Cloak and Dagger

Morgan Freeman: We Are at War With Russia

It’s interesting to see Carl Reiner and Morgan Freeman essentially declare war on 63 million Americans who voted for Trump, which they need to convince before they can actually wage war against a thermonuclear power like Russia. By the way, Russia has more nukes, and modern ones now than we do. Their argument was that Trump and Bernie Sanders supporters were brainwashed by Putin’s Russian ads and social media bots to do something as un-American and unhinged as exercising their free will. It is really astounding that they can’t see how viscerally offensive that allegation is on its face. […]


Colin Kaepernick Takes Both Knees in General

He sucks, in other words. Taking a knee is an attack on unity. That’s what anthems are supposed to do: celebrate the unity of a people. The insidious aspect to virtue-signalling is best explained in how children whom are constantly being told they are bad, defective, inadequate, unlovable take that with them for the rest of their lives. Now this narrative, taken on a national scale, teaches children we should be ashamed of the anthem that brings this nation together because the author, Francis Scott Key, was a flawed man. […]

Hillary Clinton

Haitian Economy Rebounds as Hillary Orders 63 Million Voodoo Dolls to Kill Trump Voters

In her new memoir What Happened, Hillary Clinton writes that “I was tempted to make voodoo dolls of certain members of the press and Congress and stick them full of pins.” However, while making the rounds and finding herself more unpopular among Democrats and progressives in her Blame Everyone Tour, she has decided to use the proceeds from the Clinton Foundation to redeem herself, and plans to reboot the Haitian economy. She has ordered 63 million voodoo dolls custom made for each individual Trump voter. […]


Inspiring! $2,500 Service to Avoid Hillary Book Tour a Smash Hit

Let’s face it, she’s everywhere, but for only $2,500 you can spend several days in an isolation chamber away from Hillary Clinton during her book tour. An ingenious entrepreneur has created Cankles Away, a new service that guarantees you will avoid any news of, or audience with Hillary Clinton during her “What Happened” Blame Everybody book tour. Part of the fee pays for hotel accommodations, and the removal and jamming of all electronic devices to keep clients blissfully unaware of the cult media following the failed presidential candidate. […]

Cloak and Dagger

Chris Hayes Rocks Cable News, Media Still Circle Jerks to War Mongers

Don’t know why this is news, but it’s supposed to be important because cable news public relations firms say so, albeit they plant stories in high traffic sites passing off as news but they are really just ads and discredit the legitimacy of the purveyor. Whatever the case may be, good for you, Mr. Hayes! You must be very proud of yourself! You look thinner, too, and manlier! […]

Cloak and Dagger

“You know you done fucked up, right?”

Julian Assange: #Boston: 20k protest against “free speech” today. GOP controls gov+congress+supreme+cops. Give them the only thing you have left? Smart. “Reflexive control is defined as a means of conveying to a partner or an opponent specially prepared information to incline him to voluntarily make the predetermined decision desired by the initiator of the action.” The door is now open to shut down anti-government speech upon racist grounds, be it real or not. Free speech cannot be limited without being lost. […]


Scientists Remove Gene Mutation Responsible for CNN Reporters

The Nobel Prize committee has just announced a new nominee in the science department. Geneticist Dr. Hung Lo of MIT has not only discovered a way to remove and repair defective genes responsible for cancer and a host of many incurable diseases, the brilliant young scientist has also discovered a means to locate and repair the gene mutation responsible for CNN reporters. “Gone are the days when couples held back on having children because they feared severe birth defects, terminal post-natal diseases, or the possibility that their child might be morally and intellectually deformed enough to work at CNN.” […]


The Warning Memo That Got Trump Ally Fired by McMaster Proved True

The Endgame for Global Corporatists & Bankers : “Exploitation of populations, unfettered by national protections and notions of personal morality and piety.” This is not politics as usual but rather political warfare at an unprecedented level that is openly engaged in the direct targeting of a seated president through manipulation of the news cycle. It must be recognized on its own terms so that immediate action can be taken… […]

Fake News

Novelist Stephen King Calls For Trump Removal, Pentagon Urgently Convenes

Defense Secretary James Mattis also added “Look, we know that would mean civil war. Many, many American lives would be lost, in the millions. Russia or China could take sides with any potential rebellion and divide the states forever. We would have Americans streaming out of their own country into Canada and Mexico as refugees. Per his prior tweets, we spent a lot of the meeting reviewing King’s most important literature for further wisdom and erudition, as the Constitution mandates. Indeed, this is the man who wrote Carrie and Pet Cemetery. So if Stephen King says we need to remove President Trump, what choice do we have? We follow orders. We have to act.” […]


An Explosive Payback for PC Thought Policing Inevitable

The truth is the very practice of attempting to police the thoughts of those around you is an aggressive and coercive act. When you cannot police your own thoughts, you can’t police those of others, that is insanity. It is offensive, you become the antagonist for doing it and there will be consequences proportionate to the hate invested in attacking innocent people. It invites conflict where there was none. It is beneath the thinking man or woman. […]

Cloak and Dagger

The KKK and the ADL

As a fall-back, the ADL has also said that "there is no real evidence of [Albert] Pike's role in the Klan; and even if there is such evidence, the issue is not important." Yet we are talking about institutionalized lynchings, murder, domestic terrorism and a legacy still affecting us today, so why is that not important if you are a purported civil rights organization?

Also, some notes on the ADL’s memorable history of attacking anti-apartheid activists in America. We need to understand this because Google and Facebook have just given the ADL full authority to determine what is racist and what is not. They have been flagging “inappropriate” websites, YouTube videos and policing thought for years now. […]