Sorcha Faal

America Puts Fear Gun To Head And Pulls Trigger

A terrifying new Security Council (SC) report circulating in the Kremlin today discussing additional national defense measures needing to be immediately taken as the “Coronavirus Pandemic War” teeters ever closer to an eruption of sudden global conflict, says approval was granted to the Ministry of Defense (MoD) to float out in late June the highly secretive Project 09852-Belgorod special-purpose nuclear submarine—a submarine to be armed with the feared Poseidon attack drone capable of delivering an up to 100-megaton nuclear warhead, that Western military experts call the “Doomsday Torpedo” because they claim its 200-megaton nuclear warhead is capable of unleashing a 500-meter (1,640-feet) high radioactive tsunami against its targets—targets that could include the seaports Communist China has been buying up all around the world—but in such a circumstance, would only be considered if the United States requested a military alliance with the Russian Federation to defend themselves against Communist China. […]

Sorcha Faal

Hero Arises As Coronavirus Deaths Shockingly Reveal Democrat Party Genocide Of Black Peoples

An analytical new Security Council (SC) report circulating in the Kremlin today noting various inconsistencies rising to the forefront in the currently ongoing and raging  “Coronavirus Pandemic War”, says one of the most dangerous of them occurred after US Secretary of Defense Mark Esper demanded that Communist China allow immediate access to its early coronavirus patients and the scientists who examined them—a demand coming at the same time a mysterious coronavirus-like syndrome is spreading from London to New York attacking children—that Communist China responded to by calling US Secretary of State Mike Pompeo “a degenerate politician who’s brought shame to evangelical Christians” and warning that if the US placed more tariffs against them they’d view at as a weapon—a Communist China warning that was then inexplicably responded to by the United States and United Kingdom naval forces launching a Cold War-style provocation in Russia’s Arctic backyard. […]

Sorcha Faal

Trump Declares “Unprecedented Emergency” As Chinese Leaders Told To Be Ready For War With America

A forewarning-centric new Security Council (SC) report circulating in the Kremlin today discussing defensive military actions needing to be considered as the “Coronavirus Pandemic War” spins ever more dangerously out of control, notes that after former top White House trade negotiator Clete Willems grimly assessed the current state US-China relations yesterday with the words: “I know people get uncomfortable with the terminology, but I do think we have to be honest and call this what it is and this is the start of a new Cold War and if we’re not careful, things could get much, much worse”, Communist China announced it was set to unveil its new nuclear stealth bomber that could reach Los Angeles—an announcement followed by the grave revelation of a report that was presented by Chinese intelligence to their nation’s top leaders warning that they needed to be prepared for an armed confrontation with the United States—that itself came 72-hours after President Donald Trump ordered his Department of Agriculture to declare an “Unprecedented Emergency” as meat processing plants in the US began closing due to the coronavirus causing “Dangerously Close” shortages—and are shortages that have now caused meat to be rationed throughout all America.  […]

Independent Press

Fauci knew about HCQ in 2005 — nobody needed to die

Dr. Anthony Fauci, whose “expert” advice to President Trump has resulted in the complete shutdown of the greatest economic engine in world history, has known since 2005 that chloroquine is an effective inhibitor of coronaviruses. How did he know this? Because of research done by the National Institutes of Health, of which he is the director. In connection with the SARS outbreak – caused by a coronavirus dubbed SARS- CoV – the NIH researched chloroquine and concluded that it was effective at stopping the SARS coronavirus in its tracks. The COVID-19 bug is likewise a coronavirus, labeled SARS-CoV-2. While not exactly the same virus as SARS-CoV-1, it is genetically related to it, and shares 79% of its genome, as the name SARS-CoV-2 implies. They both use the same host cell receptor, which is what viruses use to gain entry to the cell and infect the victim. […]

Sorcha Faal

Fearless US Marine Leads World Out Of Tyrannical Socialist Ruled Over Coronavirus Lockdown Hell

A compelling new Security Council (SC) report circulating in the Kremlin today examining the fallout occurring in global societies due to the still raging “Coronavirus Pandemic War”, says that even though the National Medical Research Center for Phthisiopulmonology and Infectious Disease has stated that Russia may reach the peak of disease spread in the next two weeks, it’s more critical to notice the findings just released by Doctor-Scientist Anna Popova—who as the Chief State Sanitary Physician of the Russian Federation is now declaring: “Today it’s impossible to completely stop the circulation of the coronavirus, no matter how closed the country is”—an obvious truth most astoundingly first noticed by common sense ordinary peoples, not scientists, and exampled as being true by just released scientific data showing people all over the world are rejecting their governments’ shelter in place tyranny—the powerful ripple effects of are now spreading throughout the United States where the City of Oklahoma backed off its mask mandate after its citizens neared revolt, as did the State of Ohio, whose Governor Mike DeWine dropped his mandatory mask order saying “it went too far”, and said: “People were not going to accept the government telling them what to do”—and who were joined by Arizona sheriffs declaring that they won’t enforce their governor’s stay-at-home order for citizens either […]

Sorcha Faal

Bigger Than Watergate Shock To The Conscience Collides With Military Operation To Overthrow Trump

An intriguing new Security Council (SC) report circulating in the Kremlin today discussing the latest developments occurring in the “Coronavirus Pandemic War”, notes with grave concern that after President Donald Trump yesterday signaled his intention to slam Communist China with tariffs to punish them for the spread of the coronavirus, he ordered the immediate deployment of four B-1 nuclear-armed heavy bombers to their forward base in Guam as a “show of force” against the Communist Chinese military—a needed defensive measure coming at the same time the United States is down to its last nuclear-armed aircraft carrier battle group, with all their other ones being crippled by the coronavirus—which joins this battlefront to the even more critical one exploding in America that’s being called “Bigger Than Watergate”. […]

Sorcha Faal

Trump Activates Doomsday Protocols While Surrounding China With Live Anti-Ship Missiles

A grimly foreboding new Security Council (SC) report circulating in the Kremlin today noting how close the “Coronavirus Pandemic War” is tipping towards open global conflict, reveals the reason behind President Putin stating that the action plan for economic recovery from the current crisis “must address a new reality” is due to the grave assessments being made by the Ministry of Defense (MoD) that yesterday led Russia to warn the United States of a massive nuclear response—a nuclear war warning coming at the same time the US has deployed its Doomsday communications planes into the skies over America and the US Northern Command has dispersed essential command and control teams to multiple hardened locations, including the famous Cheyenne Mountain bunker complex in Colorado—and following saw the White House abruptly declaring within the past few hours that President Donald Trump is preparing to flee to his hardened military compound at Camp David. […]

Sorcha Faal

Russia Warns Of Crushing Nuclear Response After Bioweapon Attack On Trump Confirmed

A fearfully worded new Security Council (SC) report circulating in the Kremlin today noting the latest grave developments occurring in the “Coronavirus Pandemic War”, says the just released Ministry of Defense (MoD) assessment of current Comprehensive National Power (CNP) alignments conducted with the United Service Institution of India (USI), conclusively confirms the findings of Major General Shashi Asthana that an “Undeclared World War III” now exists between the United States and Communist China, and to which “the coronavirus outbreak has added a new dimension”. […]

Sorcha Faal

China Targets US Warship While UN Calls For Western Destruction And Socialists Demand Families Be Abolished

An interesting new Security Council (SC) report circulating in the Kremlin today examining the rapidly emerging ideological bloc forming within the midst of the currently ongoing “Coronavirus Pandemic War” causing it to be warned that Russia and the United States are rushing into a new arms race as they run out of time for a realistic arms-control deal, says most fearfully being noticed is its similarity to the Tripartite Pact that joined the socialist-fascist powers of Nazi Germany, Italy and the Empire of Japan who unleashed World War II—and in this modern day version of sees Communist China, International Globalists and American Socialists joining forces to wage war on the entire world—a Communist China who is now pointing out the risks of the US military biolabs located in nations that once belonged to the former Soviet Union, and in the past few hours expelled by military force from what it claims are its territorial waters the US Navy guided missile destroyer USS Barry while warning President Donald Trump: “This US provocative action seriously violated international law and related norms, seriously violated Chinese sovereignty and security interests…We urge the US side to focus on epidemic prevention and control on its homeland and immediately stop military actions against regional security, peace and stability”—a war move quickly joined by International Globalists at the United Nations who said this pandemic must be used to deindustrialize the entire Western world—who were followed by American Socialists demanding that this pandemic be used to abolish families, start injecting all American men with female hormones and force all US citizens to begin eating bugs—all joined by horrifying echoes arising from the Nazi German Empire of the 1930’s after socialist Democrat Party leader New York City Mayor Bill de Blasio shockingly called for the immediate mass arrest of all Jewish peoples.   […]

Sorcha Faal

Suicided New York City Doctor Believed to Have Witnessed Coronavirus Patients Being Murdered

A truly disturbing new Security Council (SC) report circulating in the Kremlin today discussing the latest developments emerging from the front lines of the still raging “Coronavirus Pandemic War”, states that the Communist Chinese threat to economically retaliate against Australia unless it stops its “dangerous” investigation into the coronavirus pandemic, should have been expected by the Aussies to come at them from a China desperately trying to hide its massive 20% unemployment numbers—as also the United States should have expected the Communist China attack slamming the American’s response to the coronavirus and their “desperate” attempts to pin blame on China, and them asking “What’s the US hiding?”—an at first glance laughable question coming from a Communist China that for a single 13-day period hid from the world at least 45,500 coronavirus deaths whose corpses were incinerated and returned to their families—but is a question that now becomes concerning after President Donald Trump himself claimed the socialist Democrat Party stronghold New York City is inflating its coronavirus death toll—a claim supported by shocking new evidence proving that New York City added 3,700 victims to the coronavirus death toll even though these decedents were not tested. […]

Sorcha Faal

American People Vacationing In Coronavirus Gulag Fail To Grasp Historic Enormity Of Global Destruction

A poignantly worded new Security Council (SC) report circulating in the Kremlin today examining the historic destruction being caused by the ongoing “Coronavirus Pandemic War”, states its acceptance as fact the grim assessment that “We Are Moving Into The End-Game” of this conflict—an assessment based upon the reality of 27 oil supertankers being anchored off the coast of California and hundreds more oil tankers being anchored off the coast of Singapore—meaning, in short, that the entire global oil production industry is shutting down, not because it wants to, but because it has no choice—and in as little as three weeks there will be literally no place left on earth to store oil—the catastrophic consequence of now sees America’s, and world’s largest aircraft maker Boeing nearing collapse because this glut of fuel no longer makes its already troubled 737 Max no longer sellable—which in turn has caused Boeing to cancel its deal with Brazil’s top aircraft maker Embraer that will destroy this company—a shock that quickly reverberated into Europe where its top aircraft maker Airbus has just told its 135,000 employees to brace for potentially deeper job cuts and warning its survival is at stake without immediate action—none of whom will have available to them imports from the United States any more as that nation’s food supply chain is now being warned is breaking down—breaking down because US meatpacking plants that feed their own nation and the world are closing down and stopping production, which has led to millions of pounds of meat being left to rot—disastrous meat losses now being joined by US farmers destroying their own crops in the fields as orders dry up—all of which is being watched over by the coronavirus locked down enslaved American people, who are still failing to come to grasp with the enormity of the destruction occurring all around them—the historical counterparts of whom were the locked down and enslaved Russian peoples living under the socialist edicts of the Glavnoe Upravlenie Lagerei—whose acronym for is most infamously known as the “Gulag”—and for the past two months, the American people have been unwittingly vacationing in their modern day version of. […]

Sorcha Faal

Trump-Putin Issue Rare Joint Statement On “Decisive Defeat Of Nazi Regime”—Then Ponder World War III

A fearful new Security Council (SC) report circulating in the Kremlin today discussing the latest events occurring in the growing worse by the hour “Coronavirus Pandemic War”, notes with grim irony that near immediately following President Putin and President Donald Trump issuing a rare joint statement on the 75th Anniversary of the historic meeting between Soviet and American troops on the Elbe River, a meeting that occurred on 25 April 1945 that “heralded the decisive defeat of the Nazi regime”, which was ultimately destroyed a couple weeks after, these leaders of the world’s two largest nuclear armed powers, who in their joint statement said the ending of World War II “clearly showed how the two nations can cooperate”, both had to begin pondering World War III—a nearing global conflict whose ignition point is being fired in North Korea—from where increasingly credible reports are emerging that its reclusive leader Kim Jong Un has died or is brain dead because of the coronavirus—with reliable Japanese news sources saying Kim Jong Un is in a vegetative state and Chinese medical experts have been dispatched to North Korea—that was followed by top Trump ally US Senator Lindsey Graham saying after an intelligence briefing “I’ll be shocked if he’s not dead”—and confirms the reporting by the niece of the Chinese foreign minister who has just told her viewers in Hong Kong that Kim Jong Un is dead—a death being warned could start a series of successive coups or even outright civil war, but at its worse could cause a Communist Chinese invasion of North Korea—an invasion of North Korea by the Communist Chinese the United States would have no choice but to militarily respond to—and comes at the same time President Trump’s top White House advisor Peter Navarro has just ominously declared: “This is a war…It’s a war that China started by spawning the virus, by hiding the virus, by hoarding personal protective equipment during the time it hid the virus”.   […]

Sorcha Faal

US Makes Shock Nuclear Bombing Run On China—Bioweapon Labs Warned To Be Targets

A gravely concerning “Head for the bunkers!” worded new Security Council (SC) report circulating in the Kremlin today noting that the rapidly rising nation-state tensions in the currently ongoing “Coronavirus Pandemic War” are beginning to spin out of control, as evidenced by yesterday’s G20 leaders summit being called off at the last minute, says Indian experts now asking such questions as “Has China Won World War III With Its Biological Weapon?” has led to some former American military defense strategists firing a warning shot at President Donald Trump in their just published white paper titled “Once World War III Starts, There Is No Going Back”, wherein they insanely state “the United States needs to prepare to absorb the first blow” from Communist Chinese military forces—but which the evidence proves President Trump is preparing to do no such thing. […]

Sister Ciara

Stone Cold Truth Feared By Elites Points To Viking King Trump Saving America

For just about everyone I’ve ever known, there is a point in their past they can look back on and say “That’s when my life changed forever”, and my own moment such as this happened one summer afternoon in 1955 while attending a lecture at the University of Paris—which many of you are more familiar with its name Sorbonne, and where that day the guest lecturer was an American named Isidor Feinstein Stone—known now to history as I.F. Stone—who read excerpts from his book The Hidden History of the Korean War, 1950–51, engaged afterwards in an over 3-hour question and answer session with all of us students, and began his lecture with thundering words: “Every government is run by liars and nothing they say should be believed”. […]

Sorcha Faal

Looming Coronavirus Famines Of Biblical Proportions Cause American People To Flee And Revolt

A thought-provoking new Security Council (SC) report circulating in the Kremlin today discussing the “Coronavirus Pandemic War” and noting President Putin welcoming the idea to boost the domestic tourism industry once this pandemic crisis is over, nevertheless admits that the emergence from this crisis will see a vastly different world than existed before—the outlines of which are being predicted by Iranian Foreign Minister Mehdi Sanaei, who says the globalist-socialist “New World Order” will no longer exist after the coronavirus exits, specifically because the United Nations has proven itself incapable of effectively countering the crisis—a global crisis of multiple-dimensions and scope now seeing everything from peoples in Europe torching 5G towers over coronavirus fears to British police arresting two men because they printed “Pubs Closed, Borders Open” coronavirus stickers that offended socialist sensibilities—which are typical banal (unoriginal) responses frequently seen in socialist societies whose bereft of true facts and knowledge citizens and authorities can always be expected to lash out in lunatic leftist hysteria when confronted by events they fear and don’t understand—but in doing so, makes them incapable of being prepared for the even greater horrors to come—that in this case are the rapidly looming famines being caused by this pandemic warned to be of “Biblical Proportions”, that now sees an additional 130-million people around the world pushed to the brink of starvation. […]