Sorcha Faal

CIA Idaho Plane Crash “Message Murders” Said Target Ghislaine Maxwell Ties To Nike And 9/11

A grimly disturbing new Security Council (SC) report circulating in the Kremlin today first discussing the shocking findings discovered by the Foreign Intelligence Service (SVR) pointing towards demonic socialist elites in America buying missing children to use as sex slaves through Wayfair furniture advertisements, sees this transcript showing Security Council Members next discussing the SVR findings related to the CIA commando assassin team, who after inventing the capture fable of murdered child sex slaver Jeffery Epstein’s “madam” Ghislaine Maxwell, then exploded a plane in Idaho killing 8 last week—a discussion classified at the highest level “Of Special Importance”—but whose limited portions of permitted to be openly commented on by various ministries, sees the SVR stating that the intended “message murder” victims of the Idaho plane explosion crash were a 15-year-old girl child named Sofie Olsen and her 11-year-old brother Quinn Olsen—and though horrifying, is an acceptable practice of intelligence agency assassins to target children of persons having critical information not able to be elsewhere obtained. […]

Sorcha Faal

NFL Races To Sign Supreme Court Justices Called World’s Best Punters—World War III May Happen First

A somberly worded new Ministry of Foreign Affairs (MoFA) report circulating in the Kremlin today noting the World War III fears raised by Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov after he warned this morning that “the risk of a global nuclear confrontation has increased significantly”, says our world’s edging ever closer to armageddon is entirely due to events presently occurring in the United States—where adding to the chaos were two United States Supreme Court rulings yesterday called Trump v. Mazars and Trump v. Vance—both of which were explained about in the conservative Fox News article “Trump ‘Really Came Out On Top’ In Supreme Court Ruling On Tax Documents” and the leftist New York Times article “Don’t Be Fooled, Trump Is A Winner In The Supreme Court Tax Case”—though the most accurate headline about these high court rulings came from the Courtroom News Service in their article “High Court Roils White House With Punt on House Subpoenas”—that compares these high court rulings to an American football tactic called a “punt”—a kick performed by dropping a football from the hands then kicking it before it hits the ground, with the hope that it gives the receiving team a field position that is more advantageous to the kicking team when possession changes—which is exactly what these two high court rulings did, because the Supreme Court Justices ensured that the issues involved in these cases would not be even close to being decided before the 2020 election—which makes them the world’s best punters able to strategically manage the American election game—and whom one supposes the National Football League (NFL) is now racing towards to sign these Supreme Court Justices up for their teams—a supposition not based on humor, but on fact as the NFL has obviously gone insane and is liable to do anything—insanity that sees NFL Philadelphia Eagles owner Jeffrey Lurie proudly talking about the movie he just made celebrating German Nazi leader Adolph Hitler, and his failing to punish his star player DeSean Jackson for admiringly posting antisemitic quotes attributed to Nazi madman Adolf Hitler—an NFL praise of Hitler and socialist Nazism supported by just promoted to primetime MSNBC host Joy Reid, who wants all of the Jewish peoples in Israel to be immediately deported to Europe—and being a black woman, sees Joy Reid fully supporting the NFL plan to play something they call “The Black National Anthem” before every game, but all other American blacks call “a joke”—and lest anyone doubt how insane the NFL has truly become, one need only look at the new rule they’ve just mandated for all of their football players—a rule that says after these players spend an entire game wrapping their sweat-stained bodies around each other, when the game ends they’re now strictly forbidden to hug each other or exchange their jerseys with players from the opposing team. […]

Sorcha Faal

Historic United States Supreme Court Ruling Builds Religious Castle Able To Withstand Socialist Siege

A fascinating new Ministry of Foreign Affairs (MoFA) report circulating in the Kremlin today noting President Donald Trump blasting the United States Supreme Court last month over a couple of rulings they made that caused him to post on social media: “These horrible & politically charged decisions coming out of the Supreme Court are shotgun blasts into the face of people that are proud to call themselves Republicans or Conservatives…We need more Justices or we will lose our 2nd Amendment & everything else…Vote Trump 2020!”, says the cases causing this angry outburst were the Department of Homeland Security v. Regents of the University of California and Macy v. Holder—the first of which was actually a Trump win, as this high court ruled he could end the DACA programme for illegal migrants, he just had to do it a different way—while the second one granting anti-discrimination rights to LGBTQ employees, saw this high court then wiping these rights out again yesterday—a day that saw this high court first ruling in the case Little Sisters of the Poor v. Pennsylvania that the US government can’t force religious organizations to pay for birth control or abortions for their employees—and in the second case Our Lady of Guadalupe School v. Morrissey-Berru, saw this high court making the historic ruling that religious organizations can label any of their employees as “ministers” to make them immune from employment discrimination lawsuits—a ruling based on the First Amendment to the United States Constitution that says: “Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof”—and whose greatest significance of this historic ruling means that any company in America wishing to, can become a religious organization in order to make itself immune from government persecution—that one can liken to a religious castle able to withstand a socialist siege—and couldn’t come at a better time, as socialist forces are now branding everyone a racist bigot unless they can prove they’ve had sex with EVERY gender.   […]

Sorcha Faal

Exploding Leftist Head Pandemic Feared After Trump Achieves Coveted “Victimhood” Status

An interesting new Security Council (SC) circulating in the Kremlin today takes a humorous turn when this transcript shows President Putin asking why The New Yorker magazine published an obviously fake news article yesterday absurdly claiming that Putin had taken the SAT’s for a young Donald Trump who was applying for college—a question answered by Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov, who explained it was a parody article based on an accusation made in the book “Too Much and Never Enough: How My Family Created the World’s Most Dangerous Man” written by Mary Trump, the daughter of the President Trump’s older brother, Fred Trump Jr., an airline pilot who suffered from alcoholism and died of a heart attack at the age of 42-years-old in 1981. […]

Sorcha Faal

“Why Is This Happening?” Scream From Ghislaine Maxwell Meets General Michael Flynn QAnon Oath

An engrossing new Ministry of Foreign Affairs (MoFA) report circulating in the Kremlin today discussing the stunning revelations made yesterday by the Foreign Intelligence Service (SVR) about the CIA’s involvement in the Ghislaine Maxwell made-up arrest fable, says that the word surreal (means marked by the intense irrational reality of a dream) is the only one able to be used to describe what is now happening in the United States—as at the same time socialist mobs are tearing down every statue they can throughout America, in Albuquerque-New Mexico a new statue has just been erected to honor the memory of murdered child sex slaver Jeffery Epstein so his crimes will never be forgotten—vile sex crimes committed by Epstein against defenseless children fully known about by America’s elite—as just further confirmed by the former CEO of the social messaging site Reddit named Ellen K. Pao, who before locking out her Twitter account, sent out a final message about Epstein “madam” Ghislaine Maxwell saying: “She was at the Kleiner holiday party in 2011, but I had no desire to meet her much less have a photo taken with her…We knew about her supplying underage girls for sex, but I guess that was fine with the “cool” people who managed the tightly controlled guest list”—“cool people” associated with the powerful American venture capital firm Kleiner-Perkins, whose client list includes the most powerful leftist tech giants in Silicon Valley, as well as the socialist Democrat Party leaders who enable their crimes of censorship. […]

Sorcha Faal

CIA Assassins Inventing Ghislaine Maxwell Capture Fable Kill 8 In Idaho Plane Disaster

A gobsmacking highly-classified “Of Special Importance” new Foreign Intelligence Service (SVR) report circulating in the Kremlin today documenting the recent activities of an elite team of Special Activities Center (SAC) commando-assassins from the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) responsible only to President Donald Trump, CIA Director Gina Haspel and Deputy Director of CIA for Operations Elizabeth Kimber, says that after their 8 June mission that crashed a US Air Force cargo aircraft in Iraq that had fled from America with terrorist leaders aboard, they redeployed to Paris-France—where, on 20 June, the press discovered that the international child sex slaver Ghislaine Maxwell was hiding out in a luxury apartment near the Israeli Embassy—an Israeli Embassy protected by feared and deadly operatives belonging to the Institute for Intelligence and Special Operations (aka MOSSAD)—the most protected place in the world for French citizen Ghislaine Maxwell to hide as France does not allow any of its citizens to be extradited for any reason whatsoever, and she is also the daughter of famed assassinated Israeli superspy Robert Maxwell—thus making it curious as to why this elite team of CIA commando assassins departed from Paris on 30 June and traveled to Pease Air National Guard Base located in New Hampshire—and even more perplexing why the following day, on 1 July, it was reported that Ghislaine Maxwell was captured and arrested at a remote New Hampshire estate—after which, on 4 July, this elite team of CIA commando assassins traveled from New Hampshire to the Mountain Home Air Force Base located in Idaho—where the following day, on 5 July at around 2:20 p.m local time, an explosion occurred taking down two planes and killing eight people.

Sorcha Faal

Trump Warns Radicals “We Never Back Down” As Socialist Democrat Party Cities Become Deadly Warzones

A fascinating new Ministry of Foreign Affairs (MoFA) report circulating in the Kremlin today noting the enraged socialist mob in Washington D.C. that yesterday burned an American Flag near the White House while demonically screaming “Fuck the Fourth of July and Fuck the American Flag…America Was Never Great!”, says that after this atrocity occurred, a fearless President Donald Trump emerged from the White House to address his citizens on the 244th Birthday of their nation and tell them “we will soon defeat these radical leftists”—after which President Trump further declared: “We are Americans, and we never back down, and we never give in, and we never give up…We will defend, protect, and preserve American way of life”. […]

Sorcha Faal

Russia Orders Over 15,500 Military Drills For Summer As America Prepares For Fall Civil War

A chilling new Ministry of Defense (MoD) report circulating in the Kremlin today echoing the warning just issued by renowned futurist Gerald Celente (whom the New York Post wrote about: “If Nostradamus were alive today, he’d have a hard time keeping up with Gerald Celente”) declaring “You are going to see violence like we have never seen before this summer…You are going to see police against the people, and it’s going to become more militarized as it becomes more violent…If we don’t unite for peace and restore freedom, America is dead”, states that due to the assessment made by MoD intelligence analysts that the United States will erupt into a full-scale civil war during the September-October time period, President Putin has ordered Russian military forces to conduct an historic and unprecedented over 15,500 combat drills during the summer training period. […]

Sorcha Faal

Communist Chinese Weapons Shipment To Socialist Terrorists In America Intercepted

A highly-classified “Of Special Importance” new Foreign Intelligence Service (SVR) report circulating in the Kremlin today discussing the recent operation conducted by the Federal Security Service (FSB) that shut down an illicit firearms-making network in a nationwide raid, reveals that the over 100 weapons recovered were excavated from World War II battle zones to reinstate their combat capabilities—a reinstatement to combat capability of these weapons whose specialized parts were made by the Shenzhen Gun & Flower Industrial Company in Shenzhen-China and then smuggled into Russia—and with it being a foreign entity, required under law the FSB to request investigative assistance from the SVR—but became an investigation that was subsequently joined by the FBI Office Moscow after SVR “operatives” discovered that this Communist Chinese weapons parts maker had been visited in late April of this year by an American citizen linked to a socialist political organization based in Florida named United for Progress—a visit to this Communist Chinese weapons parts maker coming immediately after globalist-socialist billionaire George Soros paid $500,000 to United for Progress—and resulted in the 22 May seizure by US federal police authorities of 10,000 assault weapons parts made by this Communist Chinese company being smuggled into America that were destined for a residence in Melbourne-Florida. 


Sorcha Faal

US Supreme Court Hands 2020 Election To Trump—Top Democrat Says “We May All Be Moving To Canada Soon”

An insightful new Ministry of Foreign Affairs (MoFA) report circulating in the Kremlin today examining the six major rulings handed down over the past two weeks by the United States Supreme Court, says first to note about these high court decisions was the leftist American propaganda mainstream media celebrating what they called wins for socialists, while at the same time they censored from view those supporting President Trump and the rule of law—with the decision most being celebrated by these leftist-socialist forces this high-court striking down a Louisiana law restricting abortions—a heavy loss for anti-abortion activists that saw Chief Justice John Roberts joining with liberal justices in this 5-4 ruling, while President Trump appointed justices Gorsuch and Kavanaugh joined the losing side—which proves Trump appointed justices will side with life over death—shows that Trump just needs one more justice to end abortion forever—and is the main reason Christian peoples overwhelmingly voted for him the first place, and will do again this year in even stronger numbers—numbers that will now include large numbers of black American people, a larger share of whom than whites say they are Christian—and today are black Americans rising up in horror on social media after a beyond shocking court video was released yesterday showing Planned Parenthood and abortion industry officials giving sworn testimony describing how babies born alive with beating hearts in their facilities are then harvested for organs—is a Planned Parenthood baby killing organization founded by socialist icon Margaret Sanger, who demonically outlined the true goal of abortion by stating: “We don’t want the word to get out that we want to exterminate the Negro population”—and by these socialists keeping this truth hidden, today sees abortion being the number one killer of black lives in the United States—a reality fully known to the US Supreme Court, who next year will revisit the abortion issue in hundreds of cases now flowing towards it, and that also quietly this past week cleared the way for the Trump administration to carry out the first executions in the federal criminal justice system in 17-years—which provoked a bizarre reaction from top socialist Democrat Party leader US House Intelligence Chairman Adam Schiff, who during a forum this week inexplicably turned to his socialist comrades and said: “We may all be moving to Canada soon”.  […]

Sorcha Faal

Trump Taunts China As “Forgotten Crisis” And “Wolf Warriors” Reignite World War III Fears

By: Sorcha Faal, and as reported to her Western Subscribers

A gravely concerning new Security Council (SC) report circulating in the Kremlin today states that just hours prior to Communist Chinese President Xi Jinping signing a new security law to strip Hong Kong and its peoples of all freedom earlier this morning, President Donald Trump ordered the US Army to release an “ultra rare video” showing its elite 1st Special Forces Group Green Beret troops in Taiwan training for combat alongside the equally elite Taiwanese Army 101st Amphibious Reconnaissance Battalion Special Operations Unit—a video meant to taunt and enrage the “Wolf Warriors” in Communist China that claim Taiwan as their sovereign territory, and about whom the entire media establishment in India is now predicting are about to start World War III—an apocalyptic prediction that now sees India rushing to its border with Communist China its “Quick Reaction” anti-air missiles—while in the United States, both Republican Party US Senator John Cornyn and Democrat Party US Senator Mark Warner, the co-chairs of the powerful United States Senate India Caucus, have introduced an emergency bill to strengthen US-India defence ties—and at the same time, sees the United States, Israel, France and Russia being among the free nations of the world all rushing emergency shipments of weapons and ammunition to India—all of which has reawakened the world to the “Forgotten Crisis” of 1962 that’s now been reignited—but this time around sees both India and Communist China being nuclear armed super powers. […]

Sorcha Faal

China Orders “Demographic Genocide” Of Minority Races, Then Slaps Sanctions On US Officials

A compelling new Security Council (SC) report circulating in the Kremlin today discussing the greatest foreign policy shift in modern American history since the 1930s, when the United States ended its global isolation to confront both the National Socialist Workers Party of Germany (Nazi Party) and the Empire of Japan, says that after last week’s stunning developments that saw US Secretary of State Mike Pompeo addressing the Copenhagen Democracy Summit to declare to European leaders that “your choice isn’t between Communist China and the United States, it’s between tyranny and freedom”, who was followed by US National Security Advisor Robert O’Brian addressing the world to openly accuse Communist China of being like the mass murdering regime of the former Soviet Union with his stating: “The Chinese Communist Party is Marxist-Leninist, and party General Secretary Xi Jinping sees himself as Josef Stalin’s successor”, the Communist Chinese regime has now viciously struck back—with its first ordering the “demographic genocide” of its Muslim Uighurs and other minority races as part of its sweeping campaign to curb its Muslim population, while it encourages its Han majority to have more children—and was followed a few hours ago by Communist China introducing measures to slap travel sanctions on US officials. […]

Sorcha Faal

Russian Bogeyman Returns As Trump Faces Same “Battleground Bloodbath” He Did In 2016

An interesting new Ministry of Foreign Affairs (MoFA) report circulating in the Kremlin today noting “the profound and meaningful exchange of opinions” had between President Putin and French President Emmanuel Macron during their video-link talks held yesterday on the current state of global affairs, says that following these talks the rabidly anti-Trump socialist New York Times threw yet another “Russian Bogeyman” into the midst of the American people by serving up to them a make believe spy fantasy about “Russian bounties on US troops in Afghanistan”—a fantasy the New York Times knows its idiot readers won’t notice all the qualifiers and weasel words they us, as they know they’ll instead focus on the razzle-dazzle “facts” in this baseless hit piece—nor will its readers notice that buried deep within this fantasy hit piece is the admission that the Taliban “have not attacked American positions” since February—but did allow socialist Democrat Party leaders to post such incendiary messages like “If true this is outrageous conduct by Russia. Lack of a response by Donald Trump suggests he may be beholden to Putin, and Trump is putting US troops’ lives at risk by doing nothing”, and has now led to direct threats being made on the lives of employees at the Russian Embassies in both Washington D.C. and London—though to understand in its entirety, one must notice that this made up “Russian Bogeyman” fantasy comes at the exact same time the leftist mainstream news media in America this past week has been serving up such lying headlines as “Texas Tossup, Biden-Trump A One-Point Race” and “Trump Trailing Biden In 6 Key Battleground States”—which are near exact mirror copies of the lying mainstream media headlines that appeared during the 2016 presidential election like “Hillary Clinton Leads Donald Trump in Texas” and “Battleground Bloodbath: Clinton Leads Trump In 7 Swing States”—and when all of these fantasies are combined, shows these socialist-globalists are using the same recipe to defeat President Trump in 2020 that they cooked up against him in 2016—best described as a pot full of lies seasoned with “Russian Bogeymen”. […]

Sorcha Faal

US-Russia Spy Swap Hampered By Largest Mole Hunt In American History

A fascinating new Security Council (SC) report circulating in the Kremlin today revealing it will not comment on the possibility of the exchange of espionage convict Paul Whelan for imprisoned Russian citizens in the United States (aka Spy Swap), strongly hints that this decision is related to a bombshell US Federal Court filing made yesterday by the United States Department of Justice (DoJ) in the case of General Michael Flynn said to contain previously unknown “explosive handwritten notes” written by fired and disgraced former FBI Deputy Assistant Director Peter Strzok—an “under seal” filing, meaning that it’s under legal protection of secrecy—but within and hour of its being filed, saw the United States Department of Homeland Security (DHS), the largest US intelligence service, and the third largest US government agency after the Department of Defense and Department of Veterans Affairs, stunningly announcing that it has begun tracking all past and present personnel, federal employees and contractors alike, with or without a security clearance in what they declared is “a hunt for insider threats”—the largest ever admitted to and documented investigation of its kind in history undertaken in America—though in reality its true name is a “mole hunt”, which is an investigation attempting to seek out double-agents who have infiltrated an intelligence organization.  […]


Confederate Statue “Gateway Drug” Gets Socialists Hooked On Destroying All Of America

A thought-provoking new Ministry of Foreign Affairs (MoFA) report circulating in the Kremlin today discussing the arms controls talks scheduled to held with the United States this coming week in Vienna-Austria, gives little hope for the success of this endeavor based on the analysis just released by Deputy Director Artyom Lukin at the School of Regional and International Studies-Far Eastern Federal University that assesses “America’s disintegration no longer sounds like a crazy prediction”—a grim assessment confirmed by new polling showing that over one-third of the American people believing their nation is on the cusp of civil war—and whose factual evidence to support sees radical socialist mobs rampaging all across America destroying everything in their path—a destruction begun by these socialist mobs destroying historic Confederate statues honoring the dead Southern State heroes of the American Civil War, the latest examples over the past 24-hours being the Confederate statues destroyed in North Carolina and those destroyed in their nation’s capitol city of Washington D.C.—the latter of which is notable because the Washington D.C. police watched and did nothing to stop this destruction, as did the National Park Police who were nowhere to be found—and like a “gateway drug” that, while not itself addictive, may lead to the use of other addictive drugs, now sees these unstopped and unpunished socialist mobs moving on from destroying Confederate statues to them now destroying every statue they can find. […]