Sorcha Faal

Trump War Power Move Shows Coronavirus “Catalyst Event” Has Now Unleashed “Massive Reckoning”

A somberly worded new Security Council (SC) report circulating in the Kremlin today noting that President Putin has now called on all Russian officials “to be ready for any scenario” due to the spreading of the global coronavirus pandemic, states this immediate action is needed because of the war powers invocation made by President Donald Trump—war powers Trump invoked by his signing an Executive Order on 18 March 2020 titled “Executive Order on Prioritizing and Allocating Health and Medical Resources to Respond to the Spread of Covid-19” which gives to him near unlimited powers as outlined in the Defense Production Act he activated into full force and national law—powers most specially over the entire United States economy Trump is now able to deal with any way he deems necessary to protect his nation and its peoples—and after invoking these war powers, saw Trump then issuing another Executive Order titled “President Donald J. Trump Announces Intent to Nominate and Appoint Individuals to Key Administration Posts” to expand his economic war council—all of which was followed by Trump going to the White House press room where he declared himself “a wartime president” to the American people—but most fearsomely, are war actions taken by Trump previously predicted to come by his top strategist Steve Bannon—who over three years ago, in early February-2017, gave a barely noticed interview wherein he explained how Trump was being guided by a theory about America’s future laid out in a book called “The Fourth Turning: What Cycles of History Tell Us About America’s Next Rendezvous with Destiny”—is a theory that warns of a coming “cataclysmic event” like the coronavirus pandemic that destroys the old order and brings in a new one in “a trial of fire”—but before this new world order rises, there must first be a “massive reckoning”.  […]

Sorcha Faal

“Ten Days Of Darkness” Warning Issued For America As Feared “Trump Storm” Gathers Strength On Horizon

A gobsmacking highly-classified “Of Special Importance” new Foreign Intelligence Service (SVR) report circulating in the Kremlin today noting the war of words that’s erupted as the world’s superpowers blame each other for the COVID-19 “bioweapon”,  states in its examination of this issue that the just declared “Human Biosecurity Emergency” in Australia may hold critical clues as to if the coronavirus pandemic is, indeed, a manufactured crisis—most particularly because this human biosecurity emergency was approved by the Australian Secret Intelligence Service (ASIS)—the same Australian spy agency that a fortnight ago effectively threw the Australian Associated Press out of business after 85-years of publishing by its secretly ordering banks not lend it any money—and whose reason for doing so revolves around a psychiatrist named Dr. Russell McGregor and his Northern Beaches Psychiatrist and Psychologist Family Medical Practice located in Dee Why-New South Wales located about 18-kilometers (11 miles) from ASIS headquarters in downtown Sydney—a Dr. McGregor whose medical practice specialized in providing mental health treatment to ASIS personal—but whom the leftist Australian Associated Press waged a war against resulting in one of their final headlines before going out of business being “Psychiatrist Struck Off For Posting ‘Bizarre’ QAnon Conspiracy Theories”—and yesterday stunningly saw Dr. McGregor retaliating against the injustice done to him with a series of Tweets [more readable form] among whose breathtaking revelations include his saying that the coronavirus was an engineered bioweapon intended to destroy President Donald Trump—but that Trump discovered this plot and had this bioweapon redesigned to make less lethal—and that Trump has deployed it as a means to cause the Deep State to lose control of the streets forever—and saw him warning the American people that “The Storm Is Upon Us” while alerting them to the coming “10 Days Of Darkness” about to strike them as Trump brings this war to a close—beyond stunning revelations made by Dr. McGregor that were near immediately followed by radical leftist anti-Trump top CNN news anchor Dana Bash shocking the world by saying about Trump on live television: “He is being the kind of leader that people need, at least in tone, today and yesterday, in tone that people need, and want, and yearn for in times of crisis and uncertainty”—a remarkable admission of truth made by a Dana Bash whose former husband is Deep State leader and former CIA Chief of Staff turned national security analyst for NBC News and its cable division, MSNBC, Jeremy Bash—and proves she knows that prisoners won’t be taken by Trump.  […]

Sorcha Faal

Trump Raid On CDC Comes Into Focus As Pentagon Shifts To War Mode And Mueller Prosecutors Flee From Russians

A breathtaking new Security Council (SC) report circulating in the Kremlin today discussing the 16 February 2018 “joke indictment” case against Russian company Concord Management filed by former Special Counsel Robert Mueller as a means to harm President Donald Trump by lyingly claiming Russian interference in the 2016 US Presidential Election, notes that yesterday Mueller’s prosecutors quietly slunk into a US Federal Courthouse in Washington D.C. where they dropped what the leftist US media called the “Biggest Bombshell Indictment” and saw it being dismissed with prejudice—a case dismissal destroying the very foundation of the entire Mueller investigation witch hunt against Trump the American people aren’t being allowed to know about due their nation’s present coronavirus hysteria—but most certainly is known by Trump, who then ordered an immediate halt to all DEFENDER-Europe 2020 deployments to Europe involving tens-of-thousands of heavily armed US Army combat troops, as well as his ordering those few who had been deployed to immediately return to the United States—that Trump quickly followed by issuing another order to keep US Defense Secretary Mark Esper and Deputy Defense Secretary David Norquist separated from each other—war actions confirming the Ministry of Defense (MoD) assessment made this week that Trump’s military moves are a feinting maneuver presaging open conflict in America itself—and whose origins of which began in the days just prior to Trump being sworn into office on 20 January 2017—a frightful period of time that saw top socialist Democrat Party US Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer directly threatening Trump and warning him: “Let me tell you, you take on the intelligence community, they have six ways from Sunday at getting back at you”—a warning quickly followed by the US intelligence community dragging President-elect Trump and his top aides into a tabletop exercise exhibiting a disease crippling the United States worse than the influenza pandemic since 1918—which explains why just three-days after Trump took power, he ordered the FBI to conduct an early morning raid on the Centers of Disease Control headquarters in Atlanta-Georgia on 23 January 2017—a raid followed, on 17 December 2017, when the Hartsfield–Jackson Atlanta International Airport was completely shut down for 11 hours while a specialized aircraft owned by Cal Cargo Airlines was met on the runway by a heavily guarded convoy having originated from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention that placed 3 large vehicles aboard this aircraft, and was the only plane allowed to takeoff during this shutdown—the same Centers of Disease Control that botched the coronavirus test—which led to Trump taking full control of the battle against the coronavirus pandemic himself.   […]

Sorcha Faal

Coronavirus Warned Isn’t A “Death Disease”—It’s A Logistical Nightmare Cutting The Head Off Globalists

A fascinating and very informative new Security Council (SC) report circulating in the Kremlin today noting the decree signed yesterday by President Putin to establish a working group under the Russian State Council to address the novel coronavirus spread threats, says this action was followed this morning by an order issued by Prime Minister Mikhail Mishustin to prepare a plan of priority actions due to the spread of coronavirus before the end of Tuesday, 17 March—both of which exist in an environment that saw Putin telling the West “to hell with those sanctions” while he revealed they haven’t hurt Russia in the slightest—and are sanctions that allowed Russia to cut all globalist ties to such an extent that the Kremlin sees no grounds to introduce a state of emergency over the coronavirus in Russia where only 63 cases have been registered—all of which are cases coming into Russia from Europe—but in Russia itself sees no spreading of this coronavirus that can live on surfaces for days, as everything used on a daily basis by the Russian people are made in their own country—as opposed to the United States and Europe whose peoples awoke this morning to “a world on lockdown” and the mindset of “assume everyone is infected”—a mindset that now sees global stock markets plunging despite drastic action by governments as coronavirus paralyses economies, such as the US Federal Reserve cutting its key lending rate to near zero while pumping in $700 billion to keep its markets afloat, and the International Monetary Fund preparing to fire its $1 trillion bazooka to do the same—while at the same time, these Western peoples are still not being told the truth that this coronavirus isn’t a “death disease”, it’s a “logistical nightmare”—best exampled in the United States where it’s being warned the coronavirus is about to overwhelm their hospitals—and are American hospitals whose intensive care units have been overflowing for weeks with influenza patients and have no room left to deal with elderly coronavirus patients—and specifically has hit children 0-4 years old and adults 18-49 years old whose infected influenza numbers are now the highest the Centers for Disease Control has on record for these age groups, surpassing the rate reported during the 2009 H1N1 pandemic—a 2009 pandemic that infected 59 million Americans, sent over 250,000 to hospital, and killed over 12,000—and is the true reason why schools all across the US are closing their doors—thus leaving about the only true thing being told to the American people contained in the headline “Globalists May Soon Become An Extinct Species” as the disruptions caused by the spread of this coronavirus means supply chains will be moved closer to home rather than in foreign lands.   […]

Sorcha Faal

Feint From Coronavirus Hysteria To Military Crackdown Raises Question If Trump’s Trade Wars Just Escalated To Germ Warfare

A truly heart-stopping new Ministry of Defense (MoD) report circulating in the Kremlin today discussing troop allocations to the just ordered closed Russian borders with Norway and Poland, states these closures are supported in light of the World Health Organization having declared that Europe has become the epicenter of the coronavirus pandemic—and further supported by the fact that all 14 Russians infected with the novel coronavirus traveled to the European Union in the past two weeks—but whose greatest European causality due to this pandemic has been the largest US military exercise in more than 25-years called DEFENDER-Europe 20—which began when the European Army Interoperability Center (FINABEL) published their alert notice stating: “On 7 October 2019, U.S. European Command (USEUCOM) officially announced what will be the largest deployment of U.S.-based land forces to Europe for an exercise in 25 years”—a military alert notice, however, that mysteriously coincided exactly with the October-2019 conference in America being headed by the world’s 2nd richest man Bill Gates called “The Event 201 Scenario” that “simulated an outbreak of a novel zoonotic coronavirus transmitted from bats to pigs to people that eventually becomes efficiently transmissible from person to person, leading to a severe pandemic”—the same Bill Gates whom the Foreign Intelligence Service (SVR) revealed yesterday was forced to make a shock resignation from the Microsoft company he founded after his being summoned to the headquarters of the US Strategic Command this past Friday.

All of which now sees this massive DEFENDER-Europe 20 grinding to halt, the Pentagon halting all travel for the troops who were scheduled for this exercise, as well as the Pentagon announcing “Minimal Staffing” for its massive Washington D.C. headquarters—actual war time moves being enacted leading many American experts to ask: “Did Trump Trade Wars Just Escalate to Germ Warfare?”—an escalation that, indeed, sees tens-of-thousands of fully armed US Army combat troops who were going to Europe now prepared for “something” while awaiting orders from President Donald Trump on the American military bases they’re now restricted to—thus leading MoD intelligence analysts to say the evidence shows that DEFENDER-Europe 20 was a feint (a movement made in order to deceive an adversary; an attack aimed at one place or point merely as a distraction from the real place or point of attack) designed to secretly prepare the US Army for domestic warfare and/or a military crackdown in the United States itself—whose major evidence of this being so comes from Trump himself—who, on 13 March, issued a proclamation of national emergency using the words “In December 2019, a novel (new) coronavirus known as SARS-CoV-2 (“the virus”) was first detected in Wuhan, Hubei Province, People’s Republic of China, causing outbreaks of the coronavirus disease COVID-19 that has now spread globally”—a December-2019 date, though, that fails to explain why a month earlier, on 15 November 2019, Trump ordered his government to begin hiring thousands of Quarantine Public Health Advisors. […]

Sorcha Faal

Two Of Worlds Richest Men Meet At US Strategic Command After Trump Makes Over 600 Arrests—One Doesn’t Survive

A mind-blowing highly-classified “Of Special Importance” new Foreign Intelligence Service (SVR) report circulating in the Kremlin today noting a nearly 3-week period of events that saw DHS whistleblower Phillip Haney being assassinated after he talked with Russian disease expert Olesya Krasilova about the coronavirus outbreak in Iran, that was followed by the assassination of US Attorney Timothy Delgado, along with his wife Tamara Delgado, who was investigating the contract murder of Haney, and President Donald Trump ordering the take down of a CIA narco plane after he discovered the White House communication system had been hacked, says that the series of events immediately following these Trump-Deep State skirmishes presage a much more brutal conflict soon to come—a series of events that began on Wednesday-11 March when Trump’s Department of Justice announced the arrest of over 600 Mexican drug cartel members known to be working with rogue elements of the CIA, as well as the shock revelation that Trump’s FBI had been secretly wiretapping a former top Obama Clinton Regime official in the DEA—that continued into Thursday-12 March when Trump met with Prime Minister Varadkar of Ireland in the White House—a meeting made notable because it was also attended by Anne Tatlock, who is the main trustee for the Howard Hughes Medical Institute, and aside from her medical institute being a global leader in the investigation of coronaviruses, Tatlock is a first-generation Irish-American whose parents were born in Ireland, thus making her being at the White House no surprise—but in the earlier morning hours of Friday-13 March, saw Tatlock flying from Washington D.C. to Offutt Air Force Base in Nebraska where she was met by the world’s 4th richest man Warren Buffett—both of whom then went into the secure US Strategic Command bunker complex, where they were met a few hours later by the world’s 2nd richest man Bill Gates—the same Bill Gates who in 2018 warned “The world needs to prepare for pandemics just like war”—and after his emerging from this secure bunker meeting he held with Tatlock and Buffett, then saw Gates making a shock announcement that he has immediately resigned from the board of the Microsoft company he founded, as well as from his position on Buffett’s company’s board of directors—the greatest significance of though, is that what has just occurred happened previously during the last time a US national crisis was underway—and occurred on 11 September 2001 when America was attacked—an attack of suspicious origin that saw then President George W. Bush immediately flying to Offutt Air Force Base—and upon his entering the secure US Strategic Command bunker complex, saw him, like Gates yesterday, being confronted by Anne Tatlock and Warren Buffett, both of whom were already there waiting for him.  […]

Sorcha Faal

“Hug Of A Thousand Deaths” Insanity Throws World Into Tailspin Costing US Alone A Staggering $8 Trillion

A gripping new Security Council (SC) report circulating in the Kremlin today expanding its discussions on the April-2017 reindeer apocalypse that began in Siberia that led to the October-2019 dire warning being issued that the ancient virus that wiped out the woolly mammoths over 14,000 years ago may have reemerged from the melting Arctic Tundra, states that even though President Donald Trump quickly responded to this global emergency by having the Centers for Disease Control post job openings for thousands of Public Health Advisor-Quarantine Program experts a little over a fortnight later on 15 November 2019 in preparation for what was to come—and his, also, on 31 January 2020, issuing the Proclamation on Suspension of Entry as Immigrants and Nonimmigrants of Persons who Pose a Risk of Transmitting 2019 Novel Coronavirus to ban Chinese citizens from entering the United States—shockingly says these actions made by Trump to save humanity were met with outright democrat-socialist insanity—best exampled in the United States where its socialist Democrat Party presidential candidate leader Joe Biden went out of his mind and said about Trump’s ban on Chinese travel to the US: “This is no time for Donald Trump’s record of hysteria and xenophobia, hysterical xenophobia, to uh, and fear mongering”—and in Italy where the socialist Italian Democrat Party leader Mayor Dario Nardella of Florence immediately responded to Biden’s trashing of Trump by bringing into his government office a recent Chinese arrival to give him a hug—that was quickly followed by another recent Chinese arrival to Italy standing in the middle of Florence with a sign in multiple languages encouraging Italian citizens to hug him, too—the predictable tragic consequence of this socialist insanity now sees Italy being on total lockdown as its coronavirus death toll soars over 1,000—as well as its Italian citizens “being treated like garbage” with their being stuck inside their homes with the dead bodies of their loved ones—all occurring while the world has been thrown into an economic tailspin because of the coronavirus pandemic—where in the US alone it has seen $7.3 trillion in value wiped from its total stock market since 19 February—as well as just hours ago its central bank having to pump a staggering $1 trillion into their economy to keep it afloat—and is floundering economy being met with its largest city New York being shut down, as well as its nation’s capitol Washington D.C. that’s now in lockdown, too.  […]

Sorcha Faal

“This Is Not Normal” Alarm Raised After US Military Discovered Erecting Massive Concentration Camp

An at first seemingly routine new Ministry of Defense (MoD) report circulating in the Kremlin today announcing that the large amphibious assault ship Alexander Otrakovsky has left the Northern Fleet naval base of Severomorsk to hold a live-fire exercise in the Arctic, becomes absolutely mind-blowing bonkers when reading one of its sections titled ненормальный—the rough English translation of means “not normal-abnormal-crazy”—a section that begins with the shock revelation that President Donald Trump this past week ordered five giant US Air Force C-17A Globemasters III military cargo aircraft stationed at Ramstein Air Base-Germany to fly to Incirlik Air Base-Turkey where they loaded up the whole bulk of American nuclear weapons stored there and flew them out to Germany, Poland and one of the Baltic States—a sudden repositioning of American nuclear weapons from the Middle East to the borders of the Russian Federation occurring at the same time 30,000 US military troops are expected to flood into Europe, the first of whom are arriving without protective masks—but just hours ago, saw the US Army stating that it was drastically cutting back its deployment to Europe over coronavirus fears—which matched the US Army further stating it was cutting back its troop levels in Africa, too—US Army combat ready troops, however, MoD intelligence analysts noted with alarm were being rapidly deployed to Fort Richardson-Alaska—a strange deployment that caused the MoD to order two Tu-142 Bear maritime patrol aircraft to fly at low altitude over a site off the coast of northwest Alaska—a mission specifically targeted to observe a temporary base camp set up by the US military in international waters off the coast of Alaska just below the North Pole named Ice Camp Seadragon—and before these two Tu-142 Bear patrol aircraft were chased off by American and Canadian fighter aircraft, saw them documenting US Army troops starting to build what looks like a massive concentration camp able to hold up to 10,000 people.  […]

Sorcha Faal

US Attorney Investigating Deep State Murder Of DHS Whistleblower Phil Haney Gunned Down Alongside Wife

An extremely concerning highly-classified “Of Special Importance” new Foreign Intelligence Service (SVR) report circulating in the Kremlin today revealing that on 6 March the United States Department of State filed a diplomatic request with the Ministry of Foreign Affairs (MoFA) on behalf of the United States Attorney’s Office for the Eastern District of California-Sacramento Office requesting information on Russian citizen Olesya Krasilova—a request soon followed by the MoFA posting a notice saying: “The detention of Russian national Olesya Krasilova is yet another example of the US hunting for Russians all across the globe. We have strongly demanded that the US authorities withdraw the extradition request”—states that within 48-hours of this information request being made, its official government document signer US Attorney Timothy Delgado and his newlywed wife Tamara Delgado were discovered gunned down in their California home on 8 March—a critical assassination to notice as US Attorney Delgado was working with the Amador County-California Sheriff Department on the investigation into the Deep State murder of DHS Whistleblower Philip Haney—an assassination of Haney the leftist American mainstream immediately ruled a suicide—that was quickly countered by Amador County Sheriff Martin Ryan putting out a statement saying no such suicide ruling had been made at all, and his further saying the US Department of Justice investigating arm FBI had joined the investigation into the assassination of Haney—and was a 21 February assassination of Haney occurring just days after he had contacted Russian citizen Krasilova regarding the coronavirus outbreak in Iran. […]

Sorcha Faal

CIA Hacks White House Over Fears Of What Trump Knows—Then Loses A Jet Loaded With 2 Tons Of Cocaine

A fascinating highly-classified “Of Special Importance” new Foreign Intelligence Service (SVR) report circulating in the Kremlin today says that upon it being shockingly learned that the US Department of Justice (DOJ)  is investigating explosive new allegations that a Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) operative and Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA) official played a role in the 1985 abduction, torture and murder of DEA agent Enrique “Kiki” Camarena, the White House Communications Agency (aka “The Voice Of The President”) that provides global information services to President Donald Trump, Vice President Mike Pence, the Executive Office of the President, and the United States Secret Service suffered a massive data breach of its most top-secret information—a massive hacking operation that was the specialty of the Swiss encryption giant Crypto AG whose secret communications equipment was used for decades by over 100 countries around the globe—that is until it was discovered that this Swiss encryption giant, whom global governments trusted with their most sensitive of conversations for more than fifty-years, was actually owned by the Central Intelligence Agency—but in daring to attack President Trump’s White House, saw a quick retaliation being made when, just after midnight on 27 February, a CIA “narco plane” Gulfstream II carrying 2 tons of cocaine was forced to land and captured in the Central American nation of Belize—the exact same type of CIA “narco plane” Gulfstream II jet aircraft that when it wasn’t transporting CIA high-level detainees to black torture sights around the world, crash landed on 24 September 2007 after it ran out of fuel over Mexico’s Yucatan Peninsula while carrying a cargo of several tons of cocaine on board. […]


Scorched Earth Oil War Unleashed By Saudi Arabia Devastates America—Russia Says Call Us In 6-10 Years

An alarming new Security Council (SC) report circulating in the Kremlin today states that the “scorched Earth oil war unleashed by Saudi Arabia” against the United States for its attempted coup against King Salman has led to Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman detaining up to 20 princes involved in this coup plot, as well as his halting all international travel into the country and his sealing off the Shia Qatif region next to the Persian Gulf where US troops could stage an amphibious invasion—the results of which have crashed the price of oil by 30%—a crash that, in turn, has now created a “perfect storm” in which panicked investors are ravaging markets across the globe—most particularly in the US that just saw its 10-year Treasury yield plunging to a new record low of 0.3469%—a global bloodbath Russia reacted swiftly to by saying it’s ready for oil prices to crash even lower to $25 a barrel—and when the Ruble hit a four-year low against the US Dollar as oil prices crashed, saw the Russian Central Bank, also, reacting swiftly to suspend purchases of foreign currency on the domestic market for the next 30 days—all of which was followed by the Ministry of Finance (MoF) issuing a declarative statement [English] essentially telling the rest of the world to bugger off and call Russia if need be in 6-10 years—whose exact diplomatic-speak words putting Russia beyond this crisis said:  “The value of liquid assets of the NWF and funds in the account for additional oil and gas revenues stand at more than 10.1 trillion rubles ($150 billion) or 9.2% of GDP…These funds are sufficient to cover the shortfall in income from falling oil prices to $25-30 per barrel for 6-10 years”.   […]

Sorcha Faal

Failed United States Military Coup In Saudi Arabia Explodes Into Oil Market Declaration Of War

A very concerning “You Could See This Coming From A Mile Away” new Security Council (SC) report circulating in the Kremlin today states that after Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman “arrested top Saudi royals for plotting with the Americans against the King”, a chill swept across the leadership in Saudi Arabia when security forces detained dozens of Interior Ministry officials, senior army officers and others suspected of supporting this coup attempt—and while rounding up these coup plotters, Crown Prince bin Salman turned his full wrath on the United States in what is being described as “the oil market equivalent of a declaration of war”—an all-out oil war that now sees Crown Prince bin Salman destroying OPEC as he floods the world with oil to crush US shale oil producers—the same US shale oil producers who were previously warned “need a miracle” if they have any hope of surviving the market bloodbath about to wash over them.  […]

Sorcha Faal

United States Unleashes Military Coup In Saudi Arabia After Russia Ignites Oil Price Armageddon

An astounding new Security Council (SC) report circulating in the Kremlin today adding a new and fearful chapter to The New Great Game reality of our world, makes it no wonder why top American energy security expert Samantha Gross has just stated with alarm “I’m a little shocked frankly because the Russians are really playing with fire”—a response Gross made to a series of pivotal moves occurring in this “New Great Game” yesterday that began with the United States blocking the United Nations from supporting a Russian-Turkish ceasefire in Syria—that Russia quickly countered by igniting a global “Oil Price Armageddon”—a term describing how Russia made a dramatic turn away from the Saudi-led OPEC+ and refused to cut production to hold up the price of oil—which cratered the price of oil to its present price of $41.57 a barrel—a catastrophic price for US oil producers who need a barrel of oil to cost as much as $65 to break even—and are the same US oil producers who were warned late last year that “2020 Will Be The Year Of Oil Bankruptcies”—a warning that swiftly became true yesterday as evidenced by what happened with the CBOE Volatility Index (VIX), otherwise known as the “Fear Gauge” or “Fear Index”—a creation of the Chicago Board Options Exchange (CBOE) that is a real-time market index that represents the market’s expectation of 30-day forward-looking volatility—and that yesterday caught a large American financial entity disastrously betting everything they had on global oil prices being stabilized—the reaction to which saw shocked US market traders saying such things as “Someone Big Was Utterly Blown The Fuck Out”—“Someone Big Literally Doesn’t Exist Anymore”—and “The Fed Must Now Step In Or A Catastrophic Crash Is Inevitable”—but to prevent such a catastrophic crash from happening, saw Saudi Arabia having paid $500 million to the US to move thousands of American military troops into their oil rich nation—American troops who yesterday, and joined by thousands of US troops stationed in neighboring countries, rapidly moved into combat readiness to protect vital Saudi government facilities and oil production centers—immediately after which, Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman placed in detention his main rivals for power Prince Ahmed bin Abdulaziz, the younger brother of Saudi King Salman bin Abdulaziz al-Saud, royal cousin Prince Nawaf bin Nayef and former interior minister Mohammed bin Nayef—who were then accused in court of attempting a coup and are now under threat of lifetime imprisonment or execution—but whose real crime was their opposing the lost revenues caused by Saudi oil production cuts—production cuts whose main beneficiary are American oil producers needing a higher price per barrel—and due to Russia now having blown up the OPEC+ cartel, are Saudi oil production cuts sure to accelerate before an “inevitable crash” occurs.  […]

Sorcha Faal

Incinerated Ashes Of North Korean Coronavirus Victims Cause Shocking “Black Rain” Event Over Japan

An absolutely horrifying new Ministry of Health (MINZDRAV) report circulating in the Kremlin today confirming that 1,500 coronavirus diagnostic test kits have been successfully delivered to Pyongyang at the request of the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea, states that even though the North Korean government continues to maintain it has no coronavirus cases, a just received urgent communiqué from the Embassy of Russia to the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea appears to suggest otherwise—a communiqué that describes how North Korea began taking into its country toxic waste unwanted by its neighbors in exchange for much needed hard currency in 2008—and by 2010, saw North Korea dispersing around its nation portable incinerators to dispose of this toxic waste—but after China moved 40 industrial portable incinerators into the epicenter region of the coronavirus last week to presumably begin disposal of the bodies infected with this disease, North Korea did likewise—but in their doing so over the past few days, has seen the black plumes of smoke arising from these portable incinerators in North Korea being swept up into a massive low pressure system over this Asian region—a low pressure system pushing from North Korea into Japan—where ominous black rains have begun falling, and are believed to contain the cremated bodies of North Koreans that died from the coronavirus. […]

Sorcha Faal

Democrats Issue Death Threat Against Trump Justices In United States Supreme Court

A frightening new Ministry of Foreign Affairs (MoFA) report circulating in the Kremlin today discussing potential conflict zones having a threat of violence to include Turkey rushing special forces troops to the Greek border to prevent Athens from pushing migrants back and the British Royal Navy taking to the seas to prevent a “French Blockade” of fishing grounds, astonishingly includes on this list the United States—where over the past fortnight, President Donald Trump appointed US Federal Judges have begun laying waste to large swaths of leftist America while the United States Supreme Court has figuratively marched the “Deep State” to the guillotine for execution, as well as their firing a kill shot at leftist federal judges—but while this highest court in America began a hearing on a baby-killing abortion case yesterday, saw it being the proverbial “straw that broke the camels back” which unleashed a full-on socialist Democrat Party firestorm—a firestorm ignited when top Democrat Party US Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer went into a rage and threatened the lives of Trump appointed Supreme Court Justices Neil Gorsuch and Brett Kavanaugh with his directly warning them: “I want to tell you, Gorsuch. I want to tell you, Kavanaugh. You have released the whirlwind, and you will pay the price…YOU WON’T KNOW WHAT HIT YOU”—a death threat immediately responded to by Trump who declared: “This is a direct & dangerous threat to the U.S. Supreme Court by Schumer. If a Republican did this, he or she would be arrested, or impeached. Serious action MUST be taken NOW!”—with Trump’s declaration being swiftly followed by Supreme Court Chief Justice John Roberts issuing a rare rebuke warning to Schumer saying: “Statements of this sort from the highest levels of government are not only inappropriate, they are dangerous. All members of the Court will continue to do their job, without fear or favor, from whatever quarter”—a rare rebuke from this high court leader being followed by Republican Party US Senator Josh Hawley bringing a motion to censure Schumer—and now sees Republican Party US Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell preparing to pour gasoline on this deadly controversy by addressing it on the Senate floor during his opening remarks this morning where he will openly denounce Schumer.  […]

Sorcha Faal

Socialist Rage Explodes After United States Supreme Court Fires Kill Shot At Leftist Judges

A grimly worded new Ministry of Foreign Affairs (MoFA) report circulating in the Kremlin today noting Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov revealing that “NATO has no intention to develop de-escalation and trust measures with Russia” as tens-of-thousands of Western troops begin their march towards Russian borders, says that while the malign American socialist warmongering factions are insanely willing to see their “Myth Of Moderate Nuclear War” exposed by the reality of tens-of-millions of deaths—as  The New Great Game gambit being called “Putin’s Folly Or Erdogan’s Rubicon” plays itself out on the battlefields of Syria over the coming days—a furious rearguard battle is being fought against these leftist maniacs by President Donald Trump—a furious battle being waged out of the sight of the otherwise propaganda-preoccupied American people having their attentions focused on political and coronavirus manufactured hysteria—and whose battlefield is a United States Supreme Court where its Trump-loyalist judges are returning their nation to the rule of law—who yesterday “readied a kill shot for the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau” in a case the MoFA likened to “the socialist Deep State being marched to the guillotine”—and after readying, then saw this Supreme Court firing another kill shot at leftist US Federal Judges in the case called Kansas v. Garcia—a case which beyond shockingly saw leftist US judges ruling that illegal aliens couldn’t be prosecuted for stealing the identities of American citizens and use them to gain jobs—but yesterday saw the Supreme Court ruling that illegal immigrants who use someone else’s information when filling out tax forms for employment can face criminal charges, despite federal laws that leftist judges claimed should prohibit such cases—with the most significant part of this ruling being its obliteration of what is called “implied preemption” that leftist US judges have used for decades to make up their own laws—a ruling that saw Associate Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas waning these leftist judges in his majority opinion to “explicitly abandon” the practice of implied preemption based on a federal law’s “purposes and objectives”, with his further stating that implied preemption “impermissibly rests on judicial guesswork about broad federal policy objectives, legislative history, or generalized notions of congressional purposes that are not contained within the text of federal law”—all of which caused top socialist Democrat Party leader US House Speaker Nancy Pelosi to explode in rage and declare:  “Donald Trump Is The Most Dangerous Person In Our Country’s History”. […]