 35 on the spot, ‘crucifying’ babies and forcing their mothers to watch – unspeakable atrocities under a complete mainstream media blackout. On Sunday Ukraine’s missiles killed and injured civilians in the Rostov region, the latest bombing on Russia.
Seek truth from facts with leading war crimes prosecutor Francis Boyle; US Navy veteran Mark Sleboda; investigative journalist William Engdahl; and George Eliason, who lives with his Ukrainian family in the crosshairs of Kiev’s bombing near Lugansk.‘Guidelines for genocide is US prime export product’
RT:What do you make of this leak? How realistic does it sound?
Don Debar: Well actually knowing something about RAND Corporation, that is where reports credit the memo, it rings very true. RAND Corporation in the 1950s, for example, was contracted to take a look at the emerging political power of minorities in the cities. People were learning, as they got concentrated at the ghettos, people actually learned that they could accumulate political power, elect people to Congress, and state legislators and things. And this became a problem for the status quo. So RAND basically advised them to destroy neighborhoods, scatter the populations to the four corners of the region and thereby decimate political power. And urban renewal accomplished that. As far as its coming from RAND it is quite credible to me, it is the kind of work that they engage in.
RT: What do we know about RAND Corporation, how influential is it? Does it still have the ear of the US government?
DD: Yes, my understanding is that they advise the Pentagon to this day, yes.
Confidential MEMORANDUM On the advisable course of action in case the peace plan fails
In case further negotiation with southeast Ukrainian insurgents should prove futile, the only practicable solution should be a swift crackdown on the separatists and terrorists, to be undertaken irrespective of public opinion or operation costs. Procrastination would dramatically reduce the operation’s chances of success. Possible political and material downsides of an operation should be greatly outweighed by the following probable gains:
Activists of a pro-Russian political movement get decimated, pro-Russian voters get disorganized.
A significant share of the region’s coal industries get destroyed in the fighting, or are otherwise designated for a quick shutdown, thus relieving Ukraine’s budget of the burdensome subsidy costs.
Shutting down Donbas Industries will mean a stark reduction in gas consumption, and therefore a lesser dependency on Russian energy imports.
Rinat Akhmetov and his clan’s political and economic clout is considerably weakened.
Ukraine’s current economic and social difficulties can be explained to the public as the unwanted yet unavoidable consequences of the military operation, which the Ukrainian government has been keen yet unable to avoid due to the terrorists’ intransigence.
The Presumable Stages of a Military Operation
Stage One: Total Isolation of the rebel region
Considering that any resident of the Donetsk Region and the Lugansk Region has had enough time and opportunities to leave the area of hostilities provided that they wanted to do so# anyone who has stayed behind should be regarded as complicit in the unrest, or supportive of it. Martial law shall be Introduced in the defiant regions. All local authorities shall have their competencies terminated, the Constitution shall be suspended. Direct presidential rule shall be Imposed. The region shall be encircled with troops and sealed off entirely from any flow of goods and persons, both incoming and outgoing. Special attention shall be given to areas that border of Russia. Broadcasting services, Internet connection, telephone and mobile communications In the region shall be shut down. A curfew shall be imposed between 20:00 and 06-00 International media staff wording in the region shall be subject to a special procedure
Stage Two: Mop-up
The circle of troops around the rebel region shall be tightened gradually. Ground assaults shall be preceded by airstrikes against the enemy’s strategic facilities, artillery and mortar teams, and bunched-up troops. The use of non-conventional arms [tactical nuclear weapons, gas waarfare, bio-warfare] shall not be ruled out in certain cases In order to ensure smaller casualties among our own personnel. Settlements shall be liberated one by one, with armor going in first and wiping out the remaining pockets of resistance, shooting to kill anyone who bears ams. Infantry shall move in next to relocate male adults into internment camps. Anyone who attempts to resist shall be executed on the spot. Children aged under 13 and people older than 60 shall be moved to specialty equipped facilities in areas that are further away from the zone of the anti-terrorist operation. Internment camps shall set up outside the settlements that have been cleared, and guarded by units who arc considered to be ideologically safe. People featuring traces of combat engagement, like bruises, scuff marks, gunshot and fragment wounds, traces of gunpowder and gun oil on the skin and clothes, shall be tried in court for separatism and terrorism. After a two-month period of internment, the remaining individuals shall be allowed to return to places of their residence and be placed under surveillance by security services.
Stage Three: Back to Normal
Military specialists shall be employed to restore water, heat, power supplies and communications. The borders shall be strengthened, with checkpoints set up to avoid possible provocations by Russia and to prepare for a massive return of refugees. Those who fled the war zone shall be allowed to return to their place of residence. However, men aged 18-60 shall be checked for possible support for separatists in internment camps. The property of convicted and displaced residents of the Lugansk and Donetsk regions shall be nationalized by the state and later awarded to the servicemen who would be distinguished for valor during the anti-terrorist campaign. Special focus shall be made on information security, which means that trie area of the and-terrorist campaign shall be made off limits to foreign media. Stories of heroism and courage of Ukraine’s armed forces, the National Guard and other armed units in saving civilians In the east of Ukraine from terrorists and armed gangs shall be spread as broadly as possible. Note: If the active stage of the anti-terrorist operation ends no later than September 1, 2014, martial law shall be lifted no earlier than January 1, 2015.
Babi Yar, Kiev In the space of two days, between September 28-30 1941, Nazis slaughtered 33,771 Jews.
The Past is Prologue
Some background on Operation Stay Behind, or Operation Gladio, seeing that the Ukrainians are unapologetic Nazis. They desperately want NATO forces to finish their battle with pro-Russian separatists and by extension Russia itself. So, here’s a little history of CIA European false flags involving NATO that actually employed Nazis in operations lasting into the early 1990s, and you may be surprised who was in charge…
OPERATION STAY BEHIND Despite the efforts of the Ford-Rockefeller White House, the Senate and House each established their own Select Committee on Intelligence Activities, chaired by Frank Church and Otis Pike (respectively). [Nelson] Rockefeller, with the assistance of [Henry] Kissinger, [Donald] Rumsfeld, and Dick Cheney, began obstructing Senate and House inquiries, particularly those which in any way concerned the training and employment of CIA assassination teams (10,15,19) or terrorist attack squads, such as Operation Gladio.
The Pike Committee finally issued a contempt of Congress citation against Henry Kissinger for his refusal to provide documentation of covert operations. Kissinger, Rockefeller et al., thumbed their noses at Pike. The coverup effort was a partial success. For example, there is only a brief mention of “Operation Stay Behind” within the Church reports (Pike’s report being suppressed). Operation Stay Behind was a CIA terrorist operation aimed at the citizens and politicians of European countries and their democratically elected leaders (20). According to the 1976 Senate report on the CIA by the Church Committee, this program was first conceived by the US Joint Chiefs of Staff was staffed and funded by the CIA, and put into operation in 1948 by the National Security Council. Essentially, the CIA was using Nazis, Neo-Nazis, SS-offic-ers, and CIA-trained terrorists to indiscriminately murder European men, women and children, and to assassinate or otherwise remove or eliminate communist, socialist, and left-wing politicians. In Italy, this program was referred to as “Operation Gladio (which means “sword”). In Austria it was named “Schwert” (“sword”).
In France it was called “Glaive” (“sword”). It was called “Operation Sheepskin” in Greece. “Sveaborg” in Sweden. In Belgium, Operation Stay Behind had the name: “SDR-8.” Likewise, in Switzerland it was given an alpha-numerical name: “P26.” Regardless of country, Operation Stay Behind was run by the CIA and British Intelligence under the umbrella of NATO, and involved the use of snipers, police officers, and para-military units to kill people at random and to conduct brutal raids on supermarkets, theaters, and other public places (21–28). In one series of attacks, in Brussels in the mid 1980′s, 28 people were murdered while shopping at local supermarkets. Again, the purpose of these attacks was to strengthen the hand of right-wing governments and to prevent left-wing governments or politicians from coming to power.
It was the duty of Bush, Kissinger, Rockefeller, Cheney, and Rumsfeld, to try to cover up these crimes. Indeed Rumsfeld (the Secretary of Defense when the U.S. was attacked on 9/11) had served as U.S. Ambassador to NATO in Brussels, Belgium in 1973 and 1974—when some of the worst atrocities were taking place— and thus had a special personal interest in preventing any damaging disclosures.
The Truthseeker: NATO false flags in Ukraine (E39)
US intel source claims Ukraine part of NATO secret campaign Gladio; psychopathy tests for our leaders; and a mainstream host storms out the studio after a vicious exchange on false flags.
“The Americans had gone beyond the infiltration and monitoring of extremist groups to instigating acts of violence.” -General Gianadelio Maletti, Director of Italian Counter-intelligence 1971 Operation Sword (“Gladio/Schwert/Glaive, etc.”) was an outgrowth of Dulles’ “Operation Stay Behind.” Initially, this program served to recruit high ranking Nazis and SS Gestapo agents into the OSS and the CIA after the close of WWII.
By 1952, Dulles and his CIA had created a secret guerrilla terrorist army whose primary mission was terrorism and assassination—often of random targets who might be murdered by snipers, as they shopped or walked down the street. Dulles believed that through random acts of terror, left-wing governments could be overthrown, or prevented from ever coming to power if the blame for those terrorist acts could be placed on leftists(20). Right wing governments are always the beneficiaries of terrorism. Operation Sword was first put into operation in Italy, in 1947. Italian citizens were gunned down by snipers, trains were derailed, and buildings and planes were blown up by CIA-Nazi agents, and then blamed on “communists.”
The purpose of this terrorist campaign was to prevent a communist electoral victory in the 1947 Italian elections. This CIA orchestrated terrorist campaign was a success (21).

These and other acts of random terror (Operation Stay Behind), although directed by the CIA (in conjunction with British Intelligence) were administered under the protective umbrella of the Clandestine Co-ordinating Committee at the Supreme Headquarters Allied Powers Europe “SHAPE”(22).gladiodocs SHAPE would later became the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO).
Although these CIA-terrorist cells were spread all over Europe, the training bases were located in Germany, Italy and France. Likewise, these terrorist operations were directed and funded by CIA agents working in the US Embassies in Rome, Paris, and Berlin. These same CIA agents not only controlled these terrorists cells, but had infiltrated and often directed the Intelligence services of these and other countries (23).
In Italy, project “Stay Behind” was known as Operation Gladio. As detailed by Charles Richards and Simon Jones (24), the purpose of Operation Gladio was “to engage in clandestine, non-conventional” acts of terrorism. Over 600 “people were recruited and trained by American and British intelligence at the Capo Marrargui base on the northern tip of Sardinia. They were organized in 40 independent cells. Six were responsible for intelligence-gathering, 10 for sabotage, 6 for codes and radio communications, 6 for running escape routes and 12 for guerrilla warfare. Five of the guerrilla units were named after flowers such as azalea, rhododendron and broom.
Gladio established 139 arms caches [which] were used by right-wing terrorists.” Ed Vulliamy, of the Guardian (25) uncovered “a briefing minute of June 1,1959″ which revealed that Gladio was built around “internal subversion.” It was to play “a determining role” in national politics, by employing “non-orthodox” warfare at the “national level” in “close cooperation between the Italian and American secret services.” The purpose of Operation Gladio, in Italy, was to preserve the legitimate authority of the right wing government put in place by the US, and to combat any threats against its integrity, such as, the election of socialist or communist leaders.
According to the briefing minute (25) Gladio should be ready “to adopt, with timely readiness, preemptive action to assure the state’s prestige, capacity for action and for government”. In other words, the purpose of Operation Gladio was to use terror and murder not to combat any external threat, but to combat internal threats by using terrorism. However, the targets of these terrorist acts would not be opposition politicians per se, but rather, the citizens of the state. Through terrorism directed at citizens, and if that terrorism could be blamed on political parties or groups striving, through democratic means, to gain elective office, then the population would turn against those groups and vote instead to maintain the status quo; i.e. a government that would act according to the best interests of Britain, the United States and Wall Street
[pullquote]Dossiers were compiled on over 150,000 Italians, mostly teachers, students, union leaders, priests, and left-wing politicians, all of whom were marked for arrest, imprisonment, and possible torture and death. The bombing and indiscriminate killings continued and even according to CIA handlers, soon became out of control.[/pullquote]Immediately prior to and after the 1963 Italian elections which gave the premiership to Christian Democrat Aldo Moro and 25% of the vote to the Communists, CIA-trained terrorists, which included a number of Nazis, began a campaign of terror which included indiscriminate bombings and murder. The purpose was to blame the “communists” so as to justify the overthrow of Moro and the installation of a right-wing military dictatorship. Dossiers were compiled on over 150,000 Italians, mostly teachers, students, union leaders, priests, and left-wing politicians, all of whom were marked for arrest, imprisonment, and possible torture and death (26). The bombing and indiscriminate killings continued and even according to CIA handlers, soon became out of control(27).
Nevertheless, CIA “decided not to close [Gladio] down because it fostered useful contacts with the Italian security establishment.” Gladio also served as a useful weapon to keep the Italian electorate under control. Citizens would be shot and killed by snipers, they and their families might be blown up while strolling down the street. No one was safe. Even police were targeted (28). Vincent Vinciguerra (a neo-Nazi who took part in a 1972 bomb attack that killed three police officers) confessed at trial “that every bombing in Italy after 1969 was linked to one group. “The orders are given by an apparatus belonging to the state, specifically by a secret parallel structure of the Interior Ministry” (29). And who controlled that “secret parallel structure?”
In the 1960s and 1970s, the Nixon White House, the CIA under William Colby and George W Bush, as well as Henry Kissinger and Alexander Haig—a presidential wanna-be (30). “In an interview the ex-NATO operative [Vinciguerra] said that Ted Shackley, the CIA’s deputy station chief in Rome, fixed a meeting between Alexander Haig and Gelli [a Nazi terrorist] at the US embassy in Rome in the early 1970s, when Haig was President Nixon’s Chief of Staff. “Money” he said was then filtered to Stay Behind or Gladio with the blessing and knowledge of both Haig and the then head of the US National Security Council, Henry Kissinger” After Nixon’s resignation, Alexander Haig became NATO Supreme Commander, from 1974 to 1979. And who is “Gelli?” [pullquote]Bush, then director of the CIA, not only knew about these CIA activities in Italy (during the late 1970s and early 1980s) but was in fact one of the masterminds behind them.[/pullquote]Licio Gelli was a Nazi who belonged to a secret society, known as “P2″ and the “Brotherhood of Death.” In Italy, the secret Brotherhood “P2″ served as “a right-wing shadow government, ready to take over Italy. Among its members: four Cabinet Ministers, all three intelligence chiefs, 48 MPs, 160 military officers, bankers, industrialists, top diplomats and the Army Chief of Staff. After meetings between Gelli, Italian military brass and CIA men in the embassy, Gladio was given renewed blessing -and more money – by Haig and the then head of the National Security Council, Henry Kissinger” (31).
Again, the purpose of Gladio was to engage in random as well as targeted acts of terror against civilians. In 1976, while George Bush served as director of the CIA, Kissinger as Secretary of State, and Haig as commander of NATO, the “Brotherhood” was given orders to kidnap and kill Italian premier, Christian Democrat Aldo Moro, and overthrow his democratically elected government. After several failed attempts “terrorists” finally kidnapped Aldo Moro in 1978 and held him in a Milan apartment “safe house.” While held captive, Moro was questioned as to exactly how much he and his government knew about the involvement of NATO and the CIA in his abduction and Italy’s secret “parallel” arm)? Indeed, before he was killed, Moro was forced to provide detailed notes—which later were discovered (and then suppressed) when the safe house was raided by police (32). By then, Italian premier Aldo Moro was already dead. Although the kidnapping and murder were blamed on terrorists known as the “Red Brigade” it was later discovered that this terrorist organization had been infiltrated and was acting as yet another CIA front (33).
As to Operation Gladio, when the existence of this organization came to light, and when it was then blamed for the numerous murders, terrorists acts and massacres that had been committed against Italian citizens, the new Italian Prime Minister, Guilio Andreotti, was forced to give a speech in the Italian parliament, during which he explained that Gladio “must not drift from its formal NATO military brief (34). As to the Secret Brotherhood, P2, the existence of this secret society did not come to light until 1981. However, it was not until 1990, that evidence began to surface directly linking P2, not only to the CIA (35), but to George H. W. Bush(36). As detailed on Italian television, and by Richard Bassett, of the Times (36), Mark Hosenball, of the Sunday Times (37)and Paddy Agnew of the Irish Times (28): “in the 1976 general election, the huge success of the Communist Party…encouraged some to believe that Italy might be close to voting in its first ever Communist government. In order to forestall this possibility, the CIA allegedly sponsored a series of right wing terrorist attacks, via Mr. Gelli’s P2…
Bush, then director of the CIA, not only knew about these CIA activities in Italy (during the late 1970s and early 1980s) but was in fact one of the masterminds behind them.”
The Intercept: Clinton Takes Her Adviser’s Side Attacking Big Banks but Not Blackrock October 21, 2015
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